It was specially conceived by Gilgamesh to predict the future disaster in advance, and it was built with a huge amount of manpower and material resources.

It can be called the oldest water conservancy project of mankind.

And at the next moment when this absolute barrier was formed, the tsunami that was like a raging black flame suddenly hit.

"Rumble Rumble Rumble!!!"

The earth was shaking, dense fragments fell from the bone wall, and the ominous sound like waves hitting a rock continued to echo, and the black mud that could assimilate and erode all organic matter climbed up the wall.

It didn't seem like it would take much time to take another step towards engulfing the continent, but——

After all, it was blocked.

Hearing the cheers from the soldiers beside her ears, Leonidas, who was frowning tightly, also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the quality of this fortress conceived by Wang is very guaranteed... But it is not a long-term solution after all."

He lowered his head in thought, intending to turn around and go to the clone of someone who maintained the space door, and ask him to help inform King Gilgamesh of the situation here, and then bring back the next order.

But at this moment, anxious roars from the soldiers under him came.

"General Leonidas! Watch out for the skies!!!"


Leonidas who stopped in his tracks was stunned for a moment, unable to realize what the other party meant, but the strong sense of crisis and energy fluctuations that followed made him instinctively raise the round shield in his hand, towards the sky.

boom! ! ! !

A piercing black beam of light directly caused the blood-stained ground to collapse and subside in a large area.

The ring-shaped shock wave that it spread out even caused slight vibrations to the fortress city wall and the bone barrier. The soldiers stationed at the top of the city were even thrown out by surprise and almost fell off the city wall.

Dust like a plume of smoke rises from the ring-shaped crater.

"Hit the target, solve one."

High above the junction of the ruins plain and the sea of ​​black mud, a man in a black suit, sunglasses, and combed back hair, like the godfather of the underworld, withdrew his outstretched fingers and stood in the void like walking on the ground .

Twelve pitch-black wings naturally unfolded behind him, fluttering slightly, and each feather on them contained an extremely terrifying amount of magic power.

He yawned lazily, with some impatience revealed in his magnetic voice.

"Eliminate all human beings? Hey, why did the Lord God issue such a troublesome task to me? Is there any point?"

Looking into the distance with his red-gold eyes, he sensed two places with extremely strong energy fluctuations, and there must be very good opponents there.

"Well, let me see, a giant dragon, and a little girl with green curly hair...they are pretty strong."

A mysterious miniature magic circle emerged on the retina, providing pictures hundreds of miles away.

The man raised his eyebrows with interest, and then suddenly noticed that there seemed to be some "ants" that needed to be cleaned up on the city wall below.

"A group of disappointing bastards, it is an honor in your life to be killed by me...Huh?"

He let out a slight gasp in surprise, flashing extremely dangerous black light, and his index finger, which was originally aimed at the city wall, suddenly and subconsciously pointed to the huge ring-shaped crater that he had just punched out below.

Then, in the dust that filled the sky, there was a sound that shook the soul.

That was the war cry of the king of Sparta, and the sound of the golden iron horse burning like a flame——

"Thermopyae Enomotia!"

Chapter 320: Tell me, what kind of god are you? 4K2


The angry battle roar of the King of Sparta scattered the smoke and dust that obscured his vision.

Blood dripped to the ground, and at the bottom of the huge circular pit, Leonidas, who had just endured the torrent of energy that seemed to be punished by heaven, released the Noble Phantasm without hesitation in the face of the very unlucky man in the sky.

A huge magical breath spread from his body, causing all the surrounding scenes to suddenly change as if they were covered by a small world in the world.

Gold and iron horses, gunpowder smoke and raging war are burning on the cracked earth.

The burly figures with three hundred shawls and armor, holding spears and shields, quietly appeared behind Leonidas. They were the strongest warriors who fought alongside him in the Battle of Thermopylae.

Now, through the Noble Phantasm, in another form of going back to history, the summoning reappeared in reality like an inherent enchantment——

300 Spartans.

"Spear throw!"

The king of Sparta roared and raised his arms, letting the chilling atmosphere spread throughout the field, and at the same time making the three hundred soldiers behind him, who can be called the strongest soldiers in the past and present, stand in unison without hesitation. Throwing the spear in his hand violently to the sky.

