"Winning more with less seems to be their conventional way of fighting. However, in comparison, the Macedonian phalanx used to be a model of fighting with fewer enemies..."

There are not a few elite troops in history, and special training methods will produce some extremely powerful troops, such as the Congregation and Thebes Holy Army in the Japanese shogunate era.

"If it weren't for Arturia and Dimuldou, the battlefield would probably have turned to Iskandar."

"But unfortunately..."

In the battlefield, there are jobs that can use light cannons.


Knight of Swords.

Model moon benchmark, one of the designated light cannon jobs, especially the No.1 follower who is the pioneer of the swordsman light cannon.

In Chaldea, if a swordsman doesn't know how to use a light gun, he may be expelled from the sword.

"The breath of the stars in the sky."

"Collected into a glorious torrent of life."

The light of the entire battlefield seemed to be seized by the radiant sword of victory. Iskandar saw the sword, and with his divine nature, he could naturally see part of the essence of the sword of victory.


"——Sword of Victory!"

That is the creation of the planet.

A creation greater than the creation of God.

"As expected of the King of Knights in Britain!"

Seeing the brilliance gathered by the swung victory sword fall fiercely on his army formation, the Macedonian infantry phalanx, which would never disperse no matter what kind of attack it faced, has now become its flaw.

The moment the glorious torrent of light turned into high-temperature particles capable of engulfing everything and covered the Macedonian phalanx, countless figures disappeared in the torrent of light.

"This is not an anti-army treasure in the conventional sense..."

"Its essence is something greater."

He doesn't feel heartache for the subordinates who died in battle, because in this enchantment, as the continuation of his heart, they will return endlessly.

"Come back! Tens of thousands of people!"

"Come back! Continue to show our fanatical ravages!"

"The enemy is the king of Britain, the vanguard of the Knights of Fiona, and a great strategist famous in the Eastern Han Dynasty!"

"But even so, our ravages will still completely crush them!"

He rode on the horse, pulled out his Cyprus sword, integrated into the Macedonian phalanx, and began to truly begin the strongest and most fanatical ravages!


Shouts, battle cries, blend in with the group!

Wang is the vanguard.

For the king vanguard.

As if vying for the opportunity to kill the enemy chieftain, all the warriors rushed forward one after another, like giant beasts gathered together, roaring ferociously and sprinted to the front of the two Celtic knights.



The natural majesty that can annihilate ordinary servants appeared under the iron hoof of Busifalas, fused with everything about the Flying Hoof and Thunder Bull, and fused with the appearance of the precious treasure of tyranny and tyranny in the distance, until this moment...

It was Iskandar who showed the roughest and truest side of his role as "Rider".

Harness the horse and break into the king of the battlefield!

"I've seen enough of the farce of the miscellaneous cultivators."

The arrogant king looked down at everything on the ground, a solemn look appeared in her wine-red pupils, and she slowly stood up from her throne.

"Let me draw the end of this war."

"In the king's back garden, the thieves who robbed the king's treasure."

"It should be right here! Look at the majestic shore of "Anu"..."

Chapter 027: I, Kotomine Kirei, Backstab Expert (3/3)

Chapter 027: I, Kotomine Kirei, Backstab Expert


Or, call it "Anu—"

The god of heaven in ancient Babylonian mythology, at the same time, He is the father of the gods, the king of the gods, and the great god who reigns at the apex of Babylonian mythology.

In comparison, it is like Odin in Nordic mythology and Zeus in Greek mythology.

In Babylonian mythology, headed by "Anu", there are three great gods, namely "Ea", "Anu" and "Enlil".

From the orange-golden ripples, the Noble Phantasm, which didn't even have the structure of a "sword", slowly fell into the hands of the arrogant ancient king.

The essence of this artifact was originally closer to the product of the sacrifice. It was not a "sword", but an artifact named by Gilgamesh himself. Compared with a "sword", it is more suitable to be called a "staff", or It is a "stone tablet for recording information".

It records the "names" of three great gods, which respectively represent "heaven", "earth" and "underworld". When the three are activated at the same time to form a rotation, it is enough to combine the properties of the three. Activate the "universe" that destroys everything and returns to the original state of the three.

"Just make a big move when we meet?"

Kotomine Kirei raised his eyebrows slightly. As the most powerful treasure in Xingyue's early settings, the Deviant Sword's attack power has been raised to an incomprehensible level. This is why he has always been afraid of it. The reason for an arrogant king.

"Are you serious?"

If this can be regarded as a form of arrogance, this blond and arrogant king may have integrated many elements of a defeated dog, but...

Coupled with the obvious force of this "defeated dog", I am afraid that if a relationship really fails, it will become sick and delicate in seconds.

"However, this time I can't let you take it lightly."

