"We must not be able to hide the assassination of the emperor, I suggest

"Send people to Absolute Cloud, Aozang Mountain and other places to inform those reclusive immortals.

"If the three-eyed and five-manifested immortals return, the matter of fools will definitely be resolved directly.

"Just like Tianquanxing said, we should give up all luck, if we can't stop the fools from unsealing those monsters that were sealed back then

"We should prepare enough combat power in advance, and be ready to deal with the impact that those monsters will have on Liyue.

Chapter 082: Are you polite? (4/5, please subscribe'

Chapter 082: Are you so polite?

The Liyue Seven Stars meeting did not reach a conclusion in the end.

Seven Stars is not a very united group, and many of these people who come from merchants are actually people who only care about small profits and give up righteousness

Liyue is a country that walks with gods and immortals.

At a critical juncture, it is understandable to want to rely on the power of gods and immortals.

But Ningguang claims to take power.

Keqing advocates relying on one's own ability.

The old man Tianshuxing even planned to fight the fools directly.

Going and coming, Qixing had a faint tendency to split at this time. If the secretary of Yuehai Pavilion hadn't arrived in time, it probably meant breaking up on the spot.

After the meeting, Ningguang found Keqing, told her some things, and asked her to come to Yanfeng's temporary residence,

As soon as he entered the door, two little maids led Keqing to the living room, and Kotomine Kirei came out with a few plates.

"Come, come, Miss Keqing came just in time, I have just cooked dumplings, eat them while they are hot.

"No need. I heard from Ningguang that you have some information here that you can give me?"

Miss Tianhengxing frowned, probably because she didn't have much appetite now, but Kotomine Kirei handed her the chopsticks with a smile

"At this time, dipping some vinegar and tasting some sour taste can relieve the tense nerves, and maybe you can see some other things.

Hearing what Kotomine Kirei said, she was silent for a while, but still took the chopsticks, and then asked:

"Just let me come to you, what exactly do you want me to know?

"Probably the real purpose of fools.

"What's the meaning?

"What fools want is the heart of God.

When the words of Yanfeng getting married fell into Keqing's ears, it was like a depth bomb, blowing up all the rationality in her brain.

"Impossible. How dare they dispel the truth, where did you come from?"

"Mond, the main god of their Mond got his heart out in front of the traveler you chased before, and it was the lady who did it"

Executor of Fools!Are they going to attack Dijun? !

"Don't panic.

Just as Ke Qing was about to drop her chopsticks and leave, Yanfeng's chopsticks grabbed her wrist, and immediately sighed helplessly.

"You people don't always like to hear people finish talking.

"Emperor Yanwang has been in power since 700 years ago, do you really think that these foolish thoughts can plot against his old man?

"Then why is the emperor's law shedding.

"Thousands of incarnations, and a mere dragon form, actually doesn't have much meaning to the Rock Demon God.

"Mr. Yan, you are so sure, what proof do you have?

"There may be some problems with other people, but it's okay to tell you." Yan Fengli pondered for a while, and then said again, "I am honored by the emperor, and now I am burdened with

a task.

"What mission?

"If the calamity of Liyue is approaching, you cannot resist, the emperor will not take action himself. Instead

Dijun won't do it himself

and many more--

There was a hint of surprise in Ke Qing's eyes, she finally understood the meaning of Yan Feng's words, she stood up immediately, "Did the emperor not be assassinated?

"Well. It's just that I'm getting old, and I don't want to continue to sit in that position and be relied on by you. Now Liyue has gone through 700 years under his care. That emperor

Jun just wants to let go and see if the children he has raised for 700 years can survive independently after breaking away from his influence.

As he spoke, Kotomine Kirei's voice paused, and then he spoke again:

"This is a trial from the past. I think that only by overcoming the immature past can human beings continue to grow. The Rock Demon God will also wear out.

It's probably too late to think about how Liyue should survive.

"Therefore, he may have left the collection of no taboos, and he deliberately left behind the dragon-shaped method, and even the unsealing of the demon god is now in his hands.

Listening to what Mr. Yan said, Keqing finally made a set of reasonable clues in her mind that everything that happened in Liyue Port will be successful.


With Dijun's strength, how could he be assassinated quietly.

He is the oldest demon god among the Seven Reigns, and it is absolutely impossible for the Queen of the Winter Kingdom to accomplish such a feat.

But if it was the emperor himself who left his dharma and pretended to be assassinated, it would be reasonable.

"Therefore, the assassination of Dijun is false, and it is not accidental that there are no taboos. It is a trial left by Dijun to us. Mr. Yan is the last one for Dijun's plan.

The lion pushes the cub into the valley.

