They slowly walked out of the bunker and looked at the smoky battlefield, but they were shocked to find that the reconnaissance company, which had suppressed them just now and couldn't even raise its head, had been completely wiped out at this time!

And the most conspicuous figure on the battlefield, without a doubt, was the figure that was much taller and stronger than ordinary people.

Seeing this puzzling scene, the bald eagle couldn't help approaching a soldier of the reconnaissance company who had been "killed in battle", and couldn't help asking:

"Dude, don't tell me that you were beaten like this by him alone?"

The soldier of the reconnaissance company glanced at the bald eagle unhappily, spat and said, "If you don't agree, go try it?"

Damn, the conventional firepower is basically ineffective, and the opponent is equipped with heavy firepower. One person is like a war fortress, making a woolen yarn!

But when did our army have such impenetrable equipment?

The Bald Eagle naturally didn't know what was going on in the minds of the soldiers of the reconnaissance company. The only thing he wanted to know at this moment was, could it be that this group of reconnaissance companies were really wiped out by this one person?

Thinking of this, the bald eagle led the crowd and quickly approached that person.

But I never thought that before they approached, there was a familiar and nostalgic voice:

"It's so fucking embarrassing to me. You were beaten up like this by a group of scouts. You really should change your name to Hairless Chicken!"

This tone, this tone, this attitude, there is no doubt that it is the person they are all very familiar with.


"It's the Wolves!"

"Why are the Wolves here? Isn't he recuperating in the hospital?"

A gust of mountain wind happened to blow by, and the wind blew off the red wolf's hood, revealing a head completely covered in a dark silver steel helmet.

Then, the red wolf tore off the already tattered white cloak, revealing the silver body made entirely of steel.

"Fuck, Wolves, you have become a Terminator!?"


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28. Unless he, Lu Kaixuan, has a Terminator! 【Third update】

Inside the constantly moving Red Army command vehicle.

"What did you say? The reconnaissance company is completely wiped out!?"

Boss Yang's tone was seven points unbelievable and three points incomprehensible.


The ambush position has been set up in advance, and the strength is still superior, and the support is also an advantage. With these double advantages, why is the reconnaissance company completely wiped out?

The Red Arrow and the reconnaissance brigade have always disliked each other, forming a healthy competition in the Lanzhou Military Region.

Every year, the competition is a stage for these two forces to compete.

Although the Red Arrow wins more and loses less, the gap between the two shouldn't be so big, right?

"Did Lu Kaixuan send reinforcements?"

Boss Yang tried to ask.

"Before the reconnaissance company lost communication, they said 'enemy reinforcements are coming,' but did not say how many troops there were," the correspondent replied.

The atmosphere in the command car was a little oppressive.

The reconnaissance company that set up an ambush in the snow mountain managed to capture the red arrows, but they were all wiped out, which also meant that the combat effectiveness of this team that crossed the snow mountain was much stronger than expected.

And it is such a force, which has now penetrated deep into the enemy's rear of the Red Army's large forces, and may launch a surprise attack at any time.

Thinking of this, Boss Yang quickly ordered: "The communication radar unit and the artillery unit quickly began to transfer, send more troops to the air force airport, and never allow them to raid the airport!"


After giving the order, Boss Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and after thinking for a while, he said thoughtfully:

"The frontal battlefield has been in a stalemate. Could it be that Lu Kaixuan has put all his hopes on the Red Arrow?"

"It's not impossible."

A staff officer said: "The Red Arrow was created by Lu Kaixuan. He has invested a lot of manpower and material resources over the years. It can be said that he is Lu Kaixuan's treasure, so he puts everything on the Red Arrow. There is a great possibility. .”

"But if you want to rely on the red arrow to win, I'm afraid it will be very difficult."

Another staff officer also expressed his opinion: "There is still one day and one night left in the exercise. The red arrows will destroy key units of our army, thereby helping to capture more positions on the frontal battlefield, or implement beheading tactics. Only these two A possibility!"

Ye Bai listened to the discussion of the staff, and already had a guess in his heart.

On the other hand, Chief Master Yang beside Ye Bai suddenly asked, "Ye Bai, you have also met this Lu Kaixuan, which method do you think he will choose to win?"

Ye Bai was taken aback by the sudden question, and then said as a matter of course: "Boss Yang also said that Lu Kaixuan likes to walk on two legs, so why not have both possibilities!"

What Ye Bai said is indeed very right.

But upon hearing his words, a staff officer smiled and said, "Young comrades may not understand that the scale and combat effectiveness of the combat troops infiltrated with red arrows are only enough to support one possibility."

"Unless Lu Kaixuan's pawn is a Terminator, he can't execute both possibilities at the same time."

Ye Bai nodded, expressing his agreement.

But in fact, he wanted to ask a question: "What if it is really the Terminator?"

But think about it or forget it, anyway, he is just a spectator, and whoever wins or loses has nothing to do with him.

"By the way, I have no questions for you. Has your body armor been provided to the Red Arrow?" Chief Master Yang asked.

Since Master Yang was busy with other projects, he didn't pay much attention to Ye Bai's new body armor.

It's just a bulletproof vest on the left and right, and it can't make any waves.

Ye Bai replied: "Because time is limited, I only provided one set for Red Arrow."

After hearing this, Master Yang said a little angrily: "Equipment like bulletproof vests must have enough quantity to be tested on the battlefield. You have spent so much money and ended up only making one set?"

Ye Bai immediately nodded embarrassedly, and explained: "I spent a lot of money on researching new materials, so..."


Seeing Ye Bai's appearance, Master Yang didn't ask any more questions, but the disappointment in his heart showed on his face.

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