As a result, it took half a year for the two hundred K6-class main fleet to arrive even with the long-distance jump technology.

With a burst of space fluctuations.

A full K6 fleet suddenly appeared in the void.

Chen Ye was located in the main control room, and immediately observed the surrounding environment when the fleet transition ended and appeared.

"Sir, no Zerg soldiers were found."

"Go to the nearby planetary system and settle down first, and then send a scout ship to find the Zerg lair."

a few hours later.

This full fleet slowly landed on a khaki planet.

"Sir, at the bottom of this planet, life fluctuations were found."

At this moment, the Fleet Brain suddenly prompted and issued an emergency alarm.

Chen Ye focused his gaze, "Everyone is ready to fight, the inside of this planet is likely to be Zerg."

Under the action of anti-gravity waves.

A fleet of [-] ships immediately launched into the sky.

It was just as they lifted off three to forty meters from the ground.

A huge beetle suddenly emerged from the ground and almost touched the bottom metal plate of the spaceship.

However, although not encountered.

But from the beetle's mouth, a stream of green corrosive liquid was violently ejected.

Fortunately, the speed of the spacecraft's ascent was too fast.

Still a little bit.

"All concentrated fire attack."

"Don't let it get away."

Chen Ye just finished speaking.

The [-] warships that had already been ready for battle immediately turned their guns to aim at the Zerg soldier.

next second.

The space attack arrives in a blink of an eye...  

This huge beetle turned into an extremely small pile of minced meat in the blink of an eye.

This is an underground tunnel worm, with a hill-like body and a hard carapace.

Able to spray corrosive liquid that can melt steel.

the most important is.

Refer to the information sent by the superior.

There are underground tunnel worms.

Then, there are likely to be brain worms on this planet.

The cerebrate can be regarded as the basic commander role of the Zerg army.

So to speak.

This is likely to be a command base for the Zerg.

"Leave this planet immediately, quick!"

Chen Ye suddenly thought of something and hurriedly shouted.

The next moment, the entire fleet started all engines and rushed towards outer space.

"Sir, it is expected to rush out of this planet in 3 minutes."

Only then did Chen Ye heave a sigh of relief.

Cerebrates are capable of mental attacks.

For all commanders of this fleet, it will be fatal.

Only stay away.


Before that, a scout ship should be sent to the planet to detect it.

Chen Ye regretted his carelessness.

Fortunately, no damage was done.

Immediately afterwards, he wanted to report the information about the presence of brain worms on this planet to his superiors.

"Check to see if you can communicate with the superior."

Chen Ye didn't know which fleets he was the first to arrive.

I don't know if the superior is far away from me.

If there is no cerebrum, he doesn't need to report it, 2.6 can directly smash the planet.

But the existence of brain worms.

Maybe there is a chance to learn the location information of the queen from it.

"Sir, the information that there are brain worms here has been uploaded."

The improvement of brain made Chen Ye look relaxed.

"Surround this planet and I will capture it alive."

"Send unmanned warships down to clean up those underground tunnel worms."

"In addition, send ten thousand small scout ships to scatter from the surroundings based on our location, and it will definitely request the Zerg to come to support."

"We're going to fight for aid today."

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