Under the boundless night, three hundred light blue spears pierced through the air like super-large siege crossbows, carrying power enough to pierce through any monster in an instant, like a torrent upstream, completely locked There are twelve pitch-black wings behind that road, like a figure of a god and demon.

"remarkably brave."

The man lifted his sunglasses and pointed down casually.

Then the atmosphere surged by itself, forming an invisible air barrier in an instant, blocking all the spears that could not be called energy weapons or projections.

"But what's the use of a mere man's bravery?"

He raised one hand, causing the dark sky to instantly turbulent, roaring, and the ionization in the atmosphere was controlled by an invisible force of power at will.

Thunder came.

"After all for you filthy stupid mortals..."

The corner of the man's mouth was slightly raised in the sky, and he looked down at the warrior standing on the ground below with contempt from his heart. His raised right hand attracted thunder from the sky, flashing a dazzling arc, and then swung down violently.

"I am God!"

Rumble Rumble Rumble! ! !

The deafening thunder resounded through the heavens and the earth, and what reached the ground faster than the thunder was the terrifying thunder column that could destroy everything.


Leonidas' hoarse roar mingled with the thunder.

His whole body was covered with flames as if his soul was burning, and the three hundred warriors of Sparta who had left their names in the past reappeared on his body. With his stern shout, his figure turned into blue particles and dissipated at the same time. The three hundred indestructible invisible light shields that were left behind were arranged in front of him, turning into a truly towering holy wall, and then...

Bathed in the hell of thunder.


The brilliance bursting to the extreme emerged from the flame shield that was held high, burning like a roaring soul, colliding with the terrifying thunder pillar from the sky like punishment from the sky, without flinching.

The impact ripples in the semicircle spread, and there was a constant roar of explosions in the air. The majestic golden helmet was shattered into pieces, revealing the resolute face and the red pupils of the warrior.

It was enough to blow up the mountain in an instant, and the thunder force of the collapsing fortress continued to descend, causing the ground to sink continuously, and even affected the walls of Babylonia and the bone barrier blocking the sea of ​​life. It was like a world-ending shocking scene, but— —

Leonidas stood in the way.

"Oh? These broken shields are pretty hard."

Controlling the ionization of the atmosphere without any pressure, and maintaining the continuous descending of the Heavenly Punishment Thunder Prison, the man in a black suit slightly flapped the six pairs of jet-black wings on his back, and sat casually on the throne made of clouds and mist.

He was slightly surprised to look at the light shields that made up the holy wall. These flaming shields were irresistibly shattered under the bombardment of the thunder, but they did block his attack.

It can probably be blocked for about 1 minute.

"Mortal, you have the right to let me know your name." The man mopped his cheek with one hand, and the voice full of divine power could clearly reach the other party's ears even under the interference of deafening thunder.

"...My ancestor is the great hero Hercules, the son of the great god Zeus, and his hometown is the kingdom that was once blessed by the god of war Ares."

Leonidas, who was standing under the holy wall with a spear, said his name in a deep voice.

"I am the king of Sparta in ancient Greece, Leonidas!"

The loud and clear sound was accompanied by the continuous shattering of the light shield. The three hundred flame shields that originally formed the holy wall were now eroded by the violent thunder, and only a small half remained.

And the man who heard this name couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and the interest in his eyes became a little bit more intense.

"The king of ancient Greece? What a coincidence."

Sitting high on the throne, he put down his hand resting on his chin, clasped his hands together and raised his legs casually.

"Although the world is different, I have killed the gods in your place and seized the power. It was really a hard battle."

The man chuckled twice, his flat tone was always full of arrogance and contempt from the heart.

"O king of mortals, since you have all signed up, out of politeness, I can also introduce myself a little bit."

With the echo of his voice, the thunder in the sky under the dark night became more and more violent, and the power from the planet's atmosphere made the supposedly indestructible holy wall on the ground collapse unstoppably and quickly.

