"Things related to things like the Holy Grail don't seem to have any good results."

"...Excellent props are always accompanied by some unbearable side effects and risks. Vehicles can allow people to quickly and comfortably reach the destination they want to go to, but if they encounter a traffic accident, what people have to bear The price is always much heavier than an ordinary fall."

The girl's voice gradually became higher, no longer the joking tone at the beginning, but gradually giving people a strange sense of oppression.

"It's fine if you just bear the cost of the item yourself, but assuming that other people are required to bear the side effects of the item, and you need to pay for this side effect for no reason...then the person who pays the bill is too pitiful, isn't it? ?"

Gradually, her words were mixed with anger that she hadn't even noticed, and Matthew looked at the senior who was usually out of tune in some surprise.

Looking at the angry expression on her face, just about to say something, El-Melloi II shook his head.

Fujimaru Tatsuka has a reason to be angry, she is the one who pays for what some people did, the so-called 'poor person'.

The most important thing is that for this "bill", she lost everything, and she had to embark on one singularity after another in order to pay off the debt.

She doesn't say it on the surface, but her heart is far less open-minded than she usually shows.

The topic of the Holy Grail probably became a lead, causing her to lose her mind.

The Holy Grails that exist in the singularities one after another, caused the distortion of individual human history, subverted the human reason in 2016, although she is now working hard to restore these singularities, but the fact is...

Her parents, all her former friends, and all the fetters were all destroyed in this distortion of human history, because of the accident that the Holy Grail was born.

"If you still want to use such a prop...I will definitely stop you."

Arturia stared at the girl who said something that would hinder her from realizing her ideals, and remained silent, unable to utter a word of rebuttal.

"Knight King, I actually know something about your wish..."

Seemingly seeing the change in Arturia's expression, El-Melloi II spoke again:

"You want to go back to the era of your homeland, give up pulling out the holy sword, give up becoming the king of knights... right?"

The memory goes back to that night 20 years ago, at the banquet of the three kings, he sat with Iskandar at the same table, listening to the conversation of the kings.

He heard the dominance of the King of Conquerors, and he was overwhelmed by it.

He heard the pride of the King of Heroes, and even though he couldn't agree with his ideas, that absolute self was what he longed for.

It was also that night that he heard the wish of the legendary king in "Legend of King Arthur"...

Deny your own desires.

She attributed all her mistakes to herself. Although the Kingdom of Macedonia also collapsed quickly after Iskandar's death, Iskandar did not deny her own achievements.

However, if we understand it purely from the perspective of Weber Velvet.

Artoria's idea is not a mistake, but a kind of kindness. Even if she denies herself and belittles herself, if there really exists a king who is better than her and can lead her subjects to live happily, she Probably will really accept it willingly.

"You want to go back to the era you live in, give up everything you have chosen...destroy the established human history..."

"What do you mean?"

Arturia heard the term destroying the established human history, and vaguely felt that this was not a very friendly term.

El-Melloi II took a deep breath, and said again to the crowd:

"Because, there are indeed some situations that go back to the past through the Holy Grail to change the history of mankind, and the history of mankind will directly fall into extinction in the future in 2016."

"...human history, in her era, is on the verge of extinction."

As he said that, he closed his eyes, and pointed weakly at the girl who still had an angry expression on her face.

"In order to correct the wrongly distorted history one by one, and take back the Holy Grail that has distorted human history one by one... She has embarked on dozens of journeys, fighting the Dragon Witch on the centuries-old battlefield between France and England, The Roman Empire fought with the emperors, and the crew of the Argonauts on the medieval seas..."

"She is the Chaldean institution, the last hope of the observation human institution..."

"The last master of mankind, Fujimaru Tachika."

After finishing speaking, his voice paused again...

"Because we rebellious heroic spirits wanted to change the past history, and paid the price..."

"Girl who has lost all her family and friends and has had her entire life destroyed for 16 years."

[Ps: From the beginning of Zhenger Bajing to the plot of 2.52, I really feel that Guda is struggling too much...]

Chapter 022: The Law of Victory Has Been Determined (1/3)

Chapter 022: The Law of Victory Has Been Determined

The girl who pays for my unruly behavior...?

Looking at that angry face, Artoria opened and closed her lips, unable to make any sound.

Even if you haven't done that yet...

However, isn't he planning to make that choice?

Create the so-called singularity in the opponent's mouth again.

Another scar on the heart of this girl named Fujimaru Tachika?

"The times are out of touch. What a cursed cause and effect this is... In this upside-down and chaotic era, there is actually a need for a young brat to take on the heavy responsibility of saving everything?"

Kenneth sneered and let out a vicious laugh, but there was pain in that laugh.

this reality.

How can he accept it?

Will 2016 usher in the end of humanity?

Because of these servants whom he despises, the product of the Holy Grail War which he despises, human history ushered in annihilation?

Do not make jokes!


"I am, my lord!"

"I'm going to destroy your wish for the Holy Grail, do you accept?"

"...My Lord! I don't need that kind of thing."

There was a cheerful smile on Dimuludo's handsome face, and he swears his ideal loudly without any falsehood.

