When Orochimaru ran out of Konoha back then, he only brought a dozen pairs of Sharingan with him, but now Diarmuid directly took out hundreds of pairs...

On the contrary, Orochimaru said with a slightly emotional expression: "It seems that Uchiha was really wiped out..."

"Then there are fakes? Just a few hundred ninjas died, counting the rest of the Uchiha tribe, there are still one or two thousand, one of the best thousand-year-old clans in the ninja world..." Diarmud smacked his lips and said .

Here, he probably took two-thirds of the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, and the guy Uchiha Obito also took a large number.

Danzo?Danzo doesn't even have a hair, but Diarmuid also agreed with him that he will send him some "research results" he needs later, such as the arm with the Sharingan.

Just let him continue running wildly on the road of perversion.

In the original story, there is no appearance of Diarmuid, and the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan is divided by Obito and Danzo.

Danzo didn't know how many were scrapped, anyway, there was still an arm of Sharingan in the end to squander.

And Uchiha Obito is even more exaggerated, his base has an entire wall, all of which are sharingan...

It is precisely because of these considerations that Diarmuid basically does not leave sharing eyes for them.

What are you leaving them for?It's a waste, only one arm is enough for Danzo.

Uchiha Obito took the Sharingan back as a 'collection', but used it roughly, and used it as Izanaki's consumption, which is no different from Danzo.

That being the case, it's better to use it as a material for Orochimaru.

Not for any personal benefit, but to promote the development of medical research in the ninja world, contribute to the light of mankind, and strengthen ophthalmology technology, really.

An outsider like Diarmuid actually doesn't have much emotion for the Uchiha's genocide.

In his opinion, it seemed as if he had already 'accustomed' to it, or in other words, he had always believed that Uchiha would be wiped out.

But for native ninjas like Orochimaru and Scorpion.

Looking at these Sharingan, their mood is quite emotional.

There is a feeling of witnessing history.

The thousand-year-old wealthy family disappeared in one day.

Then their most precious Sharingan is basically all in their hands now.

It just felt... very engaging.

The comfort of participating in historical events.

Seeing Orochimaru and Scorpion feeling overwhelmed, Diarmuid rolled his eyes and said, "How is it? There are so many sharingan sharingan now, is it enough for you to solve the problem of sharingan sharing?" Orochimaru lifted up He started, and said confidently: "No one understands Sharingan better than me!" As he spoke, he gesticulated wildly.earth.

Chapter 664 The new changes in the pure land, the tasks of Jiaodu and Loquat Shizang.

It's pitch black, there's no up, down, left, or right, no east, west, north, south, and basically no perception.

Fortunately, as the cultivation of the soul continues to strengthen, Diarmuid's own soul can emit a dim light in this pure land, just like a firefly.

He also couldn't remember how many times he had come to the Pure Land.

Anyway, I am very familiar with this process now. At the beginning, I still feel blocked and aggrieved by this dark space with almost no five senses.

Now, just get used to it.

Except for the tickets to the Pure Land, which are a bit costly, there is nothing wrong with the rest.

At this time, Diarmuid's soul aura is constantly 'burning', constantly expanding the dim light that comes with the soul, illuminating the boundless darkness.

He did this, of course, not to burn himself and illuminate the pure land.

He doesn't have that great ability, even if he burns himself up, it is impossible to illuminate the pure land.

At this time, he only needs to illuminate a small area, and don't let himself lose the target.

That's right, target.

In the past, after Diarmuid entered the Pure Land, the soul responsible for "guiding the way" would quickly move in a certain direction, but due to the loss of the five senses and the surrounding darkness, Diarmuid could not find this soul.

I can only grope in the dark by myself.

But this time, he was tracking the soul who was in charge of guiding the way, and wanted to see where these dead people would end up in the pure land.

The soul in front of him was muddled, still in the state of "[-]" without sanity, but was attracted by some kind of attraction, and naturally moved in a certain direction.

Diarmuid just fell behind him like this, not in a hurry.

"Could it be reincarnation?" Diarmuid smacked his lips and thought in his heart.

But soon, he rejected this idea.

In the world of ninjas, the boundary between life and death is very fragile and fuzzy, and is often broken repeatedly by people. At the same time, this pure land does not have the complete operation law as imagined.

Although in this world, there are rumors about the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the reincarnation and rebirth of Buddhism.

But Diarmuid has come to the Pure Land so many times, and he has never encountered such a situation.

In the same way, reincarnating from dirty soil can directly pull out people who have been dead for decades from the pure land.

It is conceivable that this pure land does not have the ability to reincarnate souls.

Otherwise, if everyone doesn't go to reincarnation, what are they doing in the pure land?

Line up?

According to his previous feelings in the Pure Land, the Pure Land should stop your thinking unconsciously. Someone like him who came on the initiative may be able to feel this unnatural feeling.

As for the dead, those who came in in a state of ignorance, I'm afraid they won't feel this way, so maybe their thinking is still at the moment of death, but decades have passed in this world.

After the thinking stagnates, maybe the soul just wanders in the endless pure land like this, and I don't know what will happen.

Anyway, from the current point of view, if you have been floating for decades or hundreds of years, there is no problem at all.

"I don't know how big the pure land is, so that it will not be overwhelmed by dead souls for thousands of years." Diarmuid thought to himself.

Just as he was thinking about this, a white light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

It was very abrupt, and it was obvious that all around him was darkness.

But in the next moment, you suddenly entered a place with light, which caught people off guard.

