Diarmuid's current direct subordinates include Major General Flying Squirrel, Major General Huoshaoshan, Major General Dauberman and Gion.

They are all members of the 'special combat force' formed by Diarmuid.

But at present, this special challenge force is useless.

Diarmuid is actually a little embarrassed. He formed and formed, and set up some "non-existent organization" in the navy. Now he is half dead, and he is waiting for Stucey to come up with Happy Street and forcefully continue his life. Woolen cloth.

Later, he became a lieutenant general and formed this special combat unit, but before he could arrange it properly, he went to the South China Sea, captured Roger, and then overthrew Shi Ke. Mude was promoted on the spot, and now he has been sent out to be the head of a place.

It must be that there is not much time to continue to build this 'special combat force'.

Made him very embarrassed...

Fortunately, General Warring States and others did not care about these failures of Diarmuid.

After all, from the very beginning, the general of the Warring States Period did not have too much expectation for this. He only thought that Diarmuid had just been promoted to lieutenant general. He was a young man, and he suddenly became a high-ranking and powerful man. Own.

It's easy to understand, so I didn't stop it and let Diarmuid do it.

Now it seems that it is half yellow.

Warring States General and the others were not surprised either. This is normal. If Diarmuid keeps doing one thing and accomplishing one thing, it would be abnormal.

That's too monstrous.

Occasionally watching him fail and fail, I always feel more balanced in my heart.

Diarmuid also understood clearly that he didn't really succumb to this matter. The goals he set for himself have always been very clear.

At this stage, it is to get the position of general.

Therefore, this special challenge unit can be dirty without hurting his foundation, but it would be embarrassing if the G-7 gets cold.

So now he has to focus on G-7, as for this special challenge force or something.

Let the bullets fly for a while.

Anyway, the organization and framework will not be canceled for the time being. After the flying squirrels grow up, maybe they will realize it naturally?

Flying Squirrel and Huoshaoshan were not arranged to go to G-7 with Diarmuid, and the two of them still had to work in the headquarters.

This is also normal. You can't go to the headquarters for a lieutenant general, and you have to take away all the people under him. It won't be long before the headquarters will be emptied by the major bases.

When Diarmuid left Marineford, he took Gion and Dauberman with him.

And the naval soldiers under his command only took away one elite ship, and the rest were broken up and redistributed to the rest of the naval generals.

This is also normal. After all, after Diarmuid went to G-7, he has tens of thousands of navies under his command, and there is no shortage of this.

As for strength?

That's not the problem of the headquarters, it depends on how you lead the troops yourself!

The warship was sailing on the sea, and Dauberman was standing on the deck and blowing the sea breeze, feeling very happy.

He came out of the eighth officer training camp and ranked fifth, which is not that outstanding.

But just because Lieutenant General Diarmuid took a fancy to him and directly arrested him as an assistant officer, how long has it been now?In less than a year, he has already become a rear admiral of the Navy headquarters.

The chief who was in the same period as him is still struggling in the position of brigadier general.

Sure enough, he didn't follow the wrong person!

After arresting Roger from Diarmaid, and cooperating with the general of the Warring States Period in the headquarters to show his might and overthrow Shiji, Dauberman has already given up his heart for Diarmad.

Now they are going to work in G-7, and Dauberman is also full of confidence, and he must make some achievements in the G-7 gang.

He can also see that if there is no accident, Lieutenant General, he will reach the position of general sooner or later in the future.

It is not impossible to even go further in the future and stand at the apex of the navy.

He Dauberman still has self-knowledge, he doesn't need to think about generals, so if he wants to get ahead in the navy in the future, he still needs to have a good thigh.

And Lieutenant General Diarmuid is his thigh. Diarmuid is doing well in the headquarters, so of course he can follow suit!

So he also made up his mind to do a good job with G-7!

Dauberman is here blowing the sea breeze and imagining the future.

Not far from the edge of the deck, Gion and Diarmuid sat in a row, each with a small horse, fishing with a fishing rod in their hands.

"." Diarmuid, do you have any thoughts on G-7?After we go there, where should we start first?" Gion asked.

Holding a fishing rod in one hand and a cigar in the other, Diarmuid exhaled smoke and said, "The island where G-7 is located is huge, and the entire base occupies less than one-fifth of the area. This is obviously inappropriate. I'm going to Expand the base first, include one-third of the islands within the scope of the base, and build a fortress that can accommodate at least 5 people. Afterwards, a certain population will be migrated, and a military town will be formed on the remaining island area. This is my first stage. idea."

