"Miss Merlin, who is the enemy?"

Mash's eyes gradually became sharper. At the moment when Fujimaru Tatsuka is facing an existential crisis, she can no longer change course because of enemies.

"It should be Sodred, that guy has some strange protective powers, which should be defeated only by Mr. Karna's full release of the Noble Phantasm.

Grass Dredd One -

The purple-haired girl paused slightly, and there was hesitation in her eyes. They also fought side by side with Mordred at the time of the singularity, but now

"Do you want to avoid it?

Miss Mo stared at the purple-haired girl with a smile, as if she was looking forward to seeing her shaken will.

The next moment, the girl resolutely took a deep breath, and responded firmly, "Even Miss Mordred is now an enemy who stops us—"

"Miss Merlin, please protect the Master, Mr. Erner and I will fight off Miss Mordred.

After all, she looked at Karna, the hero who gave charity nodded flatly, and even looked a little more approvingly in Mash's sight.

"The righteous deeds of lending a helping hand to the lord and those in need need to be recognized.

"Miss Fujimaru is also my Master, and I would never watch her die.

The two made up their minds, and quickly approached the direction Merlin was pointing at, and soon saw an oasis where a knight in heavy armor rested.

Rest here.

When approaching the forest, a knight could be heard shouting

"There are attackers!

In the next moment, a girl's rough voice responded, "If you encounter an enemy, you will kill it! Those who show hostility to us are those who no longer have the value of survival in this world."


Grass Dread Xiaoxiang's voice,

This rude response caused Matthew to part her lips slightly. She took a deep breath again, and just as she was about to break into the enemy line, she suddenly heard a knight yelling

"That guy can't be stopped at all, he's a monster!

..the attackers were not us?

The moment this thought flashed through Matthew's mind, he heard a violent roar coming from the oasis, and immediately a man's hearty laughter came.

"Mordred, I haven't seen you for a few days. Why are you rebellious again? Do you need uncle to give you a massage? You are different from your father, you don't have the growth potential

"How long have you guys been talking!!"

The rebellious knight seemed a little ashamed and angry. When Matthew and Karna broke into the oasis, those knights had already surrounded them

One is a very coolly dressed female monk.

One is her acquaintance.


Xiu looked at the man in surprise, but seeing how surrounded he was, he couldn't help shouting, "Father Sang, what are you doing.

"It's just chatting with my niece, children in the rebellious period are always difficult to educate

The man seemed a little distressed like Brother Ping, and looked at Matthew again as he spoke.Continue to say:

"And you little guys, you lost me at such a close distance

"You bastard don't ignore me!

Mordred roared and swung the magic sword and slashed down on the man's head, but the man glanced at the falling trajectory of the sword, and moved away very flatly, avoiding the sword.

At the same time, with a very casual backhand punch, Mordred's chest was forcibly sunken, and it flew upside down like a cannonball tens of meters away, landing on the ground.

On the sand dunes not far away.

Just one hit?

Matthew couldn't hide the surprise on his expression at all. Is the man who knocked Mordred into the air with a single punch really still human?

ask for flowers

Among the sand dunes, Mordred stood up again, staring fixedly at the monster not far away that nearly destroyed her spirit base with one blow, and spit out a mouthful of sand from her mouth

Grinning his lips, he revealed a maddened expression.

'Guys like you can't stay on this land.

"You have been eating and drinking at my house for so long, and I didn't drive you away, Xiao Mo, you have to be conscientious to be a human being.

"Shut up! I don't remember what you said at all. Although I faintly feel that you should be my elder, I can't feel the slightest bit of affection for you from the bottom of my heart.

The sense of respect is also true!

That guy must be educated.

A few black lines fell on the man's face, and he twisted his neck immediately, approaching Mordred again step by step

"For your sake, I will give you a chance to unravel that blessing, that lion king, that goddess' "reason", I can sense it from you.

It's not the demon god of Tivat, but that goddess seems to have a similar "reason". The protective effect produced by the knight of the round table came to Mordred

"Since you want to see it, then I'm welcome.

The corners of the rebellious knight's mouth raised slightly, and when he exhaled, he could clearly exhale a breath mixed with scattered sparks, and there was even a faint smell of burnt ore.

Tao, or rather, very close to the feeling of sulfur.


