The second aunt is not a mean person, at least she prepared a red envelope for Ye Lan when she came.

But being a parent is nothing more than expecting something from your child.

Now the second aunt's son, Ye Bai's cousin, Ye Qing, has graduated from the Finance University in Shanghai, and has joined a large company with an annual salary of more than 30.

For the small city of Ye Bai's hometown, the fact that a college student who just graduated can earn so much is undoubtedly a representative of success and fame.

In fact, the second aunt didn't intend to take advantage of Ye Qing's success to step on Ye Bai.

She just had shallow knowledge, and thought that being a soldier was the same as those years, and that the money she earned a month was not enough to feed her family.

What's more, she couldn't tell the difference between a non-commissioned officer and an officer at all, let alone the difference between a combat post and a technical post.

She may even think that Ye Bai is standing guard at the door for someone in a remote place!

Ye Qing, who came with his second aunt, knew more or less, and saw that Ye Qing gave Ye Bai and the others an apologetic look in embarrassment, and then persuaded his mother:

"Mom, my cousin is a graduate of a military academy. He enlists in the army as an officer, and he also pays for assignments. It's a real job. It can't be compared like this!"

The second aunt may not trust Ye Bai, but she has [-]% trust in her son.

However, she still doesn't understand, and she is also a little curious, and she has some comparative thoughts in her mind.

So she looked at Ye Bai and asked, "Then what is your salary level? Is it difficult to get promoted? My Qing'er seems to have said that it is very difficult to be promoted in the army these days! It's better to be down-to-earth If you want to earn some money, you can buy a house and get married as soon as possible!"

This is true.

However, where you are promoted, you need to make real contributions.

Ye Bai thought for a while and replied: "It's very difficult to be promoted in the army, especially when I was assigned not long ago."

"As for the salary, it's only a few thousand yuan. Anyway, the unit includes food and housing, and there is no expense. It must be enough!"

This is not because Ye Bai is being modest, but the fact is like this.

Ye Baiming's nominal salary, after deducting miscellaneous things in the end, is really less than tens of thousands.

As for the promotion, it is indeed very difficult. Don't you see Hualu Wang Junze, half a year has passed, and there is still no movement.

These are the proud sons of heaven who graduated from the military academy!

After hearing what Ye Bai said, Second Aunt immediately became concerned, and couldn't help showing off in a persuasive tone:

"I see Ye Bai, you are still young, so forget about changing careers as soon as possible. This is a few thousand yuan a month, let alone a big city. Even in a small place like ours, it takes years to save to buy a house!"

"I'm going to take Qing'er to see the house in two days. After all, I'm in my twenties, and I'm going to be thirty, so I need to get married early!"

At this time, Ye Qing gave Ye Bai a sorry look again.

Obviously, Ye Qing is also very helpless towards his mother.

Ye Bai shrugged his shoulders, expressing his understanding.

In fact, the second aunt just couldn't help but take the opportunity to show off, she didn't have any bad intentions, it was nothing more than a bit of a broken mouth.

In fact, Ye Bai, the only officer among the brothers and sisters of the same generation, is very popular with the elders.

People of their generation are more obsessed with the iron rice bowl of the public family, especially for the soldiers.

As a result, when Ye Bai returned to the village, he was held back by many elderly elders, and it took him a long time to talk about it.

Really speaking of status, he is definitely much higher than Ye Qing.

After all, this society can have fewer businessmen and actors, but it must not lack teachers, soldiers and doctors.

Teaching and educating people, defending the family and the country, and saving lives and wounds have been the most respected professions since ancient times.

Soon, a mahjong table was set up in the living room. While playing mahjong, the second aunt showed off her success in educating her children, and from time to time she talked about how much hardship she had suffered in those years, and now she finally paid off.

Ye Qing really couldn't take it anymore, so he wandered around the community with Ye Bai.

"Don't listen to my mother's nonsense, she doesn't know much about her experience. She has an annual salary of 30 yuan. In a place like Shanghai, it is the middle and lower class. Let alone buying a house, it would be nice to be able to buy a toilet!"

Ye Qing took out a cigarette, and handed one to Ye Bai.

Ye Bai didn't have the habit of smoking. After declining, he was about to say something when his phone rang suddenly.

"Hello Captain Ye, this is the Armed Forces Department, are you home?" A voice came from the phone.

"At home." Ye Bai replied.

"The organization decided to send you a plaque of the home of the first-class hero today. This occasion is best for your family to share the joy together. What time do you think is suitable?"

"Anytime, the family is here today."

"Okay, I'll notify the leader immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, Ye Bai continued to drink Ye Qing and wandered around the community.

At this time, the snow has not yet melted, and many children in the community have already built several snowmen.

"Are you okay?" Ye Qing was a little worried about the phone call just now.

The relationship between the two brothers is actually very good. When they were young, they often made snowmen together.

"It's okay, the leader will come to express condolences and send something along the way!" Ye Bai replied casually.

Condolences from leaders?Send something by the way?

Ye Qing didn't quite react, it felt a little strange.

Half an hour later, a black convoy arrived at the gate of the community.

Amid the curious gazes of neighbors, a soldier in military uniform lit firecrackers.

The crackling sound immediately alarmed the entire neighborhood, and the crowd and their gazes gathered together.

"What's the matter? Firecrackers were set off before the fifteenth day of the new year?"

"It seems that he is not from our community!"

"Why do so many people come to set off firecrackers at the gate of our community?"

People were puzzled, but the momentum became louder and louder, so that many residents opened their windows and poked their heads out.

Then, the sound of beating gongs and drums resounded.

Ye Bai and Ye Qing, who were watching the children's snowball fight, couldn't help walking towards the entrance of the community.

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