Without any accidents, Xiang Lantian's shoulder had a golden star on top of the blue military badge.

Of course, it has not yet reached the level of ears of wheat.

However, with Xiang Lantian's age, ability, and background, he should be expected to have an extra golden ear of wheat in his lifetime.

Soon they arrived at Ye Bai.

Ye Bai received more rewards, because he is very young and has a lot of room for rewards.

"With the special approval of the military's core, the deputy leader of the project team, Captain Ye Bai, was awarded the honor of the first-class individual hero, the title of senior professional technical officer, the national special allowance, and an extraordinary promotion, and was promoted to a major officer of the Dragon Kingdom General Assembly Department. Enjoy the treatment of a battalion-level cadre!"

The scene suddenly remembered the unusually warm applause.

The 26-year-old Ye Bai is undoubtedly the fastest promoted military officer in peacetime.

...... 0

With two personal first-class merits, and being promoted to a senior professional technical officer, coupled with the special national allowance, such an honor can be described as very generous.

But more is the importance and trust of his superiors.

From a lieutenant to a colonel is a huge leap. It can be said that if you take this step, you will step into the middle-level backbone of the military!

Put it in the first-line troops, either at the deputy battalion level or at the regimental level.

Regardless of the fact that there are many regiment-level and battalion-level cadres in the entire army, which ones are not 34-[-] or even go up.

All in all, through this award and promotion, it can be seen how much the superiors attach importance to Ye Bai, especially since Ye Bai is a professional technical officer, he attaches even more importance to it.

Finally, a golden star appeared on Ye Bai's epaulettes.

Many people were subsequently commended and promoted, and most of the technical backbones of the project team received their due treatment.

Even Fu Hongqian, who was new to the military, took advantage of this opportunity to get promoted for the first time.

After completing the commendations in turn, the second commendation followed.

The first time was the commendation by the project team, and the second time was naturally the commendation and award ceremony for the 5.08 rescue operation.

The 5.08 extraordinary rescue operation has attracted worldwide attention. When people all over the world did not believe that Longguo could complete the rescue, the Planetary Orbital Airborne Assault Force completed the precise rescue in a very short period of time in a shocking way.

This not only demonstrates the strength of the Dragon Kingdom in the military field, but also greatly beautifies the international image of the Dragon Kingdom in the diplomatic field.

Just ask, which country does not want to have a global rapid airborne capability around the clock?

Based on this, Chilang and others received a series of commendations and promotions.

In the end, the entire commendation and award ceremony officially came to an end with the leaders' vision and encouragement for the future.

At this time, it was already noon.

A group of people walked into the cafeteria. Ye Bai, who planned to have a casual meal with Fu Hongqian, was dragged by Mr. Zhao and Xiang Lantian into a private room full of leaders.

According to the level, Ye Bai is not enough.

But according to his contribution and importance, Ye Bai is definitely enough.

It is a painful job to eat with leaders, especially the leaders of the military. Drinking high-grade liquor is like drinking water.

And a large part of them are iron-blooded soldiers who came from the war years. They rolled up their sleeves and stared.

The most important thing is that some older leaders, their eyes turned red and tears came from drinking, and then they held Ye Bai's hands and said sincerely:

"Our comrades who sacrificed back then were too miserable. If we had today's equipment, everyone might be able to come back..."

Every time this happens, Ye Bai can only nod firmly, expressing that he must redouble his efforts and resolutely prevent such a tragic sacrifice from happening again. This is the meaning of military industry and national defense!again.

83. What I learned on the second-class seat on the high-speed rail! 【Subscribe】

5 month 11 day.

After dealing with the last chores of the project team, Ye Bai was driven by Xiang Lantian to the high-speed rail station.

As for his assistant, Fu Hongqian, she still needs to receive certain safety training after the project ends, and if there is no accident, she will be monitored to a certain extent in the next few years.

"When you come by special plane, and when you go back by high-speed train, you won't be mentally unbalanced, right?"

Said to the blue sky with a smile.

Ye Bai glanced at Lan Tian angrily, shook his head and said, "You can also call it a special plane? It's obviously Shunfeng, but you insist on arranging to meet in the air. I don't know, but you think that Agent 007 is connected and you want to arrange for me to rescue you." The world is going!"

"I didn't want you to understand the sense of mission, so I made it so 'serious' on purpose!"

The two talked and laughed all the way.

After parking the car, Xiang Lantian stood in front of the entrance, and without Ye Bai being prepared, he suddenly gave Ye Bai a hug, and patted Ye Bai's back heavily with his hands.

Then Xiang Lantian's voice sounded: "You are indeed a military genius, I hope we still have the opportunity to cooperate!"

Ye Bai was a little dazed by this embrace. After breaking free, he hung his shoulders towards Lan Tian and said with a smile:

"It's not impossible to cooperate, but I'm tired of individual equipment. When you become a big leader, maybe the two of us can set up a big satellite!"

The two said, looking at each other and smiling.

Finally, while staring at the blue sky, Ye Bai waved at him, passed the security check, and entered the high-speed rail station.

Although the latest regulations allow soldiers to wear military uniforms when they go out, Ye Bai is still used to pretending to be "[-]".

Half an hour later, Ye Bai got on the second-class seat of the high-speed train.

Sitting next to Ye Bai was an old man, wearing a very old-fashioned white short shirt, with thinning and gray hair, and a pair of old cloth shoes under his feet.

After Ye Bai helped the old man put away the salute, the latter also said thank you several times in a very polite manner.

Immediately, before the train started, the old man spread out a huge white paper and put it on the small table, and put on reading glasses to read it seriously.

Ye Bai didn't care at first, but when the scenery outside the window gradually became boring, Ye Bai casually glanced at the blueprint.

It turned out to be a military map!

Ye Bai was slightly surprised.

There is a big difference between military maps and civilian maps. Many data military maps are often more detailed, and some traffic hubs are specially marked.

Ye Bai couldn't help but looked at the old man again, but after looking at him for a long time, he couldn't find the temperament of an old leader from him.

But it is not undiscovered.

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