I saw several flickering spots of light suddenly appearing in the hazy sky, and these spots of light were rapidly descending.

"Is this a meteorite? There are too many!"

Everyone was amazed.

But... the satellite call told them to pay attention to the sky before, and now there is a meteorite rain...

Could it be that the meaning on the phone was that the meteorite rain fell on their location, so they were told to be careful?

People simply didn't dare to think about it that way.

Ever since they landed on the uninhabited island, the extinct volcano suddenly revived and erupted, and now it is raining meteorites. What mistakes did they make to be targeted by God in this way?

This is simply killing everything.

Thinking of all kinds of possibilities, everyone couldn't help but pale for a while, and even took a few deep breaths from the oxygen tank, and then they recovered.

"Old Yu, I never regret following you on this expedition!"

A team member suddenly said so.

"I'm old too, I don't regret it!"

Another team member raised his head and said.

"Me too!"

"And I!"

Under the oppression of desperation and death, everyone began to recall their own lives.

Some grew up from small town students to scientific researchers, and some resolutely joined the national scientific research system after giving up the high salaries of foreign companies.

The talents of these pillars of the motherland finally gathered under the old family and contributed their own strength to the biology of the Dragon Kingdom.

Looking at his students, Mr. Yu felt his throat throbbing. He wanted to say a thousand words, but in the end they all stopped here, and he could only sigh.

The sky was cloudy, and the volcanic ash kept falling, as if the whole world was falling into hell.

But also going to hell were the Orbital Commandos at 3000 feet.

"Altitude 3000 feet! Open the parachute!"

The command hall became tense again.

No one can guarantee [-]% that the electronic components inside the airdrop pod will not be damaged when it passes through the atmosphere.

If the parachute part fails to open, the airdrop capsule falling at the current speed will be smashed to pieces the moment it touches the ground or sea surface.

In the midst of everyone's nervous mood, one after another good news came:

"The parachute of No. 1 cabin is open normally!"

"No. 2 is also normal!"

"Number 3 is normal!"

"Number 4 is normal..."

In the end, there were a total of 13 airdrop pods, and all the parachutes were opened normally.

The huge black umbrella opened, and the falling speed of the airdrop pod began to slow down significantly.

"Clap clap-"

There was once again warm applause in the command hall.

At the same time, on the uninhabited island, a scientific expedition member suddenly pointed to the sky and said:

"Look! What's that?"

3000 feet is only 914.4 meters.

Even though the falling volcanic ash blocked the line of sight, at such a short distance, everyone could still clearly see the huge umbrella flowers scattered in the air one after another.

It's just that what falls under the umbrella flower is not the person everyone imagined, but a bronze teardrop-shaped metal cabin.

This is... the Airborne Forces?

People can't understand.

Even if the Dragon Kingdom's airborne troops want to arrive, they still need to fly over the uninhabited island first, and it is impossible to appear at this time in terms of time alone.

In other countries, the nearest distance is more than seven or eight hours.

What's more, the metal boxes that came down from the air turned out to be a bit confusing.

But no matter what, the unknown item that came down from the air broke the desperate and oppressive atmosphere of the people just now.

Everyone stared at the metal boxes.

I saw that at a height of about 50 meters from the ground, the rocket tail flames sprayed out from the bottom of the metal box, just like a car stopped abruptly. After the metal box suddenly stayed in the air, it slowly landed on the ground.

". "Over there, let's go!"

The scientific expedition team rushed to the past one after another.

If this is the plan for a rescue operation, then there must be materials or equipment in these metals that can keep them going.

Under the cloudy sky, it is like a ray of sunshine passing through the clouds, giving people a glimmer of hope for life.

At the same time, unprecedented applause erupted in the command hall.

"Successfully landed!"

"We made it!"

"It's unbelievable to imagine such a precise airborne landing from the outer sky!"

Everyone's excited.

After getting excited, Xiang Lantian quickly picked up the satellite phone and dialed it.

"Report to the chief! All the commandos landed safely, with a deviation of 100 meters from the planned position! We really succeeded!"

Report to the blue sky excitedly.

(Zhao Zhao) "Well done, I will ask my superiors for your credit!"

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