"help me!"

"Patriarch, Immortal, hurry up and save us!"

Seeing the clansmen around them being swallowed into their stomachs one by one, these Wang family children cried out for help in despair.

But no one replied to them.

They could only watch helplessly as one after another their clansmen were eaten by the purple-eyed cloud-winged tiger.

The thousands of civilians who collapsed on the outskirts watched them silently, weeping silently.

No pain, no despair, no fear on their faces...

Only relief!

"Hahaha, heaven has eyes, you dirty bastards are finally going to die!"

"God opened his eyes."

"Brothers and sisters, you can go with peace of mind, the enemy... died, and died a miserable death, everyone can rest in peace..."

After hearing the words of these commoners, the desperate nobles cursed wildly.

"Don't worry, even if we are eaten, you untouchables will not be able to escape. At that time, I will be a companion on Huangquan Road, so that I can tell you how happy it is to kill your relatives again, hahahaha."

"Even if I was eaten, I would have killed hundreds of civilians. It's worth it!"

These aristocrats have long lost their minds, and the words they say are outraged by both humans and gods, but the purple-eyed cloud-winged tiger is like a ruthless god of death, there is no distinction between nobles and humble, he will take the life of whoever is closest to him.

In just a few minutes, more than 100 nobles were swallowed into their stomachs.

Seeing the purple-eyed cloud-winged tiger slowly walking towards him, a fat royal nobleman, pointing insanely at the civilians in the distance.

Shouted loudly: "Don't eat me...the meat of the untouchables over there is more tender...they are as thin as a stick, and the meat on their bodies is lean meat, which is definitely more fragrant than mine. Fat meat is greasy and not tasty!"

His words instantly attracted the glaring glances of countless civilians.

"This dead pig!"

"Bastard, which Sima's human being gave birth to this thing!"

"Damn, go to hell!"

Even the countless nobles in the live broadcast room felt angry at his insane words.

The purple-eyed cloud-winged tiger walked up to him, stopped slowly, looked at him with red eyes, and licked the fat on his neck with his purple-red tongue.

The nobleman was so frightened that he shivered all over.

"Oh~ But I don't like to eat lean meat, I just like to eat fatty meat."

The nobles of the royal family shrank their eyes suddenly, their faces were terrified, and they yelled miserably.

"don't want!!!!"

But as soon as he opened his mouth, there was no sound, because his upper body had been swallowed by the purple-eyed cloud-winged tiger.


The lower body fell limply to the ground, and the blood in the body spurted around like a fountain.


There was silence between heaven and earth.

There was only the sound of the purple-eyed cloud-winged tiger chewing continuously. At this moment, everyone felt fair, and no one could escape in the face of death.

Han Lin, who was floating in the sky, looked here coldly.

"We can't let him continue to eat, otherwise the extra energy he has can activate the Orb of Death and Silence again!" A blond girl in the gourd said solemnly.

"It's okay, no matter how much he eats, he will die later." Han Lin said.

"But master, I don't want you to get hurt again..." Thor put his arms around Han Lin's arms and leaned his head on his shoulders.

Han Lin rubbed her golden hair with his big hands, and said confidently.

"Don't worry, the master has already evolved his life, and his physique is very strong. It will not be easy to hurt me again, and... I don't want to be exposed to the public, this gourd fairy... ...is a good name to hide your identity."

"Life evolution?" Thor was just released by Han Lin, and he didn't know what happened to him in the void. His small nose kept sniffing around him.

Suddenly, he said in amazement: "The exuberant blood in his body is comparable to that of a real dragon, and his spiritual veins are rough and tough..." The small white and tender hands, like jade, kept stroking his faintly golden flesh.

Han Lin pinched her face, pretending to be angry, and said, "How dare you take advantage of the master!"

"No, you have to let me touch it!"

But Thor was not frightened by him, with a sweet and lovely face, he looked at him in surprise.

"Master...how did you do it!"

Han Lin smiled slightly.

"I'll tell you later, we're watching the play quietly now, and it won't be long before we're supposed to play."

"Master, didn't you say that we won't make a move?" Thor was confused.

"No matter how the purple-eyed cloud-winged tiger kills nobles, I will not take action, but..." Han Lin's eyes are firm, "but I will never let him kill a commoner. These commoners supported me when I was the loneliest. , support me, and now they are at the most difficult time, I will never sit idly by."

Han Lin's tone was firm, and his usual unrestrained appearance was full of justice at the moment.

Thor, who was on the side, raised his small head and looked at Han Linshuai's domineering side face, his eyes were full of little stars.

Especially after Han Lin possessed the ancient holy body, the masculine aura emanating from his body attracted Thor all the time.

"Master...so handsome just now..." she said foolishly.

Then ten slender and white jade fingers, crystal clear as jade, were held together with Han Lin's big hand.

"No matter what the master does, Thor will always be with the master!" She said equally firmly.

Feeling the warmth from the palm of his hand, Han Lin smiled lightly, then turned around and rubbed her cute little face.

"My Thor is the best."

Thor squinted and smiled, enjoying Han Lin's touch.

The gourd is warm and peaceful, while the royal altar in the distance is filled with endless fear and despair.

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