But due to many rules and regulations, the navy has no way at all.

Therefore, at this stage, non-essential expenses can only be reduced to the greatest extent.

Impelton belongs to the subordinate organization of the Navy Headquarters. The Navy can command them, so naturally they have to take responsibility and support them.

And Impelton has always been only in and out, and he is completely a big money eater, unable to create any value.

Every year, a large amount of military expenditure is used to maintain the operation of Imperton.

But because Pelton's responsibilities are very important, the Navy has no choice but to throw money into it.

No one thought about this before, but now Diarmuid has a whim, and plans to turn the pirates inside into slaves and come out to work for the navy.

This opened the mind for Zhan Guo and others.

If this can be done, then the Navy will not need to find a construction team to expand new bases in the future, just catch this kind of pirate and do it.

Judging from the size of the navy, I don't know how much money it can save this year.

Impelton's existence value was immediately developed.

It is no longer an institution that only eats money, and it can also feed back a wave of navy. Isn't this a great thing?

Therefore, the general of the Warring States Period did not immediately stop Diarmuid's crazy behavior, but acquiesced.

I want to see if Diarmuid can accomplish anything.

It can be regarded as taking G-7 as a pilot. If this can really be done, the benefits to the navy will be huge.

It is no longer a matter of hundreds of billions of Berries, and can even evolve into savings of trillions of Berries.

"That kid's thinking is out of the ordinary, maybe he can really come up with some tricks. That's really a good thing for us." Senior Staff Officer Ah He said with a smile.

"But it's not like he didn't do anything wrong. The non-existent agency of the Ministry of Intelligence, and the 'special combat force' he created not long ago, are all yellow? I sent him to G-7 in the hope that he can Do things down-to-earth, and don't always think about crooked ways..." The general of the Warring States said again with some worry.

Diarmuid has many advantages. He never denies that being smart is really smart, and he has accumulated quite a lot of meritorious deeds.

But it is also a fact that Diarmuid's thinking is too detached. Maybe many things have a good intention, but they just can't get things done, such as the two examples he just gave.Staff Officer Ah He's face froze and said: "The non-existent organization is running well, what is yellow?"

However, Chief Staff Officer Ah He also knew that the results of this organization were far from what they had expected...so they didn't chatter endlessly after saying a word.

"Let him try it first." Steel-Bone Marshal spoke at this time.

After a short pause, he warned again: "You can only move the prisoners on the first and second floors. In this way, even if there is any trouble, you can suppress it, lest this kid really ruin his future in such absurd things." Already." On the first and second floors of Impelton, all the pirates under 5000 million Baileys were imprisoned, which belonged to the real scumbag level, and the number was huge, adding up, I am afraid that there were more than [-].

That's right, the number of prisoners in Impelton is huge. Impelton itself is a large island, and it also leads directly to the bottom of the sea. It is conceivable how many people can be imprisoned in it.

This kind of little pirate level is really nothing important, and it's impossible for Diarmuid to get out [-] to [-] at a time, right?

In the eyes of Marshal Steel Bone, he can get [-] to [-] at most, or even a few thousand. If there is a problem, the army in Diarmuid's hands can suppress them.

Even if they ran out a few times, it would not be a big deal, and it would not cause too much trouble and get out of hand.

Since Diarmuid's matter is related to the overall interests of the navy, he can't just be allowed to charge forward. Marshal Steel Bone still hopes to protect him to a certain extent.

Even if it is a general of the Warring States Period, Diarmuid will be fully responsible for what happened.

But something really happened, do you think he can help?

The reason why he said this to Diarmuid is also to hope that he can be more careful in doing things.

It is a spur.

Seeing that neither the general of the Warring States Period nor the chief of staff of Ahe had any opinions, Marshal Steel Bone nodded again and said: "Okay, no one is allowed to discuss this matter after it goes down, and I will not report it to the world government. The three of us As long as you know it, let’s wait and see if Diarmuid (bcci) can make things happen.”

At this time, General Staff Ah He said: "There is one more thing that I think I should pay attention to." "What?" General Warring States asked after taking a sip of tea.

