""Danger warning" is such a simple power, an instinct that all animals will have, and you, a dragon, will have such an instinct.

After Kotomine Kirei brandished the golden sword and sealed the power of Sode, Izuno-son, who had lost the "danger warning", turned around and fled without any hesitation.

The sense of crisis of the "Fifth Zhang Domain" shown by the other party before is still vivid, and there is absolutely no benefit in fighting this guy.

Iso Nozono's body suddenly merged into the swimming island, just as Kotomine Kirei saw, the real body of Sode was the "Dragon King", the "Lord of the Sea" who reigned over the sea.

Many ancient sea gods and sea monster myths are closely related to sleeves.

"You guys are really slippery.

A faint blue flame suddenly appeared in Kotomine Kirei's pupils, and the Noble Phantasm from "Old Man of Mountain 960" was released decisively once again as he designated that Ifenuo-son.


The moment the shaking bell came to Ixenozun's ears, Shou then keenly sensed that something was wrong.

Even so, the moment the evening bell echoes in the sleeve ears, it means that the sleeve has no possibility of escape.


The deep voice was mixed with the bell, and the world in front of me suddenly changed into a small evening hill

The only thing that can be heard in the beans is the constant shaking of the evening bell.

"The evening bell has revealed your name!

From under the hill, the man who came step by step grasped the golden sword tightly in his hand. It is not only the sword of sealing power, but also the sword of beheading the "life of all things" at this moment.

"Death to the Angel----!


swing down.

Symbolizing the "Dragon King!", the Lingge Xiaojian was broken, and when he returned to the world again, Ijie Nuozun was completely unable to move freely in the sea, but despite this, Sode still cherished

Going to keep diving

"Can't die!

"I must not die!

"As long as you can get there!

Locked on the lowest level of the swimming island

The bottom layer where the pillar of the sky stands

[ps: I didn’t notice that the part I wrote yesterday was wrong. It was [White Horse] and [Yam] that were cut off. I made a mistake before, sorry. )

Chapter 141: Who can open the final Boss room alone? (4/5, please subscribe

Chapter 141: Who can open the final Boss room alone?

"This place is full.

At the bottom of the Heavenly Pillar, the man stood there quietly, blocking the last escape route of the fleeing Yijie Nuozun

You bastard! ! "

Ijie Nuozun's pupils were red, staring at that man with murderous intent

As long as you can recite the imperial pillar of the sky.

You can step into "Gaotianyuan", which is the real "God's Domain"

Once you reach that place, you will definitely be able to escape this guy's clutches


Obviously close at hand!

"Damn it!!"

Roaring, Ijie Nuozun rushed over again, but this time he was greeted with a final blow without any suspense.

"Drink your hatred here.

"Ishen Nuozun.

Dozens of times the acceleration was blessed on the body surface, and before Ijie Nuozun could reflect it, he pierced through the sleeve's chest abruptly, pulling out the concept of "spiritual status"

"I'll put this to good use.

The moment he threw the "Spirit" into the "Origin Space", Kotomine Rei got the power he really wanted through the feedback from the "Collector".

"Cleansing Scourge"

It is a technique that can cleanse and remove the "maliciousness" and "filth" that infects oneself, and turn the cleaned "maliciousness" and "filth" into "ghosts and gods".

"A ghost?

"Not a righteous god.

"As expected, it is difficult to directly obtain the authority to create the "Three Noble Sons".

There are deviations in the myth of the god of disobedience. If it is this power, it is basically impossible to create the gods of "Amaterasu" and "Tsukuyomi".

That is, the wind god of destruction.

A god of destruction who likes to destroy crops.

"At most, it's about creating a 'demon' of the level of Susanoo.

The most important power of "uprooting evil and defilement" has been obtained, Kotomine Kirei has a smile on his face, as long as he gets this power

Malice in Pandora's box is no longer a problem.

He turned his head and glanced at the bottom of the "Pillar of the Sky", hesitated for a while, and then chose to leave without hesitation.

"God's Domain" is not a place where he and Athena can swipe alone.

At least not yet

If there really exist the three gods of good fortune, no matter how low the popularity of Izumo's myth is, they are analogous to Chaos in Greek mythology and Pangu in Taoist mythology.

