"But if that's not the case, why would Master Master help her?"

Raising her right hand and pointing at Emilia, Shaula tilted her head sideways, her doubts were not concealed in her tone

"If you want to help, you can help, there are so many things"

Raising his free left hand and tapping lightly on the top of Shaula's head, Ye Yu spoke helplessly.

"Oh oh oh"

Nodding, after Shaula got this explanation, she didn't continue to pester

On the contrary, I heard the conversation with Emilia, her cheeks were slightly puffed up and blushed

"You heard what you said"

I don't know if I understood the meaning of their words, Emilia's expression was three points shy, seven points angry, her purple pupils opened a little bit and stared at Ye Yu

"Although I know that I have only known Ye Yu for less than a day, and my feelings are indeed lacking. I am also very grateful to see that elf and help calm down, but it is not a bit too much to say such things in front of a girl."

So the reason for anger is not what Shaula said, but because he said that he is not in good shape. Looking at that goblin, dissatisfaction appeared on his generally delicate face, Ye Yu couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. Kalaragi teleported back to the mansion of the Counties of Mezas

"Master Ye Yu, you are back"

In front of the steps at the entrance of the mansion, the blue short-haired maid seemed to have been waiting for a long time. The group of people had just appeared when they heard this calm greeting

Looking at the reputation, the blue-haired maid just got up from the bowed greeting ceremony, her big blue eyes ignored Emilia and the others, and she stared blankly at Ye Yu, who was holding Beatrice in her right hand.

"Master Ye Yu, Rem and Ram have already packed their belongings, and they can leave with you at any time."

"Ah, I almost forgot about this, Rem and Ram$$ have :+:+ resigned from Roswaal, that means: From now on, only Frederica will be left in the mansion a maid"

Hearing what Rem said, Emilia showed a look of sudden realization, and looked at Rem with a faint look of reluctance.

"Because it interfered with the past, did the revision of the world line affect Emilia's memory?" Ye Yu looked at Beatrice, Shaula didn't have a strange expression on her face, and thought to herself

"Those years of hard work"

Knowing the general reason why Rem $$ did this, Ye Yu looked at those deep blue eyes revealing excitement and excitement, and said softly: "From now on, you and Ram will be exclusive maids."

: After all, I’m just passing through the world. Even if the twin maids are temporarily placed in the newly bought mansion in Kalaragi, it’s only temporary. When +:%:%+:%:% leaves, the twin sisters will also be placed $$$ $ Ask the world three times at the end of the day, and release it when you reach the next world

"Master Ye Yu"

Blue-haired $$ghost girl smiling like a flower Night, Kararaki, and Ye Yu just bought it today, and it's manifested in a luxurious castle

Dressed in a maid outfit, a pink-haired ghost girl came to Ye Yu with a little blush on her face.


", ram in"

Didn't say anything, what a shy thought, Ye Yu turned his palm over, and a small crystal clear white horn appeared in the palm of his hand

That, a long time ago, got one of the props: Ram Corner:

"give something nice"

Deliberately showing an evil smile, Ye Yu stretched out his hand and pressed it forward, touching the small corner between Ram's eyebrows

The buzz is not too strong, but it carries a clear magical wind, spreading rapidly from the center of the castle.

Chapter 475 447 Angry if? (two more)

Under Ye Yu's movements, there was a shining white light [Ram Angle:], which perfectly fit in the middle of the forehead of the pink-haired ghost girl, and gradually grew.

From the beginning of five or six,, centimeters, it grew to nearly twenty centimeters in a few seconds+




Accompanied by waves of whale-like buzzing, mana filled the atmosphere, and the horns on Ram's forehead crazily poured into the girl's body.

Just like a land with rain after a long drought, the Taklamakan Desert encountered a once-in-a-thousand-year torrential rain. The ghost girl was deeply loved by the world, and she lost her "connector" in $

, after being separated from the world for nearly ten years, today, at last, it has once again received the favor of the world

Even if Ram didn't need to deliberately control it, or if Ram couldn't control it for a while, just after Mana poured into her body, she automatically acted like a wind, caressing the boy's cheek in front of her.