"When Diarmuid was working under me, he often studied the information of the calm zone, and now he has chosen the G-7 base, which is close to the southern calm zone, and plans to recruit people from Imperton to go Working as a coolie, I have to wonder, is he interested in developing the Windless Belt?" Senior Staff Officer Ah He said softly.

Both Marshal Steel Bone and Warring States General were taken aback for a moment.

Develop windless belts?

What kind of trick is this?

But soon, the general of the Warring States Period said: "This may be a good idea, but our navy is mainly engaged in combat. Without spare power in this area, we can't recruit soldiers from the navy to go to the windless belt for development, right? In that case , once the world government finds out, it will definitely stop us, and now, according to the words of the prisoner of Impelton... he is within the rules. Will risk and benefit be directly proportional?"

Although the general of the Warring States Period is smart, he doesn't know everything. There is no wind belt, which is indeed a blind spot in his knowledge.

The marshal smiled when he saw this, and he supported the plan and behavior of strengthening the navy at this stage, so he said: "Let's contact that kid and ask, isn't it clear?" Marshal Bone took out the phone bug, dialed it a few times, and gave Diarmuid a signal.

On the other side, Diarmuid was watching Imperton's men and the navy he brought, escorting more than 2000 prisoners to the warship.

This is the first batch he plans to take away, no more, no less, and with more than 1 troops in his hand, it should not be a big problem to suppress these unarmed and non-capable little pirates.

The carrying capacity of warships is very strong. For conventional operations, the standard configuration is [-] naval members. However, the journey is not far at this time, and they can go back in half a day. Therefore, when Diarmuid came, he did not bring luggage.

At the same time, the standard of [-] is arranged for our own soldiers. What human rights do prisoners want?

Just squeeze them all in the cabin and pull them back. There are two warships, one with a thousand prisoners, no problem at all.

Seeing these people being escorted onto the boat one by one, although McCas had already done everything, he was still a little flustered, and would look at Diarmud from time to time.

At this moment, the phone bug on Diarmuid rang.

He picked it up and looked at it, and murmured with a surprised expression: "Marshal Steel Bone? Could something be wrong?" He looked up at the prisoner, smacked his lips again and said, "I hope you didn't come to stop me."

Without thinking too much, he picked up the phone bug, and Diarmuid asked with a smile: "Marshal, do you have any orders?" "Are you in Impelton?" Marshal Steel Bone asked directly.

"Yes, it seems that the Warring States General has reported my thoughts?" Diarmuid was not too surprised, but was a little worried that the marshal would stop his plan.

"Well, you should be more careful. Also, don't touch those on the last few floors. Those are thorns. Just pull people from the first and second floors." Marshal Steel Bone warned.

Diarmuid's heart warmed up, and he said with a smile: "I see, Warden McCas also suggested the same way. We really only moved the prisoners on the first and second floors, and they are all non-capable people." Si put his heart into his stomach now, and the marshal stepped forward and nodded, who would dare to report it?

Reporting is useless!

"Well, it's good for you to know in your heart. Be careful in everything. This matter, whether it's big or small, you should know the seriousness. I won't say more. I want to ask you this time... "Marshal Steel Bone said again.

"Excuse me, Marshal." Diarmuid replied.

"Xiaohe said, you are very interested in the windless zone? Do you have any thoughts about it?" Marshal Steel Bone asked.

Diarmuid was stunned for a moment, and then he said: "Secretary Ah He is really smart, I never said it before, did she guess it?" "Hehehe, you are not the only one who is smart." Marshal He laughed and joked.

Diarmuid also smiled, and said, "I have this idea, but it hasn't been implemented yet."

"We don't know much about the windless belt. You have consulted a lot of information, and you should gain something, right? Let's hear it..." Marshal Steel Bone asked.

"Yes, Marshal." Diarmuid nodded.

The development of the windless belt may be one of the important means to untie the shackles of the navy in the future.

Diarmuid also felt that it was time to communicate with the high-level officers of the Navy. .

Chapter 95 Steel Bone Marshal: Well, pirates are treasures! (two more)

"Marshal, regarding the military expenditure in the next few years, did the people above say that they want to increase it?" Diarmuid asked first.

