After a while, the voice of the system reappeared from Jiafan's mind, with a bit of surprise that he had found it, and said: "[Looking for people], it seems that when I was searching for a certain point, I was found by a big brother of the same clan. Advertisements for Detective Systems link to templates that are automatically forced in."

"Oh!" Gafan was also a little surprised, "Then quickly use this to find someone, I want to confirm the current location of that person."

If the other party is still alive.

Gavan added silently in his heart.

However, what surprised him was that the system did not answer, but was silent.

It wasn't until a while later that Gavan couldn't help asking again.

"what happened?"


And the system's voice finally appeared again, but this time it seemed to be full of daze and bewilderment, with a bit of confusion about who I am and where I am, like a scumbag.

"I don't seem to be able to pretend."

Suddenly, the humble room became silent.

Gavan: "..."

Seriously, he's already starting to think about the stupid question of whether the system in his head will feel the pain if he slaps himself.

But in the end, he still sighed hopelessly, and said softly with a helpless face.

"Forget it, all in all, you try it first."

Hope that person is ok.

Gavan thought silently.

Chapter 6: It is not okay to bully children


Saitama sneezed suddenly, then rubbed his nose in confusion.

It looks like he hasn't sneeze in three years, right?

"Who is talking about me? Strange, well, forget it."

Touching his bald head without a single hair, Saitama immediately forgot about it, and then turned his attention back to his eyes.

At this time, the vast wilderness, which originally had only one huge crater, had become as if it had been bombarded by a meteor swarm for an entire hour, and it had become full of potholes, and even some thick magma gushed out, and... .....

After the Flügel exhausted their strength, there were "loli" who were unable to hold the ground and doubted their lives everywhere.

Shubi, who stayed behind Saitama and recorded the entire battle, was completely down at this time.

But not because of how fierce the battle is, but, too, too...

It ended all too easily.

Whether it's a large-scale spell bombardment, or the death scythe that amplifies the magic circle to the limit, or those sky strikes that can collapse mountains and boil seas.

Under that unpretentious fist, it is no different from dreamy bubbles, which will collapse at the touch of a touch.

Beside a crack that looked like an abyss, Azrael, who had completely exhausted all her strength and turned into a child, knelt on the ground, looking at her delicate and immature hands in disbelief.

"Why? Why can't you hurt that damned bald cat?"

Recalling the scene where the other party had a sluggish and stupid look, and directly tried to catch the sky strike with his face, and frankly managed to do so unscathed, it was so strong that it was unreasonable, Azrael even I wonder if I am dreaming now.

Even if the Flügel themselves don't know how to dream, they don't even need to sleep.

This kind of thing, not to mention the king of dragon spirits, even the gods may not be able to do it without any defensive measures and purely relying on their flesh, right?

"I told you, don't call me bald. I didn't want to be bald myself." A helpless voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Hey meow!"

Azrael was directly startled from the ground, jumped up like a frightened cat, and was firmly caught by a pair of big hands wearing red gloves.

"Be careful, you seem to be like ordinary children now, you can easily hurt yourself." Saitama said kindly, "But why are you all getting smaller? Is it a leak?"

"You, what are you doing meow?!"

And obviously, Saitama's kindness has not been conveyed in the slightest, and little Azrael is panicking just like little Jibril before.

"I, I warn you, if you want to harm us, Master Artoxiu will not let your cat go, he is a god species!"

Looking at the little guy who looked like a cat with blown hair in front of him, and even patted his bald head vigorously in a panic, Saitama didn't feel angry, but still had a blank expression on his face.

His tolerance for children is unexpectedly high, even if it is a bear child, he will be willing to risk his life to save the other party.

"Hey, does this count as being called parents if you lose a fight? Are you children... Uh, no, you seem to be children now."

Ignoring the little hand that was still patting her head vigorously, Saitama glanced at those Flügel who she had turned into children, and said to herself.

"But you are quite strong, each of you is stronger than those weird people I met before. It seems that only a few of those guys can fight you one-on-one, and there is that..."

Qiyu frowned, revealing the color of memory, thought for a while, and then continued: "It seems to be called Sky Strike, if that thing hits me directly, it can actually make me feel pain, it's quite powerful .”

Just feel the pain? !

Little Azrael stared blankly at Saitama, who had a lot of dust on her body but no wounds, and thought in shock.

"You, who are you?"

"Eh? Didn't I say it before, my name is Saitama, a hero driven by interest, and also a human being."

"Human? Impossible, that's obviously just a monkey that can't even use elf power..." Little Azrael's immature face was still full of disbelief, but she also knew that she was struggling now. This question doesn't make any sense.

"So, what do you want to do now?"

Azrael, who secretly communicated with the high-altitude sky city carefully with a spiritual link, and planned to try to use a large-scale forced space teleportation array to take everyone away, asked cautiously.

"Kill us?"

After all, it is normal for them who choose to go to war to be killed.

A miniature magic circle invisible to the naked eye has quietly formed in the space gap and is about to activate it, but Azrael was stunned by Saitama's answer.

"Eh? Why did I kill you?" Saitama asked with a strange face.

Under Azrael's dumbfounded gaze, Saitama carefully put her back on the ground, and also helped to pat some dust off her green hair.

