In the calm voice of the priest, he finally lost his patience. The next moment, the assassin of the Old Man of the Mountain Sect appeared from behind him, and very quickly crossed Kotomine Kirei and rushed towards the three substitutes.

bang bang bang bang bang——

The proctors pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the silver bullets enough to expel the monsters were continuously released from the magazines. The proctors with cold expressions did not take the safety of the ordinary clergymen at heart.

For them, it is more important to deal with Kotomine Kirei, the apostate who intends to take away the props needed to carry out the mission.

Ding ding ding ding————

The assassins waved the sharp blades in their hands rapidly, cutting off all the bullets, and at the same time, three shadows approached the three agents, and handed out the sharp blades in their hands without hesitation.


The word spirit with restraining effect came from the depths of the church, and Hassan's speed stopped for a moment, but immediately the word spirit was overwhelmed by Kotomine Kirei's terrifying magic power, without the word spirit hindering, Hassan's actions Back to normal.

Immediately, the three sharp blades pierced through the hearts of the three substitutes without any suspense, twisted and pulled out.

The next moment, the three agents fell to the ground and lost their vitality.

And in the depths of the church, a middle-aged priest in an old gray suit came out step by step. He stood on the podium of the church, staring at Kotomine Kirei with a pair of tiger eyes, and immediately issued a A low growl like a beast.

"Didn't you hear me telling you to stop?! Kotomine... Kirei!"

Kotomine Kirei turned around, looked at the furious priest, and responded flatly:

"Then I let them get out of the way, didn't they hear?"

"It's my order! Are you planning to disobey my order? Are you planning to defect from the church?"

"You plan to use my daughter as a prop, have you asked me?"

"It's her honor. Being able to be used by us after being a sinner is the mission she was born with!"

Hearing this sentence, Kotomine Kirei had no intention of continuing to talk to him, but looked around at all the priests present, and said lightly:

"I'm going to take them away today. I'll see who dares to stop me."

Chapter 051: I am a good priest even though I use the Apostle magic and transform myself.

"Master Yanfeng, please give me instructions."

Hassan the Hundred Faces stood behind Kotomine Kirei, asking with a low and hoarse male voice.

"Do you need to take off the heads of all the people present?"

"Whoever dares to step forward will kill him."

Kotomine Kirei's calm but murderous voice fell into the church, and the eyes of the eighth member of the burial organization suddenly showed terrifying anger.

"Traitor! You bastard... betrayed the teachings of the Lord!"

"If the Lord's teaching is to let me calmly give my daughter to you to use as a prop, this kind of Lord is not worth my continued payment of faith."

Hearing Kotomine Kirei's answer, anger began to appear in the pupils of everyone present, they absolutely could not accept Kotomine Kirei who made such a declaration.

Even ordinary priests couldn't help but stand up, their eyes filled with hostility.

Even, several ordinary priests seemed to be fearless, although their bodies were trembling, they tried their best to step forward to stop him.

"It is admirable to take action for the sake of faith, but you stand firm in your own justice, but plan to trample on my choice..."

Kotomine Kirei sneered, and Hassan the Hundred Faces behind him didn't need another order from him, so he swooped out without hesitation, slit the throats of those priests, and immediately fell to the ground in response.

"There are many truths in the world. People tend to choose the one that is beneficial to them. , will become your enemy, and there doesn't seem to be any problem."

"But... your high-sounding justice seems so disgusting to me. Regardless of right and wrong, good or evil, regardless of interests, but you who deny everything for the sake of illusory beliefs..."

"Let me give you a ride."

From those gazes that gradually turned malicious, Kotomine Kirei finally gave up his idea of ​​saving face for the church, even if they were determined to be their enemy, there would be nothing to say.

"Michiman Ashiya."

Softly called out the name of another servant, and soon, the demon monk of Heianjing appeared in this world again. When he saw the malicious eyes of those people in the church, he couldn't help laughing stand up.

"His Highness Kirei, you really can lead to some interesting things every now and then."

"...These people seem to be your comrades. Could it be that you, like the poor monk, are going to turn your back on those illusory things?"

"Seal this place up, Daoman."

