Seeing the complex expression on his mother's face, Ye Yu muttered to himself.

"The rest will be explained slowly later, let's talk about it now after leaving here."

Faced with his proposal, the others naturally have no meaning.

Tong Gucui pulled away her daughter who was attached to Ye Yu, and a group of five hurried back along the path they came from.

It's just that before walking far, Tong Gucui, who was holding her daughter's hand, couldn't hold back her curiosity, and looked towards her with a vaguely excited expression on her face.

"Ye Yu Ye Yu, are you the kind of superpower that often appears in novels and TV? The samurai sword that suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared just now, is it your ability? Space ability? Teleportation ability? Or making and summoning weapons? Ability?"


Turning his head, looking at the rare excitement and curiosity on Tong Gucui's mature face, Ye Yu was speechless:

So, is Suguha's mother such a persona?How did I not find out before.

"Although there are some differences, there is nothing wrong with treating me as a superpower. As for what my ability is... just like what you think, Aunt Cui, it is the ability to summon the knife just now from other places .”

While watching the dynamics of the "sixth order" on the system map, Ye Yu answered Kiritani Sakiko's curiosity in this way.

For something as critical as the system, he wasn't mentally retarded enough to tell the average people around him.

Otherwise, not only will it bring trouble to himself, but it may also bring danger to ordinary people like Kiritani Tsui, Nangong Yasuko, and Kiritani Suguha.

Hostages, coercion, and intimidation are common practices no matter in which era or country. There is a saying between human beings that "people who are not my race must have different hearts", let alone demons, Fallen angels, gods, and Buddhas are all inhuman species.

"Hey~~ It's really like this!"

Fortunately, there was a little excitement on Tong Gucui's face, as if he had got some novel toy, and he didn't question his statement at all.

After walking for less than 2 minutes, Ye Yu looked at the "sixth order" on the system map, stayed next to the corpse of the lost demon for a few seconds, and then quickly approached the position of his group.

"Wait a minute, someone is coming."

After paying attention to this scene, Ye Yu stopped and turned to look at the place where everyone had passed before and the direction of the person who came.

"...Xiao Yeyu, is it really a human this time?" Nangong Taizi consciously stood behind him, frowning and wondering.

"It should, right? I have come here safely for more than 20 years, how could it be so unlucky." The expression on Tong Gucui's face was a little stiff, obviously not confident.

"It's okay~ Anyway, Oni-chan will take care of it."

On the contrary, Kiritani Suguha didn't care about it, and had great trust in Ye Yu, the elder brother of the "superpower".

"I'm not sure if it's a human, but it's definitely not the mindless monster just now."

After saying something lightly, Ye Yu re-summoned Bafang to hold it in his right hand, and walked towards the position of "sixth order".

Even if the comer is not kind and a fight needs to happen, keep the battlefield away from Aisha and others.

After a while, a tall, plump woman with blond hip-length hair entered his field of vision.

"Who are you?" After putting on a vigilant posture, Ye Yu asked directly into the sky blue pupils of the visitor.

The blond beauty glanced at his vigilant posture and the eighth room in his hand. Although her brows were slightly frowned, she did not evade his questioning.

"Member of the Gray Mage Guild, a subordinate of Mephisto Phellerus, Lavinia Renee."


Hearing the person's self-introduction, Ye Yu remained calm on the surface, but his heart moved slightly, recalling a certain woman who had a close relationship with Wall-E.

Blonde hair and blue eyes, plump figure, member of the Association of Gray Mage, subordinate of the great devil, all seem to be right.

"Did you kill that lost demon just now?"

After introducing herself, the blond beauty looked at him and asked.


Nodding his head, Ye Yu didn't intend to hide this matter.

Call ~

After hearing his affirmative answer, Lavinia was obviously relieved, as if she had let go of her worries.

"In the place under my jurisdiction, such a thing happened. It was my manager's mistake. Please allow me to apologize to you."

