And every time he took a step, part of the sword body wrapped in mist slowly dissipated.

In the last world, he once heard Tomioka Yoshiyuki say that as long as he travels more, sees more, and understands more, his state of mind will change, and he will notice and understand things that he didn't know before.

Then with this state of mind out of the sheath, you can naturally use the artistic conception that affects reality.

At that time Gavan felt that he could not understand.

But now, after traveling for some time, seeing all kinds of people and things, he feels that he seems to understand a little bit, then...

try it now.

"Although it is still not proficient, but with the blessing of the "King of Truth", it should be able to cut it out smoothly."

Gavan, who had only the hilt in his hand, kept a relaxed smile and said softly.

"The opportunity is rare, let me try the sword with you."

As soon as the words fell, Lucifero, who had just fully healed his body, changed drastically.

Because he suddenly discovered that he seemed to have something immersive, which seemed to be a reality-like illusion.

Even the group of meteorites stagnant in the sky completely disappeared in front of his retina at this time, replaced by...

"Lonely pity the grass that grows by the stream."

The world has become black and white, just like an impromptu ink painting. Lush grass grows beside the water stream that appears out of thin air, and there are fuzzy-looking butterflies and dragonflies flying on it.

While the world became peaceful... the magic power in Lucifero's body was almost completely sealed.

But before he could respond effectively to this, the next sentence came.

"There are orioles singing deep in the trees."


Congested blood mixed with internal organ fragments spurted out violently.

Countless orioles appeared out of nowhere on the treetops, and at the same time uttered a fundamental song that ignored the body, enough to shatter the soul, and was completely defenseless.

Then followed by another sentence.

"The spring tide brings rain and comes late."

The twilight rain that poured down from the sky turned into a spring tide, and in an instant gathered in the water stream to form a torrent of water, carrying an abnormal kinetic energy that was dozens of times more terrifying than a tsunami, and directly rushed towards the Demon King A body that is difficult for mortals to shake even half of it——

It was smashed into fine powder in an instant, leaving an immortal dark gold heart.

So, the next moment.

The [-] fragments mixed in the stream arrived just in time, and formed a light boat across the river, which floated up under the water surface and captured the powerless falling heart.

"There is no one in the wild..."

The invisible god of death raised his sickle.

Lucifero, who has been invincible in this world for tens of thousands of years, the only remaining demon heart, after feeling the unprecedented real threat of death, directly began to explode with the strongest potential in his life without hesitation, desperately The endless surge of magic power surged out, trying to offset this weird "illusion".

And it really made this three-dimensional black and white ink painting start to become a little blurry, but...

The fragments of the God Slaughter Blade actually exist.

"The boat crosses itself."


With an insignificant crisp sound.

The immortal heart was shattered, turned into dust all over the sky, and returned to nothingness.

Only the light boat with no one left was still running across the river, sailing towards the aimless distance, and finally——

It turned into the long sword in Jiafan's hand again.

"Phew, it's done."

The divine aura dissipated, and the lazy man stretched slowly.

The outside world also just ushered in the dawn of the first day.

The strongest demon king in this world.

Has been successfully cut under the sword.

Chapter 280: Maid Dragon of Kobayashi's House

Academy City.

Tokiwadai Middle School.

This is the world's leading private aristocratic girls' school, and one of the top five prestigious schools in Academy City, and it is also at the forefront of the city in terms of ability development, and even one of the admission requirements is at least level three Stronger and above.

Those who can enroll here are either rich or expensive, or have outstanding qualifications. It can be said that they are all out-and-out elite geniuses.

In the exquisite and vast courtyard, under the hot summer days, elegant girls wear pure white short-sleeved tops, light brown thin sweaters for summer, and short gray pleated skirts.

They were obviously just the same summer uniforms, but they were wearing youthful beauty and the unique temperament of a young lady.

And one of the girls with brown hair, twin ponytails tied with a bow, and naturally slightly curly hair has dark circles under her eyes, and she looks depressed because she hasn't slept well.

She is a person with great ability (Level 4), which is relatively rare even in this elite girls' school, with the ability of "space movement", which is also rare, and she is a discipline committee member.

It's called Shirai Heizi.

"Ah—I've been looking for it all day, where did that guy Saten go?"

Because her good friend disappeared inexplicably, the girl who really didn't sleep all night, just found a bench under the shade of a tree, sat down tiredly, covered her delicate pretty face with her hands, and was very silent.

Uiharu Shiri, who is also a disciplinary committee member with her and a super hacker, has searched all the camera records in the area where Saten Ruiko disappeared, but there is no clue.

Shirai Heizi has now confirmed that the person who took her friend away must be a space-type ability user like her.

But why?

Saten Ruiko is obviously just a powerless person, and she has no value at all to be targeted by dangerous people from the dark side of Academy City. She is just a kind-hearted ordinary girl who likes to play pranks.