The demon monk nodded calmly, drawing the nine-character cut with his fingers in the void, and at the same time chanting the nine-character mantra.

"The fighters are all arrayed in front—"

Not only that, he even put his palms together without hesitation afterwards, forming the platycodon mark again, and immediately the magic power spread, and the double magic circle sealed the entire church inside.

"Irmia, do you want to come over?"

Kotomine Kirei waved at the only junior he knew well, and after thinking for a moment, the latter slipped to Kotomine Kirei's side without hesitation, and said with a smile:

"Then from today onwards, I have to ask Senior Yanfeng for advice."

Betrayal from the church, this kind of thing, just thinking about it is exciting.

Now that her mother has passed away, the cardinal in the Vatican has already ignored her as an illegitimate daughter anyway. It seems that it would be a good choice to follow Kotomine Kirei's vigorous rebellion.

"Irmia! Irmia Sophia!"

The new eighth member of the Burial Authority was roaring crazily, but Kirei Mine did not intend to let him continue talking nonsense, and said flatly:

"Let's deal with them. Mage, Baimao."


The two servants responded unanimously, and immediately, Baimao split into many clones and rushed towards the clergy present, while Daoman chanted the Fire Realm Mantra and began to rush towards the performers.

"Set fire in the room, you guys are teaching children badly."

Kotomine Kirei raised his eyebrows slightly, handed Karen's hand to Kotomine Risei, and said again amidst the old priest's complicated expression, "Father, a complete break with the church is already a given."

"...I never thought about this day, but now that I have come this far, I don't regret it. But, are you really ready? Break with the church completely."

"It's not a bad thing to break with them. After all, maybe one day in the future, I will be more honorable than their lord."

Hearing Kotomine Kirei's plain rebellious words, the expressions of all the clergy in the church became more ferocious, but Ashiya Michiman's smile became more cheerful.

"His Highness Kirei, the poor monk believes in you, and the poor monk is looking forward to congratulating you... Celebrating the day when you surpass the noble gods of those Nanman people!"

"Do well."

Kotomine Kirei took a step forward, appeared in front of Ashiya Michiman without any warning, blocked the dress thrown by that priest Riddle with one hand, felt the petrification formula attached to it, and was slightly challenged. raised an eyebrow.

"Roa's earthen burial ceremony? They say that magicians are heretics, but they still use the technique of that dead disciple... It really is more pragmatic, the burial institution."

"You heretic! Rebel!"

Father Ridall bent down, and suddenly lifted his jacket, revealing the real steel and iron bones. What was hidden under his skirt was no longer a body of flesh and blood, but a real alloy...

"I see, have all the areas except the brain been transformed? The magic circuit has been preserved, and you, who keep accusing others of being a heretic, have the qualifications of a magician and use ROA's magic... Father Doyle, in my opinion, you are the out-and-out heretic."

"Shut up! This is all to help my lord and punish you sinners on the ground!"

The machine box started to pop out from his shoulders, and the armor-piercing bullets used by magicians were already ready to go. He held a Bible tightly in his hand, and immediately began to chant rapidly.

"Ask me! I will give you the inheritance of the nations! To the ends of the earth are yours—"

"Thou, with a rod of black iron in your hand, crush them like pottery! Therefore, O kings, bow down, and receive the instruction of the Judge of the Earth!"

"Pray with sincerity and fear! Everything will be given! The kingdom has already been given, and eternal life and glory are yours forever!"


The bullets rained out, and the scriptures of the Bible flew up to the sky above the church, and a brilliant brilliance emerged, which was enough to melt the magician's magic protection, and enough to corrode the magician's body and strengthen his magic power.

"Kotomine Kirei! You don't need to pray anymore!"

"Sinner! You have lost the chance to face the glory of the Lord!"

"Here it is, usher in the end!"

His back was torn apart without warning, and the small howitzer stored inside suddenly shot out. The howitzer with automatic tracking technique directly locked on Kotomine Kirei's position, and it was about two meters away from him. The area exploded with a bang.

"I kill, but I also create. I hurt and help the world. No one escapes from my hand, and no one escapes my eyes. Return to the dust..."

