It is conceivable how angry he is with Orochimaru now?

On the other hand, Diarmuid has been studying all kinds of ninjutsu for more than half a year, especially the Raiden Ninjutsu that was drawn from the third generation of Raikage.

In the mountains and forests near Scorpion's secret base in the Kingdom of Birds, Kakuzu is wearing a thunder armor, looking majestic.

That's right, after more than half a year of study, Kakudu has also successfully mastered the technique of the Lightning Escape Armor. In fact, to be precise, this should be called the 'Thunder Escape Chakra Mode'.

Of course, it's just getting started, because after in-depth study and research, the four of them all came to a conclusion... Ah, yes, scorpions can't learn.

But he also gave a relatively good reference.

The Lightning Chakra mode is actually a kind of "health-preserving" technique, using the Lightning Chakra for many years to continuously stimulate the cell activity in the body, so that the physical fitness is continuously enhanced.

So it's not like other techniques, such as fire escape.Everyone can learn how to fireball, and then according to the amount of chakra, you can compare who is stronger in this technique.

The Lightning-Tuning Chakra Mode is not. If it is really necessary to count, it may be described by the concept of 'whoever has practiced longer is stronger'.

Because the longer the practice time, the deeper the level of body activation, and the stronger the physical fitness will naturally be. On the contrary, if the time is short, there will be deficiencies in all aspects.

Just like Kakuzu, he has also learned this Raidun chakra mode now, but if he meets the undead third generation Raikage, he will probably be called "father" by beating.

However, the truth is this truth.

The corner is thinking about this, and looking up at Diarmuid in the distance, I always feel a little strange, everyone is learning the same technique, why are you so good?

Is this still the Thunder Chakra mode?Is it still the technique of thunder escape armor?

Following Kakuto's line of sight, he could see Diarmuid who was also practicing in the distance.

Different from Kakudu, Kakudo's Raiden Chakra mode is a regular form, the same as the fourth generation of Raikage and the third generation of Raikage, they are all attached to the body surface with strong thunder escape chakra, so as to realize ninjutsu attack and defense One body is like wearing a layer of armor.

But Diarmuid... he made it look like Susanoo, very tall!

Diarmuid's Lightning Dungeon Chakra Mode is about five meters tall, and it is no longer attached to the body surface, but like Susanoko, he is 'floating' in mid-air, surrounded by a large number of Lightning Dungeons. wrapped in chakra.

And the rich Lightning Chakra is solidified into the appearance of a little giant warrior, wearing armor and holding a chakra sword, lifelike, if he doesn't have a kaleidoscope, anyone who looks at it will look like Susano!

This kind of situation is indeed completely different from the conventional Thunder Escape Chakra mode.

That's right, this is what Diarmuid has researched and pondered over the past six months, and it can be regarded as an innovation of this technique.

Of course, the foundation is still the foundation of this technique. In fact, this kind of innovation is not a high-end technology, but some simple changes have been made.

When Diarmuid was researching and learning the Lightning Dungeon Chakra Mode, he discovered that the principle of this technique was very similar to that of Susano.

It can even be said to be 'from the same source'.

Not only Susano, but Diarmuid thought about it a lot later, and felt that the Tailed Beast Coat, Melting Chakra Mode and other related techniques are actually the same to some extent!

The principle of Susanoo, to a certain extent, is to materialize Chakra through Sharingan, forming a huge Chakra entity, covering itself, and achieving the goal.

It's just that Susano pays more attention to spiritual power. Sharingan can be regarded as able to guide spiritual power into a materialized Chakra through spiritual guidance.

Therefore, the Uchiha clan is not as good as the Senju clan's total Chakra, but relying on spiritual power, they can still gather enough Chakra to use Susano.

The Tailed Beast Coat is also the same reason. By strengthening the use of the Chakra of the Tailed Beast, the Tailed Beast Coat is formed. However, because the Tailed Beast Chakra is very corrosive, it will become a human when using the Tailed Beast Coat. Not a person, not a ghost, as if the skin had been peeled off.

Thunder escape chakra mode, in essence, is also a principle of consolidating chakra and releasing it to form armor.

It's just that Lei Dun Chakra is for 'ordinary people', whether it's the third Raikage or the fourth Raikage, they are all very strong, but after all, neither the amount of chakra nor the eyes are open.

Therefore, when they use this technique, they naturally have to be more 'calculated', and it is impossible to suddenly look like a giant, otherwise the enemy will not be killed, and they will consume themselves to death first.

But Diarmuid is different. The production of chakra itself has a great relationship with physical fitness. The stronger the vitality of the individual, the greater the amount of chakra retained.

This is true of the Qianshou clan, and so is the Uzumaki clan, and even the dried persimmon ghost shark, which is half a man and half a fish, took advantage of this aspect.

And Diarmuid's physical fitness and vitality are already very strong, and he also has a dark fruit, which transforms those infinite dark elemental powers into a large amount of chakra in his body all the time.

He's basically a walking tailed beast, with even more chakra than a tailed beast.

Therefore, when he was using the researched thunder escape armor, he could spend it recklessly, raise the upper limit of this technique again, and forcibly transform the thunder escape chakra mode into the 'thunder escape version'.Susano almost'.

