It is estimated that he was in a hurry, and he was very confused, after all, this situation came too suddenly.

But this time, due to Diarmuid's intrusion, it can be regarded as a pre-vaccination for the navy, and the high-level executives are more or less psychologically prepared for this matter.

Therefore, the mentality is not too bad, and I am not too nervous and flustered.

"The real start...?" Kuzan murmured, and didn't worry about it anymore.

Things have happened, so what?Shouldn't you take one step at a time?

"Speaking of which, why are you so relaxed? Didn't Lieutenant General Garp take you to capture Roger?" Diarmuid asked with a smile.

Kuzan gave Diarmuid a blank look and said, "Don't forget, I am now the assistant officer of the Warring States General, not Mr. Garp's assistant officer." "Ah... I really forgot." Diarmuid nodded Headway.

"Mr. Garp has left the headquarters to go to the new world. He asked me to tell you. I hope you can sort out all the information about the Roger Pirates as soon as possible and provide him with effective intelligence support. Although Roger has become a One Piece, but if we can catch him as soon as possible after this, maybe we can turn this bad situation into a favorable situation for us." Kuzan said.

"It's very difficult, actually I have a doubt, I don't really want to understand it now..." Diarmuid shook his head and said, after a slight pause, he looked at Kuzan seriously and asked: "Kuzan, what do you say? , Roger became the One Piece, so what do you think he will do next? What is his new goal?"

"Of course." Kuzan said without hesitation, but he was stunned halfway through his words.

He originally wanted to say, of course it was the pirates who ruled the new world, and then turned the world upside down or something.

But when the words came to his lips, he suddenly realized that the Roger Pirates were not a pirate group dedicated to fighting for the sea.

As Garp's former deputy, he also often had contact with the Roger Pirates, so he knew a lot about the Roger Pirates.

Unlike the ambitious gangsters such as Skiner, the Roger Pirates seem to have absolutely no intention of subjugating Batian (bccj)?

So in this way, what is the goal of the Roger Pirates after they become the One Piece group?

Diarmuid said very calmly at this time: "The more I understand the information of the Roger Pirates, the more I feel that the Roger Pirates don't want to start with 'becoming the One Piece and build their own. On the contrary, although their hands are full of crimes and unforgivable crimes, their mode of action is more like lawless and unscrupulous adventurers."

Kuzan was silent for a while, nodded with some approval and said, "Indeed, it seems that there is no ambition in them." "So, what do you think they will do after this?" Diarmuid said again asked.

Kuzan thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I can't figure it out, why don't we have a meeting? Discuss it with the Marshal and General of the Warring States Period?" "It's definitely necessary, but I have made two judgments." Diarmuid said in a low voice.

"What?" Kuzan also became interested and asked.

"The first judgment is based on the current situation. They have conquered the entire great route. Therefore, their first stage goal has been achieved. If they still maintain the current situation and point of view, perhaps they will become a more adventurous pirate. The group is dedicated to finding the legendary treasures, such as the land of gold, the sea of ​​gems, the capital of emeralds, pure gold, etc." Diarmuid said softly.

Of course, they had already found the land of gold, but no one knew about it.

Kuzan's eyes lit up, and he said, "What you said makes sense. Based on their character and behavior, it is very likely that there will be such a change..."

After a short pause, Kuzan asked again: "What about your second judgment?"

"The second type..." Diarmuid pondered for a moment, and then said: "The Roger Pirates will disband."

"Impossible! They finally conquered the Great Route and became One Piece, how could they be disbanded suddenly?" Kuzan retorted without hesitation.

"Fame, power, status, wealth, most of the pirates go to sea to pursue these, and now they have all obtained it, and the great route has also been conquered by them. Suppose, this group of people in the Roger Pirates, just to Such a common goal is gathered together, so now that the goal has been achieved, it is reasonable to disband, after all, they are very different from ordinary pirates." Diarmud's tone was very calm Said.

"But it's incredible, right?" Kuzan said slightly shaken in his heart.

Diarmuid smiled, looked at Kuzan and said, "The Roger Pirates already like to do these incredible things, don't they?" Kuzan froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "You're right .”