"The strength is second only to Reinhardt and the Witch of Envy. That is to say, now Ram is even better than the Witch of Lust and Witch of Laziness. However, it should be when both parties know about each other's ability information." Ye Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, recalling certain settings about Ram in his previous life

If Reinhardt, the top two in the world, fights against the Witch of Envy, then he will be able to hit $ indefinitely. As the author dictates, being the third Ram is not as good as the first two, beating Beatrice, Parker, Cyan Thunder, etc.:::: ::should be fine

After all, the world's third

"Ye, Lord Ye Yu this"

Stretching out his hand to touch the front of the forehead that suddenly appeared, or the organ that had been lost for nearly ten years, Ram's eyes were full of extreme shock and excitement, a lot of blood appeared in the eye sockets, and his tone inevitably trembled

Although due to Ye Yu's interference, the %% Ram corner was lost: there is no need to regularly replenish magic power from the outside world, but there is not even a %% of her strength left, and she can only bully and bully her younger sister, Rem

Besides, no matter whether it is Roswaal, Parker, or Emilia, there is no hornless Rem who can defeat the opponent

Losing the power to protect her sister made Ram very disturbed. Later, with the comfort of the head maid, Ram's anxiety gradually subsided, and now the root cause of her anxiety has disappeared

Moreover, it made the girl's uneasiness disappear completely, and once saved their sisters and benefactors from the hands of the Witch Cultist

"It's too exaggerated to say that the magic power of Mana is ah!"


Not far away, Ye Yu was watching Beatrice, staring at Ram with an excited expression, and said softly:

However, compared with the contractor, there is still a huge gap between heaven and earth. Glancing at Ye Yu with a satisfied smile on her face, Beatrice thought to herself

"Sister's Taste"

Looking down at the direction where the smell came from, Rem remembered that Ye Yu took Ram away from the scene, and immediately let go of needless worries

"I don't know, my lord sister %:%: and Lord Ye Yu, where are the two of them now?"

I don't know what came to mind, Rem's fair face turned slightly red, "This magic power"

Xia Wula was just about to fall asleep in her room, so she naturally wouldn't miss this majestic magical power. After thinking about it for a while, she remembered the source of this magical power breath: "That little ghost, and this transformation Master did it again. what?"

Tilting her head and thinking for a while, Shaula resolutely gave up and continued thinking.

"Forget it, Master must have an idea."

After muttering something in a low voice, the corner of the girl's mouth raised a little, showing an excited smile, and she jumped——poof, lying on the soft bed that she had never experienced before.

"Master is so kind"

before consciousness disappears++


At the last moment, this natural thought flashed through the girl's mind, "Lost horn: how does it feel to grow back? Is there any discomfort?"


Almost without hesitation, Ram looked at Ye Yu and shook his head

"Now Rahm, I feel very good, even better than before losing the horn"

Beatrice is still watching from the side, how about next time? Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the golden red figure not far away. Ram was originally determined, but couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

After all, the age of the body is different, and the horns: It has grown a lot, so I can understand "that's fine"

Nodding his head, Ye Yu didn't think too much, stood up, and wanted to send Ram back to rest

After that, I was deeply confused by Ram's actions


"Master Ye Yu, this is a common idea with Ram, I hope you can make it come true"

Slightly lowering his gaze, and staring at those firm cherry-colored pupils for a few seconds, the corners of Ye Yu's mouth twitched: So, we decided to give it to Ye Yu after five days of his arrival in the world—"Ding!"

