He sneaked into the operation silently, until he really stepped into the inside of the pyramid, and was caught by Osmandias (Nuohao) belatedly.

Seeing this pharaoh again, his aura seemed to be a little unstable.

"It looks like you've fought her before?

"That's right. I've been thwarted again.

It is no longer the royal uniform of the Pharaoh, but now Osmandias is wearing a suit of battle robes that will go to the battlefield.

"Then why did she leave again?

"It's Nitocris

Pharaoh closed his eyes and replied flatly:

"That not-so-intelligent woman attacked the troops that came after the Holy Capital, and now she should have led the enemy all the way to the Atlas Court and fled.

"Need my hand, Pharaoh.

"No, in this war, only Yu can take part.

'After Yu leaves the field, the battlefield is your moment.

"Good stalk.

[ps: It seems that there can only be four updates today. There are too many things during the day. Although I have worked hard to send four chapters at night, I will update them during the day tomorrow. ]

Chapter 113: She was a brave knight too, until her mother caught her.

Chapter 113: She was a brave knight too, until her mother caught her.

Kings are mostly lonely.

For Ramesses II, Moses was the only one who could be called a friend throughout his life.

And even a saint like Moses is determined not to be able to coexist with this king. The lonely king always holds his head up and overlooks everything except him.

Lonely banquet

It may seem particularly true to use oriental nouns to describe

It is also because of this that Wang's character is often incomprehensible.

Osmandias would have been a match for The Lion King, of course—

This point is that he must be in the new Egypt where he is, to get the geographical bonus, he must also be in the pyramid where he is

When the "Holy Lance" fell, Osmandias failed to take the blow completely after all.

The reason is simple.

He was injured, and the location where the "Holy Lance" fell was also outside the pyramid, covering the entire new Egyptian city that had just been established

It is the king's duty to protect his subjects.

This is beyond doubt and need not be questioned.

As a result, it was a natural defeat.

Brutely received the impact of that blow, although New Egypt was not destroyed, but the pharaoh's spiritual base was on the verge of fragmentation

The Lion King did not draw his gun again. In this era, it is still difficult to "draw his gun" continuously, not only because of the magic power, but also because it is not impossible

Britain, and the king is using the "anchor" of Britain.


Being unable to use the holy gun continuously and being unable to use the holy 930 gun again are two different concepts.

At least Osmandias understood that he could no longer resist the second attack from the Holy Lance

"You've got the approval of that skeleton swordsman, haven't you?

"Well, that old man is my teacher now.


Ramses II was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed happily, "That's right! Did the warrior behead Yu's head? The ending of this kind of story is not bad.

After speaking, he threw the Holy Grail directly to Kotomine Yuri, and said:

"Yu's brilliance will shine once more, brave. Yu does not intend to ally with you or accept your help.

"The next time the Holy Lance falls, it will be Yu's exit.

"Afterwards, how to deal with that Lion King is your choice.

Gripping the Holy Grail tightly, Kotomine said nothing more. Now that the cup belongs to him, as long as he is willing, this Holy Grail War can end immediately without any suspense.

Bo is--

The pharaoh's closing ceremony is not over yet

Yan Feng witnessed the pharaoh obediently sitting in the flying boat and leading the legion to start his own conquest.

The brilliance of the dark night solar ship turned into a scorching light cannon capable of destroying the city together. Although there was follow-up resistance in the army of the solemn knights, the spirit foundations were already on the verge of breaking out.

The broken Osmandias seems to have abandoned everything now, and started to launch a revenge war with full firepower.

once o


three times.

The continuous scorching light cannons hit the army formation of the solemn knights continuously.

Pulling the huge pyramid with only the inherent barrier part, Osmandias headed all the way to the holy capital

When the holy gun of the Lion King fell again.

On the endless desert, when the pyramids that were already on the verge of being broken were destroyed, and when the arrogant Pharaoh was wiped out together

When Yanfeng made a ceremony, he won the victory of the arrogant Pharaoh

Standing in front of the Lion King, the solemn knight army of the holy capital, and several knights of the round table

"The Lion King, the journey of 500 years should come to an end.

"If you can do it, Master of the Redees.

Although his real name cannot be liberated, the pure white holy spear is still held tightly by the Lion King. This divine king stands silently at the forefront of the army

"Don't say I take advantage of others, Lion King.

Smiling frankly, the man who inherited the crown assassin's spirit foundation stood under the dazzling sunlight

"This is the battlefield.

There was still no extra emotion on the face of the goddess, and the next moment, the Serene Knights began to charge without hesitation.

Multiple servants of the Knights of the Round Table surrounded him.





lan malloc.


Except for "Kay" and "Galahad" who could not recognize the Lion King, all the knights responded to the king's call, and quickly responded to the king's call after their comrades in front were defeated.

Called to the battlefield.

"Stealing someone else's knight is not a good thing, Lion King.

An individual that can no longer be called Artoria Pendragon.

An ancient scroll appeared in Kotomine Kirei's palm, and immediately began to call a certain name.

"It's your turn, Lia.

Accompanied by the words, in the sight of the knights of the round table, a blond girl in silver-blue armor slowly appeared behind the man.

The pupils of the knights contracted.

staring at the girl in disbelief

"Is that you? King!

"Really a king!

The knights almost panicked and fell off their horses, wanting to kneel before the king.Ah, that heroic (bfcc) spirit that has never changed, that awe-inspiring, that solemn expression

Without a doubt.

That is a person who is closer to the concept of king in their impression than the cold goddess


From behind the King of Knights, there was another female figure slowly staring at her, her unworthy daughter in human history, with a hint of coldness in her beautiful eyes

Mother, queen mother? !

Gareth completely lost his composure. This beautiful palm knight known as "Raging Maiden Wolf" completely lost the ability to think at this moment.

"Stand there, don't move!

Morgan's cold reprimand fell into the ears of the girl knight, "Joining Liya's grinding effect, this kind of matter that can no longer be changed is fine. Now it is for a fake

Do you want to bow down too?

The Knights of the Round Table from The Lion King watched the figures appear one after another behind the man




Except for "Gawain", "Kai" and "Galahad", the strongest knights stood beside the king who held the holy sword.

"Need some time to catch up, Lia.

Kotomine Kirei held the Holy Grail in his hand, and looked around at the Knights of the Round Table who had received different protections from the Lion King.

I'm afraid there is a trump card that he needs to face up to

"No need.

The girl holding the holy sword looked at her former subordinates and showed a smile. Under the glare of the sun, all the knights saw that the girl who was called the Chosen King

A pure smile with the corners of his lips slightly raised.

“It is a very happy thing to be able to meet again like this.

"Kirei. It's time to free them from the shackles of my undead.

Hearing the declaration of the Holy Sword Girl, all the knights began to feel unspeakable guilt from the bottom of their hearts.

"I see, if it's your choice

Kotomine Kirei held the Holy Grail tightly, and was about to cancel the Holy Grail ceremony, when he suddenly said to the Knights of the Round Table without any sign of fire:

"Everyone, if you are willing to be friends with me, Kotomine, you will be able to answer my call like the three of them in the future, and fight side by side with Artoria again.

The voice has not yet fallen

"Your Excellency Yanfeng! Please be sure to

"I am willing to fight again for you and for the king!

"Please accept my goodness! Your Excellency Yanfeng!

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