He glanced at Gurefia speechlessly, Ye Yu waved his hand and did not refuse

Although Odin's actions do conform to the "general meaning"

Concealment, but he and Gurefia are not in the "normal sense"

After intercepting Odin's order to the two Valkyries, there is no secret about the other party's purpose.

Gurefia, who got his permission, turned around and led Odin in the direction he came and went.

Odin walked a few steps and found that Baiqiu had no sign of moving, so he immediately turned around and gave him a look, and ordered angrily: "Baiqiu, what do you want to do, you old man thinks you are still young and come with us !"


Odin's order made the corner of Baiqiu's mouth twitch, who wanted to stay and chat with Ye Yu, and had to give up this idea

The figures of Gurefiya, Odin, and Baiqiu gradually drifted away, and Gurefiya's slightly playful voice suddenly sounded in Ye Yu's ear—"Master Ye Yu, please come on!"

Ye Yu:

Chapter 269 240 Sky Shift!The old devil faction who threw themselves into the net (third watch)

My head maid, you are so empathetic and complained about Gurefia's "seller"

In this way, in this secluded corridor where almost no one passed by because the banquet was about to start, only he, Rossweisse, and Brunhilde, the two Valkyries, were left.

"Ding! The second-order 2 luck capture is complete, congratulations to the host for getting the reward: Tears of Phoenix 1"

The fifth-level luck on Odin's body could not be opened for more than a minute, so he had to settle for the next best thing, first to activate the second-level and second-level luck on Baiqiu, and ended up spending ten days ago on Sierra "Tears of Phoenix" on Auger

It's just a supplement, so naturally I'm not satisfied

"Valkyrie Roseweather, and Valkyrie Brunhilde"

Withdrawing his gaze from the corner where Gurefia disappeared, Ye Yu looked at the two somewhat reserved girls not far away, with a teasing smile in his tone: "Listen to Odin, you two are right I’m curious, why don’t you tell me, as long as it’s not a matter of privacy, I’ll satisfy your curiosity.”

Although Odin's order to Rossweisse and the others was to "get involved"

, "It's better to have a relationship"

, but according to Ye Yu's point of view, whether the two Valkyries are willing to dedicate themselves or not has to be considered separately.

, discarding all

And if, with an almost zero possibility of actually happening, Roseweizer and Brunhilde agreed to Odin's order and prepared to sacrifice themselves, Ye Yu would actually keep them both at a respectful distance.

After all, who knows what kind of ghosts two such women will become for the Valhalla Gods?

Brynhildr and Roseweizer exchanged glances, and in the end, the older Brynhildr said, "This is it."

The blue-haired girl stretched out a finger that was as bright as white jade, and pointed in the direction where Odin disappeared, showing a helpless and apologetic expression towards Ye Yu

"It was just Mr. Odin talking to himself, Mr. Ye Yu, please don't take it to heart."

Obviously, Odin, the main god, said "for the Nordics"

, not strong enough to make the two of them abandon themselves

"That's right, that bastard old man, what nonsense is he talking about again?"

Rossweisse muttered softly, complaining about Odin

Rossweisse is Tier 4, Brunhilde did not lead the two girls to the venue from another direction, Ye Yu glanced over the heads of the two, feeling a little pity in his heart

"Ding! The fourth-order 4 luck capture starts, and the remaining time is 3 minutes

This task: personally capture Roseweizer's original fat times"

The system, you old pervert, cursed secretly, Ye Yu directly ignored the second half of the system's sentence

The cheating task of the system, from the beginning to now, has been a big or small problem

"Judging from your tone, it seems that Odin, the main god, is a little dissatisfied. Would you mind telling me the story?"

Walking on Rossweisse's left, Ye Yu looked at the two girls with a warm smile on his face and asked

"No problem at all!"

Hearing that Ye Yu was curious about the past of Odin, the main god, Rossweisse was taken aback, but agreed without hesitation.

For the sake of Northern Europe, for the sake of Valhalla, Lord Odin, you will forgive me for telling the truth, right? This is also for you to explain our mission. For the truth that I will tell next, Ross Weiser has no guilt at all, as if Some couldn't wait to talk to Ye Yu: "Mr. Ye Yu, let me tell you, Mr. Odin"

Listening to Rossweisse's narration, answering a few irrelevant questions from time to time, Ye Yu suddenly noticed two silver "5"s appearing on the system map

At this point in time, there was no fluctuation on the surface of the beautiful monkey, and Ye Yu silently unfolded his knowledge and arrogance, and put the two "5"s a few kilometers away.