"Props [True Fate Sky] detected +


$: new world line, whether the host will go"

Ye Yu frowned when the world line was angry when he heard the words, walking on the snow in the Northland

Chapter 476 448 I am the King of Purge! (one more)

In the fourth reincarnation of the mansion chapter of the original work, the protagonist fails to remember "the twin maid who holds his own hands"

This fact, being sent away by Beatrice to leave the branch line, Cai Yueang won another title different from the arrogant line-King of Purging

And King Qingqing needs to face the ultimate, still the world's own son, Reinhard Van Astrea

It is worth mentioning that on this world line: Rem was driven by Meri to kill Roswaal with a monster. He was killed by the strongest warrior of the Holy Frakian Empire. He had a blue thunder and was the leader of the Nine Gods, also known as Cecils Segmont. Killing Frederica solo turned into the main body of King Purge's slave Parker, who was beheaded by Lai Aotian. Aotian, first he was seriously injured by Celsis in the heads-up and wrote this %%$%%$, and then he was stabbed in the back by Emilia with the ice knife

And Celsis +$$+$$ broke the [Demon Sword Evil Sword Village Rain], [Dream Sword +$+$Dream] in the battle, and escaped from the Lai Aotian Sword and the Dragon Sword Reid

Most importantly, the heroine of that line +$+$ is not Emilia, but Ram, Ram, Ram

Say important things three times

Intimidate and lure, expand power, establish associations, and become king of Qing Dynasty, all in order to obtain enough high-purity magic ore to renew Ram's life

Finally, at the end, I don’t love Milia by the side of the protagonist, and Ram’s long hair is picturesque

Emilia's positioning, probably, is just a cheap, simple, and easy-to-use "tool"

People, can depend on each other poor people "If you choose to go, how long will this world pass after you come back from that world line"

Walking with: +$%:$%:+$%:$% Beatrice and Shaula on the snowfield of the Northern Holy Kingdom, Ye Yu asked the system calmly

In this part of the northern part of the country, continuing to the north for tens of kilometers, there is a building that was once named "Ariol".

vast forest

Of course, besides lifelike ice sculptures, ice trees, and white snow, there is hardly any life there.

As long as you have a little knowledge of human beings and demihumans, they will keep secrets about that piece of permafrost, not to mention searching for the truth, even very few people dare to enter it

Often people who have nowhere to go, or simply desperate people answer systematically, which makes Ye Yu raise his brows, feeling a bit of surprise and surprise: "The relative time elapsed is 0"

This is the first time I encountered a relatively static situation in the original world, and because of the so-called line, I really thought so, and Ye Yu didn't hesitate


As soon as the thought fell, the familiar field of vision reappeared

At the same time, a memory that seemed to be experienced personally appeared in my mind out of thin air.

When the king is ready to deal with Elsa, he will perform two reincarnations, and then three reincarnations. He will perform reincarnation with the help of the praiser, the blue thunder light, etc.

And, to prevent Ram's magic power from weakening and dying from reincarnation "Well, this time seems to be a bit late"

Sitting upright on the throne in the depths of [The Hall of Demons], Ye Yu propped his chin with his right hand, half-squinting his eyes faintly revealing a hint of light and fixed point of helplessness

"More than two years after the anger started, Roswaal was hacked to death by Celsis, Beatrice was sent away, Emilia came with her old father, Frederica became a slave, and it took two months before things

In other words, there is still nearly a year left before Lai Aotian comes over?"

In the line of anger, Lai Aotian met the original protagonist again three years later, this point, I still remember it very much

At this point in time, the two main forces, the blue thunder and the praiser, have been subdued, and the "King of Purging"

Fame has spread to four surrounding 44 countries

"I hope this world online memory won't let Beatrice accept it."

Thinking about having already signed a contract with me, the contract elf suddenly received a memory of being stabbed to death Ye Yu: ++: ++ I feel a headache for a while, needless to say, it must be a very troublesome problem


At this time, the maid of the subhuman race, who was trying to play poison, was trembling when she saw that she should not read the book, so she stopped and walked outside, and turned her head to look at the

But found in horror: the pair of "empty"

Her pupils were staring at her, making her subconsciously hold her breath

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