"Who can get rid of the scourge of Duke Dong, little girl... I would like to promise you with my body..."



O earth!

Can it still be like this?

They don't seem to have set off yet.

Not even out to sea.

Some people give things, and even promise each other with their bodies.

Look at these nuns, each one is as beautiful as a flower.

Look at these fellow Taoists, each and every one of them is so honest.


The disciples of the dragon clan swear to destroy the army of the monster clan and the prince of the East!

"Kill the Eastern Prince!"


For some unknown reason, the entire Dragon Clan army shouted to kill.

Its sound shook the sky and the earth, and lasted for a long time.

As a member of the Dragon Clan, they were originally very humble.

Because the Dragon Clan is already in decline.

This prehistoric world knows this.

As a person of the dragon clan, it is inevitable that they will encounter some problems.

Those outsiders will see them through colored glasses.

Although some people don't care, some special people still have low self-esteem.

But the actions of these prehistoric creatures today gave them hope.

It turns out that the creatures in this world are friendly.

They have the support of so many people.

The people of the Dragon Clan became proud one by one.

I am dragon, I am proud.

Not for anything else.

You see, so many people support us and oppose Yaozu.

That's everything.

The dragon army then hit the road.

But then, they seemed to have a problem.

Ao Guang frowned, what happened?

With the hopes of so many people, they can't lose the chain at a critical time.

"Report... to the Dragon King, there is a million miles of poisonous forest in front of us, if we want to go through it, we are afraid that there will be damage."

"As for the detour, it will inevitably delay the military plane."

Ao Guang frowned.

I really didn't expect that there was a dangerous obstacle just after landing?

But how could they delay the hopes of so many people?

".‖ Pass down the order, order the people under him to evacuate the poisonous forest..."

But before he finished speaking, it seemed that something had changed.

One after another figure appeared for it.

Ao Guang: "???"

All the dragons: "???"

"Comrades, hurry up and disperse this poisonous forest, and don't delay the time of the dragon army."

"As a member of the prehistoric world, I should do some things of course."

"Come on, this is just baked, eat it quickly..."


Many dragons were dumbfounded.

What is this all about?

They have only just come ashore!

I just want to attack the Yaozu and set up an ambush.

It's just that there are poisonous forests blocking the way.

But what people didn't expect was that so many prehistoric creatures came to help.

In addition to helping them evacuate the poisonous forest, it seems that they have given a lot of food.

"And... eat?"

They had just eaten and were full. (Nonuo Zhao)

But there is no way, these friends are too enthusiastic.

They can live up to their enthusiasm.

"Brothers, give me a big bite, and don't let them down!"


Although they were full, they stuffed them in abruptly.

It is good to have many friends when you are away from home!

It tastes even better to be recognized.


Is this a war or a meal?

It seems that this nature has changed somewhat.

"Kill, it is said that the most shameless Prince Dong in history has appeared, if we don't go there, it will be too late."

"Damn it, that hypocrite, big moth, if you don't kill it, it's not enough to be popular, and if you don't kill it, it's not enough to vent your ruthlessness!"

"It's better to come early than to come, count me in."

A group of people gathered and charged forward angrily.

This made the people of the Dragon Clan bewildered.

There are still people robbing them of their relationship!end.

Chapter 105

The people of the dragon clan were a little helpless.

I don't know what it's like.

What is this called?

A soldier under the Dragon Clan couldn't help but speak.

"Master Dragon King is like this, shall we still go to ambush?"


It seems that a lot of people are doing this one thing.

But in the blink of an eye, Ao Guang's expression changed.

He looked solemn, and said righteously: "The demon clan is targeting us, these are just innocent people."

"Since the Yaozu are going to fight, we will accompany them to the end. We must not disappoint these people's wishes."

All the way unimpeded.

And the creatures in the prehistoric world are really too enthusiastic.

I like to deliver meals when I have nothing to do.

And it's been delivered too many times.

As they walked, the people of the Dragon Clan found that they had gained weight inexplicably.

Good guy, can you still play like this?


Sure enough, it is so indefinite!

Got it!

In this battle, they are more confident.

I only wish to defeat the Yaozu and the East Prince.

Don't waste the meals of the folks.

One hundred miles from the land of the four seas.

I don't know why, but there is always a scattered team.

He was so dizzy that he seemed about to collapse to the ground at any moment.

   And equivalent to the previous million elites, the number of people has decreased significantly.

This is a long battle!

Because of the existence of the Eastern Prince, their road ahead is difficult!

But this Eastern Prince doesn't know it yet, he is simply a bastard.


A very difficult road.

A dwindling team.

The Yaozu people are desperate.

How is this played?

They didn't even see the people of the Dragon Clan, so they lost so many people.

As soon as he went down to the next realm, four or five waves of monks with little cultivation came.

After descending to the mortal world, before walking ten miles away, another dozen waves came.

I'll give you a little wave in a few minutes

I will make a big wave for you in a few hours.

Within 24 hours, a big siege was enacted.

The ups and downs of life are so exciting.

Everyone in the Yaozu people is scared, lest they meet such a group of people.

And they seem to be sleeping!


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