"Hehe, it's just hearsay again, it's always like this, isn't there any image data at the critical moment?"

At this moment, an officer couldn't help laughing.

He felt that this was a panic deliberately created by other countries. Who would scare a thousand-meter-high sea monster out of it?

At this moment, in a certain city on the southeast coast, a roar that shook the sky and the earth suddenly erupted!

At this moment, the city has not yet experienced any sea monsters. Their dots on the map are light white, representing sea monsters that have not visited any time.

But just when everyone living in this city was about to forget the threat of sea monsters, they suddenly heard this voice and turned their heads to look towards the sea...

In the end, I was surprised to find that the water on the seashore was desperately rushing to the sides. This kind of momentum was really terrifying, and it shocked my heart!

". "Quick! Run away! The sea monster is coming!"

Everyone living in the city at this moment hastily followed the emergency response test that they had rehearsed before, and retreated frantically (Nuo Li's).

Some people retreated into the cave, while others retreated into the unified security building.

Then everyone stared in that direction nervously, to see what kind of Lushan's true face that sea monster had?

Finally, the sea monster appeared. It was a strange head with two eyes and a long mouth like a bird.

Then its body slowly surfaced inch by inch...

"My God! So big?!"

At this time, the body of the sea monster has exceeded [-] meters, but it is still rising to the surface of the water, which is unbelievable.

"200 meters! Damn it, isn't it? Is this sea monster so tall?"

At this moment, someone observed in real time that the height of the sea monster is only the part above the water, which has exceeded 200 meters, but it is still standing up continuously. .

393. Two dead ends!The sea monsters have regained the upper hand! 【Subscribe】

"No, no, no! Impossible, absolutely not true, it should be an illusion. Could it be that the special ability of this sea monster can create hallucinations?"

At this moment, someone couldn't help thinking secretly.

Then they pinched their thighs fiercely, and then communicated with other people, and found that everyone saw the same picture in front of them.

The total length of the exposed part of the sea monster has exceeded 200 meters, but don't forget that this process is not over yet.

Then it was 300 meters!

"My God, 300 meters, hurry up! Hurry up and notify the base that something big has happened!"

At this time, the person in charge of the city knew that a sea monster over 300 meters appeared, and it was definitely at the top of the monster rankings, belonging to the top few existences!

And since the city hadn't been visited by sea monsters before, they only had three high-density ray weapon devices.

When facing this kind of sea monster, there is simply no resistance!

Seeing that the city was about to be destroyed wantonly by this sea monster, the base immediately got the news and quickly sent firepower reinforcements.

"Send the Fourth Army over there!"

At this moment, the old chief immediately made a decisive decision, and directly sent the nearest Fourth Legion to rush over for reinforcements, so that the sea monster would not dare to attack the city.

After the screen was connected, Ye Bai also came to the command room, and watched 950 with all the officers at the huge sea monster above the sea.

"What? It's already more than 400 meters long, and it's still rising toward the sea?"

At this moment, everyone was taken aback, and couldn't help but think of the legends that spread in the previous country's sea area.

The thousand-meter sea monster... is it really going to be realized at this moment?

Even Ye Bai didn't speak, his expression was very solemn.

He never thought that such a sea monster really existed, and the legend was not a legend, but true!

"500 meters!"

An officer couldn't help saying something, his voice turned out to be a little hoarse.

At this moment, the part of the sea monster out of the water is equivalent to the height of five God of War mechs stacked together, and the speed of this guy's ascent has not slowed down at all.

"600 meters..."

Another person then took up the conversation and said that the time difference between the two talking was not more than half a minute.

700 meters... 800 meters...

As the body of the sea monster got bigger and bigger, everyone's hearts gradually sank.

At this time, the appearance of the sea monster is really terrifying. Its dark body is covered with scales. These scales have a cold luster, representing an extremely terrifying murderous aura!

Moreover, there are barbs on its body at intervals, presenting an irregular round shape, surrounding the body, making it look like it is wearing a layer of armor.

Immediately, the speed at which the sea monster's body surfaced slowed down, but it was already close to 900 meters!

"Omg, a 900-meter sea monster, and it hasn't quite stopped yet!"

Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this moment, the sea monster suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and roared into the sky!


At this moment, when everyone sees its mouth open, the visual distance may reach about 300 meters in diameter. The legend that it can swallow a glacier and snow mountain with one mouthful is absolutely true!

"It turns out that there really are such sea monsters in the world. Now it's over, the difficulty of our challenge has been completely upgraded!"

The old chief couldn't help but say something, his face became very ugly.

"Ye Bai, what do you think will be the result of confronting this sea monster with the strength of the God of War?"

When the old chief asked this sentence, everyone's eyes focused on Ye Bai's face.

In fact, before they asked this question, they already had the answer, but they just wanted Ye Bai to confirm it.

Ye Bai smiled wryly and said: "Although the God of War has many attack methods, everyone should know that the duel between such behemoths has a lot to do with their size. With a size difference of ten times, there is no hope at all!"

Sure enough!

Although everyone (bhcd) probably thought of this before, but now they finally gave up after hearing Ye Bai's confirmation.

"Ye Bai, this means that we only have two ways to go, the first is to break through the limit technology and kill it with offensive means, and the second is to create a super giant mech similar in size to this sea monster to fight against it! "

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