So after the official action, the reaction of most people is normal.

[I didn't believe it before, but now the official said, they just want to lure the snake out of the hole, and then adopt some plans! 】

[Bad trick! 】

[Ye Bai should refuse, let me tell you, let’s just set up an award ourselves, only open to people from Longguo, with Ye Bai as the chief judge, as long as we guarantee the authority, we can manage it into a big award in a few years . 】

[Very good idea. 】

The news of Long Guo's rejection of the Nobel Prize quickly spread internationally.

caused an uproar internationally.

The last person who voluntarily rejected the nomination was in the last century and was a literary giant, but this time it happened in the Dragon Kingdom.

[Long Guo turned down such a big award? 】

【Didn't they always want it? Why don't they want it now? 】

[In their eyes, Ye Bai is more important than the Nobel Prize. 】

This behavior of Longguo is understandable, and the international community soon understood what he did 870, and criticized the Nobel Prize in turn.

Therefore, in order to protect itself, the Nobel Prize pushed out the person behind the scenes, which is a document from the eagle.

This time, the beautiful country was pushed to the forefront.

The beautiful country officials also responded.

[Official news: If you want to become a world-class scientific researcher, the threshold is the Nobel Prize. If Ye Bai refuses to accept the award, it means that he will never be able to become a world-class scientific researcher. 】

This sentence is full of condescension.

This news quickly spread around the world. Ye Bai, who has always been concerned about the direction of the world, can naturally see this news.

In the office, Ye Bai watched the news and laughed out loud.

"Although I am a humble person, I know how strong I am."

Ye Bai is not a person with no brains and modesty. Modesty is not only a character quality, but also a tool.

So I immediately wrote Weibo news and sent it out in a few minutes.

[My achievements don't need to be recognized by an institution, and I don't need to be a so-called international scientific researcher. If you keep thinking of yourself like this, it will only cause a big global joke. 】

As soon as this news came out, Ye Bai didn't continue to pay attention to what happened next.

But among the old chief and others, they have already started to decide what kind of award to give to Ye Bai. .

273. Glory of the Dragon Kingdom, Best Scientist of the Century 【Subscribe】

A leader said: "It's definitely not the time for the Grand Medal, because it's not the selection season. This is only awarded every few years. Comrade Ye Bai didn't catch up."

"Since the Grand Medal is not enough, then we should consider setting up a separate medal."

All eyes were on the head of the old chief.

"Leader, you are his direct superior. I think I should listen to your opinion carefully, or plan the basic idea of ​​the award."

The old chief only felt a headache.

I don't know how to do this thing!

How can I figure this out when I lead soldiers to fight?

However, after careful consideration, the old chief still planned a basic idea.

"First of all, this award must be very special, almost irreproducible, and at the same time be the highest standard in a certain field."

"Ye Bai is in the field of scientific research. He should be awarded the best scientific researcher with the highest standard, that is, the best scientific researcher of this century. This is absolutely applicable in the dragon's country, and it is not applicable to the outside world. It's something we have to think about."

The best researcher of the century!

This title can be said to be very resounding.

The most important thing is that it is absolutely feasible to put it in Long Country, and Ye Bai's achievements are recognized throughout the country.

There is also a lot of room for recognition internationally, but anyone who is objective and fair can recognize this title.

The best researcher of the century!

The old chief continued to add.

"Another point, which is also very important, is that this award must be almost irreproducible and also achievable. That is, other people can also be selected, but there must be extremely high conditions."

"I suggest that starting from this year, the selection will be conducted every 100 years, and only one person will be selected at a time."

Everyone at the scene agreed with the old chief's plan even more.

This is indeed almost irreproducible, and the selection every 100 years is close to the core idea of ​​this award.

That is the strongest in this century!

A century is 100 years!

100 years for a selection!

To some extent, Ye Bai is regarded as a super genius who is rare in a hundred years!

The old chief also wants to conduct a selection once every thousand or ten thousand years, but that kind of award is meaningless.

"Then follow the idea proposed by the leader, but according to the instructions of the superior leader, we also need to set up an award."

"It is essentially the same as the Nobel Prize."

"I want to discuss it with the old chief, after all, you are our most experienced!"

The old chief hesitated to speak, but agreed to discuss together.

After the meeting lasted for two days, a satisfactory plan was officially reached.

Relevant personnel immediately began to make the "Best Researcher of the Century" chapter.

The commendation meeting was also organized, and the location was chosen in an auditorium.


Ye Bai received this news.

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