"My wish is just to usher in victory for my lord, so that my lord can witness my loyalty and my bravery!"

"As for the wish for the Holy Grail, it never existed from the very beginning!"

Hearing his follower's answer, the expression on Kenneth's face became extremely happy, and he laughed hysterically.

"Good! Very good! Dimuldo! Dimuldo Onardo!"

"I affirm your wish! I affirm your loyalty!"

"From this moment on! I admit that you have become my vassal of Kenneth! Then... go and smash that boring wishing machine for me, and destroy the stupid ideals of those arrogant followers!"

Lancer's smile became more and more cheerful. At this moment, his ideal has been realized, and getting this lord who can affirm him has already given him the supreme reward for this trip to the Holy Grail War.

"Obey! My lord!"

For my lord's order, then go destroy those guys' stupid ideals!

No matter whether the enemy is the legendary King Arthur or the domineering king who left the castle just now, as long as they still have such stupid ideals, my two guns will pierce their chests.

"King Arthur! Answer me, are you going to cling to that stupid ideal?"

The man who broke free from the timid posture seemed to have returned to the podium of the clock tower. The prodigy monarch who was honored in the Magic Association showed his extraordinary appearance at this moment.

Artoria saw the hostility on Kenneth's face, and the anger on Fujimaru Tatsuka's face...

It was no longer the malice towards him because of the position of the Holy Grail War, but standing on the human position, ready to throw a declaration of war at her!

"Answer, there is only one!"

He closed his eyes and began to abandon everything in the past.

My ideal is destined to usher in an even sadder future, so it should be cut off here!

"If that kind of ending is really ushered in, I will personally crush my own stupid wish!"

The moment she opened her eyes, the majesty of the king appeared in the holy blue pupils, and the battle armor constructed by magic appeared on her body.

"Holy Grail, let me cut it off!"


"Is it still merged?"

There was no battle in Einzbern's castle, and the news that Kenneth and the others did not leave the castle reached Kotomine Kirei.

"There seems to be something wrong with Daoman's strategy."

There was a teasing expression on the priest's face. In fact, he had already imagined that the two parties would be persuaded by the Chaldeans.

Not surprising.

Because both Artoria and Dimuldo are noble knights.

Once Arturia was told the consequences of her wish, Arturia was actually the one who was the best to be persuaded.

"If the official servants of the two horses and the pseudo-servants of the two horses are really besieged, it will indeed be very troublesome."

"What is Master Master planning to do?"

"I've already answered this question." Touching the head of Miss Killing Academy, the priest showed a softer smile, "I won't escape, and I don't plan to escape..."

"My goal is the ultimate victory. But Tachika Fujimaru and I are not enemies."

"Daoman wants to win, and I will help him. But winning or losing doesn't mean a break..."

"On the other hand, with our current strength of four knights, we will definitely not lose against them!"

However, two powerhouses were born.

There is no need for a tripartite confrontation.

"It's time for the news of the Command Seal to be exposed."

"My teacher will definitely make a move! The early duel between the King of Heroes and the King of Conquerors... let's look forward to it."

Just as Kotomine Kirei thought, at eleven o'clock, it was learned that a large number of Command Seals had been obtained by the Rider group, and the Holy Church ordered that those who could subjugate the Rider group can directly collect those Command Seals after.

Tohsaka Tokiomi contacted him immediately, and asked him to search the location of Rider's team in the entire Fuyuki City area.

There was also a sense of complaint in the words, probably accusing his father of hiding so many Masterless Command Spells but not planning to trade them directly to him.

"Kirei, once you get those Command Seals, the law of victory has been determined!"

...Is it time to start the experiment (Henxin)?

"Search the Rider team with all your strength, and if necessary, give priority to assassinating the opponent's Master!"

The harsh order came from the other end of the phone, and the priest responded to his teacher with his usual voice. The moment he hung up the phone, he looked at his servant, the handsome assassin.

"Can the location of the Rider group be determined?"

"It's confirmed. The Rider team is staying in the area outside Einzbern Castle..."

"...As expected of the King of Conquerors who have experienced many battles."

There is only one reason for staying outside the Einzbern Castle. His intention should be to launch a surprise attack as soon as the Chaldeans left the castle.

"With those Command Spells as cards, the combat power of the Rider team is not to be underestimated. However, after getting Artoria, the two of the Rider team may be exhausted."

"Then, from now on, let's really get Mother Pika involved in the battlefield."

Chapter 023: The fetters have been completed, and I will give you the promised thing. (2/3)

Chapter 023: The fetters have been completed, and I will give you the promised thing.

Lancelot has been on standby.

Although he lost his mind due to madness, due to the influence of chivalry engraved in his bones, under the circumstance that Kotomine Kirei's magic power was enough to suppress him, this servant who was chaotic like a mad dog in the hands of Matou Kariya Or, now quiet like a dead thing.

No need to communicate.

No diet is required.

He will not talk about ideals, nor will he express his position.

The sorrows and joys of people are not connected, and Lancelot's rationality in the depths of the madness only feels that the masters are noisy.

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