A sharp bone sword that was forged like obsidian was casually held on the shoulder, exuding a strong smell of blood.

God's right.

A strange figure stretched out four withered arms. The ancient black robe covered its stooped and bloated body, and black tentacles protruded from it, forming the lower body, which was also connected to the dark golden halo on its back.

A quaint staff made up of black vines, with bone spurs and a fang-like sickle at the end, and a cross wrapped in a dark ring at the front, held by a mummy-like palm.

Then, their gods raised their fingers, locked on the figure covered by the smoke and dust, and issued an absolute order.

"Give him death."

next moment.

The servant holding the bone sword flapped the fleshy wings on his back, and the figure disappeared instantly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the blade in its hand had already slashed in front of the target, leaving a deep crack in the invisible barrier, and the tip of the sword penetrated it successfully.

Then, the breath of death enveloped it.

One hand was raised, slightly clenched the phantom of the heart in the palm.

The cold voice echoed in its ears.

"'Heart Grasp'."

Extreme severe pain suddenly appeared in its chest, but under another strange fluctuation, it quickly dissipated.

Another god servant who had come to a hundred meters directly above the other party's head bent down and tapped the staff in his hand downwards, causing ripples visible to the naked eye to appear in the void, causing his own kind to teleport come out.

"Space blockade..."

A hoarse voice sounded, the breath of magic spread, and the ancient R'lyye language narrated the mystery.

Indescribable ravings and phantoms like ghosts appeared in the space with a radius of [-] meters.

Reappeared, the magic of the strongest mage on a certain barren planet.

"'Death Omen Black Coffin'."

In an instant, a huge pitch-black cube directly appeared and completely covered the ground below. The deep and strange barrier was filled with energy that could erode all organic matter.

All escape routes are blocked.

Then, the huge pitch-black cube shrunk at an extremely fast speed. In just two seconds, it changed from a volume enough to cover a hundred meters to a "magic cube" the size of a fist. Everything that remains is completely annihilated and dissipated together.

But for this result, the servant of God holding the staff was surprised.

The magic it just did not hurt the target.

The opponent used a method that he couldn't see through in advance, instantly broke through the space blockade, and got out of the predicament.

At this time, it suddenly felt a sacred aura suddenly appeared in the sky, and the radiance of purifying evil shone on it, and it seemed that pious prayers and mighty bells echoed in its ears.

Then, a strong sense of crisis emerged.

"Clang clang clang clang clang-!"

The sound of huge metal collisions echoed at a height of [-] meters.

A pitch-black bone sword firmly resisted the six holy long swords that were cut off at the same time, rubbing sparks of splendor.

The sharp-edged servant of God stared at the hostile existence of six humanoid creatures that suddenly appeared in front of him with his eyes hidden under the hood of the black robe.

There are three pairs of pure white wings spreading out from behind them, and they are dressed in exquisite white armor, their faces are covered by masks engraved with mysterious patterns, in addition to the long sword exuding a holy aura, there is also a sword in the other hand. All have the same strong shield.

Looking around, the pupils shrank slightly.

It was also behind them, seeing the phantom of heaven that was slowly dissipating in the sky.

"'Army of Heaven Comes Down'."

Gavan, who had already teleported to a thousand-meter altitude, looked down indifferently at the two strange existences below.

The move he just released was also copied from the flying squirrel. It can summon six cherubs with a level of about [-] at one time, which is the strongest summoning skill of that guy, but...

Still not as good as the two guys below.

Looking at the six sage angels who were instantly knocked into the air by slashing and magic, Jiafan already judged the level of strength of this so-called servant of God.

It should be equivalent, or even better than the level [-] "root fire spirit" summoned by Momonga with his guild exclusive weapon "Ainz Urgon's Staff".

The cherubs fought six against two, and at most they could barely hold each other to a stalemate.

"'High-level full attribute enhancement', 'high-level resistance enhancement'."

After giving them the buff, Gavan ignored the battle situation here, and immediately dodged a dark red light beam across the sky, and rushed towards the [-]-meter giant suspended at a height of [-] meters.

But halfway through, the surrounding space suddenly froze directly, sealing everything off.

And the dark red light beam that had been avoided just now rushed back again after crossing a large arc, and turned into shotguns, directly attacking in all directions at 360 degrees without dead ends.

"Space is forced to move."

Boom boom boom!

Grand "fireworks" appeared, dyeing the sky red.

Karthus glanced in surprise, the figure in the blue and white robe appeared silently a thousand meters away from the original place, a bit confused about how the other party broke through the blockage of his own space just now.

In fact, to be honest, He is not taking this battle seriously now.

Even from the beginning of the fight to the present, He has not left his position.

Even if the man on the opposite side is not like ordinary people in terms of strength and personality, and his abilities are very comprehensive and omnipotent, but there is one fact that cannot be denied, that is...

Far less powerful than the current He.

The fact that he didn't use all his strength to destroy the other party in the first place was simply because he wanted to get acquainted with the host he was parasitic on first, and what kind of abilities he could bring to himself.