Facing the explosive impact of the package, Kotomine Kirei just quickly spit out the chant of the baptismal chant, and immediately under Ridall's tearful eyes, the back of his right hand symbolized the Lord's The holy seal suddenly shined brightly.

"You bastard! You are blaspheming the Lord's blasphemer!!!"

Ignoring the priest's roar, Kotomine Kirei felt the sound of the holy seal on the back of his hand that had been strengthened by the huge magic power, which was almost mournful, but before dying, it released the most brilliant light in his career. brilliant.

"May the Lord have mercy on this sad soul (Kyrie Eleison)"

With one punch, a light cannon gesture almost infinitely close to the liberation of Artoria's treasure was formed, and the torrent of light transformed from the baptism chant driven by the magic power directly submerged Riddle.


Chapter 052: The staff of the shock department are ecstatic.

"Abnormal script."

It is not daytime now, and the uncomfortable sunlight no longer exists. Zbia stands on a rock in the Black Moya Cemetery, looking at the church in the distance.

"Abnormal data that has never appeared in my calculations, Kotomine Kirei, an individual that has never appeared in my calculations."

"It's extremely rare for Lidall to appear here. There are continuous occasional changes in the calculation, and I always feel that some variables in this space-time data are happening that I haven't observed."

"Kotomine Kirei, he who never appeared in the original calculation observation, was it just by chance, because the church involved that little girl?"

Prior to this, through one of the seven weapons of the Atlas Institute, Zbia had calculated many times the upcoming events in the Blackmoya Cemetery, based on the Blackmoya Cemetery as the core point of the data. During the calculation process, it is not unheard of for Riddle to break into the Blackmoya cemetery and launch a war of annihilation against the Blackmoya cemetery.

"Speaking of which, the priest accidentally discovered my traces, and at this point in time, he brought people from the church in... It makes me feel more like he is actively trying to add some special variables."

"It's necessary to meet him. Kotomine Kirei, what secrets are you hiding?"


Church battle.

No, it should be called a one-sided massacre.

Originally there were more than [-] people in the church, but now, there are only four people left standing, the three generations of the Kotomine family, and Ilmia.

The nun's expression was also slightly complicated. Although the relationship with her colleagues was not very good, the appearance of these people dying in front of her was a bit unacceptable for a while.

"Senior, what should we do next?"

"Go and meet the people from the Atlas Academy."

"Are you going to take the initiative to contact that dead man?"

"I did him a favor to some extent, at least I have to get paid."

Leaving the church, before Kotomine Kirei came to find him, the headmaster of the Atlas Institute appeared in front of him on his own initiative.He was about 40 years old, and his facial features looked a little feminine and handsome. After he became a dead disciple, he rarely saw the light, which also made his skin look very fair. Although his pupils were blood red, they looked a little cloudy.

"It's our first meeting, Father Yanfeng."

"Now I have completely shed the priest's skin."

Kotomine Kirei waved the back of his hand, revealing the broken seal of the Lord on it. The technique attached to the baptism chant was more like an implanted magic dress. After being activated by the human body, a fixed baptism chant was released. technique.

Essentially, there is no difference from magic.

"If you think about it, the information that people from the church came here will be wiped out."

"That's not bad."

Kotomine Kirei nodded slightly, he had no doubt that Cibia possessed this ability, because the head of the Atlas Institute almost became the sixth magician in the Tsukihime world, and his title was "" Lord of Perjury and Proof", "King of False Words" and other titles.

As for the reason, it is because he also possesses a technology called "Tatari" which covers an area and reflows the world through the "information volume" of an area. A Eltnam Oberon" intelligence data, and at the same time re-gather it and revive it in this world.


What is recovered in this way is only his personal information and data in this world, and according to the changes in information and data, his existence characteristics will also undergo some changes. About hundreds of years ago, he transformed himself into Another creature different from humans.

"Dead Apostles"...

The reason, of course, is to prolong life for a longer period of time.

Therefore, for him, it is not a big problem to directly erase the information of an area from the world, just like deleting some data in the computer. If you want to trace the data, you must first learn That party has the appropriate technology to investigate the data.

"Then I will trouble you, Dean Zbia."

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