Marshal Steel Bone was stunned at the phone bug for a moment, and then said with a smile: "You think too much, and I have asked, but the meaning above is to wait and see..."

"Wait and see?" Diarmuid murmured, and then pretended to be a little upset and said: "Everyone can see now that the sea is about to become chaotic, no, it should be said that it has already become chaotic, and there will be countless Inexhaustible pirates are swarming in. If we want to calm them down, don’t we have to rely on our navy’s efforts? In this case, one step first, one step at a time, one step at a time, and one step at a time, and we still want to suppress our military expenditure , the situation is already rotten enough, wouldn't it be even worse if you take another step?"

Hearing Diarmuid's complaining tone, Marshal Steel Bone felt a little emotional.

That's right, it's such a time, and the people above are still worried about their navy getting bigger...

Don't they want to watch the pirates grow bigger if their navy doesn't grow bigger?

After all, their navy and the world government are their own people. It is really wrong to guard against our own people now and watch the enemy sweep.

But these are all he thinks about in his heart, no matter what he thinks, at least on the surface, as the admiral of the navy, he cannot show his resentment towards the world government.

Because he represents the navy, his every move will affect the entire navy.

Marshal Skeleton also does not want the "May [-]" gap between the navy and the world government to widen.

That's really not good for anyone.

"Okay, okay, the higher-ups also have their considerations, and the positions they stand on are different, so the angles of thinking about things are naturally different." Marshal Steel Bone persuaded Diarmud.

Diarmuid mumbled a few words pretending to put the matter aside, and then asked: "Then Marshal, if the military expenditure does not increase, will our navy side need to conscript or something?"

"In the past few years, the headquarters has also accumulated some wealth. It should be strengthened or strengthened. As you said, one step first, one step at a time, one step at a time, and one step at a time. We can't let our navy just because there are ideas at the top. Stop." Marshal Steel Bone said without hesitation.

"Is it enough?" Diarmuid asked directly.

Marshal Steel Bone paused, and said helplessly: "In a short period of time, it should be enough, and it should be fine in three or two years... After that, it will be suspended."

"Three or two years." Diarmuid murmured, and then said: "It seems that my windless belt development plan should still be effective, and maybe it can be connected with the headquarters here."" That's why I want you to tell me, how can we develop something in the windless belt that is in the interests of our navy?" Marshal Steel Bone asked.

"That's right. After careful research, I found that the windless belt is actually a real undeveloped treasure house. There are also many islands in the windless belt. The simple development is to open mines to find gold mines, silver mines, and iron nuggets. Wait for various minerals, and then organize manpower to dig, develop them, and sell them. At the same time, our navy can also save a lot of purchase funds on these minerals, and strive to be self-sufficient." Diarmuid said .

"It makes sense." Steel-Bone Marshal said softly.

The navy builds bases, maintains bases, makes guns, knives, ammunition, guns, etc., all of which require various metals. Looking at the entire navy system, these are very huge expenditures.

If it can be self-sufficient through the development of windless belts, it can indeed save a lot of money.

If you can still be rich and sell it outside, you can earn a lot of money. No matter how you think about it, you won't lose money.This alone is enough to make Marshal Steel Bone pay attention, and asked again: "Is there any more?"

"Yes, nowadays, the shipbuilding industry is also facing a shortage of materials. I have studied that in the capital of seven waters, a large amount of wood is purchased every year. If you want to build large warships such as warships, the wood you need depends on the year and quality hardness. And so on, all have extremely high requirements, so the cost in this area is very huge, and there is no wind belt. For thousands of years, few people have been active, and there are quite a lot of wood on a large number of islands. We can organize manual felling. Once transported out, it will be huge profits. At the same time, using this as a breakthrough, perhaps we can subtly control the upstream material supply of the Seven Waters Capital, a world-famous shipbuilding city, and minimize our construction of warships. The fee that needs to be paid." Diarmaid said again.

Marshal Steel Bone rubbed his chin, his eyes shone brightly, it made sense.

In fact, what Diarmuid said does not sound particularly difficult to understand now.

This so-called development is not as fancy as he imagined, it is very simple.

Just open it hard, dig mines if there are mines, and cut trees if there are no mines!

