"Is it only when you get promoted that you can increase the burden?"

"That's right, you need to give orders, as long as you don't get angry."

Ye Bai smiled mischievously.

He also understands psychologically that for these two projects, it is estimated that Chief Master Yang must also be shaking in his heart, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are up and down.

Next, the two had another exchange on future work matters.

At the same time, the special plane of an old chief also landed at the airport in Haicheng.

Standing on the deck of No. 01 aircraft carrier, facing the sea breeze, the old chief recalled: "I think there was a general who went to the beautiful country to see military equipment, but the beautiful country only allowed our people to look outside, not inside. !"

"At that time, the general put his toes on his toes, just to take a look inside and let our comrades take as few detours as possible!"

"Now that the country is prosperous and strong, our national defense is also increasing day by day, but there is still some gap between us and the beautiful country, so I go to the International Military Exhibition every year to understand where the gap is!"

The old chief expressed his feelings. Between the lines are the bitterness of development, the pride of today's achievements, and the encouragement for future development.

Subsequently, the old head, as always, went to this year's International Military Exhibition.

Three days later, the old chief came to the 749 hospital.

In the conference room, the old chief once again expressed his feelings to the high-level members of the 749 hospital.

"Although there are not many heavy weapons this time, it seems that in order to cater to the international situation, the beautiful country exhibited a lot of individual equipment this time!"

The old chief said enviously: "There is a set of exoskeleton armor. I have looked at it for a long time and feel that it has great potential for development."

At this time, the dean and vice-president of the 749th Institute looked at each other, and Mr. Yang, who was also present, blinked.

Exoskeleton armor, he is familiar with this thing!

The old chief continued: "Their exoskeletons are quite advanced. They can not only carry heavy objects, but also carry some weapons. Things weighing hundreds of kilograms can be lifted by one person wearing this set of exoskeletons. It is very suitable for complex environments. battlefield!"

After the old chief finished speaking, Master Yang couldn't help asking curiously: "Then old chief, are their exoskeleton armor bulletproof?"

But he never thought that the old chief looked at Mr. Yang inexplicably, and replied: "The exoskeleton is just a few steel limbs, how can it be bulletproof?"

"oh oh……"

Chief Master Yang stopped talking, but his expression seemed to be...disappointed?

Afterwards, the old chief continued to talk about what he had seen and heard at the international military exhibition, but most of them stayed on this set of boneless armor, which seemed like 10 minutes of love.

At this time, Master Yang couldn't bear it again, so he interjected and asked: "The old chief, can their exoskeleton armor allow people to run as fast as a car and jump three to five meters high?"

The old chief was very puzzled. He also knew this Master Yang, but why he kept asking some inexplicable questions today.

But he still replied: "It's not Superman, how could it be possible to run as fast as a car and jump three to five meters!"

"oh oh……"

Master Yang kept silent again.

After a while, Master Yang still couldn't hold back and asked: "The old chief, how many modes does their exoskeleton armor have, and has the battery life exceeded 72 hours?"

The old chief couldn't help but looked at Mr. Yang strangely again. He really didn't understand what happened today. Why did the leaders of the 749 Institute look at him strangely?

Although it felt strange, the old chief still gave an answer: "They are charging, not a car, and there is no gear at all. As for the battery life, I heard that it needs to be charged once after six hours of use, which is already considered the most advanced in the world. level."

"oh oh……"

Mr. Yang replied, but couldn't help but two words came out of his mind: that's it?

At the end of the meeting, Master Yang approached the old chief, thought for a while, and said:

"Old chief, how about I show you a treasure?"


Please collect new books, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets and rewards, the full support of the ancestors is the motivation for the author to work hard to update, thank you, thank you! .

35. The knowledge of getting promoted and getting rich! 【fifth change】

in the training ground.

Wearing a multi-functional exoskeleton power armor, the red wolf quickly completed the spinning jump, and hit the target 50 meters away with one shuttle.

Afterwards, he stretched out his right arm, gathered energy, and bombarded the abandoned car again with one shot.

This poor car, after being scrapped by Ye Bai's miniature non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse pistol, has been completely reduced to a target.

On the sidelines, the old chief watched all this with a stupefied look.


The old chief's face was flushed, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

The dean and deputy dean of the 749 hospital who accompanied them smiled very understandingly.

In fact, when they saw this scene for the first time, they were even more exaggerated than the old chief's expression at this moment.

After all, only experts know how many technical difficulties exist in trying to do all this.

Later, under the instruction of Master Yang, Chilang demonstrated the bulletproof function.

The red wolf took out an ordinary standard pistol and pointed it at his helmet under the old chief's horrified face.


The bullet bounced off.

Then, a staff member picked up the rifle on the table, switched to fully automatic mode, and pressed the shuttle directly to the end.

"Da da da--"

There was a fierce metal collision sound, and sparks flew from the body of the red wolf.

At this time, the old chief suddenly remembered the true meaning of the sentence asked by Chief Master Yang: "Can it be bulletproof?"

But it's not over.

After the old chief calmed down his excitement and took a sip of water to suppress his shock, Master Yang instructed: "Chilang, activate the wolf battle mode!"

The red wolf in the field nodded, and then tapped his arm a few times.

Then, the old chief saw that the red wolf leaped suddenly, as if flying, and jumped directly to a second-floor building that was usually used for drills.

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