Human accounts are forced to reach full level Author: Venerable Spirit Butterfly


first day.Hello everyone, I am Jiafan, an ordinary person who has just traveled to the world of Youth Story, and I also like to mention the powerful Wenchao system. I feel that my stable and happy life has been stabilized.

the next day.Hello everyone, I am Jiafan, I have just entered the school gate, and now... standing in the boundless wilderness, ordinary people look blankly at the [black ash] all over the sky, and the few distant buildings. The mountain peak that was just collapsed by energy ripples that came out of nowhere.

"..." Ordinary people looked down silently

Chapter 1: Traveling through this kind of thing is beyond my control

Jiafan, a college graduate who stays at home, is 23 years old and a virgin.

Cause of death: Sudden death while writing a novel.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror in front of him, Gavan straightened his high school uniform a little bit, smoothed out some wrinkles with his hands, looked at himself in the mirror with emotion, and nodded in satisfaction .

Yes, he was dead, but not quite dead.

Because he crossed over, to be precise, he passed through his soul, and came to another world where he also happened to die suddenly, and completed the great feat of passing on the baton of life.

Recalling that after graduating from university before time travel, I gave up the university majors that I had half understood, and devoted myself to my childhood hobby of writing novels. with some old keyboards, and successfully—

Four novels in a row.

Almost got evicted by the landlord.

it's OK!Hard work pays off, when he completed the outline of the fifth novel that would definitely become popular in a burst of inspiration, in the middle of the night and 1 o'clock in the morning, renting a room on the fifth floor, he was six points proud, seven points complacent, eight points swollen, nine points Very trance, and very stable code out of Chapter [-].

He hit the street.

Human beings have limits. After I don’t know how many times I don’t sleep for three days and three nights, the body still can’t keep up with the sudden death that the will wants.

But he was also a blessing in disguise, didn't he?

And also got the gold finger that is almost standard for traversers-Wenchaogong system!

How powerful!

After learning about this system, Gavan resolutely gave up his idea of ​​creation, and decided to become a diligent porter of the great knowledge of human civilization.

It's not shabby to make money, and he doesn't want to accidentally die suddenly again.

After all, it was not easy to travel through time and save my own life.

Only when you lose it can you know how to cherish it. This person must know how to cherish his body and not destroy it with violence regardless.

But that's the thing, he can't be a Wenchao for the time being, after all, he just crossed over, inherited part of the memory from his predecessor, and learned that he was going to Lizongwu High School in this city, and today just happened to start school first day.

After tidying up the school uniform on his body, Jiafan silently read the panel.

Then, a translucent virtual panel that only he could see appeared out of thin air in front of his eyes.


Name: Gavan

Age: 18 (23)

Source: 0

Ability: Japanese level six


There is very little information, and it looks a bit crude, but the visual sense full of science fiction makes up for everything.

Looking at the Japanese level [-] on the ability panel, Jiafan felt a little excited again for an unknown number of times.

Because this is not his original ability, even if he inherited part of the memory of his predecessor, he only got incomplete Japanese daily words, which are provided by the system, which can be regarded as a big gift package for beginners.

Jiafan still clearly remembers that he has almost forgotten the English that he barely passed CET-[-] in college, not to mention the poor Japanese that he only learned in movies like the simple vocabulary of "雅蠛蝶".

But now I have mastered a new language literally out of thin air.

He didn't understand the principle of this, whether it was information implantation, spiritual indoctrination, or memory inheritance, in short...

The system is awesome!

Galvan is now full of hope for a bright future for himself.

As an ordinary human being without any lofty aspirations, he felt that he would be able to live a stable and happy life this time without worrying about food and clothing, and he was extremely satisfied with this.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go to school."

Jiafan took his shoulder bag on the side desk, walked out of the room, came to the spacious hall, passed the clean and tidy entrance, put on his shoes for going out, opened the door, and looked at his new s home.

Like many novels, after time travel, he has no father or mother, and both parents died. Although this made him feel a little complicated, it did save him from the embarrassment and unspeakable embarrassment of facing "strangers". guilt.

It seems that because I was alone, I fell in love with the virtual world in the novel, and at the same time fell in love with writing novels just like myself, and by a miraculous coincidence, I also wrote novels day and night and died suddenly, which made me successful Come across.

He couldn't comment on the situation except to say...

"Don't worry, I will live well with your share, the other me."

Gavan left a word for this empty house, then closed the door, and then embarked on the road to school with a look of anticipation.

According to the old routine, if you want to obtain the qualifications to move the books stored in the Wenchaogong system, you have to interact with those students on campus and complete some tasks issued by the system to get the so-called points.

And the world he is in now, if nothing else, should be "My Youth Love Story Really Has a Problem", a proper daily world, and he seems to have an aunt named Shizuka Hiratsuka.

That is, the life guidance teacher in your own school.

Well, simply good can't be too good.

Already outside the gate of Lizongwu High School, Gafan, who stopped among the youthful and beautiful students, looked up at the teaching building in the distance ahead, took a deep breath, and thought of this.