After sincerely apologizing, Lavinia straightened her body, then slowly bent towards him and bowed deeply.

Even though she was tightly wrapped in an OL outfit, Lavinia's overly plump figure could not be concealed, which deeply attracted Ye Yu's attention.

"Fortunately, because of your presence, there was no major accident. Otherwise, as a manager, I cannot shirk the blame, and I will definitely be held accountable by Lord Mephisto."

"Since you also know this, then it should be okay to do me a little favor?" Ye Yu said lightly, staring at the parts of Lavinia's body that are rich in gravitation.

"...As long as it's not too demanding, I think it should be fine."

"Don't worry, I know how to measure." Moving his gaze upwards, Ye Yu took Bafang back into the system space and looked directly into Lavinia's eyes, "You just need to protect me for the few minutes I'm away. Mother and the others can do it, this should not be considered a hardship for you, a user of the God Extinguisher, right?"

"If that's the only way, then of course there's no problem."

Fortunately, it is not a requirement of H...

Lavinia quietly relaxed a little.

As for Ye Yu's previous gaze, she, who is already very strong, naturally noticed it, so when she heard Ye Yu's "request", she subconsciously thought of the coercion and training plots in some comics, so she could answer Hesitant.

However, it turned out that she had made up too much of her own brain.

"Then come with me."

Staring at the "fourth order" that was slowly going away on the system map, Ye Yu turned around first and walked back.


The blond-haired OL beauty responded softly, followed by...

Ps: The picture is of Lavinia Renee, Walita's step-sister, it was blown up when I didn't say it

Chapter 22 21 Second kill Diodora!

"She is the manager of this place, and because she noticed the Lost Demon just now, she hurried over."

Ignoring the surprised, helpless, hostile, or resentful gazes of Nangong Taizi and others, Ye Yu introduced calmly.

Let alone the surprised and helpless gazes of the two elders, Suguha, what are you doing hostile to her, a little loli?Aisha, did you, the tour guide, make a mistake about your position?

But in his heart, he secretly complained about the reactions of the girls.

"Hello, my name is Lavinia Renee, and I am the administrator of this area. It was our mistake that we failed to find the Lost Demon in time. I am very sorry for causing you bad memories."

After speaking sincerely, Lavinia bowed deeply towards Nangong Yasuko and the others in front of her with an apologetic face, without any scruples about her status as a "manager".

However, this action of hers had a slightly higher impact on a certain girl.

Woo~ completely, nothing compares to...

Eyes fixed on Lavinia's unusually conspicuous position, Aisha lowered her head and saw the ground under her feet without hindrance, and couldn't help but feel an urge to burst into tears.

"Miss Lavinia... is that right? Get up, get up." The blond-haired Yasuko Nangong showed a slightly surprised expression, and quickly stepped forward to help Lavinia up, "We're all fine, aren't we?" Is it? As long as the person is fine, nothing else matters, as the manager, Miss Lavinia, just pay attention next time, there is no need to apologize to us."

For Nangong Yasuko, he has no idea what the identity of the "manager" who manages and loses the demons is.

And seeing a government official bend down to apologize to ordinary people like herself, how can Nangong Taizi, an ordinary person who has never seen anything in the world, be so calm?

"Yes, Miss Lavinia, you are too polite."

Tong Gucui on the side also agreed.

Lavinia, who was helped up, looked at Ye Yu on the left, and nodded without a trace.

Ye Yu gestured OK to the blond beauty, turned around, and chased after the "fourth order" on the system map that was almost out of range.

As for his disappearance, the three daughters Nangong Yasuko, Kiritani Suguha, and Kiritani Cui didn't notice anything, and the only one who knew - Aisha also chose to remain silent because she noticed the communication between Ye Yu and Lavinia... ····

The seventh-level one is Wally's sister, and she is not behind the scenes. Then this fourth-level guy should be the "adult" in the mouth of the lost demon.

