But now, there is no need to worry about such things.

Teacher Zefa ate well and slept well in the Navy headquarters, and he hasn't suffered from asthma for a long time.

He didn't meet the opportunity to blacken him, he led the team out for actual combat drills, and indeed met Whitebeard II, but that guy was killed by Gion.

A boatload of students returned to Marineford safely and intact.

He didn't break an arm or anything because of it.

The Qiwuhai organization under the king will soon be cold, and he has nothing to blacken at all.

Naturally, he would not think of blowing up the island of the end of the new world to wipe out the pirates.

And judging from the current situation, if he doesn't bomb, the pirates have no way to survive.

This tragedy is gone.

However, at this time, Charlotte.Lingling thought of this.

As the pirate group with the most intelligence in the pirate industry in the new world, it is related to the three end islands, Charlotte.Naturally, Lingling has heard about it, not only about this story, but about two years ago, she had already foreseen that the situation of the pirates would become more and more dangerous, so she began to find a way out and a way to deal with it.

Therefore, the story about the island of the end, which can destroy the new world, was also investigated.

The story is so true!

All the insiders are fucking actors! ?

But after knowing this, Charlotte.Lingling didn't publicize it either.

She is not some kind of lunatic who wants to destroy the world, and of course she can understand why those 'actors' don't talk about these things. If you act, I will act too.

Hello, New World, Hello, everyone.

Of course, although it was not publicized, this matter was listed as the top secret of the Big Mom Pirates, and not many people knew about it, and even silenced it.

And Charlotte.Lingling, on the other hand, took this as one of her trump cards.

After all, it can be used at critical moments to kill or even threaten the navy.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no way out now, Charlotte.Lingling would not make such a choice.

You know, her base camp, Totland.Wan Guo is also in the new world.

Once the new world is over, her Wan Guo is also over.

But things have come to this point. If she doesn't take this move, she will definitely die. If she leaves, maybe she can still survive.

That's why she said that this is a tactic of 'putting one's life on the line to survive'.

"Three ending islands?" Newgate was stunned for a moment, nodded, and then said, "I know, but why are you talking about this story at this time?" Kaido was also a little confused, of course he knew this too , but also did not understand Charlotte.Lingling means.

"That's not a story." Charlotte said.Lingling said suddenly.

After a slight pause, under the surprised eyes of Newgate and Kaido, Charlotte.Lingling nodded and said: "That's right, it's the truth. Everyone knows it, but they think it's the truth of the story. I did the same two years ago, but then I discovered some secrets. I can tell you all responsibly." , once the three ending islands are destroyed, the new world will be over immediately, this is the way we die and survive!"

"What do you mean?" Kaido asked with great interest.

"Bring in the navy! Put their main force in. While shifting our strength to hide in the windless belt, we will evacuate to the depths of the new world to attract the navy to pursue them. After their main force comes in, we will destroy the three terminal buildings. Island, kill them all in the new world in one fell swoop, and then, taking advantage of the chaos in the world, seize everything and dominate the world!" Charlotte.Lingling said viciously.

Not to mention, her way of thinking, if it is done, is really promising.

Now, Mary Jo (bccj) is already cold, and no one can take the lead except the navy. The so-called 'pan-world convention association' is just a preliminary creation, and it doesn't make any sense.

Once the powerful navy is destroyed in one blow in this power vacuum, the whole world will fall into huge chaos, because no one can really stabilize the situation!

At that time, the three pirate groups who have preserved a certain strength, might make a strong move, maybe it is really possible to carve up the world and dominate the world!

Put it to death and come back to life, and come back from adversity.

Gotta say, Charlotte.Lingling's hand operation is definitely very powerful.

Kaido has no humanity. When he heard that there was such a good thing, he immediately decided to support it: "Okay, there is such a thing? Then why are we hesitating? Kill all those bastard navy, the world is ours!" Xia Xia lot.Seeing that Kaido agreed, Lingling had a cruel smile on her face.And at this moment, Whitebeard yelled angrily: "I don't agree!" With Kaido and Charlotte.Compared with a pirate like Lingling who has no morals and human nature.

Whitebeard is an outstanding 'excellent pirate' with a certain sense of social responsibility.

