Gavan, who hadn't even had time to say hello, felt his head start to hurt.

And after seeing that the other party did not stop the "run away" action because of his persuasion, he was speechless and snapped his fingers with a dark face.

"'Dimensional Blockade'."

In an instant, invisible and inexplicable fluctuations spread.

The magic from a supreme demon in another world directly and completely sealed off the surrounding space, and even affected the transmission of the conscious body.

Therefore, the patron saint of the elves found out in a daze that his consciousness seemed unable to return to the body of the ancient tree for the time being.


He swears in astonishment, and then under Gavan's silent gaze...

He directly started to hold his head and squat to defend.

This caused an awkward atmosphere to spread in this spacious and huge tree hole.

Gavan's speechless eyes turned to Bartley who was also stunned beside him, his eyes seemed to be asking the other party, this god of your family——

Why is it so embarrassing?

And Bartley, who acted as the leading party, seemed to understand the meaning of the eyes, and couldn't help coughing twice in embarrassment.

"Ahem, Lord Doriad, please don't do this, this guest is not hostile, he just wants to ask you to be a guest."

"...But your guilty tone makes me feel very uneasy."

Doriad looked at the other party suspiciously, but Bartley immediately looked away silently.

Because his conscience is still aching.

"...You have the worst heart among the elves, Bartley, I will beat you up hard later, and you are not allowed to run away with all your magic."

Doriad sighed tiredly.

In the end, he straightened up again as if accepting his fate, and floated in front of Jiafan very hesitantly.

Well, the one ten meters away.

"Okay, powerful human being, I won't run away. You said you came to visit me as a guest, so I'll try my best to chat with you, even though we didn't know each other at all before."

He pretended to be dignified, but because of nervousness, he exposed his talkative nature.

"I foresaw your arrival in advance, and saw you passing through the strong magic zone and the blockade of the ancient enchantment without hindrance in the fog of fate, and came to this isolated land. I know that you are The person who came to look for me also knew that you wanted me to help you repair something, but I didn't predict what the damaged thing was... Wait, what kind of eyes are you looking at?"

While talking, Doriad suddenly shrank back cowardly.

"Please don't look at me like that, or I'll feel uneasy."

"Uh, sorry, I was just comparing you to a certain guy."

Gavan smiled apologetically.

In fact, just now he was comparing the so-called patron saint in front of him with the evil god he had killed before, and then he came to a rough conclusion——

That evil god should be able to swallow the guy in front of him in one gulp.

As a tonic for dessert.


You are so weak.

Gavan, who was thinking rudely in his heart, smiled politely, and then casually took out half of the ugly "clay tablet" from the void, and handed it forward.

"Ms. Doriad, then I'll get straight to the point. In fact, I came to the door this time to confirm whether anyone here has a method or clue to repair this thing."

"If there is, I am willing to pay you, or promise to help you with some important troublesome things that do not violate my principles."

After all, he is really free recently, Jiafan thought in his heart.

"Oh, is this a promise, or a favor? Well, this is the first time I have made this kind of transaction with a human being."

Doriad showed a nonchalant expression.

However, from how quickly he took the clay tablet, it can be seen that he is indeed a little moved by it.

Because the human being in front of him, who cannot predict the past, possesses a strength that he has only seen in his life in the tens of thousands of years after the birth of consciousness.

Even in the ancient civilization of mages who suddenly appeared and declined rapidly because of the sealing of the passage to the underworld, there has never been such an existence.

"Okay, then I'll help you take a look, but are you sure this is really what you want to fix?"

Doriad looked down at the half piece of clay tablet with no magical aura in doubt, and was about to ask if the other party had taken it by mistake, but suddenly realized that this thing looked familiar.

He seems to have seen it somewhere.

"Hey, wait a minute, let me think about it, recalling memories, I seem to know what this half clay tablet is."

The patron saint born from the ten-thousand-year-old tree, under the watchful eyes of Gavan and Batley, began to drift around in this huge tree hole unconsciously.

This was his habit when he was thinking.

Gavan also expressed his understanding, after all, he also has a similar habit of circling.

It's just that, because the other party's rattan-like overlong skirt just entangled his calf in the process of floating randomly, and there was a tendency to keep tying himself up like this, so Jiafan also Started to think seriously about whether to just drag the guy off.

"Oh, I remembered!"

Fortunately, this naturally dull patron saint remembered the knowledge he needed in his long memory in time, and said impromptuly.

"God, human, where did you find this thing? This thing shouldn't appear here, it should be in now..."

I got stuck halfway through.

After Doriad was stunned for a moment, he hurriedly said: "Hey, quickly undo your strange magic that has blocked the dimensional space, I want to connect the consciousness to the memory bank stored on the body, otherwise I can't answer your questions .”

Hearing this, Gavan hesitated for a moment, but in the end he snapped his fingers again casually, lifting the "dimension blockade".