His appearance came into view: one with dark purple hair, one with brown hair, two male demons

It was Sherpa Beelzebub and Kruzerai Asmodeus who had met him once but had not been found by him since he fled, two members of the disaster of the old devil faction, and the "betrayers" of the demon clan "

It is worth mentioning that: Kruzelle has been pursuing Cadileya, but has never received a response, and now Cadileya has been completely reduced to Ye Yu's big toy haha, when looking for Cao Cao and the others I haven't bumped into you all the time, but now it's really interesting that I've thrown myself into the trap. "Rossweisse, Brunhilde, I found two uninvited guests outside the venue. Do you want to go to the venue first? I guess The banquet to welcome you has begun."

Going to "greet"

The two Ye Yu looked at the two girls beside him, and asked in a calm tone

And at this time, the capture time of Tier 4 and [-] Luck above Rossweisse's head happened to return to zero.

"Ding! Tier 4 and [-] Luck capture completed, congratulations to the host for getting the reward: Sky Shift"

"Sky Shift: One of the abilities of the Flügel, it can move freely between places that have been there before and within sight, and only need to consume a very small amount of elves

Since there is no 'elf' in the body of the host, mana is automatically consumed when using Skyshift"

Hmm, the displacement skills of space transfer are finally here! Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Ye Yu was overjoyed

The appearance of Tianyi finally made up for his lack of ability of space transfer

Although the teleportation magic circle of Devil High School is not very demanding, it is not such a convenient ability. Delay in activation is one thing, and the transfer location needs to be marked

For example, the magic circle of the Mystic Research Institute, the small leaflets distributed by familiars, etc.

"Is an uninvited guest a trespasser?"

Rossweisse put on a serious look, and quickly entered the state

"There are dignitaries of various races at the venue, it doesn't matter if the two of us don't go"

Facing Ye Yu's inquiry, Brunhilde shook his head calmly, and watched him speak softly: "Compared with the venue, those two uninvited guests are more worthy of our vigilance, if they are enemies , then we have to get rid of it as soon as possible, and we can't let them come in to make trouble."

During the conversation, the responses of Rossweisse and Brunhilde were obvious

"In that case, I'll take you there"

When he made a wrong step, he put his hands on the shoulders of the two women's doubtful eyes, and his brown pupils instantly turned into mysterious pupils of all things. His eyes passed through the walls, and he saw the two demons. figure

Chapter 270 241 Tomatoes Explode, Then Open the Fifth Level of Luck (Fourth Update)

One of the abilities fused into [Pupil of Everything] [Pupil of Sodom] has the ability to penetrate obstacles such as walls, land, trees, etc. After the fusion, this ability is not only not harmonized, but enhanced quite a lot

That's why he didn't fall into the embarrassing situation where he had to walk out of the hotel and see Kruzelle and the others before he could transfer space.

Otherwise, it would be more than embarrassing, it would be like a fool showing off his new toy. Because of the previous communication, Rossweisse and Brunhilde had already spoken politely to Ye Yu, was handsome, and revealed everywhere The mysterious and wise human teenagers have developed a faint trust and affection, coupled with "bring you there"

That's why the two of them didn't have any special reaction to Ye Yu's actions.

At most, it's just the difference in the duration of the shy expression

The moment Ye Yu's palm touched their shoulders, the spacious and luxurious hotel layout in the eyes of the two women suddenly disappeared, transforming into a picture of the summer night sky

At the end of the two women's line of sight, there is a super hotel located on the edge of the forest, with multi-colored lights flashing on the outer edge of the wall, and a height of nearly [-] meters. It is the building where the two of them were just now.

"Mr. Ye Yu, the ability to transfer space, is worthy of you"

The surprise in his eyes flashed past, and Brunhilde quickly adjusted his mentality and facial expression, looked at the black-haired girl who pulled back, and said with a sigh

Thinking that this is a human being who can make Lucifer surrender, Brunhilde suddenly felt: This is a normal phenomenon, "Small meaning, small meaning"

Politely returned a smile, Ye Yu didn't explain too much

Since the location of the transfer was the roof of an apartment building outside the hotel, Rossweisse stood on the edge and glanced down for a moment, and found that there were demons, half-demons, and humans everywhere, and it was completely impossible to tell which was the enemy and which was the passer-by.

Because [Sky Shift] itself only needs very little magic power, and the surrounding environment is full of magic power, the space shift of the three of them was not noticed by Kruzelei and Sherpa hundreds of meters away

"Mr. Ye Yu, where are you talking about the enemy?"