It's just because he doesn't use more chakra, so it's not as big as Susanoo, but if he wants to, he can do it.

As a result, Jiaodu almost didn't close himself because of it. .


Chapter 497 Transplanting primary cells?Inherit the wood to escape the blood and inherit the limit?

Slowly putting away the huge Lightning Chakra, Diarmuid landed on the ground, touched his chin, and thought about some issues.

From the point of view of defense and attack power, there is no doubt that this larger thunder escape mode is stronger.

But there are also disadvantages, that is, the original use of this technique can increase the reaction speed and attack speed extremely quickly, but once the gigantism is turned on, this speed will drop a lot, far from the original version of the Thunder Chakra Patterns need to be agile.

"However, it can be used in two modes. To deal with enemies of regular size, it is enough and more convenient to use the original technique, but to deal with enemies in the mode of Susanoo and Tailed Beast, then use It can be dealt with by making it gigantic." Diarmuid thought for a while and said to himself.

After speaking, he turned his head and glanced at Jiaodu, and asked strangely, "Why are you staring at me all the time?"

"Look at the monster." Jiao said very calmly.

Diarmuid smiled, and then asked: "It seems that you are also very proficient in using the Lightning Dungeon Chakra mode, and the next step is to accumulate time and effort. Speaking of which, what about the rest of the Lightning Dungeon Ninjutsu?" How is it? How are you doing?"

"It's not comparable to you, but I'm not very interested in those." Jiao Du thought for a while and said.

Hell stabbing, thunder plow hot knife, thunder torture level Chiyo dance and other related ultimate moves are all thunder escape ninjutsu used in conjunction with the thunder escape chakra mode.

Diarmuid has basically mastered everything, it's just a matter of proficiency.

However, Kakudo doesn't seem to be very interested in these things. What he cares more about is that in the Lightning Dungeon Chakra mode, the defensive power of the Lightning Dungeon armor can greatly make up for his lack in this regard.

It has to be said that after Jiao Du made up for this shortcoming, his heart would be difficult to be pierced. In this way, his strength can be regarded as a surge.

It is even more difficult to kill him now, you have to break through his Thunderbolt armor first, and then you have to destroy all five hearts before you can truly kill Jiaodu.

For the vast majority of people, this is already impossible to do one-on-one.

When Diarmuid and Kakuzu were exchanging these experiences, not far away, Orochimaru came out of the forest with a depressed expression.

For the past six months, Orochimaru has been studying the secret of Diarmuid's eternal life, and has not studied Raikage's technique.

But at present, the research of Orochimaru has also failed in an all-round way.

He couldn't solve Diarmuid's situation at all, let alone reproduce this kind of immortality on his body.

Just like the cell tissue of the first generation of Hokage, I can only study and understand what is going on, but I can't use it on my own body at will, so it is very uncomfortable.

Originally, half a year was not enough for thorough research.

But before that, Orochimaru has studied the first generation cells for many years. After a series of comparisons, the condition of Senjujuma and Diarmuid is not much different. The reason for the boundary is that it is more erosive and aggressive. Diarmuid's strong vitality is relatively mild and not so erosive.

Orochimaru also tried to transplant some Diarmuid's cells to himself, and the effect was that some of them could clearly feel that they were 'younger', but that's all.

"Failed again"? " Diarmuid asked with a smile as he saw Orochimaru approaching.

Orochimaru glanced at Diarmuid angrily, and then said, "Whether it's you or the first Hokage, it's all the same. It always makes people yearn and despair."

"It's only been half a year, so are you planning to give up?" Diarmuid teased.

"The nature is similar, one point is clear, and all aspects are clear, so theoretically speaking, I have been researching in this area for several years, not just half a year. The more I study, the more I can understand. I want to use you to come To achieve the evolution of my own physical fitness is tantamount to nonsense." Orochimaru shook his head.

The first-generation cells are fused with the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, which can achieve a relative balance, thereby comprehensively enhancing one's physical fitness, and even using the power of Mutun and Sharingan.

Orochimaru will understand this truth better than anyone else in the future.

But he did not embark on such a path. On the contrary, he gave the research results to Shimura Danzo, an old Yinbi.


Because Orochimaru knows very well that this balance is fragile, and if there is an accident, he may die miserably, and he doesn't want to make himself like this.

And after years of research on the first generation of cells, Orochimaru really felt "desperate" about this kind of research in the later stage, and thus began to change his mind.

No longer study the technique of achieving immortality from the perspective of physical fitness, but change to a more fundamental level of soul and spirit.

Not to mention, after changing his thinking and direction, Orochimaru began to take the lead and researched many related methods. The most famous and his favorite is the technique of "reincarnation without corpse".

He compared the body to a container, and the soul is the essence. As long as the soul does not die, people can achieve eternal life.

But the facts proved that he was successful, and he changed countless "containers" back and forth. He has been both male and female.

However, Undead Reincarnation also has relative disadvantages, that is, as the frequency of use increases, the soul and mental power will also face the problem of weakness caused by frequent replacement of containers.

