After speaking, the leader smiled.

This "model worker" refers to Ye Bai turning a long-term project that needs a period of three to five years into a short-term project that can be completed in one year.

Such high efficiency has really put pressure on several other projects.

Even the entire global "Mecha Arms Race" was forced to speed up in an all-round way.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Bai is stirring up the global situation with his own power.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Bai was deeply registered with the leader, so he asked this question.

After the leader's words came out, the person who had been in charge of contacting Ye Bai hadn't spoken yet, and the other leader smiled and said:

"We always have to give young comrades some time to rest! Just because they are model workers, they should take more vacations!"

Ye Bai's work intensity in the past year is obvious to all. He is almost pushing forward the huge project alone, and has achieved excellent results.

Among other things, as soon as the Red Dragon series of mechas came out, the people in the army went crazy.

Although the army is the big brother of the three armed forces, it has always been poor since the founding of the People's Republic of China, saving as much as possible.

Later, the Dragon Kingdom finally became rich, and the strategic direction of the entire country changed from inland defense to coastal defense.

Therefore, high-tech equipment is also closely followed by the air force and navy.

Now that it's so easy to have a chance to obtain the mecha series equipment that the whole world is coveting, the Army naturally cannot let it go.

After the appearance of the Red Dragon series, they have been communicating with the core layer and the General Armament Department, intending to use the Red Dragon series of mechs to form a brand new army force.

In their words: "No one understands mechs better than our army!"

But in fact, both the Navy and the Air Force think so.

Who doesn't want to own a mech?

It is also like this that the General Armament Department has become the sweet pastry in the eyes of the three armies, and the Red Dragon series mechas have become even more in their eyes.

Ye Bai, the creator of the Red Dragon series of mechas, naturally also attracted the attention of the leaders.

At this time, the leader who has been in charge of docking with Ye Bai said: "Comrade Xiao Ye is very diligent. He just uploaded a new work report a few days ago. He plans to establish a weather weapon. I am very supportive!"

weather weapon?

Among those present, the faces of several leaders were slightly taken aback.

Meteorological weapons sound fantastic at first glance, but in fact they have already been applied to the fields of military and people's livelihood.

For example, "artificial rainfall" and "artificial snowfall" are all types of meteorological weapons, but they are not capable of causing extreme weather on a global scale like in movies.

With the development and progress of science and technology, the days of watching the face of God for food have long passed.

The major granaries have long stocked missiles that can affect the climate within a certain range. These are weather weapons.

At present, in the field of warfare, the impact that weather weapons can bring is extremely limited.

Now whose army or equipment, do not add the word "all-weather" in front of it.

Therefore, meteorological weapons are more important in the field of people's livelihood.

It is precisely because of this that the leaders' impressions of weather weapons are still in an extremely limited range, and it is completely impossible to think about any mess.

"Weather weapon? Isn't it a bit overkill..."

A leader shook his head and expressed his opinion.


Even Ye Bai, who can make such sophisticated gadgets as mechs, suddenly went to do some "artificial rainfall", it was indeed some cannon to fight mosquitoes.

"I also think it's a waste of talent."

Another leader also expressed his opinion, roughly the same as the previous one.

The leaders expressed their opinions one after another, and most people still believed that Ye Bai, the mecha engineer and the father of modern mechas, was really overqualified for the project of artificial rain and snowfall.

With that time and energy, why not think about some equipment that goes with the mecha.

For example, the Navy wants to build an "aircraft carrier", and the Air Force wants to combine the orbital assault airborne force with the Red Dragon series of mechs to create a "planetary orbital airborne mech force".

These ideas, no matter whether they are reliable or not, are much more exciting than "artificial rainfall".

But it's not without objections.

I only heard one leader say: "I don't think there is such a thing as overkill, but gold will shine everywhere!"

"Let's think about it from another angle." After drinking tea, the leader continued: "Comrade Ye Bai has maintained an efficient research and development level in the past four or five years, and every year there will be an extremely successful project. It's time to change your mind and give yourself a vacation, people are not made of iron!"

What the leader (Zhao Zhaozhao) said made everyone present nod in agreement.


Ye Bai's four successful projects in the past four years are almost continuous, and the longest vacation time is less than one month. It is said that he only went home for the New Year when he joined the work in the first year, and then he was never at home again. New Year's Eve.

Another leader agreed: "I also agree to let Comrade Ye Bai rest. He is almost thirty and doesn't even have a girlfriend. Give him some time to fall in love!"

In the end, the direct leader in charge of contacting Ye Bai made the final decision: "Then this is settled!"

"Let Ye Bai do that 'artificial rainfall', rest and change his mind."

"Besides, this is the first time Ye Bai has applied for a project on his own initiative. Even if it is to not dampen his enthusiasm, we must support it to the end!"


(There was a power outage yesterday, and it will be replaced today.) .

115. The night is long and the dream is many, the project is approved【Subscribe】

The project on "Weather Weapons" was approved very quickly, even this speed was far beyond Ye Bai's imagination.

Normally, why not organize a group of experts to conduct meetings and discussions, and only after passing through layers of review can the project be approved for funding.

But it took less than half a month for Ye Bai's idea to be reported, even before the year before, it was approved, and the project was officially established after the year.

Ye Bai was confused at first, but he didn't realize it until he saw the opinions, resources and financial allocation given by the superior organization.

I'm afraid there are some misunderstandings!

In Ye Bai's vision, his meteorological weapons not only need special high-standard safe and concealed equipment construction bases, but also need supporting micro and small nuclear power plants to supply energy.

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