Shirai Kuroko took a deep breath.

Last night, as Tokiwadai's trump card, among the seven superpowers even in Academy City, the "Railgun" ranked third, that is, her elder sister, Misaka Mikoto, has already Directly and secretly invaded more than a dozen secret bases in nearby areas.

And now she's going to...

"Heizi, the man has been found!"

The familiar surprise sound suddenly sounded in the earphone communicator. It came from Chuchun Shili who also stayed up all night and had been checking the relevant records of the camera.

Shirai Kuroko was taken aback.

Then disappeared instantly.


3 minute later.

a commercial street.

"Wow, I haven't returned to modern society for more than half a year, and I feel a little strange."

Wearing a cosplay-like witch's robe, the black bull mark on her chest is extremely eye-catching, and a soft pointed hat on her head. The girl who just came back from another world, standing in the crowd of people coming and going, uttered The sound of cheers.

"Okay! I won't have to wipe my butt with paper as hard as bark when I go to the toilet!"

Saten Ruiko sent out extremely meaningless feelings without the image of a lady.

It can be said that he was greatly influenced by the leader of a certain sloppy uncle.

At this time, her friend who had been away for more than half a year suddenly appeared not far in front of Saten Renko, walking towards her with a very ugly face and dangerous eyes.

He even pressed his knuckles maliciously.

But before Shirai Heizi said something wolfish to his good friend who had clearly "disappeared" all day, but appeared as if he had just returned from the manga exhibition.

The other party suddenly rushed over directly, hugged him forcefully, and even sounded a little crying.

"Wow, Heizi, I, I miss you so much!"


Shirai Heizi who was bullied and forced: "No, the public, Saten, don't act like this, my body and mind belong to my sis!"

"Wow ah ah ah ah!"

Saten Renko, who had already been labeled as orange by the passers-by, was still hugging her good friend tightly in her arms, crying embarrassingly.

This caused Shirai Kuroko, who sometimes behaved abnormally, to turn a little crimson on his fair and pretty face.

But considering that the other party might really have encountered some special events that left bad memories, this kind girl finally hugged her back helplessly and patted her on the back.

"Okay, don't cry, don't cry, I'll treat you to something to eat later, as long as you're fine."

Shirai Heizi smiled helplessly.

Then suddenly, as if he had discovered something unusual, he froze for a moment.

"...Wait, Saten, have you grown a little taller?"

And when the two girls interacted.

The "suspended air loop" spread to the entire Academy City, the nano-camera in the air of this commercial street is silently recording everything, and then sends all the pictures back to a completely closed mysterious building .

"Come back, and just disappeared for another 24 hours."

In the middle of the dimly lit room, among the huge cylindrical glass beads, a figure with a hard-to-define appearance opened its eyes.

"A breath of magic, unknown information...interesting."

He obviously didn't speak, but the mechanically cold and flat voice still echoed in this huge, empty, dark room.

Through the loop in the air, Aleister, who silently observed the girl who was very ordinary in every respect, had already looked up all the relevant information of the other party, and some inexplicable meaning flashed in his eyes.

It was different from Kamijou Touma who suddenly disappeared before, and then suddenly reappeared and returned to his original position after a day, possessing the important ability of "Phantasy Killer".

This second "unexpected variable" does not have any bargaining chips and value to worry about the impact of the plan, so...

"Let me see what you have experienced in the 24 hours since you disappeared."

Aleister said softly.

And just when he was about to choose a suitable candidate among his subordinates as his chess pieces——

Without warning.

An unfamiliar male voice sounded in this absolutely closed room.

"Please don't interfere with that child's life."

Ignoring the futuristic sci-fi feeling that instantly appeared on the surrounding walls, the dense weapons that were even exuding magical power.

A dark red blood coat is engraved with the "one" used to distinguish individuals, split from the main body, and an inhuman thing with independent consciousness is stored inside the mimic body, which is comparable to the surging energy of the highest demon.

He stared blankly at the man in front of him who was once the greatest magician in the twentieth century, but now he is the former chairman of Academy City and the real leader of the science camp.

Clone No. 1 chuckled and issued an absolute warning.

"Otherwise, if my body comes later..."

"It will kill you."


another world.

Japan, Tokyo.

An employee lounge at a McDonald's.

A high school student girl with a childlike face and short shoulder-length hair in light orange, was eating a lunch box listlessly. Her immature and pretty face, which was full of vitality in the past, was now full of depression.

"Brother Maou... where did you go?"

Sasaki Chihiro murmured worriedly, the delicious bento tasted even more chewy in his mouth.

Until now, she still clearly remembers that at this time yesterday, the demon king from another world, who was also her Maou brother, just wanted to stretch in front of her, and suddenly disappeared without warning. .

At first, I thought that the other party was just in a hurry, and left with magical magic such as space teleportation.

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