Looking at the orange-haired girl above the ground, if Gilgamesh's EA is really dropped, the entire inherent barrier will be destroyed, not to mention everything here...

Even the last human master will die on the spot.

"It seems...you can't be allowed to continue to act recklessly."

Quietly, the breath blocking from Assassin covered Kotomine Kirei's body, just when Gilgamesh was about to use his Noble Phantasm to end the battlefield below.

all of a sudden—

An arm pierced through the king's back without warning, and directly grasped the spirit core of the hero king.

Nothing is left to chance!

An assassination technique derived from the assassination order.

Not inferior to the muscle strength of the three knights.

Coupled with the talent of spirit strike and the penetrating attachment of fist theory.

The clock floating behind the forehead seemed to be telling how long the priest had been preparing for the blow just now.


The arrogant king turned his head and stared in disbelief at the assassin who pierced through his spiritual core without warning, and even made himself lose the chance to manifest his existence in an instant.

"Kotomine Kirei!"

"Originally, I wanted to continue playing the role of good friends with you...but unfortunately..."

Companion is like a tiger.

Not to mention such a moody queen.

"My lord, I actually prepared other programs for you. I didn't intend to let you leave the show early."

But unfortunately-

The threat of Gilgamesh has always made him feel restless and restless.

"Presumably the teacher knows that I am the only disciple, and cut off the possibility of him being in the Holy Grail War, the expression must be quite exciting."

The priest laughed to himself, and immediately locked the queen's neck tightly with his wrists, and slowly exerted pressure, causing her to stop breathing rapidly.

Even though she is a dead person, even though she is a Servant, her body still has the human... or the habit of the demigod period. It is not good to absorb magic power from the atmosphere to allow her to continue to exist.

"May I have the opportunity to meet you again in the future, King of Heroes."

Watching the arrogant king and the Vimana flying boat under his feet disappear slowly as spirit particles, Kotomine Kirei fell directly from the sky to the surface of the earth, his physique not inferior to those of the three knights made him Even falling from a height of hundreds of meters is safe.

Standing in the desert, the priest took out the diary he had prepared for a long time from his pocket, and shook his head regretfully, "This is a script specially prepared for you... It's a pity that you refuse to follow my director's plan. It’s not okay to arrange things.”

Gilgamesh is the one who must exit.

Needless to say.

"This diary will be stuffed with Xiaoan later so that my friends can experience my bad character Kotomine Kirei again."

Gilgamesh became the first follower to flow into the Little Holy Grail. With her rebelliousness and hatred, I'm afraid Xiao An would not digest her so easily.

Then you might have to face a darkened version of Queen Twilight.

"Xiao An, occasionally you should be lazy."

Walking from the edge of the battlefield to the periphery of the center of the battlefield again, the soldiers summoned by the king's army did not attack him, perhaps because of their intuition of fighting in the battlefield.

"The senses of the weak will be sharpened, and that is due to fear."

"The senses of the powerful will appear paralyzed, and that comes from arrogance."

Constantly approaching the central area of ​​the battlefield, both Rider's side and Chaldea's side noticed his "strange visitor", but there was only one person who was not unfamiliar with him.

When El-Melloi II saw the young man in the costume of a priest, surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Kotomine Kirei."

"The master of Baimao-san?"

The orange-haired girl looked at the man who was walking in the battlefield like a stroller, and murmured softly:

"This person is a little too abnormal."

"...It is indeed too abnormal!"

Through the forensic eyes, part of the essence of the man was captured, and the pupils of El-Melloi II shrank. Is the attribute value that almost reaches the A-level standard of all attributes really a level that humans can achieve?

Especially the strength and agility, which have reached an astonishing A+, not inferior to those two Celtic knights on the battlefield.

"Er-Melloi II... Or should I call you Zhuge Kongming or... Weber Velvet?"

Hearing this acquaintance call out his three names at the first time, El-Melloi II almost lost all thinking ability, and made a judgment on the man in front of him without hesitation in his heart.

He is the anomaly of this singularity.

"Is it the Demon God Pillar? Same as those guys before?"

When El-Melloi II subconsciously wanted to activate his Noble Phantasm, the man over there spoke again:

"First of all, I am not a 72 Demon God Pillar, nor am I a monster that has been transformed by the Holy Grail."

"I, Kotomine Kirei, have the current strength because I am good at making friends..."

"If you are willing to give me Kotomine Kirei a face and stop this boring farce, everyone can be friends in the future."

"If you plan to reject my kindness, then next... please bear the price of rejecting me!"

Chapter 028: Talk about a light topic, are you interested in Mapo Tofu?

"Damn! Damn! Damn——!"

Kotomine Kirei———!

kill him!

Must kill him!

Endless malice was released from the chaotic spirit base of the king.

"Did she become the first guy to exit?"

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