The blue sky was sunny and windy, and the thin clouds did not bring shadows, but softened the bright sunshine a little.

Today is a rare fine weather.

I hope today's work will be as smooth as ever.

The waitress in a certain store thought so in her heart.


next moment.

The loud knock on the door simply and neatly ruined her good mood at the beginning of work.

The hurried footsteps echoed in my ears, and the waitress smiled politely, looking at the man in front of me who was carrying a black suitcase and wearing a headdress with rabbit ears...

Redhead boy?

Looking at her age, she doesn't seem to have any spending power, so don't come to this high-end store where she works to cause trouble.

And what happened to the red and white striped prison uniform this guy was wearing?

Performance Art?Or is it a prisoner who just escaped from somewhere, or simply a psycho?

Really, the trouble is dead.

"Well, my guest, is there anything I can do for you?"

The waitress bowed slightly with disgust in her heart, and asked with a smile.

As for this, the red-haired boy wearing the bunny ear headdress didn't look at her at all.

Instead, he stared blankly at the glass counter where the pair of handsome canvas shoes were placed, staring intently at the side.


Tch, brat, look into my old lady's eyes and answer.

The waitress kept her bright smile unchanged, and secretly clicked her tongue.

"Well, my guest, do you want to buy this pair of limited edition canvas shoes?"

There is no need to guess at all, she asked, trying to dismiss this strange red-haired boy as tactfully as possible.

"However, these are newly purchased, and the only pair of canvas shoes in this store will be a bit expensive, and it costs money to buy things, so..."

Before he finished speaking, a pair of dead fish eyes glowing red glanced at her.

There was no emotion at all in those eyes, and there was a strong sense of disobedience that couldn't be explained, which inexplicably made the waiter stunned for a moment, and swallowed the unfinished words of persuasion inside.

Then, the next moment.

A somewhat old black suitcase was placed heavily on the counter, opened casually, and then...

A large pile of green banknotes that were almost overflowing came into the eyes of the waitress who subconsciously looked down.


This brat is unexpectedly rich.

This is the only thought in the mind of the waitress who is a worker.

However, after Wei Wei's silence, her good quality quickly brought her back to her senses.

The corners of her eyes twitched slightly, and she moved her eyes from the pile of banknotes to the dull face of the brat who seemed to be waiting for her to pay the bill.

With a half-smile, he raised his arms, made a cross gesture, and gave an unexpected answer from the red-haired boy.

"Sorry, guest, we don't accept the Soviet ruble currency here, and we have to pay in Japanese yen."


The boy frowned slightly, looking puzzled, but not angry.

After he casually pressed a certain switch of the suitcase, the large pile of green banknotes retracted with a swipe, and then a large pile of gold bricks came out with a swipe.

Wow, really eye-catching.

The waitress sighed in her heart.


So, was she hallucinating just now?

Hmm, what a strange illusion, banknotes turned into gold bricks, how could it be possible, I have been daydreaming too much, ahaha, ha, ha...


And looking at the guy whose brain seemed to be shutting down and unable to think, the red-haired boy couldn't help frowning even more, as if he had misunderstood something.

So, he casually pressed a certain switch on the suitcase, causing the pile of gold bricks, which were enough to buy this high-end store, to shrink back, and then changed into a rich and noble atmosphere Gold and silver jewels came out.

It's like black technology.

Well, this should be enough.

The red-haired boy who had no concept of money pushed the black suitcase forward slightly, thinking so in his heart.

The poor lady who was completely flaunted by showing off her wealth: "..."

Is this too rich?

at the same time.

This scene was also seen by the black and white surveillance camera in the corner of the ceiling.

The picture spanned thirteen floors and was played synchronously to the eyes of a fat and fat man on the top floor.

"Huh, this is really good."

With gold teeth in his mouth and diamond rings on all ten fingers, the fat man dressed as a nouveau riche raised his eyebrows, and then a malicious smile appeared on his bloated face.

He picked up the landline phone beside him with his right hand.

And just when he was about to call his subordinates at all levels to say something——

A merciless knife hit the back of his head.


"...Hey, it's all dandruff."

Shaking his hands with disgust on his face, Jiafan looked down at the upstart fatty in front of him speechlessly.

"Do business well, don't trouble me, really... and this dress taste is really bad."

It reminded him of those noble gentlemen in the old bone world.

A virtuous countenance.


Putting the landline phone back to its original position, Gavan slightly closed his eyes to perceive the situation on the next floor.

"Well, the transaction went smoothly, and nothing went wrong. It seems that he was regarded as a magician."

