"Is that so...huh???"

He didn't react for a while, and then Momonga suddenly looked sideways at the other party again in astonishment.

What, go to school?


"Ah, sorry."

The hard helmet hit Gavan's forehead again.

"Hiss - Momonga, your uncle."

Jiafan rubbed his slightly red forehead with a motherly face. Although his current body seems to be able to absorb even kinetic energy, the pain from being bumped suddenly will not decrease.

"I'm still a high school student, because I've been time-traveling uncontrollably, and I've skipped a lot of classes. My aunt scolded me a lot for this."

"High, high school student?"

"Yes, what's the matter, do you have any opinions?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little surprised."

Momonga shook his head, are all high school students so good now?Speaking of which, he seems to have stopped studying after graduating from primary school... Forget it, this is all in the past, and it doesn't matter.

"Gavan, do you want anything other than dolls? I still have a lot of storage space."

"It's enough to give me a doll, why do I need so many things?"

Jia Fan helplessly patted the opponent's shoulder armor, thinking that being carried by this guy was too uncomfortable in every sense.

It's really uncomfortable.

"Fong Squirrel, are you sure Limuru is there?" Gavan weakly stretched out his finger and pointed to the tall white building not far ahead, which resembled a meeting hall, and asked.

"I'm sure, when Limuru left the hot spring, he ran in this direction, and I can roughly sense his exact location." Momonga nodded in affirmation.

"That's good... well, Momonga, let me down."

"Oh, don't I need to recite it?"

"No need, you'll die from the pain of being carried on your back in armor, and I've recovered a bit after basking in the sun for a while."

Gavan's tone was full of disgust and he got off the opponent's back, but his body staggered and fell directly behind him.

"Ah, be careful not to fall... Hey, Jiafan, what kind of ghostly way do you move?"

Momonga, who was about to reach out to help support the other party, froze on the spot, then looked at the other party with a gasp, it seemed that there was an invisible big hand supporting his waist, his limbs drooped like a corpse, and then the whole person remained like this. The dangling forward begins to move.

Hey, what a ghost.

"I want you to take care of it, and you are not allowed to follow me."

With some difficulty recovering from that weird posture, Gavan, who straightened his body again, waved his hands without turning his head angrily.

"At least don't snatch slime hugs from me today, that's all I like."

And Momonga, who was standing in place, looked at Gavana's back with his feet off the ground and his body constantly swaying towards the building where Limuru was in front of him, and shook his head slightly with a dumbfounded smile.

In fact, he just wanted to give an "artifact" level prop as a thank you gift. After all, the suppression of "forced calmness" that has troubled him for a long time, even if it is only temporary, is enough to make him feel extremely happy.

But he didn't expect that Gavan just asked him for doll props in the end, and it seemed that he didn't want any kind of thank you.

He is really a person who is not greedy and has no desires.

Speaking of students... Well, I don't know what schools are like in other modern worlds.

I also discussed with Rimuru about their original worlds before they crossed over, but most of what they talked about that time was what they experienced in society when they were adults, and it also made Momonga feel that his original world was really bad enough that's it.

It's fine not to go back, but I really can't let go of those friends and companions in the trade union.

After standing there for a while, Momonga turned around and went to the bustling commercial street connected to the central plaza. The jet-black armor on his body still didn't intend to change.

After all, when I participated in the meeting with President Fitz and the others with Limuru, I was the legendary adventurer in the human country, the dark swordsman—Momo, I helped to attend.

So let's continue to wear this armor for the time being today, after all, those alien humans are still in this town.

By the way, speaking of Gavan's ability, can he temporarily develop the sense of "taste"?

He still wants to taste the delicacies of this monster town, um, but let's forget it first, after all, he has already troubled him once, so let's talk about it next time.

Thinking of this, Momonga disappeared into the crowd, and he even made an appointment with Benimaru and Shirao to go to the small shop owned by the tree fairy Miss Torene.

But speaking of it, it seems that the store was originally called "Goblina"... Forget it, let's not delve into this issue.


at the same time.

Gavan also staggered into the building. After wandering around the intersection for a while, he inquired with a kind Miss Gobrina who was passing by, and then came to the door of a room listlessly. forward.

"Limuru, are you there?"

Gavan knocked on the door weakly and shouted.

"Huh, Gavan?"

And there was a familiar and pleasant voice coming from the door, with a bit of surprise, and then said with a smile: "I'm here, the door is unlocked, just come in."

Huh, it's good to be around, he's tired from looking around, and he's still very tired mentally.

Gavan, who breathed a sigh of relief, didn't think much about it, and then pushed the door directly to go in, but his feet that were floating on the ground accidentally tripped over the door frame, and he staggered forward uncontrollably, and then... .

Being hugged by someone.

"Hey, walk carefully, Jiafan, I just finished changing clothes, why did you find me?"

In desperation, there were some playful familiar voices, which rang in his ears, feeling the soft touch in his arms, and the pleasant and reassuring faint fragrance from the blue hair in front of his nose.

Gavan knew that he should be hugged by Limuru.

"Sorry, Rimuru, I'm a little tired now."

After expressing his thanks in a helpless tone, Jiafan also stood up straight, and took two steps back, then looked down at the other party, his plain eyes slightly widened.

Warm sunlight shone in from the window and fell on the lovely petite body in front of her. The breeze blew in, fluttering the white curtains and fluttering the blue hair.