Cheetahs try to get their kids to hunt themselves

All animals go through a parental test before leaving their most trusted parent to live alone

This is what the beasts know

But Liyueren obviously couldn't understand, Keqing clenched her fists tightly, and finally she showed a smile as if she was relieved, a little regretful, but also a little excited

Some injuries, more, but expectations.

. /You are a person who does not respect gods and gods, this matter has nothing to do with you or Ning Guang.

"I didn't expect Mr. Yan to know me and Seven Stars so well.

With some red eye sockets, Miss Tianhengxing smiled lightly and stared at the man in front of her.

"You are a person who disrespects the immortal gods, but actually respects the immortal gods. You just hope that people can rely on their own strength to move forward.

"Ningguang is a businessman who respects immortals and gods, but his mind is only on maximizing profits. Otherwise, after getting that unowned God's Eye back then, his first reaction was to sell it.

"It fits her personality pretty well.

"In the end, Dijun felt that this was not enough, so he activated and bound this God's Eye to her, but later he couldn't sell it. Thanks to the matter in his hands, Ningguang seemed unhappy for a long time

Hearing this, Ke Qing smiled a lot happier, and now her doubts have dissipated, even though she still needs to face the threat from the evil god troll


The reason for Dijun's move, she already has the answer in her heart

It happened to be an answer that was in line with her principles. Then, Liyue's people, Liyue's children must give that emperor a satisfactory answer.

Although copying the answer is not a good idea, Keqing will still face this test seriously.

"The era of farewell between humans and gods is approaching.

"If you can't pass this level,

"No way, you Liyue will have multiple stepfathers to protect you.

"Could it be that this stepfather

"That's right, it's down there.

"We will definitely pass the emperor's test with all our strength!

"Are you being so polite at this time?"

. )

Chapter 083 : Mr. Zhongli is rich and handsome, suitable to be a prince. (5/5, please subscribe

Chapter 083 : Mr. Zhongli is rich and handsome, suitable to be a prince

"Is it okay to tell them about this matter?"

After Keqing left, Morgan returned to the living room, and he asked if there was any discomfort with what Kotomine Giri had just said to Keqing.

"No problem, it's better to say that I still want to tell them that Zhongli is the King of Yan, but this matter should wait until this big event is over.

"They despise me as a stepfather anyway. But the country can't be without a master for a day, the rock country needs at least someone with the eyes of the rock god to be the king, right?"

Saying that, Yanfeng bowed, with a smirk on his lips, and continued to speak like a treasure:

"Mr. Zhongli is a man of wealth and phoenix, and he has a good understanding of Liyue's various industries. He also has a lot of opinions on political affairs in various countries. But his personality is like an idler who doesn't care about world affairs.

In general, isn't this Mr. Zhongli suitable as the mascot of the emperor's successor to the throne?

Morgan listened to Kotomine Kirei's words, and squinted his eyes. This pair of men and women whose personalities seem to be in harmony, both had wicked smirks on their faces.

"I really hope to see the scene when Zhongli heard that he was nominated as the heir of Emperor 900 again.

Yan Feng showed an expectant expression, and Morgan couldn't help covering his lips, forcibly suppressing the urge to laugh wantonly

"That would probably be quite an interesting scene.

The conflict between Liyue and Fools seems to be gradually escalating.

Even after Ningguang and Keqing knew the truth of all this, they didn't seem to intend to let the fools go.

The conflict in the city has affected many merchants, and foreign merchants began to be escorted to a safe area by Qianyan Army

It seems that many people are also aware of the situation in Liyue Port.

Foreigners have returned to merchant ships, intending to leave Liyue Port, the commercial capital that is about to face war

The merchants of Liyue’s own country have joined forces to maintain the business environment of Liyue City, which is restricted by the seven stars. In addition, they only do business with people from Liyue’s own country, so there is no

The kind of merchants who make a lot of money in the country.

Instead one

It was merchants from other areas of Liyue who began to escort supplies to Liyue Port one after another, and even the people of Liyue began to send supplies to the Qianyan Army's garrison.

Many retired veterans began to put on their armor, polished their old weapons, and planned to return to the battlefield at any time

The Xingjia who had originally closed the warehouse rekindled the fire in the forge shop.

Together with the Yunhan family, they plan to prepare for the test that Liyue is about to go through now.

Just like the Demon God War 500 years ago.

Just like the Kyria cataclysm 500 years ago.

Although the Sixth Division of the Qianyan Army has not received the call, they have already begun to take conscious action, cleaning all the marching roads again. If there is a change in Liyue Port, the Qianyan Army will

Will arrive at the battlefield as soon as possible.

The Liyue Warriors took to the streets and gathered in groups to guard the entrances and exits of Liyue Port. Even if they were not the opponents of fools, they would never allow them to enter at will.

Out of Liyue Port.

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