It’s true that he murdered and set fire, and he has committed many crimes. There is no need to wash, but White Beard does have his own softness in his heart. For example, his life is miserable haha, is it because he can’t rob?

No, it's because he is a great philanthropist behind the scenes, making donations secretly.

Perhaps it was because he came from a grassroots background and came from a poor family, so Newgate never ransacked or attacked civilians. On the contrary, under his banner, the living standards of the people sheltered were good.

For example, the fishman island before.  …

Anyway, from these aspects, Whitebeard is a pirate, yes, he is still a top pirate, but he is a pirate with a bottom line, a pirate with humanity.

charlotte.Lingling's idea and plan are good. Once successful, she can turn the tide and go further.

But the price is that hundreds of millions of innocent people in the new world will be buried in flames!

It was true that Newgate wanted to win, but he was a reputable man, a reputable pirate, and he was full of pride all his life, even if he did evil, he was still one of the true heroes.

How could it be possible to agree to such an inhumane plan at such a time?

Instead of this, Newgate would rather fight the navy in a dignified manner. At worst, he would die on this battlefield, which would be considered a worthwhile life!

Heroes should have such courage!

So he totally disagrees with Charlotte.Lingling and Kaido's tragic plan!

"Although I, Whitebeard, am not a good person, I am not so mad! The whole new world is buried with your ambitions? Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to sleep well at night? That's not 100 people, 1000 people, 1 people , That’s the lives of hundreds of millions of people! I absolutely agree with your despicable and shameless plan!!!” Newgate said without hesitation.

He even made up his mind, if Kaido and Charlotte.If Lingling dares to do this, she will be disbanded.

I fought with the navy myself.

He even planned to tell the navy about these conspiracies when he went to war with the navy.

It was his intention to stop it.

So that the world would know that his white beard is not a bastard with no bottom line!

"Old man, it's come to this point, what are you carrying? You are a pirate, do you think you are a navy? Now you still have a heart of justice? Do you want to surrender? Let the navy give you a Colonel Dangdang?" Kaido said angrily.

"Kaido, do you believe that I will sink you to the bottom of the sea right now!?" Newgate's eyes were filled with anger, and the powerful trembling power on his body faintly stirred.

charlotte.Lingling really didn't expect the old Newgate to react so violently.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t talk about it here. I secretly planned it with Kaido, and when it’s implemented, you, Newgate, have to get on the boat if you don’t.

If it doesn't work, you will be left to fend for yourself in the new world.

But now that all the words have been said, I can't take them back, which is very embarrassing.

Good thing Charlotte.Lingling is still a guy with a brain, she didn't choose to turn against Whitebeard here, grabbed Kaido, and said helplessly: "I'm also helpless, I'm Totland. The nations are in the new world, you When I want to do it? It’s just that there’s not much to do now, is there?”

"Don't talk nonsense, I will never agree. If you insist on going your own way, then we will disband on the spot!" Newgate said without giving in.

charlotte.Lingling also didn't want to disband, so it would be embarrassing.

So we can only take a step back.

But Diarmuid and the others didn't know that they had gone through a huge conspiracy. Fortunately, Newgate had a bit of integrity...

charlotte.Lingling wanted to procrastinate a little longer, to see if there was a chance to persuade Newgate to change his mind.

But she didn't know that a beheading plan was being implemented quietly. If she didn't make a decisive decision at this moment, she would have lost her final chance of victory. .

Chapter 454 Smoker, may you go out of half your life and come back as a teenager.

(I don’t know what I ate wrong, I have crazy diarrhea, and today’s update is a bit late.)

G-1 Naval Base, Smoker and the others seemed to be crazy, nonstop day and night, rain or shine, and rushed to the 'base camp' of the New World Navy at an extremely fast speed.

Unlike usual days, Smoker, Hancock, and Jinpei stood on the pirate's boat today, but they were wearing navy uniforms.

After a long absence, Smoker put on his justice vest and a justice cloak with lieutenant general epaulettes.

When he landed on the port of the G-1 naval base, two lines of tears flowed from the corner of his eyes.

"Smogg?" Both Jinbe and Hancock looked at Smoker in surprise.

Although they are all undercover pirates, Jinbei, Hancock and Smoker are still very different.

First off, neither of them is a 'simple' navy like Smoker.

