
at the same time.

some village.


With a clear and crisp sound, as if something hard and unreasonable had been cut, half of the extremely sharp broken knife spun rapidly in mid-air, and finally plunged obliquely into the muddy ground.

This unexpected result.

Ling Shitou Muichiro's dull mint green eyes widened slightly, as if feeling unbelievable.

And the "evil ghost" who looked like a rabbit standing in a pool of blood full of minced meat was stunned because he was suddenly chopped with a knife for no reason.

It was just teleported by Naruto's female space and thrown out of Infinity City by Kirilenko.

After successfully escaping from prison, before he had time to embark on a journey to find new canvas shoes, he saw collapsed houses, a comatose old man, a crying child, and...

The devil who slapped it in the face.

Kirilenko: "..."

Then in less than ten seconds, the few evil spirits surrounding it turned into minced meat all over the place.

But after the anger died down, it was in a daze thinking about where to find a means of transportation for a while, and then it was hacked by a strange guy who suddenly appeared and inexplicably slashed.

It still hurts.

So, according to the way of thinking that if you are provoked, you have to call back, Kirilenko silently turned his head to look at the other party, and stared.

It got angry [○?`Д??○].

Chapter 190 Eight: Jailbreak Rabbit VS Shitou Muichiro


Under the silent shadow, a loud noise suddenly appeared, waking up the sleeping residents in a certain village, but they all hid in their beds suspiciously and dared not go out to check.

And on that dark street, Tokito Muichiro, who was holding a broken knife, jumped back and forth sensitively and rapidly, constantly avoiding the unbelievably powerful fist of the red rabbit.

In just ten seconds, dozens of pits were smashed into the ground nearby by the fist that was swung in the air.

And this situation also made Kirilenko, who had never hit the opponent, frown even tighter and became more angry.

So, next second.

Once again, it slammed into the air, directly thrusting its hands into the ground fiercely, and suddenly raised a huge rock with a height of five meters.

Toss up.

This outrageous scene made Shitou Muichiro, who took the opportunity to finally distance himself, seemed to be stunned for a moment with his dull eyes.

He subconsciously followed the huge rock that was thrown into the air, and then began to fall freely, watching the moment it fell in front of the opponent——


With a roar in the ear suddenly sounded.

There were hundreds of shattered rocks that directly came to his eyes like a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

The pupils constricted and the hairs stood on end.

The strong sense of crisis and astonishing nerve reaction speed directly made his body move on its own, and violently swung the broken sun wheel in his hand.

"'Kasumi's Breath · Three Shapes · Kasumi Scattered Spray"."

The misty knife light suddenly appeared and turned into a vortex-like circle, driving the airflow.

And the moment it came into contact with the group of crushed stones that were shot like bullets, it directly swept away all of them by relying on the force of rotation.

The blade trembled, and the tiger's mouth numb slightly.

The crisis was successfully resolved.

But Shitou Muichiro hadn't had time to breathe a sigh of relief when he found that the blood-stained figure without a trace of human breath had successfully pounced and approached him, making that inhuman face clearly caught his eyes.

This is... a rabbit?

There was no time to think about it during the battle, the knife in his hand was already stabbing straight out like a ray of light.

"One of the Shapes: Hanging Sky and Yuanxia".

next moment.

The sharp blade pierced through the air, and the afterimages in front of his eyes dissipated.

At the same time, there was a terrifying sense of crisis behind him.

In the back... too late to hide!

Shitou Muichiro, who instantly judged the situation of the battle, did not hesitate at all, and directly turned around violently, driving the strength of his arm muscles and waist strength, and slashed at his current highest blade speed with all his strength.

"Two Types Yae Xia".

Broken gold and cracked rocks, eight slashes with the greatest strength in one second.

Then, he met the invincible iron fist that was swung out repeatedly.


A crisp sound echoed in my ears.

That was the sound of the half-cut sun wheel blade cracking again.

The weapon is barely holding up.

Muichiro Tokito, whose mouth was already cracked and bled due to the huge recoil force, stared straight ahead with his eyes wide open, and instantly judged this, his pretty brows could not help but frown slightly.

Compared with other pillars, he is not good at maintaining knives, and the frequency of weapon damage is also the highest among all pillars, and he needs to go to the village of swordsmiths to replace them frequently.

It would be fine if it was only damaged during training, but in an emergency like the current battle, this becomes very deadly.

There must be a quick fight.

As soon as I thought of this, the breathing method that had already been transformed into instinct accelerated again.

