And now, he knows that Diarmuid will return to the headquarters, and Gion will stay in G-7. Then the two of them will not be able to meet often?

For him, isn't it back to the same starting line?

Isn't that fair?

But obviously, Diarmuid is too lazy to care about such things. There is never anything fair or unfair about emotional matters. Even if you are transferred to G-7 to get along with Gion day and night, you are at most There are more people who are hated.

At this moment, a small boat approached the warship, and a group of people followed the boat and entered the warship.

After a while, Spandain trotted up behind Diarmuid in a black suit, and asked respectfully, "Lieutenant General Diarmuid, are you looking for me?" It is an organization at the same level, and Spanda, as the commander of CP-9, is also equal to the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

Logically speaking, Spandain didn't have to be so dogged.

However, he is a real villain.

In his opinion, although Diarmuid holds the rank of lieutenant general, in terms of strength, he already has the level of a general.

At the same time, Diarmuid was the only general candidate in the navy, not a simple lieutenant general.

From Spandain's point of view, Diarmuid will become an admiral sooner or later. How dare he hold a figure of this level?

Lick and it's done!

"Thank you, sit down." Diarmuid pointed to the little Maza beside him.

Spandain didn't dislike it either, and sat down with a smile and said, "It's not hard, just change the boat. I thought about it. If there is a chance, I will get closer to you." "Hahahahaha..." Diarmuid laughed.

After laughing, he slowly let out a puff of smoke and said, "The general of the Warring States period handed over the golden phone bug to you this time, you must not disappoint the general's expectations." "Please rest assured." Spandain nodded quickly and said .

"What's the process for your cp? Can you tell me?" Diarmuid asked.

"There's nothing bad to say." Spandain was decisive, and immediately started talking.

"When we arrived at O'Hara, the warships surrounded O'Hara and sealed it off. Our CP people have to go to the island and look for evidence. After all, no matter what, it's best to be able to catch everyone and get everything. At the same time, the five adults seem to want to communicate with Dr. Clover of O'Hara to see how far they have researched the historical text." Spandain said with a smile.

This is the difference between the CP and the navy. Spandain is placed in the headquarters of the navy, and he is a lieutenant general. However, he has direct access to the highest power of the world government.five old stars.

On the other hand, on the navy side, even if Diarmuid is a candidate for admiral, he has never seen what the five old stars really look like.

There is a difference between intimacy and distance!

"That's how it is." Diarmuid first responded, and then said: "That's right, our navy side intends to preserve O'Hara's knowledge. After all, it is the wealth of all mankind, so I I called you here again, and I need your CP to help with something..."

"Please tell me!" Spandain hurriedly replied.

"At that time, I hope you will transport all those books to my warship by the way when you are searching for evidence." Diarmuid said with a smile.

"That's not a problem, it's just a trivial matter." Spandain agreed without hesitation.

Because of this, Diarmuid gave this guy a high look. …ask for flowers.

I have to say that this guy may be a scum in terms of strength and character.

However, this scumbag is very capable and decisive enough to do things. He is a talent.

"Hehe, thank you very much." Diarmuid said with a smile.

After a short pause, Diarmuid said again: "Speaking of which, I have a good relationship with Ms. Stuci from your CP agency. She used to be the commander of CP-9. You should know her too? "

"I know! That's quite acquainted!" Spandain said with joy in his eyes. Before Diarmuid asked, he seemed to be seeking a relationship, and hurriedly said: "Master Stuci is my leader, and he has great respect for me. The kindness of support, at the same time, we can also be regarded as a bit of a sister and brother relationship..."

"Siblings?" Diarmuid asked in a daze.

Diarmuid can understand that Stucey is his old leader of Spandine. After all, judging from his style in G-7, it is impossible for Stucey to leave CP-9 without finding someone else. The confidant came to be the commander of CP-9.

Perhaps Spandain was Stucey's confidant.

But what the hell are these siblings?

Is it because your names all start with S?

... 0 Wasn't Stucey an orphan?

"Many people don't know that Master Stucey and I are the same group of people who came out of the orphanage. We have known each other since we were young, so we have a very good relationship in private. Master Stucey takes good care of me. It started with Si, so there is some brotherhood, right?" Spandain said with a smile.

Are you guys really worshiping siblings at the beginning of 'S'?

Play western style!

"I see." Diarmuid nodded, then smiled again and said, "Then we really need to get close, my relationship with your sister Stussy is really good..."

"Master Stuci also mentioned you to me, and asked me to have a good relationship with you." Spandain said with a smile again.

Diarmuid nodded and said nothing more.

It was just on the spur of the moment, coupled with something to tell Spandain, that he was called here. This conversation was indeed a bit unexpected.

There may be places where Spandyne can be used in the future.

After all, later on, when both he and Stucey are in high positions, it will not be convenient for them to meet each other often. Some things can be connected with each other through Spandine...

