Thinking about it, it is true. For more than two years, our navy headquarters has not found a single hair of Roger. This time, Mr. Lieutenant General came to the South China Sea to do some errands. Could it be possible to meet Roger?

That's too exaggerated, right?

It is probably some false information again, just go and have a look and deal with it, there is really no need to alarm the headquarters.

Thinking of this, Dauberman looked at Lieutenant General Diarmuid, who was calm and unfazed, and said secretly: "Dauberman, you are still too impatient, you have to learn from Lieutenant General, As an admiral of the navy, how can he lose his position because of an unnecessary news?"

Knocking off the soot, Diarmuid said, "I don't think it's very likely, but it's just information, so I still have to check it out. There's no need to report to the headquarters, so as not to waste manpower and material resources, let's go to Batleyra Island Walk around, if there is no problem, return to the headquarters."

"Yes, Lieutenant General." Dauberman stood up and replied.

There was nothing else to do, and he didn't want to disturb the lieutenant general's rest anymore, so he was about to leave.

When he reached the door of the room, he stretched out his hand to hold the doorknob. After a short pause, he turned to look at Diarmuid and asked, "Master Lieutenant General, just in case, I said just in case... If that Roger really Where is the one on Batleyra Island?" Diarmuid turned his head to look at Daubman and said, "That is naturally when we are carrying out justice. As a navy, when have we ever been afraid of pirates? Even if he is some kind of One Piece ! As long as he dares to show his face, he will be bitten to death!" After a short pause, Diarmuid said righteously: "I will never share the sky with evil!"

Dauberman is a guy who is not afraid of death, otherwise how can he become a fighting dog in the future?

Upon hearing Diarmuid's words, it was quite appetizing, and he immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Yes, everything is for justice!".

Chapter 70: The whereabouts of One Piece on Batleyla Island. (two more)

South China Sea.Battery Island.

An ordinary island with no special products, no fame, and no important geographical location.

In the vast ocean, such islands are as numerous as stars.

There is no powerful political power on the island, only a small town with a small population of a few thousand.

The information on such an island is relatively closed, and there are very few foreign ships.

But I have to say that as long as there are no pirates or other evil parties to make trouble, living here is also very at ease.

But on such an inconspicuous island, there is now a real big shot hidden.

One Piece.Gore. D. Roger!

When he was sailing in the South China Sea, he met a woman named Portgas here. D. Lu Jiu.

The reason why he knew it was because Roger found out that this woman had a 'D' in her name.

This made him curious, and curiosity is often the beginning of the fall.

Lu Jiu is a very beautiful woman. Maybe she doesn't have any great strength, but she has a very strong character, and at the same time, she is very gentle.

It was here that Roger met his beloved.

That's right, he and Lu Jiu fell in love.

It's just that for a man like Roger, love and love never bound his hands and feet.

After staying for a while, Roger still chose to go to the wider sea.

And Lu Jiu promised Roger that she would definitely wait for him to come back.

This wait is many years.

Fortunately, Roger is back after all, but unfortunately, he is terminally ill and his time is running out.

Even so, Lu Jiu still loves Roger deeply, so the two lived in seclusion on this island.

Batleyla Island is just a small dilapidated town with a small population, no information, and a low level of education. Not many people can read, so they don't like reading newspapers very much.

It can even be said that the news birds are too lazy to come.

Although some people on the island have heard of One Piece.Roger thing.

But this kind of thing obviously has little to do with these little country folks. Instead of studying this, it is better to think about where to go fishing tomorrow.

In addition, this guy Roger, after he lived in seclusion, didn't have the temperament of a big man like One Piece at all, and he was not conspicuous at all, so he lived in seclusion here and has not been discovered for two years.

After leaving the New World that year, Roger also brought some treasures with him, so it is no problem to worry about food and clothing.

But in order to better integrate into Bartella's environment, and Lu Jiu also has her own ideas.

So Roger and the young couple did not eat and wait to die on the island.

Lu Jiu would embroider some handkerchiefs, square scarves and other things every day, and entrust Luo Jie to sell them to make some money.

Roger is also happy to do so, experiencing life.

At this time, Roger was sitting among a group of hawkers in the port of Batleyla, bragging and bragging with them, and there was a stall in front of him, all of which were Lujiu's handicrafts.

