But he suddenly realized that this sentence was too disrespectful, so he closed his mouth tightly again.

Then Ye Bai's mech stopped slowly, and he also opened the cockpit and jumped off.

There is no doubt that after demonstrating such a profound skill, it is enough for these students to learn for a while.

And these two skills are movement speed, and the second is offensive and defensive conversion.

Even for those teachers, it takes a while to drill down.

Ye Bai waved to everyone with a smile, and said, "Students, mech piloting still has a lot of knowledge, and the most important thing is that everyone should not forget their mission. This is the end of today's class!" .

436. Great scientific research results come out!Dragon Kingdom is at the forefront of the world! 【Subscribe】

With Ye Bai's wave of his hand, this time's lecture is over here.

The students are still reluctant to part with Ye Bai and don't want Ye Bai to leave...

This course is unique. In the theory class at the beginning, Ye Bai explained all aspects of mechs in a simple and simple way, answering everyone's questions.

The final actual combat drill was even more eye-opening for everyone. Whether it was a profound skill of quickly switching offense and defense, or quickly moving over obstacles, everyone was amazed!

This kind of advanced technique made everyone think that it must take a long time for Tianhai training base to master it well in order to understand the essence of it!

Soon some media reporters reported on this matter, and the fact that Ye Bai went to teach at the Mecha School immediately caused a sensation in the outside world.

Immediately, some other mecha schools racked their brains to spend a huge amount of money to invite Ye Bai to give a lecture and promote the school for them.

But it is obvious that Ye Bai cannot be moved by money. The main purpose of this class is to spread the knowledge of mechs, not to make money.

If Ye Bai wants to make money, there are ways!

Besides, Ye Bai developed Changsheng No. [-], and Changsheng No. [-] has not registered a patent. If he wants to forcibly occupy this patent right, he doesn't know how much money he will make.

At the moment the whole world is paying attention to these few important things.

The first thing is, how many sea monsters are left, and where did the two top giants go?

The second is whether the controllable nuclear fusion of the Dragon Kingdom has really come out?

After all, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and Longguo has a controllable nuclear fusion reactor base in the western desert, which is putting this matter on the agenda.

As the news spread, many countries secretly speculated that the Dragon Kingdom should not be far away from realizing controllable nuclear fusion!

At the same time, countries all over the world are desperately catching up with them, and are also working hard to concentrate on overcoming this problem.

After all, if the Dragon Kingdom truly achieves controllable nuclear fusion by then, it will definitely be an extremely huge blow to other countries.

Whoever can achieve controllable nuclear fusion first will be able to make a historic breakthrough in energy!

At that time, the dragon country's energy will be unlimited, and it will no longer rely on other countries' energy imports, etc., to realize its own energy exports.

It is even possible to vigorously develop the aerospace industry, so that spacecraft and artificial satellites can use the huge energy of controllable nuclear fusion to go to higher and farther places and explore the endless and mysterious cosmic starry sky.

For Ye Bai, these are not the most important thing, the most important thing is always only one thing.

That is, did the people from the Naganod star find its voyage spacecraft, and then successfully return?

For this reason, the artificial satellites are also monitored 24 hours a day.

If it is said that the Ganoderians can return to the planet in a spaceship, it is absolutely terrible news for Ye Bai.

Because once the Ganoder star knows that the human side is conducting a controlled nuclear fusion experiment, they will definitely find a way to stop it.

In Ye Bai's vision, if controllable nuclear fusion can be truly realized, this planet will develop towards a higher level of civilization!

Moreover, if controllable nuclear fusion can be applied to various fields in the future, it will bring earth-shaking changes to human life.

All of this is definitely something that Garnold Star, or even an alien planet with a higher civilization, would not want to see.

However, the development of controllable nuclear fusion is the general trend, and no one can stop it!

On this day, good news finally came from the western desert...

Ye Bai immediately put down what he was doing and hurried to the base.

At this time, in a huge steel furnace, the energy generated is continuously transmitted to a distant place through a very thick optical cable.

There is an extremely huge wind generator there. At this time, the receiving device of the generator is completely cut off, but with the energy provided by controllable nuclear fusion, the huge steel leaves on it are constantly running and will never stop. !

"Master Ye, we can proudly announce that we have successfully developed truly controllable nuclear fusion, and from this day on, our Dragon Kingdom will usher in a real energy revolution¨々!"

A scientist couldn't help but said to Ye Bai excitedly.

Ye Bai looked at it and was quite satisfied. He couldn't bear the joy in his heart, and immediately notified the old chief of this matter.

The old chief was also very happy immediately, and hurriedly reported to the higher-ups.

Immediately afterwards, all the key people in the entire Dragon Kingdom knew that they could finally announce to the world that controllable nuclear fusion has become a reality!

When Long Guo announced the news, the whole world was shocked.

". "My God, Dragon Kingdom was the first to develop controllable nuclear fusion. Now, they are at the forefront of the entire planet. We can only follow their winks!"

"Hey, I'm curious what Dragon Kingdom will do next? Will they develop a manned spaceship in the first place, and then try to break through this galaxy and go to outer space?"

"The birth of controllable nuclear fusion will be a great opportunity for our entire planet. I hope we can also closely follow the footsteps of the Dragon Kingdom, and we must not fall behind!"

Every country reacts differently.

Many countries immediately expressed their desire to send scientific research teams to learn from the Dragon Kingdom, and they were willing to pay a huge amount of money for this, that is, as a study fee.

But obviously Longguo rejected their request!

After all, it is only the first controllable nuclear fusion reactor to be built, although the energy that this reactor can produce is absolutely breathtaking.

(Nuo Qian's) But then Longguo will continue to develop more controllable nuclear fusion reactors based on this.

On this day, Ye Bai and a group of top scientists, including physicists, biologists, chemists, etc., gathered together to secretly hold a small secret meeting.

In this meeting, it was hosted by a mysterious person in the scientific research field.

He clearly stated that ten such controllable nuclear fusion reactors must be developed in the near future.

In the next step, Dragon Kingdom decided to cancel more than 90.00% of all power generation facilities in the country, allowing controllable nuclear fusion to cover all areas of the country, and then replace those traditional power generation methods to deliver energy to the entire Dragon Kingdom.

In the end, the mysterious person's eyes fell on Ye Bai, and he said slowly: "Mr. Ye, we will do our best regarding the materials. I wonder if you have anything to say?".

437. The three-headed dog of hell appears, the giant sea monster being teased! 【Subscribe】

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