Seeing that Diarmuid had nothing to say, Spandain gave Diarmuid a wink, started a conversation, talked to Diarmuid for a few more words, and then got up to leave.

Nothing happened after that. After Tu Moling's fleet arrived in the West Sea, they encountered several waves of pirates.

But none of the five lieutenant generals on the Demon Slaying Order is easy to deal with, not to mention such a huge naval fleet, how can these miscellaneous fish in the West Sea be able to provoke them.

When you meet a wave, you will destroy another wave.

Swept all the way out, and within a few days, they were about to arrive in O'Hara.

The island of O'Hara has a strange shape.

There are valleys all around, but in the center of the island, there is a very huge ancient tree. This ancient tree has basically been hollowed out by scholars of all ages and built into a bookstore.

However, this tree is full of vitality and shows no signs of dying.

And this tree is one of the brilliance of human civilization - the tree of omniscience!

"The tree of omniscience... It seems that a warship can't hold these books." Diarmuid stood on the deck with some emotion, looking at the island of O'Hara that appeared on the sea level in the distance.

After a few words of emotion, his eyes straightened, and he held the phone in his hand and said: "The whole army obeys the order and forms a scattered formation to seal off the sea area around O'Hara, and no entry or exit is allowed! At the same time, isolate O'Hara Island!" .

Chapter 123 As long as you face it bravely, Ollie will give it to you! ! !

The tree of omniscience, many scholars are doing daily knowledge research.

Dr. Clover looked at the phone bug in his hand, and tried to call again, but no one answered.

This phone bug is Nicole.Olbia's.

It's been a while since she lost touch with Dr. Clover.

This kind of thing is normal. Dr. Clover knows what Olbia is going to do, and naturally knows what kind of danger she will encounter outside.

For so many years, many scholars have died in the fate of finding the main text of history.

If something happened to Olbia, it would actually be normal.

But for some reason, Dr. Clover felt something was wrong these days, something dangerous.

But where did this danger come from, he could never find a trace.

Will it be Olbia?

Probably not.

"Olbia is impossible to betray." Dr. Clover whispered softly.

As soon as his voice fell, a little guy rushed into the tree of omniscience. The little guy was very cute, with long dark hair and big eyes, he looked very cute and sensible. "Robin." Dr. Clover was stunned, and then greeted, "Why are you here?"

"Doctor, there are many warships outside, surrounding the island. I heard from the people at the port that they might be here to arrest us." Robin said with some concern.

"Arrest us?" Dr. Clover's eyes flashed with worry, and then he smiled and said, "Even if you want to arrest us, you must arrest adults like us, Robin, you must remember that you must never tell the outside world, you are already a I am a famous scholar, do you know?" "Why? I have already passed the scholar's exam!" Robin asked dissatisfied.

"Because you are the seed we left behind, you are O'Hara's hope, Robin, this time the world government may have really discovered something, and it won't let us go... You are still so young, as long as you don't Say, no one will know that you are a scholar, so that our will can be passed on." Dr. Clover squatted on the ground, reached out and rubbed Robin's head, and said with a smile.

At this moment, the door of the Tree of Omniscience was kicked open, and then several members of CP-9 walked in with guns in their hands, behaving extremely rudely.

Dr. Clover stood up, protected Robin behind him, and scolded with a gloomy expression: "Don't be too rude, the knowledge preserved here is wealth that you can't even imagine!" As soon as Dr. Clover finished speaking, Another person walked in, wearing a black suit, a coat draped over his shoulders, and a hyena-like smile on his face.

Commander of CP-9.Spandine enters.

"Hahahaha, Dr. Clover, I have known you for a long time." Spandain laughed and walked in.

After finishing speaking, he ignored Dr. Clover, and instead said to the CP members behind him: "What are you still doing in a daze? Can't you hear Lieutenant General Diarmuid's order? Collect all the books and knowledge in the Tree of Omniscience Take it away and send it to the warship!"

Dr. Clover was shocked when he heard this, and said, "Stop! What are you going to do?"

On the other side, Spandain also kicked a CP member on the ass, and cursed angrily: "Handle with care, Lieutenant General Diarmuid cherishes these things very much, don't be too rude, break them One book, I want your life!"

"Yes, Lord Spandine!" The CP member quickly responded.

He knew that Spandain would really kill people!

After finishing speaking, Spandain looked at the distraught Dr. Clover, and said with a smile: "Doctor, what happened to you O'Hara happened. Studying the text of history is a felony..."

"What historical text?" Dr. Clover pretended not to understand.

"Hehehe, there's no need to pretend, Nicole. Olbia has already explained everything. Speaking of which, in the past six years, we have been searching for those exploration fleets on the sea, and we will always find information about you O'Hara. The clues, but every time, you have been fooled by cunning, and now, we have finally seized the opportunity." Spandain said with a grin.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Nicole. Who is Olbia?" Dr. Clover was startled, but said calmly.

