Rank3: Information processing (2)

Rank4: God-given Wisdom (2)-From the knowledge given by the gods, from the domain of the gods, he was once a person who received such education.your ability to understand something

It has been greatly improved, and the knowledge is selected as "summoning" (Note: the first one is Arash, which is not marked. I have relatively little water for these data now, and I will arrange them one by one in the future.

to work related)

Rank5: The King of Magic - He is a person bestowed by the gods with "true wisdom". Although he has only used the divine power of "Rongzhi" once, he is still remembered by countless people.

It is enshrined as the "King of Magic".Your ability to learn magic has been greatly improved, you will share the "wisdom of the magic king", and you have obtained the "humanity correction formula".

Rank6: (Not yet enabled)

Special bond: lv5

"I have already felt the weak kindness released by everyone, 2.2 has reached a "bond" with me

Yanfeng saluted, met the eyes of everyone in the control room, immediately raised his hand, and said softly

"The "bond" is enough to gather into light, and the light will dispel the darkness of "humanity"-

"Gentlemen, the words of a gentleman I like very much may be really good for cheering up now.

"If there is no torch after this-

"Then I am the only light.

Fetter relationship comrades x cognitive fetters savior (108

Rank1: Miracle Chosen One

Rank 2: Light of Eternal Night - In the misty Eternal Night, people urgently need a beam of light that can pierce the darkness ahead. People desire and believe that you will become the Eternal

That ray of light in the night.Your magical nature will continue to transform into "light", and "light" will become the link, connecting all the desires of those who are looking forward to you.

Rank3: (not yet open

"It's broken, I'm a big man?"

Chapter 091 : Why does the sickness become a skill! (3/5, please subscribe

Chapter 091 : How can sickness become a skill!

The only way to save the world.

just one-

Boil Yan Feng's wedding ceremony into soup (turn into light)

"It's really just some pretty words. Are those guys in Ledi so poor? They all believe that I can become light?"

Yanfeng got married and began to doubt Yucai Xianniu's real identity. Throwing out his famous lines, why did he feel like he was about to become a real giant of light at any time?

But the staff at the bottom are more enthusiastic.

When creatures like humans usually face the same powerful enemy, they can always unexpectedly highlight the brilliance of united humanity, of course.

The ugliness of human nature is also evident.

"There aren't too many vacant staff dormitories in Chaldea right now, Father San, why don't you take a company with Teacher II.

Pointing to the messy staff room, the Master of Scraps had a flat expression on his face, "Father Sang, who is about to become the only light in the darkness, will definitely not give up because of a little accommodation problem."

Are you going to bother everyone?"

"What do you think, Weber?

"What do you think? This is my room. A few days ago, you dragged me into a fight with that weird Age of Gods, and then I was busy with 15 you coming to Chaldea. Just after you fell asleep, you

come to you

"It's not my fault, Fujimaru asked me to drag you out of the room, this is my territory from today on.

"Although I roughly guessed what happened, Fujimaru, you should know that my body is not a pure spirit body, I need rest just like normal people, if

If you continue to disturb my rest, all your test scores this month will fail!

Hearing this, Master Rubbish quickly grabbed Kotomine Kirei, and hurriedly left El-Melloi's staff room, and ran about a hundred meters away.

The orange-haired girl stopped, her chest was rising and falling, and her breathing seemed to be chaotic.

She stared, and said dissatisfiedly:

"Father Sang, how can I say that you are a senior who is hardworking, can you let me win a little bit?

"Compared to dawdling in Perdade, I am your senior.

The girl sighed, such a difficult junior is really troublesome, if all the juniors are as well-behaved as Matthew, they can easily play with her

"Senior, what I said in my heart

"Sorry, Matthew, just pretend you haven't heard that sentence before.

"It doesn't seem that easy to forget. After all, it is a very dangerous statement.

"Matthew, life is short, those trivial things will only waste the pages of our youthful photo album.

"Sorry, senior, it seems that in my youth photo album, only the past needs to be torn up one by one.

Yan Feng'li was finally assigned to a separate dormitory. It is said that there is a person who likes to sing next door, but as long as it is not a woman, it is fine.

In this Gali, there are not many women who can sing normally. If they lived next to those women, Kotomine Kirei felt that he might need a song "Flower of Hope".

Staff meals are not rich. After all, there are not many supplies nowadays, most of which are synthetic food. In addition to supplying more than 100 staff members of Chaldea, there is also a need to supply some servants.

to satisfy appetite.

Here, the one who needs to be named is probably the woman named Artoria.

"If you want to improve the food, you really have to rely on the Manmin Hall.

Familiarized with the environment in Chaldea for a day, and had a face-to-face meeting with many servants. After experiencing various singularities, large and small, the number of contracted servants in Chaldea today is

The quantity is not small.