Staring at the "fourth-level luck" that he quickly approached on the system map, Ye Yu thought so.

Before, because he didn't know the location of the mastermind behind the scenes, and he didn't know the time-stop range of the "world", Ye Yu didn't take it out to deal with the lost demon. He was worried that he would be discovered by this guy, which would cause him to be vigilant, and even directly Move away.

Now it seems that that guy either has confidence in his strength, or he didn't expect to be discovered.

At a distance of more than 2000 meters, under Ye Yu's full speed, in less than a minute, he had already seen the man in the white robe not far away.

Glancing at the empty environment around him, he had no other worries, and shouted at the devil in a bad tone:

"Hey, that demon in front!"

"En?" Probably didn't expect to be discovered, when the demon turned around, the expression on his face was very surprised, "Sir, are you calling me?"

And the moment he saw that person's appearance, Ye Yu suddenly understood the cause and effect of this series of events:

That's how it is. Seeing Aisha with us, I feel embarrassed to take action directly, so I want the Lost Demon to kill us irrelevant people, so a hero will save the beauty in the end... It's a pity that the plan was disrupted by me The latter were completely shattered.

"Theodora Astarte, it's you."

Looking at the slightly surprised squinting eyes not far away, Ye Yu's face suddenly sank.

"In order to get Aisha, you are really unscrupulous."

"Huh? Sir, you probably found the wrong person? I don't know who Aisha is."

Diodora showed a little puzzled expression on his face, as if he wanted to use this reason to fool him, and his words were even more polite, making it impossible to imagine his true nature.

"I have something urgent, so I won't chat with you."

Nodding slightly towards Ye Yu, Diodora turned around with a faint smile and wanted to leave.


Looking at Diodora's seemingly defenseless back, Ye Yu smiled coldly in his heart.

Can you, the next suzerain of the Astarte family, be immune to the time stop of the world?

The right hand holding Bafang was pulled away to the side, and after he made a gesture similar to a hug, the corners of his mouth raised a little, as if mocking.

A golden figure invisible to the naked eye emerged silently behind him.


The invisible and qualityless wave spread, and in just a split second, Diodora, who was more than ten meters away, was engulfed in it.

After that, not only did this invisible fluctuation not converge, but it flew towards a more distant position...

The time is only five seconds for the time being, and there is no specific test on how wide the range is. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it has a radius of at least 1000 meters.

Glancing at the stopped birds in the sky, Ye Yu walked quickly to Diodora's side, and Bafang passed Diodora's neck.

Because time was stopped, Diodora not only didn't notice anything, even a trace of blood didn't overflow from the wound on her neck.

At this time, only 5 seconds have passed since the limit time of 3 seconds.

There are still 2 seconds... When the time stops, will even the system's judgment be delayed?

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and Ye Yu waited for another 3 seconds before the effect of time stop completely disappeared.


The stopped world resumed its flow, and a large head with squinted eyes slowly slid down.

While falling, the smiling expression on Diodora's face even gradually changed into a puzzled expression...

Chapter 23 22 The First Puppet and the First Authority

What's going on, the world is turned upside down... no, it should be my own vision that has changed.

After realizing this, Diodora wanted to stand firm, but he didn't get any feedback from his body.

Accompanied by the constantly falling vision, a sudden severe pain came from the neck, causing him to widen his eyes.


It wasn't until his head fell heavily on the stone pavement below that Diodora noticed the body falling backwards in his sight that his brain realized what had happened:

I was beheaded?when?Who can behead me without my superior demon noticing anything?Wasn't it just me and a mediocre human being around here just now?

The powerful vitality of being a superior demon allowed Diodora to maintain her thinking ability for a period of time even after being beheaded, and was able to think about how she died.

As for the possibility of surviving...

Unless a well-meaning person with "Phoenix Tears" passes by and is willing to take his head back and feed the "Tears", it will be possible.

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