After all, for some reason, he couldn't read the memory of the giant of light who had lost consciousness, so he didn't know how to use the strange energy carried by this body, which required groping.

And, he still needs to allocate part of his energy to try to analyze this strange space that traps him.

After a period of time, he even faintly sensed an item similar to a scroll.

It is entwined with the supreme aura that belongs to the rules of the world.

"......nice one."

For the first time, Karthus felt an emotion called "collection desire" in his calm heart, but at the same time, he also judged that he seemed unable to capture it directly.

Thinking of this, he once again raised his finger to the figure in the blue and white robe.

As long as you kill this guy, that thing should belong to Him.

Although until now, he didn't understand why the other party came to him suddenly, and he just wanted to fight him.

next moment.

Far beyond before, a dark red light beam with a diameter of [-] meters appeared.

Carrying terrifying energy fluctuations, it came to Gavan in an instant, occupying his entire field of vision.

At the same time, the space around him became abnormally solid again, and the level of stability was even enough to make the "advanced teleportation" invalid. Even if it was a forced teleportation from the space of the gods, it would take a second to successfully teleport.

Too late to hide! ! !

Judging this in an instant, Gavan built a seven-layer lavender barrier in front of him without hesitation.

"'Energy Immunity, Unclean Shock Shield'!"

And almost when the barrier first appeared, the frightening amount of violent energy had already collided with it.

BOOM! ! ! !

click -

There was a huge roar, and a sound similar to breaking glass appeared at the same time.

Ring-shaped violent shock waves scatter in all directions, setting off waves of dust on the desolate land, and rushing towards the end of the sky in this different-dimensional space.

The aftermath of it even caused the cherubs and servants who were fighting each other ten miles away to be caught off guard and fly backwards at the same time.

Some of the escaping energy made the boundless land even more pitted, with many bottomless ravines and cracks appearing.

"Oh, blocked?"

Karthus, who was still releasing energy, was surprised again.

Although the opponent's strength is far inferior to his, but it seems that he really has many strange methods, and he cannot be easily crushed to death.

Then spend more time.

With this in mind, just as Karthus wanted to increase the power of energy transmission again, a jet-black beam of light with a diameter of tens of meters descended from the sky and blasted towards him.

"'The most powerful magic · true darkness'."

The dark red body shield blocked the impact by itself, and many cracks appeared on it again, showing the effectiveness of this jet-black beam of light, but...

Until now, Karthus has still not been injured even a little bit.

Those streaks of foul-like powerful magic couldn't even break through his energy shield.

The "magnitude" gap between the two sides is too big.

However, this sudden attack also caused Karthus to slightly pause his raised gesture, and the divine body suspended at a height of a thousand meters was also slightly moved down a few meters by the powerful impact force.

The attack strength of that terrifying light beam also weakened immediately.

next moment.

A figure in a blue and white robe suddenly and silently appeared behind Karthus.

It even directly appeared inside the body-protecting energy shield with ridiculously high defense strength.

Finally succeeded in getting close.

Looking at the huge back of the other party, Gavan, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, raised his right hand and aimed at the head with a huge gap.

Indifferently whispered.

"'Judeka's Freeze Time Stop'."

Forged from the most powerful magical release of a certain high demon.

The invisible sphere of silence instantly spread to a radius of one kilometer, completely enveloping the divine body of the hundred-meter giant, and stilling everything.

Whether it is the strange gravel floating in mid-air, or the dark gray fragments made of special soul matter, they all seem to have been pressed the pause button, stagnating in place, forming a beautiful painting, even Even that indescribably great existence cannot move...


A crisp sound suddenly appeared in the dead space.

Karthus' huge head began to slowly turn back.

"Hey, the effect of time stop will be immune to most of them. Magic is not good at this point."

Gavan sighed softly, but his cold eyes did not show the slightest wavering.

After all, for him, as long as he can first restrict or greatly slow down the opponent's actions, that's enough.

Immediately afterwards, the inexplicable invisible fluctuations spread again.

"'Expand the range of the magic effect, Banshee's Cry'."

As the words that moved the rules of the world fell, a mournful howl and scream that hit the soul suddenly appeared, causing the strange sound waves mixed with magic to spread throughout all the spaces inside the dark red energy shield.

This is preparing for the next Xeon blow.

At this time, an ancient golden clock quietly appeared behind Gavan.

It is full of old gears and the deep breath of death, and even exudes a sense of despair and ruthless cold machinery, as if it is doing an unstoppable countdown for all life in the world.

"Feisdeath in Thegoalofall."

The ancient R'lyeh speaks.

Staring at the indescribably great existence, Gavan snapped his fingers lightly.

The pointer on the golden clock started to move, and made a sound that shocked the soul.

That is the strongest move mastered by a certain Supreme Being from another world, the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and its name is——

"Death is the end of all life."

Chapter 170: Aren't We Partners? 5K

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