"Hey, Brother, you look like a man of strength, why are you selling women's things here all day long? Why don't you go fishing with me tomorrow? You can make more money than this!" a seller The fish peddler joked.

Gelu, Roger's alias here, has nothing to say.

After hearing this, Roger said with a look of disdain: "Don't underestimate these, okay? These are all made by my beloved wife. In the whole world, there is no better square scarf and handkerchief than this. That is to say, you are poor, so I sold it cheaply. If you want to go to Marie Gioia instead, you don’t have millions of Baileys. Don’t try to take a square scarf from my booth, just have fun.” "

"Hahahahaha..." All the peddlers around laughed.

This guy, Gelu, can't do anything else, he can always brag.

Roger also laughed, but with a smile, he coughed for a while, his face turned red and then turned pale, and he covered his mouth.

After his breath stabilized, he looked at his palm, there was blood.

"Are you all right? Brother?" asked another peddler.

Roger wiped the blood on the waste paper at his feet, smiled and waved his hands: "It's nothing, it's just an old problem..."

Yeah, old problem...just getting worse.

Don't talk about showing all your strength now, I'm afraid that if you do it for three to five minutes, you will be out of breath.

When he was at sea before, Roger was never afraid of his illness, even if it was a incurable disease, he was never afraid of it.

He can also face the imminent death calmly.

This is the basis of being a great pirate. If you are afraid of death, why go to sea?

But after coming to Batlila and living in seclusion with Lu Jiu, he felt a little afraid of death.

What she was afraid of was not that she would die, but what would happen to Lu Jiu after she died?

"A warship? Is it a navy warship? It's so big, it's the first time I've seen such a big ship!" "It's impossible for a warship in the South China Sea to be this big. It should be a warship of the legendary Navy Headquarters, right?" When Roger was thinking about these messy things, there was a sudden commotion in the port.


After hearing the sound, Roger turned his head to look at the port. Sure enough, a huge warship was slowly entering the port.

"Navy? Are you looking for me?" Roger thought with some surprise in his heart.

After all, this Batlila Island is not a bird shit, not to mention the warships of the headquarters, even the warships of the South China Sea branch, and they are not seen once a year.

But seeing that there was only one warship, he felt that it shouldn't be looking for him.

The navy has no reason to know that it is here, and dare to send only one warship to find trouble?

Looking at the warship, and at the blood on the waste paper at his feet, Roger sighed inwardly, and said to himself, "Perhaps, the time has really come, even if you don't want to give up, you should leave..."

Thinking of this, Roger said to the vendors around him: "I'm really unwell, and I'm coughing up blood again, I'm going home to take medicine, let's chat." "Okay, take care of your health early, brother. "The peddlers said with a smile.

It's nothing, Gelu is not in good health, everyone knows that he often goes home early like this.

After packing up his things, Roger put the package on his back, turned and left the small market at the port, and headed back home.

At the same time, the ladder of the warship was slowly lowered, and Diarmuid and Stuci walked off the ship together.

Dauberman served as the second-in-command, guarding the warship.

"This?" Stussy stood on the port and looked at the island.

There is nothing unusual about it, it is so ordinary that it cannot be more ordinary. Looking at the surprised expressions of those people in the port, it is clear that they are not knowledgeable.

"Diarmuid, Roger is really here?" Stussy asked in disbelief.

After going through the bloody battle, Stussy's name for Diarmuid has also changed a bit, it is no longer so blunt, and he is called Diarmuid directly.Diarmuid smiled and said, "Often impossible things will happen before our eyes."

"I hope it's true, how do we arrange it? You really don't plan to call your Navy headquarters for support?" Stussy nodded, and then asked a little worried.

"No need." Diarmuid shook his head.

Stucey wanted to say a few more words, but seeing Diarmuid's reticence, he finally shut up.

This man is good at everything, but he is a little arrogant, right?

I remember when I met him for the first time, it was like this...

But according to the Navy's reputation, he is not such a blind and arrogant person. What's going on?

But at this time, she had already boarded Diarmaid's boat, and she couldn't leave now. What's more, she still had some confidence in Diarmaid in her heart. Watching Diarmaid's actions, although there were always surprises, but In the end, it seems that all the goals can be achieved?

"Block the port. Before I give the order, Batleyla Island is not allowed to enter. Those guys from the South China Sea branch haven't arrived yet?" Diarmuid asked the naval colonel beside him.

