It was very confusing to hear this passage, Thor muttered to himself.

"These nobles want to hunt people down?"

"No!" The killing monk shook his head and said, "The poor monk thinks that they should be hunting giants."

"Hunting giants?" Thor was even more confused, and couldn't help asking: "Giants are hard to hunt. Nobles won't spend such a high price. Hunt those giants."

Killing Monk said slowly: "It is true that giants are difficult to be strong, but because they are strong, they are full of treasures."

"If the poor monk's guess is correct, these nobles saw the treasure on the giant's body, so they took action."

"That's right." Han Lin nodded, and said, "Brother Killer is right, these nobles are the main force, and they won't waste the price without benefits."

"But there's still one thing Brother Sha didn't see."

"What?" Thor and the monk were curious.

"Now that there is such a big crisis in the Dragon Kingdom, if these nobles go to the northern border just for money, then their ambitions will be underestimated."

Han Lin sneered.

"Hmph, if I'm not wrong, they definitely want to use the power of giants to break through the northern border of the Dragon Kingdom, so that all the energy of the Dragon Kingdom can be focused on the border issues."

"Then the royal family has no energy and no ability, just ignore them nobles."

"The royal family involved by the giant will fall into the quagmire of war, and will no longer be an opponent of the nobles."

"This way the nobles can sit back and relax and do whatever they want!"

"So don't underestimate the ambitions of these chaebols."

Han Lin's words made the two feel cold. Although this is just a guess, it can be judged according to the actions of the nobles.

I am afraid that the nobles will really do this.

"Master, if these are true, the hearts of nobles are too dark and ruthless..." Thor said.

"Amitabha, they sacrifice for their own benefit and can sacrifice anything."

Killing Monk was expressionless and muttered to himself.

"They have no heart...."

Now talking about nobles, Han Lin suddenly realized that he almost forgot something.

When fighting at the altar of the Wang family that day, Wang Ke, the last platinum member of the Wang family, handed himself a black communicator before he died.

Recalling his angry and unwilling appearance before he died.

Han Lin judged that there must be extremely important information in the black communicator!

He rummaged in the system space for a while, and took out the black communicator.

The shape is a bit similar to the big mobile phone on the earth, but it is much smaller than that, only half the size of the palm.

On the back of the black communicator, a big gilt character is engraved.


Don't think about it, you can tell it belongs to the Wang family at a glance.

"Master, what is this?" Thor sat next to Han Lin, looking at it curiously.

"Are you talking about this thing?" Han Lin shook her head and said, "I actually don't know what it is, so let's open it first."

Han Lin studied the communicator for a while, and found that there was a recording function in it.

The key is that this communicator has recorded a lot of things. Han Lin roughly counted, at least there are more than 30 recordings.

He directly opened the first recording.

It may be due to the fluctuation of the battle that caused the machine to have some damage.

First, there was a sound of "stabbing and pulling..." and it didn't take long.

Then a familiar voice sounded.

"I am Wang Ke, the platinum member of the Wang family. From the first day I received this communicator, I knew that the missions I received in the future would be full of crises, and even my life would be in danger at any I don't want to die without knowing why, I used special means to record these impossible recordings."

"So his name is Wang Ke..." Han Lin continued to click on the next recording.

"Our first task is to massacre the entire family of the enemy family and not spare anyone. This is a small family that has just emerged. There is only one Platinum in the group, but he has violated the interests of the family, so he must die!"

'Pricking and pulling...' After a strange noise, Wang Ke's voice continued to sound.

"The Platinum King Kong of their family was promoted, and they were not my opponents at all. After being cut off by my magic card, all 500 members of their family were slaughtered by us... Now only the old, young, sick and disabled are left. …”

In the tape, even the cries of children and the pain of the elderly can be heard...

Accompanied by the sound of fighting, Wang Ke's voice continued to sound after a while.

"I killed them all, why didn't my heart fluctuate... It's numb..."

The faces of Han Lin and the others were cold, and the killing monk suppressed his anger and said.

"I didn't expect the Wang family to be so ruthless that they killed the opponent's family members!"

Thor was also very angry, obviously extremely angry at the behavior of the Wang family.

Immediately afterwards, Han Lin turned on the second recording.

"Today's task is not difficult, but the family asked to act quickly, so we dispatched us."

"The task this time is to kill [-] civilians who rioted and resisted, and don't let the camera capture any pictures."

"I didn't take part in the operation this time. Instead, I was monitoring the sky to see if anyone was secretly taking pictures. Looking at the tens of thousands of civilians below, like harvested wheat, fell in pieces, my heart was even colder... ..., I kind of want to leave this family organization, but it's impossible..."

"These villains!!!" Thor gritted his angry teeth.

"How could they be so vicious and attack unarmed people!"

Killing Monk had a gloomy face, silently recited Buddhist scriptures, silently suppressing the anger in his heart.

Han Lin looked at the remaining dozens of recordings and fell silent. He didn't need to think about it, but he knew what these recordings contained.

So he directly opened the last recording, because the things recorded in this recording should be related to himself.

Afterwards, the voices of Wang Family Platinum and Wang Ke continued to sound.

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