Absorbing oxygen, expanding the lungs, using the muscles of the whole body, and then swinging the knife to make a sword-style move that has been tempered enough to kill the string instantly.

"'Xia's Breath, Wu's Shape, Sea of ​​Clouds'."

Stepping on the ground with his heels, he stopped his slump, Tokito Muichiro resisted the overwhelming and terrifying power of the opponent, and started an active attack instead of retreating.

A dense knife light like fog appeared, and hit like a wave, directly occupying Kirilenko's entire field of vision.

This also made the staring stare stunned for a moment.

After all, such an exquisite move simply did not exist in its original world.

Although it still can't bring enough sense of crisis to it, it can't even bring it damage, but to be honest...

It really can't use a fighting style like the opponent's.

And the last time it gave it this feeling was the strange guy with cherry pink short hair that he met when he escaped from prison.

That guy's fists are not as hard as his own, his strength is not as strong as his own, his speed is not as fast as his own, and except for the super fast self-healing ability like Xiaoqiang, his physical fitness is not as good as his own in all aspects.

Logically speaking, such a thing can be knocked down with one punch.

But in fact, the other party was able to stalemate with him for a while, and even suppressed himself for half a minute when they first met, before being overwhelmed by him who became even more angry.

Kirilenko could not understand why.

In other words, it doesn't have any concept at all, that is——

Pure "skill".

But...it doesn't need to know either.

"Bang bang bang bang-"

Tiny fragments splattered.

Tokitomu Ichiro who kept slashing at full speed, Sanwu's fair and pretty face seemed to show a hint of disbelief.

Because he could feel the blade in his hand, and dozens of small gaps broke out in a short period of time.


Too hard!

Is he really a flesh and blood body at this time, and not some iron statue forged from metal?

Tokitomu Ichiro's heart as calm as a lake can't help but have doubts.

But the next scene directly interrupted his dazed thinking.


Then a rabbit's foot in black canvas shoes stomped on the ground.

The nearby street was directly cracked and sunken, and even spread to the houses on both sides, causing the rubble to fall down a little, and then fell to pieces on the ground.

No defensive posture was made at all.

Kirilenko, who was staring, ignored the opponent's slash, and swung his fist forward with all his strength.

In an instant, hundreds of fist shadows appeared, densely packed.

Without using any skills at all, Kirilenko, relying on its foul-like inhuman physical fitness, simply with absolute strength and speed, shrouded himself in the dense fog composed of countless sword lights, stiffly stunned It is directly blasted away.

The trick was forcibly interrupted.

Even the aftermath of the punching wind lifted Shitou Muichiro, so that his feet were unsteady for a while, and he was three inches off the ground.

The focus of avoidance is gone.

Shitou Muichiro's pupils constricted.

This scene happened so suddenly that there was no time to react.

The next moment, Iron Fist faced him.


With a loud noise, under the night.

A figure holding a broken knife flew backwards at high speed in the silent street.

But when the last figure was about to fall heavily to the cold ground, it turned around again, relying on its waist strength and sense of balance to stabilize its figure in mid-air, then landed firmly with both feet to release the force, and Two deep marks were drawn.

"Huh... the knife almost broke again."

Shitou Muichiro adjusted his breathing with some tightness in his chest, ignoring the cracked pain in his phalanx, and at the same time glanced at his broken blade that was almost completely destroyed.

"What a troublesome guy."

As soon as the words fell, an iron fist followed and "shattered" his head.

Kirilenko: "...?"

This unexpected result made it stunned for a moment, what's the matter...wait, it doesn't feel right.

Looking suspiciously at the afterimage that was slowly dissipating in front of him, Kirilenko tilted his head.

It missed again, and for the first time, the opponent's way of avoiding it made it incomprehensible.

Unlike the afterimage left by its inhuman speed when it avoided the stabbing before, the principle seems to be somewhat different.

At this time, Kirilenko suddenly caught sight of the opponent's figure again from the corner of his eye, and then kicked the ground and punched him without thinking.

Even the air was squeezed out.

But what was crushed was still just an afterimage, and the figure holding the knife was still far away.

And after this situation was repeated several times, Kirilenko was also a little confused.

At this moment, everything in sight seemed to become a little hazy, as if suddenly surrounded by smoke and mist.

It stood still and stopped chasing, with a dazed look on its face, as if wondering what was going on?

At the same time, there seemed to be a Tao echoing in the ear, which seemed a bit ethereal and pleasant.

"'Xia's Breath·Seven Shape·Obscurity'."

Under the bright moonlight, her soft long hair fluttered.

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