Watching her start to activate the functions of the more inhuman part of her body, Kotomine Yuri unconsciously narrowed his eyes, and he walked towards Sodred step by step, his body was covered with layers of

A layer of enhanced magic.

"This is the sword that will destroy my father--

She raised the magic sword in her hand, and the turbulent magic power began to gather on it. After the king sword forged from the imitation of the holy sword was invaded by Mordred's twisted desire, this

The evil spirit transformed into incomprehensible despair mixed with his identity almost soaked the atmosphere, and let out a mournful sound.

Irregular energy like lightning rolled continuously on the magic sword, and finally--

Amid Caodred's roar, the magic sword fell fiercely.

""Rebellion against my beautiful father----!" "Knife.


Chapter 100: Merlin can become a woman, nothing is impossible in this world!

Chapter 100: Merlin can become a woman, nothing is impossible in this world!

""Treason to my handsome father--

The magic power full of evil was released, wrapped in the courage enough to destroy the entire oasis, and hit Kotomine Kirei fiercely

"Woo big! Big wood! Big wood! Big wood! Big wood----!

The continuous swinging of both fists was enough to create a shock wave of fist force in the atmosphere, and abruptly intercepted the crimson thunder cannon in front of Kotomine Kirei.

Although the figure seemed to be covered by a light cannon, Karna could still capture the current situation of the new master of the Karadia.

That kind of casual attitude.

Just the impact of the fist wind that is swung can prevent the opponent from going berserk, and the treasure released at the cost of damaging the spirit foundation

"Is this master the existence that can give birth to "September [-]" in the [-]th century?

"Mr. Karna, 'How is Resan doing?"

.. The picture is probably like a strong adult man treating a child with a toy weapon.


Seeing the thick crimson light cannon that could overturn the entire oasis, Matthew's expression couldn't help but froze.

The strong cognition of Yanfeng's gift in his heart quietly rose to another level.

Doesn't Miss Caodred's Noble Phantasm pose too much threat to him?

"Qibu-sang already has the strength comparable to a top follower.

"Based on my poor knowledge, the master's true strength has even far surpassed the servants of the general concept, enough to confront those god-level servants head-on.

Follower of the gods.

For Matthew, it is probably unimaginable, but she has witnessed the combat capabilities of many top servants. The lacquered knight king in the burning Fuyuki City was captured by evil

The witch of the dragon in France destroyed by the dragon, the god Romulus who appeared in Rome

The strength of these servants is an existence that is difficult for her to fight against. Relying on the abilities of other servants who gradually gathered in those singularities, they turned danger again and again

For security.

"Is it only to this extent?

The crimson light cannon was torn apart with the wind of the fist, and the man's palm was like iron pincers touching the blade of the magic sword tightly. Mordred looked at this scene in disbelief.


"Nothing is impossible

Although he doesn't have any very powerful attack methods other than the half-baked "Spear of Glory to Zhiyuan", Kotomine Kirei's attributes have all been superimposed on muscular strength, agility

Durability, magic power, magic resistance, etc.

Intuitively speaking.

He is now a pure level-A god of war, if an opponent of the same level gives up his treasure and fights with him, he will only be crushed by him without any suspense.

"Even if you are really alive, you are no longer my opponent, let alone you who are just a follower now.

You guy, I didn't have the slightest impression of you when I was alive.

"Indeed, the you now are definitely not the Mordred I am familiar with.

The man stretched out his hand, and before Mordred could barely react, one hand directly locked her throat.

Hundreds of senses noticed

But one

Still haven't been able to escape.

The body has no time to react.

"If you're willing to surrender, I can let you see the normal Artoria and Morgan."

Hearing the man's declaration, Caodred's eyes showed excitement, but after a moment of silence, she slowly shook her head again,

"I will never betray my father again. All of us will never choose to betray our father even if we die because of it.

"This is our sin. The only value of this appearance is to sacrifice everything for that king.

Wang's choice was wrong.

everyone knows

But no one to refute.

Because what they long for is to be able to trust the king without reservation and carry out her orders until the end of their lives

This is redemption.

I once let down that king, betrayed that king, reprimanded her for being ignorant of people's hearts, and the knights who raised their arms against her couldn't get rid of the extreme guilt

Whether it's Gawain, Lancelot, or Mordred

"Really? It's really a pity.

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