Yanfeng'li's heart was beating violently, his path finally began to unfold in front of him completely, and a magnanimous avenue with a promising future has completely appeared in front of his eyes.

"Strengthen the origin, get the bond, link the origin, copy the origin until--

"Copying the "Universe" to maintain the "Universe" in 960 everything -

Although, the "bond" that needs to be copied will be an astronomical number, from the celestial body to the Shashuo, everything must be included in his "origin"

In order to be honest, the words in the meaning can be reproduced in a myriad of ways

"Liya, I seem to see the scene where I am invincible in the entire universe.

"Oh? Really? Then congratulations.

The Knight King's expression was quite indifferent, more like a perfunctory attitude, but Kotomine Kirei laughed, "Although the future may take hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years

It takes time to accomplish all of this.

"However, if you can get to that point straight.

"Even if it was the time when you returned to your homeland and let you put down that sword and choose a new history, it would not cause any abnormal changes in the records of the planet.

"Then let me look forward to it.

Seeing the rather serious expression on Kotomine's face, Artoria faintly understood that this person didn't seem to be joking.

Associating with just the amount of light that connects himself with his origin.

"Link to the origin of everything perhaps, is it really possible for him to do it?

If Kotomine Kirei really reaches that step, it may really mean that

He is the world.

[ps: Setting the skeleton is thrown out, just slowly fill in the details later)

Chapter 146 : This is the real team of famous teachers,

Chapter 146 : This is the real team of famous teachers

There is hope for the future.

But the most important thing is the present. Although the future is promising, we still have to work hard now.

After tidying up the messy thoughts, Kotomine Yuri tried it on different bonders again. Everything needs to be studied hard, and there is no room for sloppy about his own future.

The one with a higher bond level is probably much faster. Master Doman's origin is a cunning "carnivore". After linking his "origin", Kotomine Kirei was full of thoughts

It is meat, but the idea of ​​attack is not so strong.

In this way, there seems to be some basis for people's rumors that both him and Seimei were "foxes".

However, after Jingming wins, he is the son of a fox fairy.He lost, and he probably also lost the title of his own mother, and was thought of as a mottled wild fox

"The speed of link copying "Origin" is a bit slow. It takes a few days for Daoman and my bond level to be copied.

In the world of Fan Shenzhe, the flow of time is slower. After Kotomine Kirei copied the "origin" of that mage, a mottled fox is now in that "illusory space"

"running around.

"If it's Qingming's fox, it might have a few more tails.

"If Your Highness likes tails, the poor monk will give it a makeover.

Master Daoman has never been weaker than others all his life, and there is always a principle in his heart, no one can lose Qingming, even in the shape of the origin, he can't lose the prestige.

So, he began to think hard about transforming his original image. Maybe he was really thinking about the future if Anbai Seimei's original image is also in the illusory of Kotomine's wedding

Space crushes the image of his origin, right?

The origin seems to exist in other worlds as well.

The origin of Luo Hao is "Mengli" in the sky, "birds of prey" that live in the sky but can hunt large creatures and beasts, it is no wonder that they can kill Maitreya Buddha alive with a pair of fleshy palms

Later, he overwhelmed the world with the "Flying Phoenix Twelve Divine Palms".

"As my husband said, the origin of the concubine's body is interesting. In this way, if the skills learned by the concubine's body are closer to the habits of this kind of raptor, it will have twice the result with half the effort."

"Well. The point is how to develop the ability of origin. The concept of origin is the rarest and the most versatile. Such as "animals", "raptors", "plants", "fish and insects"

"Creatures like this will mostly inherit some of the nature of animals.If the origin is awakened, the impact will be stronger

Thinking about Bai Junli's story of eating living people after the awakening of the origin, Kotomine Yuri does not feel that the awakening of "origin" is a good thing for everyone.

Compared with the flow of "concepts", the awakening of the origin of creatures is like abandoning humanity again and regaining wildness.

Assuming that it doesn't match the current personality, maybe it will affect the current personality and become another person.If it is the kind of person who pursues a life like a plant, it will become auspicious.

It's actually not surprising that Yoshikage's character is set up.

After slightly copying the "Origin" of a few bonders, Kotomine Kirei temporarily separated the current "Origin" from the N card to the SSR card. Generally speaking, it is based on the rare

Come with a degree

Conceptual "origins" such as Artoria and Kotomine Kirei can be classified into SSR cards, and the corresponding N cards are naturally "stone", "shashuo" or

Or something like "dust".

Living in Lushan Mountain for a long time, Kotomine Kirei has spent a period of time to settle himself

The glazed gods in Europe seemed to have had a fight with Perseus, and Athena seemed to get involved, and finally almost killed the king of swords in southern Europe

If it wasn't for the old wolf from Northern Europe who broke into the battlefield, there would be one less god-cutter in the world.

The problem of the mad god will be dealt with sooner or later, and Kotomine Kirei is not in a hurry.

Taking advantage of today's great opportunity, I continue to organize what I have learned today.

Chaldea checks in once in a while, asks about the progress of the seventh singularity, and abducts a few servants to be his tutor team

I wanted to take Ai Ge and the others over to play for a while, but the girl seemed to be running around the world with Karen and the two sisters, Amber and Jade, and it was estimated that she would not stop in a short time.