The originally loose long hair was randomly tied up with a hair rope, and the original blue windbreaker scarf was replaced by a white and flawless sweater with a high collar, warm plush trousers, and a similar bathrobe sky blue coat.

Limulu blinked her beautiful golden amber eyes, stepped back two steps, and raised her little hand casually.

cute smile.

"Yo, Jiafan, what do you think of my body?"

Chapter 65: Are We Friends?

"Hey, Gavan."

Holding a bunch of takoyaki balls in his hand, Rimuru took a small bite, then looked up at the people around him.

"Why, let's talk about it first, don't sneak up on my waist again like just now."

Holding a string of plump meat barbecue in his hand, Jia Fan and the other party took a bite in sync with each other, and while chewing, they looked down at each other helplessly.

"No, no, no."

Limuru shook his head with a smirk, then took another bite of takoyaki balls with a delicious face, and asked curiously: "Speaking of which, I was in the room before, and I asked you how I look in this suit. Why did you just stretch out your hand and touch my head suddenly, without talking?"

As she spoke, Limulu also stroked a strand of hair that floated to the corner of her mouth behind Jingying's ear with her small hands.

"It messed up my hair... Now, now, what do you think of me?"

"It's very good, it's very cute, it's almost as cute as your slime state."

Gavan slightly looked away, chewed on the barbecue, and said in a flat tone: "I touched your head, and that's pretty much what I wanted to express."

Oh open?

Limuru looked at the other party's averted gaze, and listened to the pretendedly flat tone, and also showed a wicked and cute smile.

"Hehe, you're not being frank, Jia Fan, if you want to praise me, you can praise me well. I will accept others' sincere appreciation without rejection—I love it!"

"Hey—hey, I told you not to put your elbow on my waist suddenly! How many times is this the first time?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, because Jiafan's reaction when your waist is pushed is really interesting~ And who told you not to praise me well? Hehe, what a guy with an awkward personality."

After seeing Gavan looking at his waist with malicious intentions, Limulu's smirk froze for a moment, and then he said with a playful wink.

"Well, well, I invite you to eat my takoyaki as an apology, so don't worry about it."

Using a bamboo stick to poke a piece of the takoyaki in his hand, Limulu handed it over thoughtfully, the smile on his face was still so cute and healing.

"The hot and sticky batter, the deliciously baked crispy exterior, and the aroma of the sauce that arouses the appetite, this is delicious, come, try it, ah—"

"Uh, what, Limuru, you don't think you can buy me off like this, do you? This is too underestimating!"

"So, is it delicious?"

"...Delicious." Gafan silently looked away again, chewing the steaming little takoyaki balls in his mouth.

Wow, this guy can handle it really well.

Thinking of this in her heart, Limulu looked at the other party, with a lovely smirk on her fair and pretty face, and at the same time, she was about to try to push her elbow on the other party's waist again.

"By the way, Rimuru, by the way, there are creatures like octopuses in this world."

After chewing the object wrapped in a crispy exterior, Gavan showed a surprised expression.

"This, it seems there are, right?" Hearing this question, Limuru also tilted his head, showing a bit distressed expression.

"When I was at Gobuichi's stall selling takoyaki, I wanted to see the raw materials, but Zhu Lai stopped me with a smile and refused to let me see. It's so strange...well, whatever , it’s not a big deal anyway.”

"That's it."

Gavan nodded indifferently, and swallowed the takoyaki balls in his mouth, and then...

The energy stored in his body has increased a little.


Ah no, he thinks this is still a little bit problematic.

At this time, Jiafan and Limulu were walking on the bustling commercial street, heading for the bustling central square.

The people walking around had happy smiles on their faces, and from time to time someone greeted their beloved Master Rimuru.

The stall owners on both sides of the street are even more enthusiastic about Limulu and Jiafan's unlimited supply of their elaborate snacks.

Occasionally, a few children who laughed very happily ran around together, and almost bumped into Limulu who had another snack in his mouth.

Just like that.

"Be careful, you guys, don't fall, really."

This time, Limulu put an apple candy in his mouth, with some candy stains on the corners of his mouth, pretending to be angry, puffed up his mouth slightly, and waved to the children as a reminder.

"Understood, Rimuru-sama!"

The children responded happily, and then disappeared into the crowd.

Gavan on the side looked down at Limulu who had a helpless smile on his face, and silently stretched out his hand again.

"...Wow, Jiafan, why do you suddenly like touching my head again?"

Limulu glanced at the other party angrily, but did not resist, but still concentrated on dealing with the super sweet apple candy in her little hand.

"It's nothing... I just suddenly felt that if I had a daughter in the future, it would be great if I could look like you."

"Hey, are you complimenting me? But your words make me feel a little bit aggrieved."

Li Mulu rolled her eyes without losing face, and stuck out her tender tongue at the other party in disgust, and said, "You know, my real age is older than you, so I won't be your daughter."

"Yes, yes, older than me, older than me."

Gafan followed the other person's words indifferently, and touched the other's hair for a while, the soft, super-feeling little head, and then reluctantly took it back.

He found that even if the other party maintains the human form, it still has some advantages.

Of course, the slime form is better.

"By the way, there are really many people on the street. Everyone enjoyed the banquet very much."

After disposing of the candy apples, she licked her lips with unrestrained interest. The petite Limuru looked up at the residents passing by, smiling lightly, with distress in her eyes.

"But everyone is so tall, I can't even see the road ahead...Ehhhhh???"

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