The dazzling white light destroyed everything that could be seen.

And at this critical moment, Ye Bai finally used his incomparably terrifying speed to get out of the range of five kilometers.

Even so, the Dragon God Mecha also suffered from devastating trauma, the outer shell continued to fall off, and piece by piece rapidly sluggishly melted into molten iron...

Ye Bai immediately chose to jump out of the cabin and get out on the spot, and then quickly ran.

However, at this moment, through satellite monitoring, it was found that at the center of the explosion, when the Motoro star exploded, there was a small red box in his body that was extremely strong and was not destroyed.

Seeing this scene, some researchers immediately speculated that this is probably a location map five hundred light-years away!

With the positioning map, humans may be able to start directional voyage...

422. Controllable nuclear fusion, the next research direction! 【Subscribe】

With this guess, the entire command center was filled with excitement!

A senior old expert had pale temples, but his eyes were still wide open, staring at a red iron box on the screen.

As we all know, generally this kind of iron box placed inside the body is extremely tough and can resist the impact of extremely high temperature explosion power.

And now this scene undoubtedly confirms the same point!

"Hurry up, hurry up and take back that red box."

At this time, the expert couldn't help but say.

But it was obvious that there had just been an extremely violent nuclear explosion here, and no one could go and seize the red box in such a place.

At least it will take a while until the nuclear radiation here is slightly weakened.

Unless special soldiers are dispatched to perform special tasks, it is possible to break in and get the red box in their hands wearing special protective clothing.

At this moment, Ye Bai didn't know this. He coughed violently and felt some discomfort in his body. He had to go back to the base to recuperate.

After all, the radiation and nuclear pollution produced by large-scale nuclear explosions are very serious. If one is not careful, it is very likely that there will be a lifelong unmentionable disease or something.

963 Ye Bai didn't go far, and immediately met the person who came to meet him.

"Master Ye, are you alright?"

A doctor couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Ye Bai shook his head, he knew his own condition, and he didn't need to receive any treatment at this time, he just needed to rest for a while.

Ye Bai returned to the Dragon Kingdom with the people who responded, and the turmoil was over at this moment.

However, it is worth mentioning that the Dragon God Mecha has also remained on a ruin about five kilometers away from the nuclear explosion.

The Dragon God Mecha was not completely destroyed. Afterwards, the Dragon Kingdom had brought it back and put the Dragon God Mecha in the repair base, and no one touched it.

Because apart from Ye Bai, no one has the qualifications to repair the Dragon God Mecha.

There are too many scientific and technological facilities in the Dragon God, and repairing it hastily may cause the opposite effect.

"Master Ye, this is the red box leaking from the body of that King Kong sea monster!"

After Ye Bai rested for two days, the red box was placed in front of him.

Also present at the same time was a group of experts who had been researching the red box for two days and two nights.

They found that they could detect it with the latest infrared detector. This red box is a very strong metal shell. The composition of this metal has not even been found in the current periodic table of elements. special elements.

And the hardness of this element is simply outrageous!

After testing, it may be able to survive the center of ten large nuclear missile explosions, and it will not show any signs of melting.

You must know that the hardest metal on this planet will be directly melted into a ball of molten iron when it encounters a nuclear explosion, but this red box shows no sign of deformation at all, which is really abnormal.

"This kind of metal element is worthy of our good use. If we can mine such a large amount of elements on that planet, we can develop a variety of new technological equipment, which is probably the beginning of another technological revolution." arrival!"

An expert couldn't help but said excitedly.

Imagine using this metal element to make cars, planes, even ships, tanks, warships, etc., or to build mechs, and its sturdiness will be greatly improved.

At that time, not only the military strength can be greatly enhanced, but the transportation facilities for ordinary people will also be safer, bringing about earth-shaking changes in people's lives.

But obviously, with the current technological means, it is (bhcd) a very difficult thing to travel to the Motoro star hundreds of light-years away through a spacecraft.

It is estimated that it will take at least one or two hundred years to develop to that point!

And this is just a conservative estimate. It is very difficult to travel through light years, and it will take 550 years to achieve even the speed of light.

Human beings currently have no means to surpass the speed of light, that is to say, it will take 550 years to reach the speed of light, not to mention that it is not as fast as the speed of light?

Thinking of this, a group of experts felt a little lost, but this is a test of the common technological level of the entire human race, and there is no rush.

"Is there really a star map here?"

Ye Bai frowned, and carefully looked at the red box.

At this time, the red box was protected in a glass container, surrounded by a group of experts, and they were all amazed!

The star map inside the red box refers to the map of the distribution of planets in a certain area in the universe.

With this kind of star map, it is of great benefit to the navigation of satellite probes in the universe.

They will no longer be headless flies, they can go to a certain planet fixedly according to the position of the star map.

Then the purple light projector was released, and a picture appeared on the screen...

The entire research room was in darkness, only this picture was exceptionally clear.

On this picture, there are traces of blue lines behind the black chaotic background, and there are small dust floating on it like a chaotic universe.

Some are large-scale star explosions, and the particles formed aimlessly become wanderers in the universe, and some are small planets and chaotic worlds, covered in dust, blinding people's eyes and ears.

There is also a small dot on the top of this picture, which is very clear, and the place it shows is the Motoro star 550 light-years away.

"On our planet, the luminous Motoro star can be seen with the naked eye, but in fact this 550 light-years would take us a lifetime!"

Ye Bai couldn't help but said with emotion.

Even if such unimaginable things as the dragon shield device and the sky bridge device are developed, it is still quite difficult for Ye Bai to travel more than 500 light years!

"Maybe when we realize controllable nuclear fusion, the energy of the spacecraft will become infinitely expanded, and then we will be able to truly navigate the universe freely?"

The thought in Ye Bai's heart was stronger than ever before.

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