On Liyue's side, Irisviel and Claudia are growing rapidly, and now they have returned to the normal intelligence of three or four years old. I heard from Morgan that these two women are a little dissatisfied now

For my own name, I plan to take a Liyue name in Liyue.

On the other hand, Daozuma heard that the traveler had caused a lot of trouble, and now Mordred and the others have joined the villain army, planning to wrestle with Daozu's Thor.

When the situation of all parties is quite stable, Kotomine Kirei can be regarded as grasping the rare opportunity to extract a lot of knowledge from the followers of Chaldea.

Every day is a team of famous teachers.

Thanks to the entry bonuses of "Heavenly Chosen" and "Theoretical School", Kotomine Kirei really gradually resisted this class that was even more difficult than when he was sprinting for graduation before the third year of high school.


In particular, this curriculum is still arranged by myself.

If this is the case, it would be a bit embarrassing to complain to yourself.

"Chiron" and "Skaha" should be regarded as the most professional star teachers in this teaching team,

The former's sect almost included more than half of the famous demigod heroes in the whole of Greece.

the latter?

To be honest, Kotomine Kirei is still very greedy for those runes. As for spear skills, Kotomine Kirei is not used to it, but he is not used to it with this man who has educated countless Celtic heroes.

There is no need for the queen of the country of shadows to study the so-called weapon technology.

Just need to learn how to fight

He also learned the "Pancrasin" fighting technique of "Chiron", and even learned a part of the technique of "shooting and killing the hundred-headed warrior" from Hercules.

After relying on the "chosen one" to acquire this unique technology, Kotomine's marriage is like opening a new world

I began to try to learn the "secret sword" of "Sasaki Kojiro", and the "unnamed three-stage thrust" of "Okita Souji", and of course "Gongquan Wuertai"

These have nothing to do with the Noble Phantasms themselves, they are purely the Noble Phantasms transformed by "skills". After some operation, I really learned a lot.

Now when he was exercising martial arts with Luo Hao, if he suddenly showed off his Noble Phantasm martial arts, even this martial arts king (King Nuo's) would sometimes be caught off guard.

Whether it is Xishu, alchemy, or incantation, the abilities in all aspects are steadily increasing, as if riding a rocket launcher to rush forward

That is to say, when you continue to practice in this way, you gradually forget the concept of time.

Athena, who had been looking for an old enemy in Europe, finally returned to Mount Lushan.

. /The concubine's enemy, that hateful god ancestor, planned to come to this area. She seemed to have lost her mind, and was lured to her life by the tricks of the rat who claimed to be the black prince.

A cruel smile slowly appeared on the corner of the goddess' lips, she stared at Kotomine Kirei, and immediately said

"The black prince seems to have acquired something that makes this concubine very displeased.

.It looks like it was unearthed ahead of time.

Kotomine Kirei narrowed his eyes, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly revealed a happy smile.

"Athena, wouldn't it be fun if we took that man's "weapon" for ourselves? "

Chapter 147 : There is more than one way to clear the level by fighting.

Chapter 147 : There is more than one way to clear the level by fighting.

The last king's name is Rama.

In fact, it can be regarded as a stage name, and his own origin is basically unknown. The reason why he was called Rama happened to be the protagonist of Ramayana at that time.

Thousands of dead ten kings.

The reason why he was killed is actually very simple

Because, the ten-headed king is a sweet god.

Rama is not strictly speaking a god of disobedience.

Chi is a bit like "Altria Castor" in the Lost Belt, it is the ultimate weapon prepared by the gods to deal with the demon king appearing on the earth

It can be called the graduation test of the god-endower, or it can be called a tool for killing the devil.

The original Kusanagi Godou passed the graduation test and became a man who rebelled against fate, and even replaced Rama as the King of the End.

"His appearance requires a lot of vigor, and besides that, he also needs digital steel as a summoner.

"Of course, the most important thing is the medium that summons him, named "Savior Sword".

Speaking of this, a smile appeared in Kotomine'li's eyes, if he could seize this "Salvation Sword", and then take the "Holy Grail" in the hands of God Zu Guinevere and

"If you get the disk, it basically means that Rama can't jump out of the "magic knife" at all.

960 kills the plot in advance.

Compared to waiting until Guinevere revives "The King of the End!" and then fighting with "Rama!

Mo's "Tools!" are also included in the bag.

"The Holy Grail in Guinevere's hand should be the one found by Galahad in the legend of King Arthur.

"The Holy Grail of the Moon World hasn't been obtained yet, so it's not bad to get it here in advance.

"Yizhi Yuanpan can absorb the "Sword God! Spirit", and then summon it again. If you get it, you can analyze it... It is not guaranteed that other gods with different spirits can also summon cough

come out.

There are many wonderful ideas in my mind for a while. If you can skip the battle round, why do you have to choose a difficult way to clear the level?

"It seems that this time we need to complete a take-all.

Hearing what Yan Feng'li said, a smile appeared in the dark blue pupils of the goddess, and she understood what kind of character the man she chose was.

When he showed such a smile, someone must be in trouble.

and a

The unlucky person this time is most likely the man (bfcc) I have always hated and the bitch who betrayed their ancestors.

"I heard that when my sister comes back, the concubine is not far away to welcome her, so she is rude.

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