"I have already made a rational report for both judgments, and I will submit the report to the general of the Warring States Period later. The specific situation should be handed over to the people above. The sky is falling, and there are tall people who are holding it , can’t hit me.” Diarmuid smiled and said irresponsibly.

Kuzan was silent for a while, and suddenly asked: "Diarmud, what if the Roger Pirates really disband...?" Diarmud glanced at Kuzan, and then said: "Still What can we do? Of course, find a way to dig them all out and hang them..."

Having said that, when the time comes, we still have to see if we can find it. After we find it, how will the navy make a decision.

These are not things that Diarmuid should consider.

Not talking about such a heavy topic anymore, Kuzan poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip and said, "I heard that you sent a seedling to Teacher Zefa?"

"Well, Rob. Lu Qi, the bastard trained by the orphanage, in order to snatch him back, I had a fight with the CP-9 commander Stucey." Diarmuid said very calmly, holding The files are still being sorted out here.

"Stucci? I heard that she is a very talented person. CP-9 has been managed very well by her. She has made a lot of achievements in the past two years... How is it? Did you win?" Kuzan asked .

"Of course, maybe she is talented in other areas, but in terms of hard power, I am much better than her." Diarmuid nodded.

After a short pause, he pondered for a moment, looked at Kuzan and asked hesitantly, "Speaking of which, Kuzan, what do you think of my strength? What level is it?"

"I haven't had a good fight with you, so I don't know, but I often communicate with Gion. From the current point of view, although Gion holds the rank of brigadier general, his strength has almost reached the level of general lieutenant general, and in her mouth , you are almost crushing her... So in a horizontal comparison, you should be in a situation where you are stronger than the average lieutenant general, but worse than us, right?" Kuzan said after thinking for a while .

"Really? Why do I always feel unreal?" Diarmuid frowned slightly and said.

Kuzan said as if he was very powerful, but why didn't he feel it?

Kuzan glanced at Diarmuid, and said directly, "That's because you lack a real battle." "Huh?" Diarmuid froze for a moment, looking at Kuzan with some puzzled eyes.

"Although you participated in the Battle of Edvor and the capture of the Red Earl, on the surface, it seems that you are very powerful, but from the beginning to the end, Diarmud, you have never conducted a real battle. , Hearty, full of your own strength in the battle, so you don't know how far you can go, this is your biggest shortcoming at present! Without such a test of iron and blood, you will never be able to recognize Clear yourself." Kuzan said pointing to the core.

When Kuzan said this, Diarmuid felt a sudden realization.

Although there is no evidence, he feels that Kuzan is right. The reason why he is confused about his own strength is because he lacks a battle to recognize himself!

"You are well protected. Although you almost died under the hands of the Red Earl, it was just an accident. From the very beginning, the General of the Warring States Period favored you too much..." Kuzan hesitated a bit when he said this, Then he said: "Or, the general of the Warring States Period is waiting for you to wake up? You can ask me this question today, which proves that you have already noticed something is wrong. ... Isn't it?"

"That makes sense." Diarmuid nodded seriously.

He felt that he was trying his best, and in fact he did, but from the perspective of a bystander, it was indeed an accident.

If you look at it as a whole, it looks like yourself.Really has been protected by the general of the Warring States Period...

Perhaps, as Kuzan said, the General of the Warring States Period is waiting for himself to wake up?

"If you have any difficult field missions, please call me for support." Diarmuid looked at Kuzan and said seriously.

"Hahaha, don't worry, of course I will take care of you." Kuzan laughed.

After sorting out the documents, Diarmuid stood up and said, "I'm going to the Warring States General to report the intelligence analysis, you can do whatever you want." After finishing speaking, he ignored Kuzan who was drinking tea, and directly sent the He dropped it here, opened the door and left. .

Chapter 51 Diarmuid: I judge that the Roger Pirates will be disbanded! (four more)

As soon as Diarmuid reported his thoughts to the Warring States Admiral, the next day, the high-level navy held a meeting to discuss.