After confirming the situation, Jiafan, who started to feel pain all over again because of the forced use of his ability, scratched the back of his head helplessly, and at the same time recalled what happened last night.

At that time, he flew along the tracing route of the virtual panel, out of curiosity and the principle of proximity, in a wheelchair and wearing the system, and planned to find the lost person whose race was marked as "rabbit" first.

From far away, I could hear the roar spreading under the silent night, and I could vaguely see the outline of the village.

So, without even thinking about it, he just teleported there.

Then I saw the collapsed houses, the elderly and children who died, and the evil spirits who were slowly recovering from the state of minced meat, and...

The street floor that was thrown into the air, and Tokito Wuichiro who was about to be headshot by Kirilenko.

The complicated situation at the scene made it possible to wipe out the evil spirit in an instant, and Gavan, who had recovered from the collapsed house, was stunned for a while, and when he saw the child's face clearly, after confirming his identity——

The balance in my heart tilted instantly.

As for after that...

"Did I strike a little harder then?"

Raising his hand to touch his nose, Gavan murmured to himself with a little erratic eyes.

At that time, the third time the opponent was persistent and wanted to continue to blow Tomuichiro's head, he couldn't control his emotions for a while, so he fought back, and then...

A small hill in the distance disappeared.

"But I didn't expect that the lost person this time turned out to be a cartoon character. This is the first time I have encountered this situation. The style of painting is obviously different...including the way of thinking."

Gavan lowered his head in thought.

After all, even he didn't expect that the dignified atmosphere at that time would be dispelled by the other party because he tried to conjure up a hill of canvas shoes out of thin air because he used molecular reorganization.

This is obviously not the way normal people think.

How could anyone just forget about the fact that he was attacked with the intensity of blasting the mountain just because someone gave him a pile of canvas shoes?

Although this way of thinking can be regarded as a great help.

As for the red-haired boy who was buying canvas shoes on the first floor, it was Kirilenko who was given continuous spiritual hints and anthropomorphized by him with the "truth".

Otherwise, with this guy's unique style of painting, how many weird eyes from passers-by would he have to bear when walking together.

However, this continuous effect is still a big burden for him who is still seriously injured. I don't know what kind of image Kirilenko is in the eyes of others now?

And this time.

Reception hall on the first floor.

The red-haired boy who has successfully fulfilled his wish and bought his favorite pair of canvas shoes without encountering any accidents or obstacles, brought a suitcase and was about to leave directly.

The seemingly shy words of the waitress suddenly sounded in my ears.

"Well, do you accept one that is older than you?"

Kirilenko: "...?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Looking at the strange cloud shaped like a maple leaf in the sky, Tokito Muichiro was sitting on a bench by the side of the road, in a daze with nothing to do.

A willow tree sits behind him, casting mottled shadows, and a few fallen leaves dotted his waist-hanging long hair.

This place is far away from the bustling commercial street. It is located in a relatively remote urban area of ​​Asakusa, Tokyo. There are not many pedestrians passing by, but there are still people who cast strange glances here from time to time.

After all, such good-looking boys are rare, and the right sleeve of the jacket is missing for some reason, exposing the slender but white arm with faint muscle lines.

"That cloud looks so strange."

Shi Touwu Ichiro murmured while looking up at the sky.

Even now, he still has a sense of unreality as if he was dreaming about what happened last night.

The street floor that was lifted into the sky by brute force, and the people who defied gravity and stagnated in mid-air.

And the man who rescued him and called himself Gavan, the fiery light beam that pierced the night with his bare hands when he fought back, and the huge roar that came from the distance in the sky made him feel that he just did something that night. Just a strange dream.

After all, no matter how you look at it, that kind of power doesn't seem to be possessed by humans. Even the blood ghost technique that belongs to evil spirits is difficult to explain.

And what made him feel stunned and unbelievable the most...

It was the man who looked like a god who appeared out of nowhere, claiming to be a friend of his ancestors.

Where did this third-rate story come from?

Tokitomuichiro thought about it with a blank face, and then suddenly felt a little burning heat coming from the side of his face.

A strange-looking steamed bun was pressed onto his face.

"Want to eat?"

The system sitting next to him asked with a smile on his face.


After hesitating for a while, Shitou Wuichiro took the steamed bun, took a bite with his red lips slightly parted, and then opened his eyes slightly wide.

Sweet, surprisingly delicious.

"Hey~ You're welcome, if you want it, I still have it here."

Seeing this, the system's immature face smiled even more, and unceremoniously reached out and touched the head of the boy in front of him who was about [-] centimeters taller than him.

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