"I am the highest-level reincarnation contracter, world predator, with the noble blood of twelve-winged fallen angels, one of the supreme authority managers of the Lord God's space, and the god who has destroyed more than two digits of intelligent civilization alone— —”


The indifferent voice made the King of Sparta's resolute pupils suddenly constrict.

Because he recognized this name, or no one in ancient Greece would not recognize this name, this... In their Greek mythology, the name of an anthropomorphic god representing "space".

He represents heaven, the pure heavenly air that the gods breathe, different from the polluted air that mortals come into contact with, and is the symbol of the soul of the world from which all life flows.

"The God of Space." Leonidas couldn't help but subconsciously said the god's name, "It turned out to be Aether..."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not him, I just killed that guy, and then took away his authority, um, and name, I didn't call it that originally."

Ethel interrupted the other party.

Becoming a god or possessing god-level power is the threshold standard for becoming a "authority manager" in the main god space, and there are various methods and paths.

And those authority managers who became gods by killing gods and seizing power, most of them have the names of the gods they successfully killed as their own code names.

After all, it would be quite troublesome for such a thing as the real name to meet some enemies who are proficient in strange curse methods and be known by them. Coupled with reasons such as private information, the contractors basically regard the code name as their own Names, he is no exception.

"Okay, let's stop chatting here, I'm still busy cleaning up all human beings."

Ethel, who had lost interest in chatting, yawned boringly, and then pressed down casually, causing the power of the divine punishment-like thunder pillar to suddenly surge again.

Bang, bang, bang——!

This time, in the blink of an eye, as the few remaining flame light shields were quickly shattered, the majestic holy wall immediately dissipated into golden fragments all over the sky, exposing Leonidas' figure directly in the world that seemed to be dying. Like a thunder prison.


He roared, raised the holy shield in his hand, and faced the thunder in the sky.

Even though the released Noble Phantasm "Guardian of the Flame Gate" was completely shattered, as the king of Sparta who had stood firm at the Battle of Thermopylae, he still did not show the slightest fear or shrink back.

In the eyes full of determination, there is only an indomitable fighting spirit.

"God? Madman, then let me give you the last blow of parting!!!"

The cracked lines on the flame-burning holy shield spread rapidly, and the skin of the body, which had been tempered and tempered, began to have a large area of ​​scorched black due to the erosion of the power of thunder.

The body cells are necrotic, the magic power is almost exhausted, and the spiritual core is damaged.

But these are not important to the king of Sparta at this moment, he just raised his head, his eyes seemed to pass through the thunder purgatory full of violent breath, staring at the self-proclaimed god sitting on the throne of the sky, threatening The arrogant person who wants to eliminate all mankind tightly clenched the barrel of the gun in his hand.

Then, against the bombardment of the sky thunder, he took the initiative to take a step forward, squeezing every muscle and all the magic power of his body, burning his will and soul, loosening the completely broken holy shield, and slamming towards that Dao's hateful figure tried his best to throw the golden spear that accompanied him in his lifetime of battle.

This blow will penetrate the stars!

In an instant, a gust of wind surged and the air tore apart.

The extremely fast spear-throwing that broke through the sound barrier, headed upstream against the pressure in the prison of thunder, and broke through all the obstacles and blockades along the way without hesitation. Atmospheric barrier of spear-throwing Spartans, and finally—


The thunder in the sky dissipated.

A drop of pale golden blood dripped onto the ruined land below, stained with dust.


Ethel, who turned her head slightly, raised her hand to touch her flawless cheek, and felt the warm wetness with her fingertips.

There were many bloodstains there.

"The king of mortals... I really underestimated you."

He glanced at the back of the throne that had been pierced by the spear behind him, and then looked down expressionlessly at the warrior who was kneeling on one knee and struggling to get back up.

Put down Erlang's legs, and slowly stand up from the sky throne.

"Can you actually hurt me? Although there are elements of carelessness, it is still worthy of praise. I can give you the title of brave, so in return..."

Dark clouds that were thick enough to cover the stars in the sky suddenly appeared. The clouds rolled and turbulent like roaring waves. Twelve fallen black wings spread out, and the right hand that controlled the atmosphere was raised again.

The power of the gods is displayed, the ionization of the atmosphere is controlled, and the miracles of nature are reproduced by manpower.

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