At this time, Marshal Steel Bone was sitting at the head of the conference room, and various naval leaders sat down in front of the table one by one.

However, Garp was not there. After the news that Roger became the One Piece came out, Garp had already gone to the new world alone.

Even if there is no information, he is going to try his luck!

Picking up his teacup and taking a sip of tea, Marshal Steel Bone said, "There are two things to discuss today. The first thing is about Roger's bounty. This guy has become the so-called 'One Piece'. The world government has recognized this fact, so no matter what you say, you must give him a new reward, and you can discuss how appropriate it is."

As soon as Marshal Steel Bone finished speaking, Sakaski said, "How about 40 billion Baileys?" The bounties offered by big pirates from all walks of life have not yet expanded to the terrifying extent in the future.

The white beard who claims to be the strongest man in the world.edward.Newgate, in the top battle, his bounty was only 50 Baileys.

And now there are still more than 20 years before the battle on the top.

Now Newgate's bounty is only 33 billion Baileys. Although it is also very high, it is much better than later.

Roger's bounty is not as high as Newgate's. The current bounty is only 31 billion tael-million.

Sakaski's opening directly raised Roger to 40 billion Baileys, which is already very powerful.But as soon as his words fell, Polusalino shook his head and said: "Obviously, it's not enough." Sakaski turned his head and glanced at Polusalino, then asked: "40 billion Pele not enough?"

"The bounty of Lockes once reached 43 billion Baileys. At that time, Lockes did not become the One Piece. Now, Roger is the first recognized One Piece in history. Does his bounty have to be Is it lower than Rocks?" Polusalino said calmly.

Sakaski is not a mad dog who bites anyone. Polusalino's words are reasonable. After listening to him, he nodded after thinking about it and said, "It's really not enough to judge like this." After speaking, he put He looked at the major general Diarmuid.

When Diarmuid first came to Marineford, Sakaski didn't bother to communicate with Diarmuid at all.

But as Diarmuid gradually shined, Sakaski and Diarmuid also began to communicate.

Although Diarmuid felt that Sakaski was a bit too ruthless, in other respects, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Sakaski.

So the relationship between the two is pretty good.

After Diarmuid was promoted to major general, Sakaski paid more and more attention to Diarmuid.

Especially this time, Diarmuid judged the purpose of the Roger Pirates in advance and gave the navy a vaccination. As a result, Roger really became the One Piece...

Although Sakaski didn't say anything, he still admired Diarmuid in his intelligence judgment.

Seeing Sakaski looking at him, Diarmuid froze for a moment, then smiled at him.

And Marshal Steel Bone also looked at Diarmuid, and said: "Diarmurd, you have always been very insightful in this kind of matter, please tell me your thoughts."

"Yes, Marshal." Diarmuid responded, put down the teacup in his hand, then looked at the many naval bosses, and said, "I think, first of all, we need to characterize the Roger Pirates."

The Warring States general heard the words and asked directly: "What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, it is to set a position for his current situation. I would like to ask everyone's opinions. Assuming that the Roger Pirates will still be active in the sea, will there be any changes to his bounty in the future? necessary?" Diarmuid asked.

As soon as Diarmuid said this, everyone became thoughtful.

After a while, Chief Staff Officer Ah He said in a calm tone: "I think One Piece is already the highest level of qualification, and there is no need to add any more bounties in the future."

When the chief staff officer said this, the rest of the staff also felt that it made sense.

No matter what Roger will do in the future, it is undeniable that he may not be able to surpass himself. After all, he has already stood at the top of the pirates, what else do he want?

No matter what he does in the future, it can be regarded as a performance based on the identity of One Piece, and there is no need to add more bounties.

Seeing that everyone agreed with this matter, Diarmuid continued: "So, then this time, it is the last time to add a bounty to Roger, and at the same time, it can be regarded as the bounty of all pirates in the entire sea. The ceiling is raised, unless there is another One Piece, it is impossible for someone to offer a higher bounty than Roger, otherwise it will be a mess."

"That's right." Kuzan nodded.

Teacher Zefa looked at Diarmuid with a gratified face and talked carefully. After all, this disciple did not disappoint him!