He simply did not believe that someone like Olbia would betray O'Hara.

"Did you catch my mother?" Robin suddenly asked excitedly.

Dr. Clover was stunned for a moment, then looked down at Robin, but didn't know what to say for a moment.

He didn't want to blame Robin. In fact, he also knew that many things were inevitable when people from the world government appeared here.

And Robin would say the wrong thing because she is only an eight-year-old child. Even though she is smart enough to become a scholar, her mind is still immature. "Hahahaha..." Spandain laughed loudly, looked at Robin and said, "Are you Olbia's daughter? Come here!" "Robin!" Dr. Clover protected Robin, and then looked To Spandain said: "She is still a child."

"I know better than you!" Spandain unceremoniously yelled at Dr. Clover, and then said: "Lieutenant General Diarmuid said, Nicole Olbia has made a report, and the navy has agreed to protect her My daughter, I was here to protect this little girl."

Dr. Clover was stupid, he clearly believed that Olbia would not betray O'Hara.

But seeing the person in front of him being familiar with Robin and Olbia, he was slightly shaken in his heart.

But things have come to this, there is nothing to think about, the navy is willing to shelter Robin, that would be the best, in this way, Robin will be safe.

O'Hara, and the future.

"Perhaps, Olbia is also for O'Hara's future, temporarily..." Dr. Clover thought in his heart.

Maybe it's unavoidable, the world government has confirmed O'Hara's crime, so Olbia chose to betray O'Hara, save her life, and endure the humiliation. …After all, she didn't know that Robin was already a scholar, and if she were to perish with O'Hara, everything would be over.

Robin still didn't understand what was going on, and stood behind Dr. Clover hesitantly.After recovering, Dr. Clover raised his hand and said, "Go, Robin."

At this moment, several CP members gathered behind Spandine and said, "Sir, we found a piece of historical text and related translations under the Tree of Omniscience..."

Dr. Clover's face changed, but he didn't speak.

Spandain had a wild smile on his lips and said: "The evidence is conclusive, doctor, you are indeed studying the forbidden history..."

"History is the wealth of all mankind..." Dr. Clover said solemnly.

"Perhaps." Spandain shrugged indifferently, and then continued: "But the 100 years of blankness is forbidden by the world government to be studied, but you O'Hara, you always don't take it seriously. Ah, but it's okay, everything ends here..."

As soon as Spandain finished speaking, Dr. Clover's expression suddenly changed: "You want O'Hara..."

"That's right, the whole of O'Hara will be destroyed. The Navy's Slaughtering Order fleet is just outside. Take a look at this..." Spandain took out the golden phone worm and said, "With you You should know what it is?" "The Demon Slayer Token... the golden phone bug." Dr. Clover said.

"As long as I activate this phone bug, the whole of O'Hara will disappear into the sea. Destroying your so-called archaeological holy land should be able to let the rest of the world's eager scholars know that studying the text of history will be a What kind of end will it be?" Spandain smiled evilly.

"The knowledge O'Hara possesses..." Dr. Clover wanted to say something.

"Don't worry, I've said it all, Lieutenant General Diarmuid cherishes these common treasures of mankind in his heart, so I will talk so much nonsense with you before these books are moved away, otherwise I would have activated the Demon Slaughter Order long ago, you guys These scholars will all die, but O'Hara's knowledge will continue to exist, don't worry." Spandain immediately interrupted Dr. Clover's words.

Dr. Clover looked at the people from the CP agency, who were quickly moving all the books in the Tree of Omniscience, and he didn't stop or ask any more questions after all.

Seeing this, Spandain didn't continue to tease the doctor anymore, and raised his hand and said, "Snatch all the scholars and related members on the island, and drive all irrelevant people to the refuge ship." "Yes, sir." The CP member responded quickly.

Soon, the whole of O'Hara was in chaos, and Robin seemed to want to say something, but Spandain didn't give her this chance at all, and someone took her away and sent her to the warship in the port.

Seeing the books being shipped out one after another, Spandain raised his hand again, telling everyone around him to step back.

He is going to report the situation to Wu Laoxing.

But at this moment, Dr. Clover said: "Before I die, please let me have a few words with Wulaoxing." Spandain glanced at Dr. Clover, but did not speak, but instead contacted him on his own Played five old stars.

After a while, the phone bug answered, and Spandain quickly reported the news. "Really? Is that so?"

"Yes, the evidence has been conclusive, and it is definitely a capital crime, just waiting for your order." Spandain said into the phone.

"That's really a pity...we can't let 540 just watch O'Hara trample on the law and ignore it." Wu Laoxing said softly.At this moment, Dr. Clover suddenly interjected: "That's enough, Wu Laoxing, don't be so bureaucratic..." "Hey! You bastard, why are you talking to the highest official?" In a hurry.

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