Pieces of rotting flesh and blood were cut layer by layer by the sharp sword aura.

This made everyone outside watch with horror, and even Jiang Wen looked at Yasuo with a frown.

Everyone couldn't help saying: "This... isn't this Ling Chi!"

"Ling Chi for myself, this..." Looking at the rotten flesh on her body being cut off piece by piece.

Many people couldn't bear to look directly and turned off the video.

But everyone looked at Yasuo's expressionless face, and they were extremely admirable.

"This is the sword cultivator, he is really cruel to himself."

"Damn, this wave, no matter what I say, I will brag about King B for the rest of my life!"

"Too much for him!"

"This is a real man!!!"

"Yasuo is awesome!!!"

As the carrion all over his body was cut, Yasuo's body surface was already stained red with blood, which was extremely bloody and terrifying.

But in the next second, new flesh and blood began to grow continuously in these wounds.

Rapid growth visible to the naked eye.


"What the hell is going on! I rely on Yasuo to be a fighter, when did I become a nanny!"

"This recovery speed, even if the support came, I would be ashamed"

There was a slight change in Jiang Wen's calm expression, and the meaning of shock and incomprehension permeated his eyes.

Han Lin smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, I've let you down, the seriously injured Yasuo has recovered now."

Jiang Wen was silent for a long time, but still couldn't help asking

"how did you do that?"

Han Lin smiled mysteriously, "Unspeakable" and thought to himself: "This is the ability that Yasuo can absorb new emotions, and the overflowing energy can restore itself."

Jiang Wen took a deep breath, "If that's the case, let's fight!"

As soon as the words fell, the giant armored beast Yangtian let out a huge roar.

'The roar of war! 'Reduce the enemy's fighting spirit by 60%!

The huge roar seemed to carry all kinds of magical powers, which made people feel extremely frightened after hearing it, and their bodies became weak and unable to fight.

Even through the screen, the low-level people feel a little unstable and look like they are about to fall down at any time.

But in front of Yasuo, Sun Wukong, Tang Sanzhu, these top magic cards.

The skill of this move is a bit weak. This fearful roar has no effect in front of their powerful minds.

The three of them stood there like normal people, only the Zhan Behemoth barked like a silly roe deer.

The scene was once embarrassing...

In the end, Tang Sanzan was so annoyed that he couldn't stand it.

"Amitabha, this little dog barks more annoyingly than my 'Ang Lei You'!"

The tin rod in his hand shook vigorously on the ground, and the tin rod stood firmly in the ground.

Then Tang Sanzan clasped his hands together and silently recited Buddhist scriptures

"Amitabha, Amitabha..."

It was clearly not a very loud voice, but it overwhelmed the roar of the war behemoth and spread to everyone's ears, reaching the soul.

At the beginning, I didn't feel anything, but after a long time, everyone's intuition was buzzing in their ears.

Even if the live broadcast is turned off, "Amitabha, Amitabha" keeps ringing in my mind.

In a short time, hundreds of millions of people in the live broadcast room cried out

"Master, I understand!"

"Mage Three Burial, please accept your supernatural powers!"

"Amitabha, Amitabha..."

Tang Sanzan's chanting was not related to strength, but directly to the soul. After a while, the war beast stopped roaring.

The killing intent in his eyes has also faded a lot, and there is even a trace of a Buddha statue.

Sun Wukong let go of his ears with lingering fear

"Master's Buddhist voice poured into my ears, and it became stronger again..."

Tang Sanzan separated his palms, picked up the tin stick, and said slowly

"This evil animal is finally clean"

Jiang Wen's complexion is very ugly. After all, his skill is to destroy other people's minds. Now the war behemoth is almost not influenced by this monk.

Jiang Wen didn't dare to continue probing, and let out a loud roar


The war behemoths, iron-blooded generals, and Yanlong iron guards launched attacks at the same time.

Han Lin said slowly: "Mage Three Burial, Yasuo, Brother Monkey, I leave it to you."

Tang Sanzan clasped his hands together, "Amitabha, the poor monk has not been active for a long time" and took out a Huazi.

Sun Wukong immediately summoned three real fires and lit them for him.

Then he took out the golden cudgel from his ear and said slowly

"I've been watching Yasuo fight there, my old grandson, I can't wait!"

Before the two of them could react, they directly picked up the golden cudgel and charged forward first.

"Hey! The dog monster who discharges, eats my grandson!"

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