Putting on the silver-white battle attire, Rossweisse turned to look at the two still with a serious expression on her face: the man and woman who were talking and laughing, they looked like a dutiful straight girl of steel

Obviously what Ye Yu said before was "an uninvited guest"

, in Rossweisse's understanding, it automatically becomes an "enemy"

, I don’t know if it’s Valkyrie’s educational relationship, or her own consciousness relationship

Walking up to Rossweisse and standing side by side, Ye Yu looked below, and soon found the two flamboyant demons in capes and coats

"Here, it's those two demons walking towards the hotel with a cape on their bodies"

On the left is Rossweisse with a solemn face, and on the right is Brünhilde with a calm face and slightly serious eyes. Ye Yu pointed to the two figures below, and explained unhurriedly: "The one with the purple hair is Ke Lu Zelei Asmodeus, the brown-haired one is Sherpa Beelzebub, both of them are rebels of the demon family now, it’s okay to kill them directly, it’s up to you or "

Woo-woo-after hearing "It's okay to kill"

After these words, the Valkyrie no longer paid attention to his subsequent explanation, and directly set off two piercing sounds, slashing towards the two demons below

It’s fine with Roseweizer who is a fighting style, thinking that Brunhilde, who was calm until just now, would be so impatient. Follow the second daughter and keep the straight-line distance from them within 100 meters

"Sherpa Beelzebub, Kruzerai Asmodeus, rebels in the underworld, thieves who want to attack Valhalla, your time of death has arrived!"

A colorful magic phalanx flashed in the sky, and Roseweizer immediately launched her housekeeping skill of washing the ground with light cannons, seemingly completely oblivious to the irrelevant demons around her

However, in fact, when Roseweather is not drunk but fully conscious, she has the ability to control the magic power and scope of the magic she releases, and has the confidence that it will not affect innocent people

Beside Rossweisse, Brunhilde is holding a spear, and he has no intention of reminding

"Really, I still need to set up the battlefield, can these two Valkyries save me some trouble?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Ye Yu took out the golden sword, and dragged Rossweisse, Brunhilde, Sherpa, and Kruzelley, who were about to fight, into a different space together.

Boom! Boom——"Damn it! How could we be discovered by Valkyrie? Isn't it a completely covert operation!"

"how could I know!"

The Sherpas and Kruzelei who had rushed to the battle quickly fell into a disadvantage. While communicating, they glanced at the surrounding environment, stepped back and blocked at the same time, dodging the fierce attack of the two Valkyrie

See two "5"

Unlike the scene of being defeated, Ye Yu just raised his mind a little to avoid losing the reward, and then silently watched the battle between the two sides

Under the influence of [Psychological Mastery], Sherpa and Kruzellei completely ignored his existence, and regarded this sword world as a means for the two Valkyrie

And under the circumstances that only he himself knew, the manipulation ability of [Psychological Mastery] had quietly invaded the minds of the two demons, waiting for Roseweisse and Brunhilde to be defeated, or about to win, Ye Yu It will harvest the lives of Sherpa and Kruzelei, and take two fifth-level luck

Sherpa and Kruzellei, who are the strongest demons themselves, got the "snake"

After being enhanced, it has reached the level of the devil

In contrast, although Roseweizer and Brunhilde are the two most outstanding Valkyries, they are still a little bit behind.

No, it should be that Roseweizer is the only one who is not up to par.

Even Sherpas use "snake"

Afterwards, Brunhilde was also able to fight against him, and even had a slight upper hand

But that's all

For the battle on Roseweisse's side, Brunhilde has absolutely no ability to support it.

Within a few minutes, Rossweisse had become: only the ability to parry and defend was left, and completely lost the "kill you" at the beginning


As expected of the captain of the women's old warriors and young goddesses, their strength is different

"Hahaha! What Valkyrie, you only have such a little strength!"

While counter-bombing Rossweisse, Kruzellei's arrogant voice even reached his ears

The seemingly similar scene made him secretly speechless: It really is a reincarnation! His eyes were fixed on Kruzellei who spread his bat wings, Ye Yu slowly raised his right hand, and slowly clenched it towards Kruzellei— —Boom! In the distant sky, the tomatoes suddenly exploded

"Ding! The fifth-order luck capture is complete, congratulations to the host for getting the reward"

Chapter 271 242 Different World Portal!Evil spirit haunts! (one more)

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