There is no such thing as rarity, the strength of the servants is directly linked to the degree of fame, there cannot be a great hero like the sick and weak sword at the end of the shogunate, ten times more than Persia, and three thousand miles with one arrow

There are also rare strong cases

"One step at a time

"Two steps, one step

"Three-step Jue Dao--"

"No name, three paragraphs puha!!"

Looking at the sick and weak swordsman vomiting blood before releasing a set of treasures at the end of the shogunate, it seems that both the staff and the servants in the restaurant are used to it, and even some people

shouted with a smile:

"Boss, you are always coughing up blood like this, how did you become the captain of the first team of the Shinsengumi before.

"That was a long time ago! At that time, Ms. Okita wasn't sick yet. Damn it, she was obviously a follower. Why did this kind of thing become a skill!

"I used to be Okita-san, when I had the title of the strongest genius swordsman!

"Okita! Don't talk while eating, this is Shidou! Don't you know what to do if Shidao is not enough?

"Mr. Hijikata! It was Nobu, it was Nobunaga who started the provocation first! Mibu Wolf doesn't have the rule of not fighting back when provoked, right?

"That makes sense, let's kill the Sixth Heaven Demon King together today.

There are a lot of funny theaters in Chaldea. Most of the Japanese servants like to be funny, while the French servants ridicule and insult each other like eating and drinking.

Naturally, England is a big eater competition, as for the Chinese followers

It seemed that Yanfeng could only let out a roar of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'". Mr. Lu Bu, who wanted to show a unparalleled expression, had a slightly subtle expression

"General Lu Bu means that your martial arts should be very good, and you can learn from 913 when you have time.

The future Crown Assassin, to assassinate the first emperor who built the Great Wall to the Centaur galaxy next door, Miss Jing Ah, who only carried a knife, is now serving as General Lu Bu.

Army translator.

Since ancient times, Assassin has always been versatile.

"Speaking of which, Brother Yanfeng makes me feel more like a native of my hometown.

"He was reincarnated, and in his previous life he was called Yan Feng.

"Ha, that's quite interesting, isn't there too much water in Mengpo soup?

Ms. Jing Ah didn't seem to believe it, but the intimacy from Kotomine Kirei was real, and a man with a long dark red braid beside her also took a look at Kotomine Kirei.

"Have you studied Baji?

"It seems that you have deviated from the original genre, the fierce punches on you are only fierce, and some swords are slanted.

"Master Li, what do you think?

"The specialization of each martial arts is different, and the basic physique of the people is also different. It is normal for each master to have his own strengths and weaknesses.

"What about you, Master Li? Your boxing theory

The boxer who almost punched Keitel's purple-haired old beautiful girl just showed a flat smile, and immediately raised his teacup flatly, and replied indifferently

"I know a thing or two about each boxing theory.

Well, old Versailles. .

Chapter 092 : Kotomine Kirei is a reliable adult! (4/5, please subscribe)

Chapter 092 : Kotomine Kirei is a Reliable Adult!

Hu Qindi's fights are quite a lot.

But Yanfeng's gift is obviously not for a holiday. Compared with here, there is food and drink in Liyuegang, and there are old men walking down the street to accompany the storage teahouse to listen to the group of storytellers.

The story of the old man's past.

Compared with Liyue, what are the characteristics of Choledi?

The duo composed of the Roman emperor and the Hungarian countess is enough to make people's eardrums scream, that kind of timbre that makes the ears rot, but the two of them still

Self-satisfied, I want to release an album and sell it in this Xunli

This is typical disturbing behavior.

Mozart hated these two very much, but as a weak musician with speed and double E, the famous musical genius had to scold them with his awkward national curse

Then run away.

"Master Yanfeng, Roman told you to go to the control room, and it seems that the coordinates of the next singularity's spiritual particles have been officially determined.

"Oh? It's finally here.

Already free enough to pick up melon seeds, watching Artoria and Empress Emiya competing in the cafeteria, Yan Feng gave gifts, and immediately regained some energy

"Let me tell you, Saber, you need to eat less of these fried junk food!"

"Shut up. This kind of food that is easy to absorb and has high calories is the best food for marching. Taking this kind of food before the battle is the best plan!

"It's not good for your health!

"I am a follower!"

Listening to the conversation between the old lady and the rebellious girl, Kotomine Kirei burst out laughing, and Kiyohime, who came to pass the message, also slightly covered her lips.

"Thank you for the hospitality, I have truly received today's happiness.

After sweeping the melon seed husks into the trash can, Kotomine Kirei stood up and followed Kiyohime towards the control room.

"Speaking of which, Master Yanfeng makes people feel kind all the time.

"Jing Zhan said the same thing before.

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