Smoker was the end and beginning of the East China Sea.Rogge Town, where he saw One Piece.Roger's demeanor also saw Diarmuid who had not yet served as a general.

I was attracted by the magnanimity and arrogance of these two people.

Afterwards, Smoker aspired to become an excellent navy. Through his own continuous efforts, he became a member of the Navy Headquarters and became the chief of the 1502 class, the officer training camp.

He is a man with a pure, righteous heart and righteous will.

Maybe he used to be a thorn in the head, a little overlord, not a worry-free guy, but as far as the firm will in his heart is concerned, he is probably not weaker than anyone else.

Not everyone can be an undercover pirate for more than ten years without wavering in the face of justice.

Back then, Mr. Zefa was right about Smoker.

Back then, Diarmuid didn't misread Smoker as well.

Only he, Smoker, can complete such a task!

Compared with Smoker, Jinbe was the captain of the guard of Ryugu Castle and Neptune's subordinate at the beginning.

Later, because of the interest of Fishman Island, he joined the navy, and implemented a series of subsequent plans, becoming one of the navy's inner kings, Shichibukai.

After that, Jinbe basically stayed on Fishman Island, so he didn't have much emotion.

Because he has not been wronged too much.

And Hancock is similar, she was originally the island of nine snakes.Amazon.Lily's crown prince was captured by the slave arrest team, and somehow rescued by the G-7 navy.

Created an opportunity for Diarmuid to join Amazon.The matter of Lily, since then, the pirate country on Nine Snake Island has become a supporter of the navy.

Developed to today, basically Amazon.Lily's fighters are all proud to join the navy, and with the smooth operation of the plan for the great development of the windless belt, Amazon.Lily's development is also getting stronger day by day.

And according to Hancock's emperor's order, every generation of Amazons in the future.Lily's crown prince must join the navy for training, and if he does not get at least the position of lieutenant general, he is not qualified to go back and inherit the throne.

So from some perspectives, Amazon.Lily can be regarded as a special 'naval base'.

Isn't that right, their king, at least, will be the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Not to mention the name of a general candidate.

If there is a turning point, it is not impossible to become a general!

Anyway, the two sides are one and the same.

After Hancock joined the Navy, he became an adult and then returned to the Amazon.Lily, according to the navy's plan, inherited the nine snake pirates and became the king of the navy's Shichibukai.

After that, Hancock still stayed at Amazon most of the time.Lily or within the windless zone.

Therefore, she didn't have Smoker's feeling of being in another world.

"Fifteen years of panic, hahahahaha... Three years and three years, when the general and the teacher shook me out, they said it was a three-year period, and promised me the position of lieutenant general. At that time, I was full of enthusiasm and never I agreed without hesitation, and the result was good. It was three years and three years, three years and three years. In a blink of an eye, five years and three years have passed, and fifteen years have passed. When I left Marineford, I was only 16 years old. I am now 31 years old, but now I am almost [-]...Hahahaha, after fifteen years, I can finally wear this body of justice again!" Smoker cried and laughed, standing on the port, Emotion.

In fact, it has not really been 15 years, and it is still a little bit worse, but you don't have to care about these details.

There is a lot of help, but how can there be less hardship and bitterness in it?

Perhaps if it were someone else, they would no longer take the Navy seriously.

Being in the navy, how can you feel as happy as being a pirate?

Looking at Smoker, he also has a lot of talents under his command, with strong soldiers and strong horses, and the Four Emperor Pirates are not kidding.

Although his own strength can't be called the top, it should not be underestimated. Wherever he is, he can be like a human being.

With a lot of wealth in his hands, he can be called the richest boss in the new world.

If he wants to stand on his own, it is not wishful thinking.

But from the beginning to the end, whether Diarmuid or the many generals of the navy, he never doubted Smoker's loyalty, and when he needed his help for important and confidential matters, he never doubted him. He hesitated to entrust it to him.

Even the Golden City, which is the most important thing related to the Navy's finances, is confidently handed over to Smoker to operate.

There is a strong trust in it that cannot be melted away.

And it is precisely these trusts that have supported Smoker to persevere during these 15 years.

In the past 15 years, he has lived up to this trust!

Now, the dark and long pirate career is finally over.

He will be greeted by the glory of the navy, and if there is no accident, he will definitely be promoted to an alternate general!

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