"Then I think, in this case, we must leave some room for the rest of the pirates. Otherwise, if something bad happens in the future, we will be subject to Roger's bounty problem and cannot increase the bounty. Don't you just suffer on your own?" Diarmuid said with a smile.

In fact, at the level of the Roger Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates, the bounty more represents the importance that the navy and the world government attach to them.

As for the actual effect, it is not that big anymore. On the contrary, the higher the bounty, the more it will boost the opponent's power.

After all, at their level, it is almost impossible for them to be killed by bounty hunters and bring their heads to the navy to collect money.

But if you don't give it, it won't work.

After all, the bounty system is here.

"So your suggestion is to set Roger's bounty high?" Marshal Steel Bone pondered for a moment.

"Yes." Diarmuid nodded.

People, if you can't stand it, it's also a good thing for us to go to trouble with Roger. "

Soon, the rest of the navy bigwigs quickly discussed this matter with one word and one word.

In this kind of thing, the efficiency of the navy is still very fast.

It didn't take long to unanimously confirm Roger's latest additional reward.

55 Baileys!

It is far more than the reward of more than 20 billion Baileys offered by Shiji, Newgate and others.

It can be called unprecedented. As for whether there will be any comers in the future, it depends on the fortune of those pirates themselves.

Afterwards, everyone in the Roger Pirates also had a more or less bounty increase.

There is nothing to say about these.

After discussing this matter, Marshal Steel Bone knocked on the table and focused everyone's attention on him.

Afterwards, he said: "Second thing, at the intelligence staff, Diarmuid gave two conjectures about the actions of the Roger Pirates. Come and listen to it, Diarmuid. Let's talk about it." "Yes, Marshal." Diarmuid replied again, stood up directly, and distributed all the documents in his hand.

Soon, everyone opened and read the documents in their hands.

After everyone had finished watching, Diarmuid opened his mouth and said: "Based on the combing of these information, I finally came to two conclusions. The first one is that the Roger Pirates will start looking for legendary treasures, such as eternal life." The wine, the fountain of youth, pure gold, the land of gold, the city of emerald, etc., this is a judgment based on their character and behavior, and the second judgment is that the Roger Pirates will be disbanded."

...for flowers.

After a slight pause, Diarmuid said in a deep voice: "And after I reported these two judgments to the Warring States General and Marshal, before the meeting started, after thinking again, I came to my own more biased thinking. , that is, I think that the Roger Pirates... may really disband!"

"No way? Major General Diarmuid?" Polusalino was a little surprised and asked in a strange tone.

Many admirals of the navy also looked very surprised. This Roger managed to reach the top, but after the end, he will be disbanded?Sakaski was calm and calm, and asked directly: "Diarmuid, what is the basis for you to make this judgment?"

Diarmuid was silent for a while, and then said: "I feel that there is something wrong with Roger Pirates, or that there is something wrong with Roger..."

"How do you say?" The general of the Warring States Period also asked curiously.

"I have carefully studied a series of behavior patterns of the Roger Pirates going to sea so far, and found that there is a major turning point. In 1495, the rhythm of the Roger Pirates changed dramatically. Kuzan Zhong Will, maybe you can have experience and impressions?" Diarmuid said here, looking at Kuzan.

Kuzan froze for a moment, frowned, and carefully recalled what Diarmuid had said.

After a long time, he said, "I don't have a deep impression, but Mr. Garp seems to have some emotion about it later." "What emotion?" Diarmaid asked directly.

"It seems that the Roger Pirates have become impatient?" Kuzan said after thinking about it.

The time is too far away, he can't remember clearly, but in his impression, Lieutenant General Garp did feel something was wrong at that time, and he had this kind of emotion.Diarmuid nodded quickly and said, "That's right, I'm just impatient!"

After a short pause, Diarmuid took out a photo from the file and said, "Kurokas, he is the one who joined the Roger Pirates in 1495, and he joined From that time period, the rhythm of the Roger Pirates, this person, on the ship of the Roger Pirates, served as the ship's doctor."

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