Mother Ye couldn't help but complained to Ye Bai on the phone: "It's not Chinese New Year yet, and a bunch of people I don't know come here with gifts to pay New Year's greetings, it's so annoying ¨々!"

Ye Bai could only smile at this.

Although the family still lives in the old community with a history of more than 20 years, it is not what it used to be.

On the surface, his assets didn't seem to have increased much, but Ye Bai's salary and bonus added up to several million.

Compared with these foreign things, it is more about the improvement of status.

All in all, the situation of Ye Bai's family can be described without exaggeration in one sentence, that is, "one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven".

After learning that everything at home was safe, Ye Bai immediately returned to work.

The weather controller project is much larger in scale than the heavy mecha.

Although the heavy-duty mecha project has caused a lot of uproar around the world, in fact the political significance is greater than the military significance.

But the weather controller is different, no matter what field it is in, it has a decisive influence.

Therefore, the resources, manpower and funds invested in this project are by no means comparable to heavy mechs.

Among other things, the cost of the supporting miniature nuclear power plant alone is as high as 200 billion!

If the supporting launch site and supercomputer are included, about 500 billion yuan of financial support is required without including the main body of the project.

This figure is an astronomical figure that is absolutely unimaginable in the age when the Dragon Kingdom's economy has not yet developed.

But now, the Dragon Kingdom's economy is taking off, even if the 500 billion or even 1000 billion is not in this year's plan, the project can still be successfully launched and placed in the first rank.

Don't ask, ask is rich!

Because of this, with the full support of the organization, the infrastructure project of the weather controller was completed quickly.

In the engineering department's report, Ye Bai could clearly know that 00857, which was originally an inconspicuous small mountain depression, now not only has the winding mountain road in and out been re-widened with great effort, but also a parking apron has been built.

Under the guidance of a highly respected design master from the Academy of Engineering, the next step is to completely hollow out the nearby mountain to form a very hidden and huge cave space.

Not only can the main body of the weather control instrument be stored there, but it can also be built into a deep well vertical missile launch site.

Such a huge project has now been carried out smoothly without stopping.

As for Ye Bai's Theoretical Technology Department, dozens of branch project teams are also carrying out theoretical calculation work in full swing.

Someone once said that human beings have always had two great dreams.

The first is flight, which has been made possible with the help of science and technology.

The second is to control the weather.

But it is extremely difficult for man to conquer nature.

Even with today's most cutting-edge science and technology, it can only have a very limited influence on the weather.

Such as artificial rainfall in a very small area.

If this technology can achieve a major breakthrough, I am afraid that the large deserts in the northwest of Longguo will have long been turned into Wang Yang's oasis.

But Ye Bai's weather controller is very likely to realize this great dream.

Once the desert turns into an oasis, the land that was originally thought to be poor due to environmental reasons will become rich, and the richness represents a new point of economic production.

It can be a new granary, or a brand new natural ecological environment. All in all, all of these have a fatal attraction for Longguo (Zhao Nuohao).

What's even more frightening is that many places around the world have become worthless areas due to various climatic reasons.

And once the Dragon Kingdom can control the climate, I am afraid that in many fields, it will be able to grasp a new voice.

Therefore, the weather control instrument is a strategic weapon, and it is an important weapon of the country!

It is precisely because of this that Ye Bai's project is in the first echelon under planning.

Although it is not yet the first sequence, it has already been linked to the ten-year, one-hundred-year plan and other great projects that will affect the course of history.

In this situation, Ye Bai naturally felt pressured to play.

As for the customized research and development function of the system, every time the progress is advanced, precious military points are consumed.

If it weren't for the heavy world influence brought by the previous heavy mech project, which earned him a lot of military points, it would be difficult to support the terrifying consumption of the weather controller research and development progress. .

125. Being a leader is really tiring! 【Subscribe】

During the Chinese New Year, when Ye Bai led many project teams to work hard for the project in the 749 courtyard, a blizzard covered the entire northeast of Longguo.

Fortunately, this blizzard is far less harmful than last year's once-in-a-century rainstorm.

But despite this, it still brought certain economic losses to the Northeast.

What made Ye Bai more worried was that the scientific research team brought by Feng Yintian would routinely report on the itinerary every once in a while.

But now, there has been no news from the other party for more than 48 hours.

As a last resort, Ye Bai contacted the security team and asked the other party to use all means to contact Feng Yintian.

The level of the project is very high, and the security team naturally has great authority.

After Ye Bai made a phone call, the security team immediately started to move, and in the military theater in the northeast, several helicopters quickly took off and started an emergency search.

Finally, after waiting for 6 hours, the helicopter in charge of the search successfully rescued a group of trapped victims, and finally received Feng Yintian's distress signal in a mountain forest.

Fortunately, although Feng Yintian and other members of the scientific expedition team had frostbite to varying degrees, they were all fine, and they lost contact because of an accident.

793 After getting in touch, Ye Bai couldn't help being concerned for a while.

After learning that none of the staff was in danger, Ye Bai couldn't help but reprimanded: "Didn't I tell you to be careful! Fortunately, your signal was seen this time, what if you can't see it!?"

Ye Bai was a little angry, he finally understood the mood of the leaders of the 749 Institute when he went to the disaster area for scientific research.

Feng Yintian naturally admitted his mistake on the phone and promised never to make it again.

Although nothing happened this time, it was good luck. If something really happened, not only him, Ye Bai would also be responsible to some extent.

What's more, risking other people's lives is a violation of the bottom line of morality.

"Submit a review to me as soon as you come back!"

After Ye Bai finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

As for the other project team members who happened to come to report to Ye Bai, they felt that this young project team leader and chief engineer was more and more like a senior leader.

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