"5 people?" Gion was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Are you planning to recruit 5 people to form the G-7 garrison? This is not easy..."

(Mano Zhao) "Lieutenant General Jonathan also took the position of base chief of G-8, and he also told me that he plans to form a garrison of 8 people in G-8... I have 5 people, no What is it?" Diarmuid said with a smile.

There are strong and weak naval bases. It is normal for a strong base to have tens of thousands of troops, and it is normal for a weak base to have hundreds of thousands of troops.

Twenty years later, in the Battle of Marineford, the Navy Headquarters recruited 20 elite generals and officers from all over the world to participate in the Battle of Marineford.

That is a hundred thousand generals!Not one hundred thousand soldiers!

An ordinary school-level officer must have at least a hundred or so people under his command.

It is conceivable that in the battle of Marineford alone, the elites recruited by the navy can be seen from the perspective of the whole world, how many people they have under their command, and how many troops the navy has as a whole.

That is still an elite general, and ordinary generals and officers, and more, are not qualified to participate in the war in Malingford.

Therefore, as the top overlord of the sea, the navy's military strength is very powerful, but it is scattered throughout the world, so they cannot all be gathered together.

It is roughly estimated that, as the strongest military organization in the world, the navy should have tens of millions of troops, and hundreds of millions is not impossible.

But it's not too exaggerated. Think about Alabasta. As a military power, the capital of Alabasta, Albana, has a standing army of 60.

Judging from this posture, looking at the whole country, Alabasta does not have an army of 200 million, and Diarmuid would not believe it if he was killed.

They can pull out tens of millions of rebels in the field alone, and they are a group of showmen anyway.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration for Diarmuid to say that 7 people will come out of G-5. .

Chapter 92 The Warden: Lieutenant General Diarmud and I are old friends! (four more)

A few days later, the handover of the G-7 naval base was completed, the original base chief returned to the headquarters, and Diarmuid officially took office.

At this time, Diarmuid was sitting in the office of the G-7 base chief.

Holding the handover detailed information in his hand, it contained the status quo of G-7.

It's not bad, G-7 is currently serving, there are [-] navies, and none of them are old, weak, sick or disabled. Diarmuid has already inspected them.

But if you want to say how elite it is, it is not that elite.

Just an ordinary navy.

Military appearance and military discipline are all qualified, not outstanding, but not outrageous.

On the whole, G-7 is quite satisfactory. It seems that the former base chief's level is also average, more than conservative, not aggressive enough.

Diarmuid was not surprised by this.

While Diarmuid was looking at these documents, the door of the office was pushed open - then Gion walked in.

"How? Are the funds in line with the books?" Dill Mudd asked.

Gion nodded, smiled and said, "In the name of Diarmuid, no one wants to offend you now. There is no problem with Lieutenant General Salier's handover. Now, G-7 The funds are exactly in line with the book. I have already counted them. There are 130 billion Bailey reserves. Based on the current scale, it is enough to maintain the operation and maintenance of the base this year. But what kind of major construction do you want to expand the base? The newly built military town, the migration population and so on are not enough at all, do you want to find a way to fool the generals of the Warring States period and ask them to approve some military expenses for you?"

More than 100 billion Baileys may seem like a lot, but in fact, there are not many.

[-] navies have to go from here to eat, drink, and scatter, as well as daily base maintenance, artillery and ammunition replenishment, warship repairs and construction, etc., all of which are money.

Don't say too much, it's just enough. If Diarmuid makes any moves, he will probably overspend.

Diarmuid nodded, as long as there was no discrepancy between the book and the actual handover, he would be satisfied.

Don't expect any surprises here.

"Do you have any good ideas and suggestions?" Diarmuid asked.

Gion sat on the sofa with a smile, poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip and said, "Anyway, idleness is idleness. At present, the wave of pirates has not rushed to our place, because it is close to the south. There is no wind, and it is adjacent to the three fortresses of justice. The sea area is relatively calm, and there are not many pirates. I think it is better to organize the army under your command and carry out construction? Counting what we brought, there are more than 1 people, which is a strong labor force... ..."

"What about the material cost? I'm expanding, so I can't expand out of thin air, right?" Diarmuid said with a smile.

"There are a lot of wood on the island, so you can cut it directly, but stones and metal materials... stones can be excavated on the spot, but it is not good. You can drag a meteorite from the sky, and it should be fine. For metals, you can only I bought it... Of course, if you are lucky and pull down a meteorite with a lot of metal content, you can save money, and there are quite a few ways." Gion said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it makes sense, but 1 people is still not enough, we need to recruit more talents, and it would be best not to be paid." Diarmuid laughed.