"I don't know how to do anything, and I don't have any strange hobbies of bullying children. I'm a hero driven by interest."


what is that?

The cultural difference made Azrael subconsciously raise this question. In her "dictionary" of race, there has always been only the word "winner".

"You guys are not some weird people who do evil. If you do something wrong, you can be taught a lesson. Compared with this, do you know this place in Japan? After all, is this still the earth?"

Saitama looked up at the gray clouds, looked at the starry sky that was completely different from the starry sky he saw from the earth from the big hole he had punched through before, and scratched his cheek blankly.

Just as he was about to say something more, he suddenly froze for a moment, then turned his head to look in a certain direction in some surprise.

"Strange, it seems that someone glanced at me just now, is it an illusion?"

This is not something like a sixth sense, it's just a pure intuition, but being glanced at by others is not something worth caring about, compared to that kind of thing...

Saitama kept turning his head with a blank face, then suddenly raised his hand so fast that an afterimage appeared, and firmly grasped a wrist that was tied with armor.

A man wearing a mask and a pair of beast ears on his head appeared in front of little Azrael without warning. The sharp claws that could easily tear apart steel were only less than five centimeters away from her eyes. .

But now it is impossible.

"Who are you?"

Saitama looked at the other party with a frown, and also took a look at the other party's attire, whether it was a samurai or a ninja.

"Are you the kind of pervert who likes to bully children or something weird?"

And this beastman didn't have any thought of answering at all, and shouted without the slightest hesitation: "Everyone activate [Blood Destruction] directly, make sure to kill all the Flügel present who have exhausted their power, this once-in-a-lifetime event There will be no second chance!"

They were attracted by the energy ripples that pierced the sky and the ground vibrations that spread thousands of miles. The terrifying force that caused such a movement has already seriously threatened the orc race, and it is not even far from their city. too far.

So, they came to scout the situation, and just happened to encounter this excellent opportunity that was almost impossible to encounter in the past.

Destroying the god-killing weapon—the Flügel.


Dozens of figures appeared in the air around them at the same time, mysterious bloodstains emerged from their skins, frenzied blood enveloped their bodies, and even the vertical pupils were stained as bright red as blood.

【Blood damage】

The unique ability of the beastman race, a special skill that only some elite individuals can master. Under the premise of causing a huge load on the body, it can completely release the restrictions on the body, maximize the explosive potential, and improve the body functions dozens of times in all aspects, and then... .....

Break through physical limitations.

Unleash the speed and power of a game bug!


Like the loud sound of a sonic boom, these ten orcs were planted in the air, relying on pure physical strength, they stepped on the air to the limit, and then disappeared instantly as if they were stepping on an invisible fulcrum At the same place, the target was directed at the little Flügel who were exhausted and in the form of infants.

And almost at the same time, the orc leader who was held by Saitama's wrist also directly activated the blood damage, pulled out his arm in an instant with the technique of de-strength, and then pointed it at the face like a marinated egg, without any hesitation, directly to the maximum extent. Desperately, a force beyond physical limits erupted.

Not only the Flügel who have lost the ability to fight, but this person who wiped out the Flügel by himself, he also wants to try to kill the other party here.

Although I don't know how the opponent managed such a feat, but after fighting all the Flügel, they must have been at the end of their strength.

He can kill each other!

At this close distance, in the hand-to-hand combat that the orcs are best at.

He wants to eradicate two unstable factors that can threaten the beastman race here!

The race will remember what he did today, he will—



The orc captain laughed wildly and roared ferociously. Through the concussion in his throat, he even sent out a real wave of air, and then the fist wrapped in frantic blood finally smashed hard on that ridiculous braised egg. Face......


"It's so noisy!"

A human-shaped deep pit appeared on the ground in an instant, and Saitama, who slapped casually, complained dissatisfiedly, and then noticed a dozen other "perverts" who wanted to bully "children".


The figure disappeared in place in an instant, and then...


I don't know when there were more than a dozen human-shaped deep pits on the ground.

Chapter 7: Learn to install the plug-in system yourself

Looking at the crude virtual arrow in front of him, the system muttered to himself.

"It's really installed."

"Well, after all, you are already a mature system, and you have to learn to install plug-ins yourself." Gafan agreed blankly.

"I always feel that your words are weird, forget it." The system became a little proud again, "If I want to do it, I can still do it."

"That's what I said, but what do you mean by this arrow?"

Gafan pointed at the virtual arrow in front of him, which was similar to a mouse arrow, and could not be any simpler, expressing his doubts.

"Besides this thing, I can't see any other information displayed. Can this really find someone?"

"Of course it can, and I tried it just now, and I can tell you the effect is good."

"Hey, you can say yes after using it... There is no one with this boastful authority." Gafan complained.

"That's it!" I don't understand the system of carbon-based biological complaints at all, and I feel a little more proud, "Although there seems to be something wrong when loading, it is the same as the code that has a bug and can still run. The only problem is that the panel looks a bit crude."

Is this just a little crude?

Gafan looked at the screen in front of him, which looked like a computer screen turned black and there was only a mouse left, and he didn't want to express any opinions.

"This mouse, uh no, the direction the arrow points to is the location of the person we are looking for." The system explained a little more seriously in Gavan's mind, and the voice was unexpected Very nice.

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