Instinctively raised his hand to block the light in front of him, Diarmuid frowned, and it took him a second or two to get out of the sudden light.

Then, he was excited.

Sure enough, my guess is not wrong, and the Pure Land is not always black!

At this moment, he entered a white world from the boundless darkness.

It doesn't mean that the five senses are lost like in the dark, and the eyes are completely black. This kind of whiteness is the feeling of paleness.

Obviously many things have color, but it just gives you a concept of 'white'.

At the same time, Diarmuid also saw a lot of 'people', to be precise, they were spirit bodies.

After careful observation, no one recognized them.

Ah, no, that death row prisoner who did not want to be named, Diarmuid was following him, and at this time, after entering this pale world, his mind seemed to wake up for a moment, and then he sat on the ground, facing the sudden A small fire was lit.

Then, the soul looked at the fire, his eyes became hollow, and if nothing else happened, his thinking stopped again.

This feeling, as if he was waiting for someone?

And around here, there are many souls that look like this.

Sitting motionless, like a sculpture.

Diarmuid walked up to a soul body in a few steps, stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his eyes.

"Hello!?" Diarmuid greeted.

But the soul body still didn't move at all. Normally, it's a reflex reaction. He should close his eyes or something, but he didn't. Diarmuid's finger almost poked his eyeball, and he didn't see anything Little movement.

Not to mention, this feeling is even scarier than being in the boundless darkness before... or a little bit tingling.

In the silent world, I am the only one who can act, and the time of the rest seems to be frozen in a certain moment...

This feeling, huh?

Diarmuid suddenly frowned, huh?Thinking about it this way, good guy, it won't be scary at once!

Time stops! ?

Diarmuid rubbed his chin, looked around the crowd of souls, and soon found a very beautiful young lady.

I don't know how many years she has been dead, anyway, her soul keeps the appearance of her youth.

Take a look at her clothes...

Don't get me wrong, I just want to see her identity. Sure enough, there is a mark like a collar on the clothes and arms.

This is the coat of arms.

Diarmuid took a closer look at the family emblem, it was very unfamiliar, but he was vaguely impressed.

This is also due to the fact that he has seen many introductions to the rest of the family in the book notes in Qianshoubeijian.After thinking for a long time, Diarmuid's eyes lit up and said: "The Yuyi clan!"

The Yuyi clan, you can tell by the name, it is likely to have something to do with Otsutsuki Kaguya's family.

As for the power inherited from the Otsutsuki Kaguya family, I don't know.

But at the end of the Warring States period, the Yuyi clan, the once wealthy family, had perished.

Now there is no Yuyi clan anymore.

In other words... the beautiful ninja lady in front of me has actually been dead for at least six or seventy years.

"Have you been sitting here for six or seventy years? The Pure Land is really a sad place. Thinking about coming... who are the people sitting here waiting for?" Diarmuid stood up and looked at This pale world.

It turns out that there are so many souls waiting for the person I miss?

I just don't know why the person they miss has not come after so many years.

And this scene also reminded Diarmuid of Sakumo Hatake, Kakashi's father, probably sitting in a corner of this vast soul, right?

Waiting for his son, Kakashi.

Fortunately for Sakumo, he should have waited for Kakashi.

But there are many people here, and I am afraid that they will continue to wait here for decades, hundreds of years, and there will be no response.

The only consolation is that at least their minds will not feel the loneliness of this endless time.

Otherwise, you must go crazy, right?

Could this be the last tenderness of the Pure Land?

"Will you wake up if you suffer from certain external stimuli?" Diarmuid rubbed his chin and thought, while his eyes were on that beautiful sister.

"Hmm...don't get me wrong, I'm just making a bold assumption and carefully verifying it. Everything is for the purpose of understanding this mysterious pure land. I don't have any bad intentions. I, Diarmuid, am a gentleman, and I will never... just because time stops... Just...cough cough, no way..." Diarmuid said righteously.

In this vast pure land, I don't know who he is saying these words to.

After finishing speaking, Diarmuid had a noble spirit on his face, as if he was a pioneer of science, and stretched out his palm carefully... The next second, he slapped Diarmuid on the face. De hit the face of a greasy uncle next to the young lady.

You said you are a gentleman, how could you do that kind of thing while taking advantage of others?

What's more... Who are they missing? Standing here, Diarmuid can feel that kind of pure, pure emotion.

So he is not willing to tarnish anything.

After a slap in the face, the uncle didn't move at all. If it wasn't for the fact that his soul was a little loose, Diarmuid would have thought he hadn't hit him at all.

But soon, the rich spiritual seeds in the pure land stabilized the uncle's slightly slack soul.

He obviously ate a big mouth, but he still didn't move at all.

"It seems that this kind of stimulation has no way to wake them up." Diarmuid rubbed his chin and said.

But at this time, he discovered something again, that is, the spiritual seeds that were already very rich in the pure land, seem to be more abundant and more active here?

In other words, if you practice here, the speed can be faster.

But now is not the time to think about these things, Diarmuid hopes to explore more secrets of the Pure Land.

Standing among these soul bodies, Diarmuid finally sighed, clasped his hands together in front of his chest and said, "Become a Buddha."

It didn't have any effect, and Diarmuid didn't expect any effect. He just wished him a sincere blessing, then he turned around and walked towards the depths of the crowd.

Maybe if you continue to walk in, you can see a different scenery?

At the same time, the Land of Thunder, Thunder Valley.

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