"This double."

Kotomine Kirei's eyes lighted up slightly. For fighters like him, the so-called double A's of strength and speed relying on a double actually doesn't make any sense. Perhaps under this worldview, the power of a double can become even more powerful. powerful, but...

Only shouting slogans on one side, let the stand-in beat people, how can it be more enjoyable to punish the enemy with an iron fist?

""Time of Paradise"—"

As the sound fell, the strange clock spirit body attached to the back of his head, and immediately, he could clearly feel that his own time flow began to slowly accelerate.


"three times."

"Five times."

"ten times!"

The current limit is ten times!When the external time passes by one second, his personal time can reach ten seconds. In this sense, it not only means that he has ten times the thinking time of the other party, but also has... ten times the other party's time. reaction speed.

"Ten times the punching speed, ten times the chanting time."

Whether it is baptismal chant or magic, it needs enough preparation work, and there is no doubt about the meaning of ten times faster preparation work during the battle.

"Perhaps, I should learn spells from Daoman."

However, this idea just flashed in his mind. The seven-day Holy Grail War was running out of time, and he didn't have that much time to learn ancient Yin-Yang techniques.

"My body destruction technique is equipped with "Fist Penetration" and "Spiritual Body Strike". With the ten times speed of the stand-in ability, I have a certain possibility to directly beat the double kings except Artoria. die. "

With the power to further ensure his own safety, the face of the priest once again showed a happy expression after satisfaction.

This feeling of gradually filling his sense of security made him a little intoxicated...

A sense of satisfaction, Kotomine Kirei is also willing to call it a kind of happiness.

Maybe it's because his current emotions have not yet reached the level of numbness. After he has achieved the success he imagined in dealing with many things, this sense of satisfaction will further enhance his spiritual power.

Otherwise, it is impossible for his substitute to get ten times the time acceleration effect just after awakening.

"Get the fetters, and you can feed back the corresponding power to me."

"Helping my friends realize their wishes, on the contrary, I get more things."

"This sense of satisfaction will keep me getting stronger, and when I get stronger, the more things I can influence."

A complete circle.

Get fetters, satisfy fetters, feed back on yourself, and satisfy yourself.

"I need more bonds and a bigger social circle."

The Seven Knights of the Crown, the Beast of Original Sin, the Alien UO, the 27 Ancestors of the Dead Apostles... If he can get the bond bonus of these existences, let alone a Fuyuki singularity, he can even brush the seven lore belts with his bare hands past.

"Not to mention that there will be rewards for different time and space fetters, and you can go to other different time and space."

The words "can be expected in the future" have basically been put on the top of his head.

"The next step is to wait for the end of this Holy Grail War."


"Will Weber Velvet inherit the legacy of El Mello's school after my death?"

Information from an unknown source, Kenneth stared at the information that appeared in his magic workshop.

Even if it is not a well-designed workshop, its precision is not inferior to the general "temple".

But now, it was easily invaded.

The other party also left some information for himself that made his sanity continue to be swallowed.

"It's no wonder that Weber Velvet, who knows everything about me and the Saber group, shamelessly inherited everything from El-Melloi in the future, and was even selected by Zhuge Kongming to become a pseudo-servant?"



Manic emotions continued to burn his reason.

"And this thief who invaded my workshop, who gave information so rudely... Am I being treated like a clown? These guys actually treat me as a chess piece?"


Whether it was the thief who invaded the workshop, or the Weber Velvet who usurped the glory of El Mello.

"If I die here, the one who can inherit El-Melloi in the future should be Lynesse. If Weber Velvet wants to inherit El-Melloi, he must join El-Melloi's family..."

Then, the answer is probably clear.

"Did he actually attack Reinis?"

The age of my distant niece should be only 5 years old now, and Weber is now 19 years old, a difference of 14 years... That guy, even a magician, shouldn't be able to do that!

After the extreme anger, Kenneth gradually began to calm down. As the child prodigy of the clock tower, he still has some self-control.

After calming down and thinking about it, based on his understanding of Weber, even though that student is immature, his three views as an ordinary person are still very normal, and he probably wouldn't take the initiative to attack Reinis.

"If I really die in this war, the other schools of the Clock Tower will inevitably plunder everything from the El-Melloi family. Since there is no suitable successor, the five-year-old Lai It is also impossible for Nisi to stabilize everything in the El-Melloi family."

"Using external forces to stabilize the family line is a reasonable option...but..."

"If it's Weber Velvet, that little thief who stole my holy relic! No matter what happens, uncle, I will never admit it!"

[ps2: There are currently 700+ favorites, and one more will be added today.Thank you for your flowers and tickets, and hope to continue to support. 】

Chapter 017: Those who play tactics are very dirty. (3/3)

Chapter 017: Those who play tactics are very dirty.

"The thieves who invaded my workshop probably wanted to prevent Webber Velvet from having a meeting with me."

"So, the opponent and Weber should belong to the hostile camp."

"Is it also a guy from the future? The joke-like technology of time travel has been popularized so easily in the future?"

As the child prodigy of the Clock Tower and one of the elite magicians among the Twelve Monarchs, Kenneth's authority in the Clock Tower is considered to be extremely top, second only to the head of the noble family and the old man of the Clock Tower.

Time travel, a technology already based on the concept of magic, only existed in fantasy at the time he was in, and there was no basis or possibility to reach reality at all.

A small number of magic related to the time domain will exist in the highest authority secretary library of the clock tower. In recent decades, the one who has gone the farthest in the time domain should be the "sealed" Noriken Emiya , his magic circuit is still kept in the clock tower until now, that man's son just got a small part of the branch from the "magic circuit".