And this problem also caused Orochimaru's resistance to illusion to become lower and lower, so that Uchiha Itachi gave it a second with a look.

Because of this decrease in illusion resistance, he and Diarmuid had the same idea, that is, to make up for this shortcoming through Sharingan, and then set their sights on the Uchiha clan.

In the end, the car overturned and I finished playing with myself.

"Really?" Diarmuid replied, feeling a little regretful. It seems that this research he was also curious about couldn't get an answer.

"I'm going to change my mind. I'm not sticking to the body anymore. Maybe I'm a bit one-sided when it comes to immortality. It's true that a body like yours is immortal, but if the soul is immortal, isn't it immortal?" Orochimaru mentality The conversion was quite quick, and he suddenly smiled again.

"Oh? Good idea." Diarmuid praised.

"I haven't been back to Konoha for more than half a year, and I should go back. This time, I intend to say goodbye to you." Orochimaru changed his tone.

"Are you leaving now? I've been busy for more than half a year, and I haven't had a good rest. Why don't I stay for another two days?" Diarmuid said with a smile.

Orochimaru shook his head, and then said: "No, see you later, of course, if there is something good, don't forget to keep in touch, we are companions, hehehe..."

Looking at Orochimaru's cold smile, Diarmuid really wanted to say that if you don't know how to laugh, then stop laughing, it's weird.But after all, he nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely not forget you if something good happens."

"Then, before I leave, I'm going to give you a gift, follow me." Orochimaru said to Diarmuid, then turned around and returned the same way.

Diarmuid was a little curious, and then followed, while Kakuzu continued to practice here.

Soon, Diarmuid and Orochimaru returned to the base together. On the side of the scorpion, the corpse of the third generation of Raikage has been completely developed into a human puppet. Now he is another one in his hand after the third generation of Kazekage. An important hole card has been drawn.

Not to mention, with the "joining" of the third generation of Raikage, although Scorpion can't learn those Raikage ninjutsu, his strength has skyrocketed, even stronger than in the original story, when he was at his peak.As soon as he entered the laboratory, Scorpion took a look at Orochimaru and Diarmuid, and said, "I think it's better to think about it."

Orochimaru said: "After my test, there is no danger at all, and I just plan to leave a seedling for Diarmuid. Whether it can really grow into a towering tree depends on him. .”

Diarmuid? ? ?

What are you two talking about?

I don't understand at all, okay?

"What do you mean? What gift?" Diarmuid asked.

Scorpion said very calmly: "That guy plans to transplant the cells of the first Hokage to you, so that you can realize the power of using Mutun."

Orochimaru also said with a smile: ". "Don't you often say that you are very interested in Mutun?How about it?Do you want to try it?Theoretically speaking, with your vitality, you can be perfectly compatible with the first-generation cells, so as to truly achieve complete fusion without any hidden dangers. "

Theoretically speaking, Wood Dune is a combination of water attribute and earth attribute, activated by strong vitality and chakra, Diarmaid himself should be able to do it.

But in fact, with the help of Orochimaru, he tried many times, but he never succeeded, not even a sign.

Therefore, Diarmuid came up with another possibility, that is the difference of 'Chakra', the Qianjuzhujian is the reincarnation of Asura's Chakra, and the wood escape is at the root, and it does have a certain relationship with the sacred tree .

So maybe it needs a certain opportunity to really activate this kind of wooden escape, right?

Anyway, Diarmuid is an alien and doesn't have these 'relationships'.

From another point of view, the cells in Senshouzhujian may be the key to unlock the last lock. After all, this has a successful precedent. Isn't that the case with Yamato?

He is indeed Mu Dun's Blood Successor Boundary Limiter, that's right.

The reason why his strength is poor is because his foundation is not good enough!

When Orochimaru left Konoha, he deliberately brought a copy of the cells from Senjujuma, originally intending to come here for further comparison and experiments.

As a result, the research failed.

However, he tentatively carried out a fusion experiment with the cells of Qianshouzhu from Diarmuid's blood and tissue cells.

The experimental results can almost be described as perfect.

Also possessing strong (Zhao Nuo's) vitality, the cells in Qianshou Zhujian and Diarmuid's blood reached a harmonious level, and there was no phenomenon of phagocytosis at all.

It was also because of this that Orochimaru had a bold idea, that is to let Diarmuid transplant the cells in Senshouzhujian. It doesn't need too much, just a little bit, it's enough as an introduction.

What troubles.

At the same time, he might also be able to unlock the last shackle of Mudun Xueji Boundary because of this, and become the second person who can master Mudun besides Qianshou Zhujian! ?

Anyway, Orochimaru was conceived in this way, and I think it is very feasible.

For transplanting other people's cells, he, a scientific madman, has no grievances at all. At present, he himself has transplanted some cells and blood from Diarmuid, which feels very cool.

As for Diarmuid's words, to be honest, although he felt a little strange and awkward, there was nothing unacceptable when he thought about it.

If you think about it carefully, this is a very normal and common thing.

In the previous life, some people would have their corneas transplanted if they were blind, and their internal organs would be transplanted if there was a problem with their internal organs. This is normal.

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