It's extremely rude, but, under this hard-opening mode, the navy can earn great benefits and reduce great expenses, which is quite suitable.

Why didn't anyone think of it before?

After thinking about it for a while, Marshal Steel Bone thinks that it should be an inertial thinking. For thousands of years, because of the special nature of the windless belt, it feels like a forbidden place there, so the two windless belts in the north and south are almost inaccessible and forgotten. area.

The navy is a militarized organization, and it would not think about such developmental issues in a leisurely manner.

So such a simple thing, no one thought of it.

Thanks to Diarmuid, who was out of his mind and unconstrained, he discovered such a good plan.

It didn't take Marshal Steel Bone to think through this matter.

Diarmuid continued to say: "The last and most important point is that the special environment of the windless belt creates a natural shielding here, and almost no one will notice here. If we take the initiative to block it I am afraid that the world government will not receive the relevant information.”

As soon as Diarmuid said this, Marshal Steel Bone suddenly came back to his senses and said: "Diarmuid, be careful with your words, don't slander at will!" "Yes, Marshal, I know, isn't this just about you What do you mean?" Diarmuid said with a smile.

Marshal Steel Bone was a little complicated in his heart, but he did ask with some excitement: "Tell me more?"

"The higher-ups have been using military spending and other related means to clamp down on our navy, and the world government is indeed a bit greedy, so once the development of the windless belt is discovered, it will inevitably be taken over by them. In the future, our navy will have to stand aside on this matter, which is not in the interests of our navy at all!" Diarmuid said bluntly.

Marshal Steel Bone was startled, and he already understood what Diarmuid meant.

At the same time, according to Diarmuid's thinking, there is no problem at all. After working under the banner of the World Government for so many years, Marshal Steel-Bone has a clear idea of ​​what the people above think and how they behave.

If they saw the huge benefits of the windless belt, they would definitely take it away from the navy.

This is not what he wants to see.

"Fortunately, there is a closed loop now. As long as we act carefully, we should still be able to hide it, and these can be digested by our navy in a short period of time. Even if we develop, at the beginning, the output that can be obtained may not be enough. Let's increase our armaments... If we find gold mines, we will earn even more, and we will have a hidden source of income." Diarmuid said in a deep voice.

"What is a closed loop?" Marshal Steel Bone asked again.

He understands the second half of the sentence, even if the windless belt is developed in this way, the initial output can be digested by the navy, and there is no need to sell it, which will reduce a lot of commercial traces, and it will not be easy for the world government to find out. As long as they It is possible to hide it deliberately for three to five years, or even ten years.

This is already an extremely huge profit, and the Marshal is very excited.

But he didn't understand what closed loop meant.

"The closed loop means that these developments can be carried out within our navy without using external resources. My current idea is to use my G-7 as an outpost and use the prisoners of Imperton under the headquarters. In order to develop the main force, in this way, from development to internal digestion, everything can go from within our navy without any external force, and the concealment will be even higher. You only need to find a few people you can trust. Just a few key points of the card owner, that's all." Diarmuid said with a smile.

Marshal Steel Bone's eyes lit up, yes, the best way to avoid being discovered by the world government is to reduce the traces of leakage.

According to Diarmuid's statement, just find a few generals who are trustworthy enough to arrange the key position of the card owner, and then everything can be digested in the navy's internal circulation, from development to use, without external If they don't leak traces, it will be difficult for the world government to discover their actions in the calm zone.

How much will this save?If you are really lucky and drive to a gold mine, then...

Admiral Steel Bone didn't intend to rebel against the world government or anything, but if he had the opportunity to make huge profits for the navy, he would definitely not miss it!

"Good idea!" Marshal Steel Bone praised.

"Thank you, Marshal, for your compliment. Originally, I thought that once this side starts to move and gradually get on the right track, more and more labor will be needed in the follow-up. The number of prisoners in Impelton may not be enough for us to consume, but now, the sea is in chaos. Oh, Marshal, those swarming here are not only pirates, but also the labor force of our navy. Thinking about it this way, is it a lot happier? Is the motivation to catch them getting stronger and stronger? " Diarmuid laughed loudly.

When Marshal Steel Bone heard this, the depression in his heart instantly decreased a lot.

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