"You mean...slave?" Gion asked in a daze.

Then, before Diarmuid could speak, Gion shook his head and said, "Although there are slaves all over the world, and this business is very popular, it is prohibited by law after all. As a navy, we cannot open such an opening." , It will also have a very negative impact on your reputation....Moreover, if you want to get slaves, you need a lot of money, and the slave merchants will not give you away for nothing just because you are a candidate for general."

The slaves and the like, after getting them, they can just eat their mouths. As for the food, Diarmuid is not worried. This place is very close to the windless belt, and if you just get two sea kings out, you can solve many ration problems.

Diarmuid smiled and said, "There is no need for slaves, let's do some labor reform, prepare the boat, and visit our neighbors..."

"Neighbor?" Gion was a little surprised what Diarmuid was talking about.

But soon, she realized that she looked at Diarmuid in surprise and said, "Are you going to Impelton?"

"Hurry up and prepare the boat." Diarmuid waved his hand without answering.

Gion also smiled, shook his head, and went down to prepare the boat.

After Diarmuid packed up all the documents on the table, he arranged for Dauberman to sit in G-7, and then the two warships headed towards Imperton.

The distance is really close, within half a day, with the speed of the warship, it has already arrived near Impelton.

At this time, the warden of Imperton was not Magellan, the prison tyrant, but the deputy director of Imperton. He was as tall as he was 20 years later, but he looked much younger.

The current warden of Impelton, also known as the Director, is an old man with white hair and two horns on his head, unlike a normal human race. Speaking of which, most of the people in Impelton look like None of them look like normal people.

It should be some special race, like the long-handed race, the small human race and the like.

However, Diarmuid did not intend to inquire about the news.

Hearing that Commander G-7 was coming to visit Imperton, the warden was not too surprised.

Because the geographical location of Impelton and G-7 is indeed very close, and they have always cooperated with each other. It is normal for a new neighbor to be the boss and visit each other.

The outer wheel of the warship stopped slowly, and the huge warship stopped firmly in the port of Imperton.

Diarmuid and Gion walked onto the port with a smile on their faces and a look of joy.

This is not the first time that Diarmuid has come to Imperton, and he has been here a few times before, but they are all under the pretext of taking the extremely fast Righteous Current from Imperton to reach Marineford quickly.

Now that I think about it, G-7 is really a good place. It only takes half a day to come to the calm zone where Imperton is located, and it only takes less than half a day to travel from Imperton to Marineford.

To put it simply, even if something important happens in the headquarters, he, Diarmuid, hurry up, and he can keep up with the rhythm in a day.

"Hahahaha, Lieutenant General Diarmuid, long time no see." The warden laughed when he saw Diarmuid get off the boat, and went up to meet him.

This moment, that moment.

When Diarmuid came here, he was still a major general, so he was allowed to pass by Impelton because of his good relationship with many big bosses in the headquarters.

But now, the warden didn't dare to underestimate the young man in front of him.

Because Diarmuid has already received the honor of being a general candidate, logically speaking, judging from the current vacancies of the three generals, he can take the position of general at any time.

But I don't know what happened, anyway, he didn't go.

But that's it, he is currently the only official candidate for admiral in the navy.

If there is no accident, he will definitely become an admiral in the future.

From the point of view of affiliation, Impelton is a subordinate organization of the Navy Headquarters, directly under the management of the Navy Headquarters.

Although the Grand Warden has a dominant position in Imperton, he still has to obey the orders of the Admiral and the Marshal.

Twenty years later, Magellan wanted to commit suicide because of the prison break, and the first higher authority to report was the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

Then the Warring States period severely reprimanded Magellan not to do stupid things.

It can also be seen from this that Imperton is under the control of the Navy Headquarters.

Now that Diarmuid is a candidate for general, he might become general at some point. As an admiral of the navy, he is only responsible to the marshal. It is not a joke.

Therefore, the warden is also very clear that the young man in front of him may become his superior leader at some point.

So we still have to treat him well, and we must take good care of him.

I am so old, I still think about the day when I can retire safely, if I offend the future superiors. ...He puts on your shoes for you, but you have nothing to reason with.

"Hahahaha, Warden Mesca, I haven't seen you for a while. It looks like your body is still very strong. I said you have to work for another ten years, right?" Diarmud He walked forward a few steps, stopped the old warden's shoulder, patted him twice, and said very kindly.

After all, he can be regarded as coming here with a request this time, at least he has to give others enough face.

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