The navy colonel first responded to Diarmuid's order, and then said: "The 307th branch of the South China Sea and the 329th branch have a total of ten South China Sea standard warships and 3000 people. They have arrived near the sea area and are coming." Diarmuid Although he didn't plan to call the headquarters for support, it's not a problem to toss about the South China Sea Navy to build momentum. In his capacity, who would dare to disobey an order in the South China Sea branch?

All rushed towards this direction, but because the quality of the warship was not good, the speed was just that.

"Tell them that there is no need to go to the island, just block off the waters where Batlila Island is located, and cooperate with our headquarters." Diarmuid ordered.

"." Yes, Lieutenant General. ’ replied the captain of the navy.

Diarmuid didn't say anything more, but stood on the port and waited for a while. A middle-aged man, surrounded by several people, was a little nervously led by a lieutenant commander.As soon as the middle-aged man came in front of Diarmuid, he hurriedly said: "My lord, we are all good citizens..." Diarmuid's face remained unchanged, and he said very seriously: "You are from this town. The person in charge?" "I'm the mayor..." the man said cautiously.

"Don't be nervous, we are a righteous navy, as long as you don't do anything against the law, we won't embarrass you." Diarmuid said with a smile.

The man was also a little relieved, he is really a decent person, he has never done anything too bad in his life!

He was very honest, at most he would bully the down-and-out households in the town.

"My lord, do you need us to cooperate in any work?" The mayor hurriedly asked again.

"Well, in the past two years, have there been any suspicious characters on the island?" Diarmuid asked.The mayor froze for a moment, then shook his head and said, "There is no one suspicious..."

Diarmuid waved to Stucey who was on the side, and Stucey handed over Roger's reward order.

Diarmuid handed over the reward order to the mayor and said, "Think about it before you speak, otherwise it's not your business alone." The mayor was shocked, how could this navy turn his face faster than a dog?

But he didn't dare to be careless, so he quickly picked up the reward order and took a look, One Piece.Gold.Roger?

A bounty of 55 Baileys?

What does it mean?

Does this lord of the navy think that such a big man will hide in our small place?

Are you kidding (Manuo Zhao)?

As the mayor, he is one of the few 'high-ranking people' on this island.

It just so happened that Roger didn't like to mix with "higher people" the most. He was a peddler here, so the mayor really didn't know Roger.

"Is he among the people on the island?" Diarmuid asked.

"Shouldn', how could there be such a big shot in a place like ours?" the mayor said quickly.

Diarmuid sighed, and slapped the mayor's face suddenly, knocking him to the ground.

"Trash, the entire town has only a few thousand people. You can't even recognize the people. What kind of mayor are you? A dead body." Diarmuid said in disgust.Then, he pointed to a few vendors at the port, and said, "Go and bring those to me."

Soon, several marines brought the peddlers over. These peddlers were almost scared to pee. Just now they saw that the big man of the navy slapped the mayor unconsciously. ...what did they call them here for?Shouldn't they be killed?

"My lord, we have never violated the law." The peddler cried out hastily.

Diarmuid threw the reward order over and said, "Look, is there anyone looking for him on the island?" "Huh?" The peddler glanced at it, and then said, "It's Gelu! He's right. !"

"Gelu?" There was a smile on the corner of Diarmuid's mouth. It seems that Roger is really on this island.

Stucey on the side also brought a touch of surprise and excitement, it really is!

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly ticket!)

Chapter 71 If life has no regrets, how lonely it would be. (three more)

On Roger's side, as soon as he rushed home, he saw Lu Jiu cooking.

"Why did you come back so early today? Are you feeling unwell again?" Lu Jiu turned around in surprise.

Roger put the package in his hand at the door, and watched Lu Jiu without opening his mouth.

Lu Jiu seemed to have noticed something, and was silent for a while, with two lines of tears streaming from her eyes.Only then did Luo Jie smile and said: "Eat first!" "Okay." Lu Jiu nodded.

Soon, plates of hot dishes were placed on the table, and Luo Jie and Lu Jiu sat opposite each other, neither of them spoke, and began to eat quietly.

"Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, two years have passed." Roger said with some emotion suddenly.Lu Jiu forced a smile and said, "Yeah, very soon." "I'm leaving." Roger said suddenly.

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