"During the two or thirty years after my death, the technology of time travel was developed?"

Kenneth began to feel psychologically unable to accept this fact...

Doesn't this make him look too inferior?When he was here, the technology of time travel only existed as a conjecture, but when he left, he entered the era of rocket-like eruption?

"Master, the people who made an appointment with you last night came to visit."

The vanguard knight of Fiona Knights walked into the room and delivered this message to him.

For a moment, Kenneth even had the urge to rush out and strangle that future Weber, but after a moment of silence, he still chose to calm down forcibly.

"There is something wrong with Weber Velvet's attitude. His performance yesterday should be that he hopes to form an alliance with me."

"Looking at it from this point of view, it's more like planning to help me...or lending my hand to accomplish something."

In that case.

It's okay to cooperate with him for the time being.

Although his innate identity and talent make him proud enough, as the youngest monarch of the Clock Tower and the most anticipated magician who has been awarded the title of child prodigy, Kenneth's intelligence is definitely not inferior to those of other magicians. As a strategist in the dynasty, after calming down and thinking about his situation, he had to come to a very straightforward conclusion.

If he wants to leave Fuyuki City alive, he must choose a side as their pawn, whether it is the side that invaded his magic workshop, or the side from the future Weber. Life is basically equivalent to kneading in their hands.

"Lancer may be able to protect me, but Sola may not be able to take care of..."

"The outcome of the Holy Grail War doesn't really matter. To me, surviving this Holy Grail War is the most important thing."

Having made up his mind, Kenneth invited the visiting El-Melloi II, Tatsuka Fujimaru and Mash into the room.

After a series of discussions between the two sides, the other party revealed a lot of his own details in his words, and claimed that he was the agent of Reinis. event.

Although his attitude was quite sincere, since the kid read the love letter he wrote to Sola, Kenneth swore that he must survive this war, and he would treat this kid well after returning to the clock tower.

"Then, it is so decided, your judgment is always so wise, Lord El-Melloi."

Flattery is always comforting. Although there is no lack of false advocacy in what this future Weber said, there is no malice in it, but it is real.

"Is this kid going to use this kind of words to deceive Reinis in the future?"

"After returning to the Clock Tower, I really have to bring Laines by my side to educate her personally. Even if I can't become the future Patriarch, I still have to be quite resistant to this kind of false boasting."

The two parties completed the alliance in a very tacit understanding, and at the invitation of Weber, they planned to go to the castle where the Saber team was located.

"...Lord El-Melloi, isn't our plan prioritizing the Caster group?"

After walking out of Kenneth's magic workshop, Matthew couldn't wait to ask the reason for the change of El-Melloi II's plan.

"Some changes may have occurred in the Caster group. According to my memory, the Caster group in this period should have summoned the Sea Demon...but it hasn't appeared yet."

El-Melloi II lit a cigarette, his eyes sparkled slightly, and he continued:

"Besides, Mr. Kenneth agreed to our alliance proposal too smoothly. In fact, there are many parts that need to be supplemented in the words I prepared, but Mr. Kenneth understands it as a matter of course..."

The adult world is so dirty.

Ms. Fujimaru unconsciously took two steps back, looking warily at the man who accidentally cheated her teacher again.

... These schemers are too dirty mentally.

"what do you mean?"

Matthew probably understood the meaning of El-Melloi II, and the brows became a little more serious.

"He may have obtained some information before we came. Moreover, it is very likely that it is about the future, or even about Chaldea."

As he said that, El-Melloi II recalled the strange light that flashed in Kenneth's eyes when he claimed to be the agent of Lynis...

"It's a little troublesome."

What can be confirmed is that the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City this time may not be consistent with what I remember. In this way, losing the first-hand advantage of intelligence, it is difficult to rely on him, the pseudo-servant of Caster and Mash. Fight against the strongest three knights.

"Gilgamesh, Iskandar, Artoria...Among the three, Artoria is the one who can be most easily persuaded. Although it is the pedantic chivalry, for the sake of justice Xing Er raised the sword in his hand, as long as he gave a concise reason, he should be the one who is the best to win over."

"In addition, the battle strength of the Matou family also needs to be won over. As long as the Matou Zouken is resolved...Matou Kariya will not be difficult to become our ally."

At that time, five cavalry will be used to deal with the two cavalry servants of Gilgamesh and Hassan of Hundred Faces.

"Odds exist."

"As long as Rider is excluded, as long as he doesn't jump out to disrupt the situation..."

"The character of the King of Conquerors should jump out on his own initiative, right?"

"Yes, so, some means must be used to temporarily divert his attention."

"Oh! I understand this!"

Ms. Fujimaru suddenly seemed to be refreshed, rubbed her throat abruptly, coughed twice, and said in a strange manner:

"Military division, plan to make an appointment?"

Chapter 018: The lupine is the romance of a strategist! (Add more, ask for flowers, ask for tickets)

Chapter 018: The lupine is the romance of a strategist!

"I am not that Zhuge Kongming, and Lady, that Duke Xuande is a benevolent man with extraordinary leadership. You are still quite far away from that Duke Xuande."

"Couldn't I be satisfied at this time? Kong Mingsang!"

"Such a coquettish and coquettish tone doesn't fit your image, Lady."

After spitting out the white smoke in his mouth, he caught Kenneth who had gone downstairs from the corner of his eye, and El-Melloi II spoke again:

"Mr. Kenneth deliberately catered to us and cooperated with us when he knew we had problems."

"From this point of view, he also doesn't trust the other party who gave him information, or... what is he afraid of."

"However, under the premise that he still chooses to cooperate with us, we temporarily have the useful combat power of Dimuludo."

and so.

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