Streaming Chuangshi God level.

"Lord God of the Heavens"

Yanfeng turned around and returned to the island of swimming. The fight between Athena, Yikui Ranzun, and Luo Hao seemed to have not yet come to an end.

As the three attacked each other, Athena and Luo Hao were undoubtedly facing each other, and they both wanted to kill Yixiran Zun, so they were unwilling to let the other party kill the disobedient one.

on the contrary.

Yijie Ranzun would never be willing to sit still, and launched a counterattack against the two without hesitation, trying to kill the two intruders

But the result


To the extent that no one can do anything to anyone

"Is it stalemate?

Kotomine Kirei raised his brows slightly, if a man gets involved in this kind of women's war, I'm afraid it won't be very pleasant.

Especially a goddess like Athena with extremely strong self-esteem.

Seemingly seeing that after Yanfeng Jieli had dealt with his opponent, he was still unable to deal with his opponent, the goddess even took the time to give him a look.

A very fierce look.

roughly means.

"Don't meddle" o

To understanding!

Yanfeng Jieli found a rock and sat down, wishing he could find a place to get a few handfuls of melon seeds to watch the three women fight, it must be a real fire, they are desperately fighting each other


However, compared to Luo Hao and Athena, Yi Fen Ran Zun seemed a bit pitiful

Although he could barely support himself in a confrontation with these two women who invaded the swimming island, in fact, any one of the two has the strength to easily deal with her

"It's a bit miserable.

Strictly speaking, Yiji Ranzun and Inuo Zun are not very expressive in mythology. Although they are the gods who created the land, they rely on the artifact of "Gaotianyuan" to complete this task.

cut work.

Yi Ranzun is a person of Huangquan, and now he is in the eternal world, and he cannot use the power of Huangquan


Once the sleeve uses the power of the underworld, the answer will be the suppression of the power of the mistress of the underworld

In fact, it was not her turn to intervene in the battle stage of the other two wicked women.

"I'll make some preparations.

Slowly moving to the top of the swimming island, Kotomine Kirei opened up the "Heaven Domain", this place is not far from "Takamagahara", once the "Don't follow" in it is disturbed,

God of God", if the sleeves manifest

With the existence of the heavenly domain, you can fight back without hesitation


It is a pity that his first-hand preparation does not seem to have received a response.

Until Yihua Ranzun's life was hanging by a thread and fell into the hands of Athena, and was thrown to Kotomine Kirei, the outcome of the battle was Athena's lead at this stage.

"I don't want to follow Yaquna. Since you plan to take my prey, Luo Hao, then Ben Jiaofeng will treat you as my prey and hunt you down!"

In the eyes of this holy leader, there is no such thing as the poor Yi Fen Ranzun. The mother goddess of the Japanese country is like a chicken rib to her. Her trip this time is just a whim

Chao, now that she can meet an opponent who is comparable to her, it is naturally impossible to let go casually.

"Pick out her spiritual status and give it to the concubine! Give a gift!

It seems that she is also a match for chess. Although she is boiling with anger, a fanatical smile appears on the corner of Athena's mouth. She intends to continue to compete with the holy leader.

Kotomine Kirei easily extracted the spirit of the goddess who was staring at him dying. There are "land", "ocean", "earth mother",


For Athena, "Dragon Mother", "Yellow Spring" and other complex divinity spiritual powers are undoubtedly the most tonic type of spiritual powers.

She ingested it into her spirituality, quickly devoured everything about that goddess, and devoured the other party's divinity with her own divinity. To do this kind of thing is not easy.

It is very difficult.

All you need is to brutally crush the opponent's divinity into nourishment

It doesn't need the power of the other party, it just needs to devour the other party's myth

. /Go on! Demon King.

"as you wish!

These two could not help but fight together again directly, one side is the martial art that has been tempered thousands of times, and the other is the combat technique that has been honed through countless battlefields.

It's almost hard to tell the difference, but - one

It is different from the case of the god jackal.

The God of Disobedience has many ways to replenish mana

And the hands (Nuo Wang's) used by the gods to replenish mana power are extremely rare.

Under the long battle

It lasted about fifteen hours.

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