A golden light penetrated into the body of the blood rage killer.

That golden light burned his soul like karmic fire.


10 minutes later

Tang Sanzan still patiently said: "Study now?"

"I want to kill... ahh!!!"

10 minutes later

"Follow me, Amitabha"


Tang Sanzan still showed a faint smile, but in the next second, a golden light flashed



I don't know how long it took.

The blood rage killer faded away the murderous aura, evil spirit, and blood aura from his body.With a Buddha face, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, holding a Buddhist scripture in his hand, he recited silently.


Blood Rage Killer put down the Buddhist scriptures, took a deep breath, and looked at Tang San Zan in admiration.

He said with great respect: "Amitabha, master, I have enlightened."

Tang Sanzang showed relief, and stroked his non-existent beard.

He said gratifiedly: "That's right, it's good if you have the Buddha's heart. Remember that in the future, you must accumulate virtue and do good deeds, so that you will not be killed again, and you will devote your whole heart to the Buddha, and the cultivation of you by the poor monk will not be in vain."

The Blood Rage Killer immediately kowtowed three times to Tang Sanbu.

"Thank you for the kindness of master's cultivation, the master's teaching, the apprentice must remember it in his heart, and never forget it"

Tang Sanzun patted him on the shoulder, "That disciple can leave on his own."

The blood rage killer picked up the death scythe beside him and got up to leave.

Tang Sanzan showed doubts, "Is this guy just pretending? Wasn't he 'inspired' by the poor monk?"

So he asked, "Are you..."

The Blood Rage Killer was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said

"Master, worry too much. This sickle will be used by the apprentice in the future to cut wheat, harvest crops, and build a better society together."

Tang Sanzan nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, there is progress"

outside world

Zhao Tian on the ring just took a breath and looked at Han Lin with a sinister expression.

"Han Lin, I didn't expect your magic card to be quite strong. It's been a minute now, but seeing that your magic card is a bit crumbling, I guess it can't hold it."


Zhao Tian, ​​who finally managed to get back a round, did not miss a chance to ridicule.

Han Lin looked at him speechlessly, the blood mist around Tang Sanzan was thinning at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How did this guy see that Tang Sanzan is about to fail?"

Seeing his smug look, Han Lin couldn't help but say


"What? What did you say about me?" Zhao Tian didn't hear clearly

Yasuo, who was playing the flute below, said loudly, "Brother Han said you have cerebral palsy and can't understand human speech?"

"You!" Zhao Tiangang wanted to retaliate.

Tang Sanzan in the arena moved, and Tang Sanzan stretched comfortably.

"It's really hard to teach people just now!"

"What! How is it possible!"

Zhao Tian on the ring looked at Tang Sanzan in shock.

"How can you still be alive! Where is my magic card?"

"Your magic card." Tang Sanzan was stunned for a moment, pointing at the Bloodrage Killer on the ground and said: "Isn't it?"

The Bloodrage Killer who had re-condensed his body slowly stood up.

But his image made everyone stunned in place.

Originally Sha Matt's red hair was shaved clean, not a single hair was left.

With a big reflective head on his head, he folded his hands and read the Bible with a Buddha face.

The face that used to be fierce and ferocious has all disappeared.

Muttering to himself, he kept chanting Buddhist scriptures.

"Amitabha, Amitabha..."

Zhao Tian looked at him as if he had been struck by lightning. If it wasn't for the death scythe hanging beside him, he would have almost not recognized that it was the Bloodfury Killer.

Yasuo tugged Tang Sanjian's sleeve and said

"I said master, what did you do to this guy, how did you become like this?"

"This guy wanted to come in to seize the house, but I was dragged into the sea of ​​souls and forced him to surrender to me." Then he said with a little heart tired: "Hey~ It's tiring to teach this stubborn donkey"

"Let's not talk about it, I have to get 5 catties of birdie vodka to relieve my fatigue tonight!"

Yasuo on the side looked at Tang Sanzan with admiration, and slowly put a thumbs up

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