Because the way of magic will definitely not beat the way of immortality.

The magic path eventually became a stepping stone to the immortal path, a test on the road.

If the nature of this essential sense changes, the world will also undergo earth-shaking changes. .

Chapter 39

Heaven and earth.

Zixiao Palace.

Daozu Hongjun lived in this place.

It's just that people didn't expect that accidents happened frequently.

This did not suddenly come to some variables.

To be honest, Hongjun has lost sight of the future.

He didn't understand who this demon master was and why he had such arrogance.

In a short period of time, the West was unified.

And the most important thing now is that he is about to prove the Dao, and what he proves is the Hunyuan Dao.

This is not the world he wants.

In the world, the way of saints is widely spread.

If he is suppressed by Hunyuan Dao, wouldn't his existence be meaningless?

This inexplicable deviation has deviated from his original intention of preaching.

"The devil, the devil."

"Why do you know Hunyuan Dao? Are you also the Chaos Demon God?"

"Or is there a Taoist who made arrangements on the back!"

Hongjun sighed secretly.

The three-foot white beard flutters on the chest, the face is ruddy, and the eyes seem to be cloudy, but it seems to be interpreting the life and death of stars and disillusionment, the reincarnation of all things, without desire and inaction.

The most amazing thing is the top of his head.

A golden jade butterfly hovered above his head.

The jade butterfly sprinkled countless multicolored rays of light, forming thousands of acres of Qingyun.

Three big purple lotuses are rooted on them, stretching their stems and spreading their leaves. The stems are tall and straight, and the lotus leaves are green and ready to drip.

The inscriptions on the avenue formed blossoming golden flowers and auspicious aura, falling down the ashram.

The Voice of the Great Dao evolves various mysterious pictures and texts, and disillusionment arises.

Evolving all things in the world at one time, the reincarnation of time.

For a while, it evolved into Taoism and immortality, the realm of heaven and man.

For a while, it evolved into a wonderful realm of Buddhism, the living true Buddha.

It is really varied and extraordinary.

Exhausted the three thousand great ways, including the infinite way.

"The variables have increased again, God, do you know?"

"The biggest variable now is the Demon Lord."

"If he proves the Tao, the consequences will be disastrous."

With the help of the power of heaven, Hongjun wanted to spy on some things.

But found that the future is cloudy and difficult to explore.

Now many people have gone to watch the ceremony.

What Hongjun was thinking was, should he show up?

After all, he was only halfway through his sermon, and the spread of the sage's way has not yet been spread throughout the prehistoric world.

This is something to think about.

There is a fairy mountain in the branch of Buzhou, which stretches for tens of thousands of miles.

Two great supernatural powers were also born in a deep valley.

With a human head and a snake body, they were born together and became brothers and sisters.

That is Nuwa and Fuxi.

Now that someone is proving the Dao, how can Hunyuan not go?

"Let's go, brother, let's go and see that man's demeanor!"

Nu Wa's expression was full of splendor, as if she was looking forward to it.

To the west of Honghuang, there is a fairy mountain, which is extremely high and majestic.

A Taoist with a golden crown on his head, a ribbon around his waist, a handsome face and three beards is sitting and talking with a rosy, fair-skinned, always smiling Taoist. When he sees a vision from the sky, he looks at each other and smiles, and he is far away. go.

When the sun star is in the sky, above the dark north, in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, the western mountains of Kunlun, the fairy islands in the east sea... Countless people with great supernatural powers have shown their supernatural powers or sacrificed their magic weapons, or together, or alone, streams of light flow in all directions Fly away.

"Let's go and see the demeanor of the senior brother."

"I really didn't expect that senior brother would prove the way, and he used the name of the devil."

Ziyang Peak has many disciples.

Now that someone is going to testify, they naturally cannot remain indifferent.

And for this time's preaching, it can't be said that he didn't take any risks.

After all, Daozu is still in Zixiao Palace.

But they knew what the meaning of the devil's actions was.

This era needs to change, and some pioneers are bound to be needed.

A glorious prosperous world needs them to build together.

in chaos.

There are many people.

There are masters from the Demon Sect, immortal cultivators from the Taoist sect, and there are peerless monsters with unrivaled powers.

These people serve as witnesses, see the transcendent, and create legends.


Thunder and lightning echoed in the chaos like metal and iron.

It was as if light appeared in the darkness.

In an instant, the chaos changed color.

This vision stunned countless people.

"Then...that seems to be, yes, it is derived from Chaos, and it is called Chaos God Thunder."

Rolling thunderclouds emerged from nothingness, engulfing hundreds of millions of thunder dragons, covering up the chaos of the universe.

Its mighty, as if to submerge everything!


Accompanied by a roar, even the endless universe was dimmed.

The thunder of the Chaos God came from the sky, engulfed the endless electric dragon, and the thunder rumbled, covering the four wilds and eight wildernesses, nine heavens and ten earths, all sentient beings in the three realms and six realms!

But under the divine thunder, the demonic energy billowed, and the demonic flames surged to the sky.

A figure stood under it, and the Taoist robes agitated.

Boom boom boom!




The extremely ancient voice appeared.

When these voices appeared, countless people's heartbeats accelerated.

It seems to fall into the magic way at any time.

That is the most primitive sound, and it is also a magic sound.

Chaos is terrified by the revealing of the secrets of the magic way.

Suddenly the Taoist leaped thousands of miles, and all the directions of his body were destroyed, just like the world was destroyed.

This is the Chaotic Thunder Tribulation, and it is also the Dao Tribulation.

When the thunder calamity appears, the chaos will follow.

Nearly a thousand demons in the distance looked a little nervous.

"Proving the Dao Hunyuan actually has to go through calamities, if this is the case, the devil lord..."

Seeing someone under his command showing worry.

The Heavenly Demon ignored it.

Some people, some things, are meant to be.

Either live or die.

Now the most famous one is Daozu's cutting three corpses.

Three corpses, good thoughts, evil thoughts, obsessions.

Every time one is cut out, the merit will be further improved, and the soul will be more complete.

Good, evil, obsession, and the three corpses can be proved and sanctified once the three corpses are chopped off.

However, the three corpses are hard to kill.

Now the demon lord proves the way, but it is not cutting the three corpses, but another way.

Whether this way can be successful depends on the devil himself.

This is different from this era.


A sea of ​​thunder capable of destroying thousands of worlds densely covered the entire chaotic sky.

Densely dense avenue runes are densely covered.

Chaos has no light, but the appearance of Lei Hai illuminates the entire chaos.

Under people's gaze, Youdao's figure swims in the sea of ​​thunder.

Shatter the thunderclouds that fill the sky, destroy the thunder dragon, and shatter the avenue of thunder and calamity.

The strong killing intent rushed straight to Xiaohan, sweeping across thousands of worlds.

This is the narration of the way of Hunyuan, and it is also an opportunity for the rise of the magic way. .

Chapter 40

"Dao Jie, long time no see."

Looking at the scene in the distance, Hongjun in Zixiao Palace seems to have some reminiscences.

I still remember that it was in the era of chaos, and the Hunyuan Dao was circulated at that time.

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