Another example is the condolences during the New Year and holidays.

Ye Bai has been at the work unit for a long time and has not returned home, so he doesn't know much about it.

But every time she made a phone call with her family, Mother Ye would always say with a red face, "The leaders of the Armed Forces Department and the city have sent something again. It's embarrassing to send so much for just a festival!"

The so-called one person attains the Tao, the whole family ascends to heaven.

Because of Ye Bai's relationship, the status of the Ye family in the community has risen in a straight line, and even Ye's mother has become an undisputed existence in the district committee. It is mainly because of the cooperation of various local administrative units that Ye's mother is very famous in the community. noodle.

Father Ye himself is a member of the system, and because of his reputation, he unexpectedly took a step forward in his otherwise ordinary career, and his old colleagues now call him a leader when they see him.

Similar invisible treatment is really completely unimaginable for ordinary people.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Bai is very satisfied with his current life, and he has no messy thoughts, and more thoughts are still on project research.

It's time for lunch.

The leader politely invited Ye Bai to have dinner with him, but Ye Bai tactfully said that he already had an appointment, so he couldn't slip up.

In fact, the driver had already told Ye Bai in the car that if the leader invites you to dinner, he is just being polite and must not agree.

Because according to the leader's schedule today, lunch will be held with several other leaders.

After bidding farewell to the leader, the driver sent Ye Bai to the military region's guest house, where Fu Hongqian, Yuan Ge, and all the mecha troop drivers stayed.

However, Ye Bai's lunch was not with Fu Hongqian and others, but was unexpectedly caught by Chief Master Yang.

"I didn't expect you to be in the capital too!"

Seeing Master Yang, Ye Bai was a little surprised.

He has been staying at the project team base in the desert of the Great Northwest for more than a year. The last time he saw Master Yang was half a year ago when a few of them went to Maoxiong Country to participate in an exchange meeting.

"You can come, why can't I come!"

The two chatted for a while.

Afterwards, Chief Master Yang took Ye Bai into a private room in the restaurant of a guest house, where several bigwigs from the military industry were already seated.

Today's Ye Bai is no longer the little Mengxin in the military industry.

He has made great achievements in the military industry, and his reputation has risen. Many people know him, and he also knows many people.

Ye Bai has met several of you here, and even met some of them at the military industry exchange meeting in Mao Xiongguo.

While toasting and drinking, General Master Yang raised his wine glass and jokingly said: "If a bomb detonates at our table, I am afraid that the military industry will be disconnected for 20 years!"

Everyone at the banquet knew that he was joking and laughed.

But the guard who had been guarding the door was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat that he rushed in and asked where the bomb was.

Everyone laughed again, busy saying that there was a misunderstanding.

After the episode, Feng Yuanchao, an expert in long-range rocket research and development, a talent with special national allowances, and the vice president of West China University of Technology, smiled and said to Ye Bai:

"Xiaoye, your current status is not ordinary. You are not only a senior professional and technical personnel in our army, but also led large-scale projects. It would be a pity if your experience is not passed on. Why don't you think about it and come to Huaxi as a professor. Open a course to contribute to the training of the next generation of talents in our military industry!"

This is obviously wooing.

But before Ye Bai could give an answer, Chief Master Yang stared and said:

"Don't listen to old Feng's nonsense, you went to Huaxi, and you are a visiting professor honorary professor or something. If you have eggs, let's go back to the Central South Military Academy. The alma mater has not forgotten you. A while ago, the dean contacted us 749, Said to invite you back to give a speech!"

Commander Yang, like Ye Bai, both came from the Central South Military Academy.

If he really had to consider which school to teach, Ye Bai would definitely choose the Southern Military Academy.

On the one hand, Zhongnan Military Academy is Ye Bai's alma mater, so he is more familiar with it.

On the other hand, Huaxi's full name is West China University of Technology, which is not a military academy. Although it has made many contributions to the military industry, it is even bigger and more complicated.

"Thank you, Mr. Feng, for your trust, but I'm still young now, and I'm afraid that teaching others will also mislead my children, so I might as well wait a few years and think about it!"

Ye Bai gave the answer politely.

In fact, about teaching at the school, at the beginning of this year, a vice-principal of the Central South Military Academy contacted him through General Teacher Yang.

Basically, I hope Ye Bai can return to the school as a serious associate professor, and promise to be promoted to full professor within three years.

He also said that if Ye Bai is short of time, he can also coordinate, and only need to spare about 45 days a year to teach at school.

If it is really not possible, you can also become a visiting professor of the college, just come and take public classes if you have nothing to do.

The conditions are relatively generous.

Ye Bai said at the time that he would consider it, but actually hung up the phone, and he forgot about it.

If Mr. Feng and Master Yang hadn't suddenly brought up the matter of being a teacher today, Ye Bai might not even have thought about it.

After the dinner, Ye Bai stayed in the capital for another two days.

The day before leaving the capital, Ye Bai met Su Ziling whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

This once young and beautiful little girl is now transforming into a literary girl.

Wearing a round mirror frame, a round fisherman's hat, and matching the baby fat that has not faded, Su Ziling in a white dress is cute and quiet, but still does not lose the faintly visible eccentricity.

"How was life at school?"

In a coffee shop, Ye Bai asked casually.

"To be honest, I regret that I majored in directing. I'm so busy every day!"

Su Ziling complained with a bitter smile.

The two had known each other for four or almost five years. Su Ziling had changed from a high school senior to a junior, and would graduate in a year.

Ye Bai has also changed from a second lieutenant to a major. If there is no accident, he is likely to be promoted again and become a lieutenant colonel.

Ever since Su Ziling studied directing, she spent less time chatting with Ye Bai. In addition, Ye Bai himself was relatively busy, and the two of them often chatted for a few days before returning to the last sentence.

But it's not without benefits.

For example, Su Ziling, who used to love taking pictures, naturally changed to shooting videos after learning how to direct.

Because of this, Ye Bai often receives beautiful videos.

It's a pity that the content is often too serious, and they are all wearing clothes, which is meaningless.

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