And Doriad immediately put his hand on the wall of the tree hole, and this ancient tree that has been rooted here for an unknown time, connected to the "big book" that he didn't know how much knowledge and memory he had divided and stored. Hall".

He rarely does such things.

Because it will affect one's young mentality, and inevitably weaken one's increasingly rich emotions.

You know, living too long is not as good as mortals imagine.

"Oh, I found it!"

After a while, Doriad, with his eyes closed, suddenly jumped up happily, or he floated higher.

"'World Magic Book'!"

"Humans, it's a good thing you can find this legendary thing. Although it's only half a dollar, what those crazy scholars in the ancient mage civilization were missing is your half!"

Doriad cheered excitedly, and waved the half clay tablet in his hand that was worth more than everything in the world.

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable, what those guys couldn't find at the beginning, now it appears in front of me like this."

"No, I want to find a suitable conspicuous place to hang this thing, as my most precious collection..."

"Cough, cough!"

Gavan deliberately coughed twice, and stretched out his hand expressionlessly.

Indicates that it is time to return the things to him.

This made Doriad, who was so excited at first, stunned in place, and finally remembered the cruel reality that this treasure was not her at all.

"...Can you give it to me? After all, this thing is broken and unusable."

"What do you think?" Gavan's eyes showed contempt.

"Hey, hey, that's right." Doriad smiled awkwardly.

And after throwing the half clay tablet back into the storage space, Gafan also asked seriously.

"So, Ms. Doliad, from what you said just now, it seems that you know where the other half is. So, can you tell me the clue?"

"Yes, but I still advise you to give up, human."


"Because the other half was stuffed into the bottom of Hades by a group of crazy mages a long, long time ago in order to seal the demons. There are a bunch of the most terrifying existences living there."

Doriad shrugged indifferently.

"Unless you can find a way to enter the underworld and fight all the way down, it is impossible to get the other half... Wait, what kind of eyes are you looking at?"

"Nothing, it's just that I remember..."

Gavan lowered his head and lowered his eyes, calmly thinking.

"There seems to be an unsealed passage in the Kingdom of Spades?"

Doriad was taken aback for a moment, and then was shocked for a moment: "What the hell do you want?"

"Humans, no matter what, please put away your bold ideas!"


at the same time.

The capital of the Kingdom of Spades, a thousand meters above the sky.

A spatial crack involving the conceptual level of the world suddenly appeared, just like a smooth and complete mirror was suddenly shattered.

Countless crazy eyes loomed in it, but quickly disappeared as the space crack closed.

Only a vague sentence remained.

"It's coming soon... Tomorrow when the world's sunset... The channel will be stable, and then..."

"The door can be opened."

Chapter 270: Open the Gate of Hades

Kingdom of Spades.

Here occupies the northern part of the mainland, the most extensive land.

The year-round heavy snow covered the boundless wilderness with a layer of silver.

Gray sky, the sun was blocked by thick clouds.

There is an inexplicable tense atmosphere spreading in various towns, and the streets are so deserted that few pedestrians can be seen, and the windows and doors of every house are closed.

Because everyone is afraid.

Fear of being directly captured by those unreasonable soldiers as coolies preparing for the battle, or even being killed at will like livestock.

But everyone is also looking forward to it.

Because some rumors have begun to spread without knowing when.

It is said that the "black tripolarity" who killed the previous king and implemented a reign of terror seems to have an accident in a foreign country, and the spade royal family is not completely extinct, and there is a child who escaped. , and now he has grown into an excellent heir.

The originally brutal soldiers had begun to subtly restrain their atrocities.

The suffering residents also began to have hope for the future.

The sun in the sky is about to set, and the dawn of tomorrow will finally rise.

And now.

The capital of the Kingdom of Spades, King City.

A figure that no one noticed, couldn't see, feel, and touch, ignored the heavily guarded guards, and drifted into here silently.

"This "through magic" is quite easy to use, much better than pure invisibility."

Gafan was very interested in wandering left and right in front of a royal city guard guarding the gate. The two sides were clearly close at hand, but the other party was completely unable to detect his existence.

And the penetrative magic he is using now was reproduced when he happened to meet the former head of the "Aster Killer Whale" and the current criminal Gordel Boysold, who is currently undergoing labor reform. here.

This guy's fighting ability is the weakest among all the leaders of the Magic Knights, but his escape ability is the strongest.

In the original book, if it wasn't for the presence of the anti-magic Asta, otherwise, the fat man whose crime was exposed might have escaped from the siege of other regiment leaders.

After wandering around in the same place for a few more times, Jiafan, who lost his interest, also walked directly to the closed gate of the royal city, and then, like a ghost, he went straight through it as if it were a matter of course.

When "through magic" is in effect, he can selectively penetrate any material and magic, and any blockage and hindrance in this state are useless.

Like a bystander dissociated from the world.

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