This strange appearance caused a male student with dead fish eyes to walk around silently, but it was not important.

"Let me start this beautiful day!"

Jiafan was so emotional, he finally stepped into the gate of the campus full of hope and longing, and then...

He froze.

There was a dead silence.

The smile on his face faded slowly.

Even the glare in his eyes gradually disappeared.

This man, who might have been the male protagonist of an urban youth novel, silently rubbed his eyes, and looked at the boundless wilderness in front of him again without warning. There are no animals, plants, or even living creatures.

It is so desolate that even the Sahara Desert, the largest sandy desert in the world, is a paradise suitable for human habitation compared with this.

The down-to-earth feeling under his feet told him that this was the real world.

Gavan was a little dazed, looked around again, and finally raised his head to look at the sky where it was hard to tell whether it was day or night, and there was no blue sky, white clouds or starry sky.

There is only a piece of oppressive dust and blood-colored dim strange light, and even the sun is blocked by eternity.

The sky, which was supposed to be clear, looked even more filthy than the desolate land.

A scene of the end of the world.

And at this time, a small piece of snowflake or paper dust, but with a faint black-blue fluorescence on the surface, slowly floated down from the sky, and landed on the forehead of Gavan, who had stopped thinking and had a dull expression on his face.

【Black gray】


With the sound of gasping for air, Gavan finally came back to his senses.

And the first thing he did after waking up was to call out the panel instinctively, and then found that there was an extra column of information on it.

The current world: No Game No Life·ZERO


Then, Jiafan silently looked at the lonely Japanese level six on the ability bar again.

lost in thought.

And issued an ordinary person's doubts and bewilderment from the soul.

"Nimma's why?"

A beautiful day, it's over before it starts.

Chapter 2: There is no way to travel through the system together

City Z.

A supermarket that is promoting big discounts.

A bald man in yellow clothes and a white cloak, ignoring a child next to him who pointed at him strangely but was pulled away by his mother, looked down at the 482 yen special crab in his hand, with a simple stroke style on his face.

"Crab... It's been three years since then."

Saitama muttered to himself with a slightly dumbfounded expression.

Ever since he met the crab monster and rescued an unlovable butt and chin kid, he gave up looking for a job and decided to follow his own ideas. He became a hero out of interest and started to show off Fat training hard.

In the end, he succeeded to the point where he was invincible, and any weirdo could be dealt with with one punch, realizing his dream of becoming a hero.

But it always felt like something was wrong, and his heart was not satisfied.

Moreover, he also had a trouble recently.

It seems that as the price of gaining power, he has gradually lost emotions such as fear, tension, anger, and joy since a long time ago. These are the most important things for him as a human being, and... ...

His originally very thick hair.

But Saitama won't dwell on these too much, even if he doesn't get the feeling similar to the collision of souls in the battle with the weirdo, he will at most occasionally yell and complain, and then he will return to normal, and I usually keep my mood free, because...

"Overwhelming power, very boring."

Put the special crab in a plastic bag to pay the bill, and Saitama is ready to go home.

Maybe he will meet a weird person on the road, and then he will solve it with a punch as always, and then go home to wash his red gloves, watch TV at night, sleep, and end his day like this.

Well, that's how it should have been.

After stepping out of the entrance of the supermarket, what I saw was not the pedestrians and the familiar traffic on the road, but the endless wilderness. It seemed that I was still in a huge pit with a large area.

Seeing this scene change without warning, Saitama, who was holding a plastic bag in his hand, was stunned for three seconds before he belatedly let out a sound.

"Oh, where is this?"

But at this time, a voice that seemed a little timid, but very flat, and with some doubts came from it.


Saitama turned around looking blankly, and found that there was a girl lying on the ground not far from him... a girl who looked like a half-abandoned robot?

The mechanical conduction circuit of the current beating exposed under the simulated skin of the other party, and some scattered parts around it all prove that the other party is not a human being, but a simulated robot that I heard on TV.

Shubi, who had already successfully transmitted to the group the most precious memory data he had experienced together after meeting Rick, was quietly waiting for death. Seeing that Saitama turned his head, he was sure that the other party was not a machine. A so-called hallucinatory queen that does not exist at all.

The originally calm voice suddenly took on deep guilt and a crying voice full of human emotions.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Rick, Hubby seems to be unable to keep the agreement..."

The second article of the covenant that Rick and everyone made together: no one can die.

Because Shubi is a lifeless tool, it doesn't matter if it is damaged, but the human being who suddenly appeared in front of her will also die with her.

Because of the Tianyi clan she attracted, died.

Shubi, who originally thought that she could face death calmly, shed tears uncontrollably and cried helplessly again, curled up with a body that was close to being scrapped, and tightly guarded the treasure in her hand. ring.

That's what Rick gave her.

"Rick, yes, sorry, sorry..."

And looking at the girl crying like that on the ground in front of him, Saitama, who had always had a stick-painted face, changed his face slightly, and his eyes widened slightly.

This is a robot?

Qiyu looked at the other party's uncontrollable tears of sadness and guilt from the heart, directly denying his previous misunderstanding.

No, this is a human being.

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