"And once the enemy finds that the carrier has medical capabilities, it will definitely become a key target, so the defense capability needs to be improved."

Ye Bai expressed his opinion very honestly.

But soon, he found that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes.

What does it mean that the firepower configuration is not strong enough?

Is it not enough for a carrier vehicle to be equipped with a squad machine gun, so should we install the Thunder 1 multiple rocket launcher?

What is no air defense capability?

This carrier must have air defense capabilities, so what do the air defense forces in the rear need to do?

Not only Meng Gong, but everyone felt that Ye Bai was simply picking on the bone at this time, deliberately finding fault.

A carrier vehicle needs to be equipped with fierce firepower and anti-aircraft capabilities. The assault armor and air defense forces have been done by you. The next step is to go to heaven?

Huang Han, the person in charge of the self-propelled rocket launcher project, couldn't help expressing his opinion: "According to Comrade Ye's words, it is too contemptuous of our armored and air defense forces!"

"Now it's not decades ago. Our national defense force is improving day by day. Once a war starts, it will be a multi-functional composite force. Since it is a carrier vehicle, it must focus on carrying it!"

Everyone couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with Huang Han's opinion.

Fu Hongqian herself was relatively calm, and she said in a flat tone: "Although the project is clearly marked to be multi-functional, it can't be done indiscriminately. It requires both firepower configuration and air defense capabilities. Then it's better to install two more machine guns. Forget about supporting the frontal battle!"

Although the tone is flat, the words are very sharp.

Meng Gong also frowned, looked at Ye Bai unkindly, and said in a tone of reprimand: "I know that young people have many ideas and are creative, but they must also combine the actual situation to clarify their first priority, and don't lose sight of others. , you are still young, you should be more down-to-earth, and don't engage in wild fantasies!"

"According to your thinking, it is necessary to ensure safe carrying capacity, but also to be equipped with powerful firepower and anti-aircraft capabilities. I am afraid that only Transformers can do it. That is something that my son doesn't even look at!"

Meng Gong's words were a little heavy on the truth.

But everyone present didn't think there was anything wrong, there was no other reason, Ye Bai's thinking was too naive.

Even Lin Haoran and Zhang Kaiming, who were also from the 749th Hospital like Ye Bai, felt that their colleague's thinking was a little out of tune and unreliable.

Only Chief Master Yang, who had a "great love" for Ye Bai, stood up and made a difference.

Master Yang said: "What Meng Gong said is very reasonable, Ye Bai, you must keep it in your mind!"


Everyone didn't expect that Chief Master Yang changed the subject, and continued: "Young people should maintain their illusions, keep their momentum, and have a down-to-earth proof to those who doubt it, and even more so to themselves!"

After Master Yang finished speaking, he immediately looked at Meng Gong again, and said with a smile: "Old Meng, young people have a lot of problems, but there are also advantages. Let's see Ye Bai make a Let’s make a conclusion when something comes out!”

Everyone could tell that Master Yang was obviously trying to excuse Ye Bai.

However, when it comes to conclusions like this, everyone doesn't quite believe it.

Huang Han, who was already in a bad mood, couldn't help muttering again: "If you have the ability, your transport vehicle should also be deformed. It's best to add the firepower configuration you mentioned, otherwise, who can't just brag!"

Huang Han's words touched the hearts of many people.

proceed if you can?Who wouldn't brag?

For a moment, everyone looked at Ye Bai with mocking eyes, and there was a hint of gloating in it.

At this time, Meng Gong felt a little angry about Chief Master Yang's behavior of protecting Ye Bai, so he couldn't help but said in a cold tone:

"In that case, let's take a look at the masterpiece that Comrade Ye Bai devoted himself to research and develop, so we can draw a conclusion early!"

Meng Gong puts extra emphasis on the phrase "a masterpiece developed with great concentration"!

At this time, there was a loud bang in the sky, and the rainstorm that had been gradually decreasing before suddenly increased in rainfall, which seemed to indicate something.

Ye Bai, who felt the prying eyes of all kinds, did not say any explanation.

He just silently picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Grey Duck, I leave it to you!".

64. Report to the chief!The Spider has become a spider! 【Subscribe】

Entrance to the testing ground.

Seeing the vehicles driving away from him one after another, Gray Duck felt a little more anxious.

Why haven't you seen him yet?

Ever since he really learned to drive this... a car that could barely be called a delivery vehicle, he has felt the real joy of driving.

He once wanted to be a fighter pilot, but was eliminated because of his poor eyesight.

Now it seems that it is also a kind of luck.

Otherwise, how could he become the first person in the world to drive such a vehicle.

"I don't know if it will drop the jaws of those shocking people?"

Gray Duck thought happily.

a few hours.

Just when Gray Duck couldn't bear it any longer, Ye Bai's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie at hand:

"Grey Duck, I leave it to you!"

Gray Duck was shocked immediately, quickly picked up the walkie-talkie, and quickly replied: "Grey Duck received! Please enjoy the performance!"

Immediately, Gray Duck pressed the start button, and in an instant, the roar of the engine came, and the whole car opened its hideous eyes like a beast that had just woken up.

The hunting time has begun!

on the observatory.

After Ye Bai's voice fell, everyone picked up the binoculars on their chests.

Through the rain curtain, they could see a pair of headlights suddenly come on.

Different from other people's contempt or doubts, Master Yang is most looking forward to Ye Bai's products.

After seeing the distinctive shape, he took the initiative to ask: "Your circular design is interesting!"

Under Ye Bai's design, the entire vehicle is a quasi-elliptical existence, the front and parking spaces are slightly more curved, and the front visible window glass naturally uses curved surface technology.

The entire vehicle is covered in a silver-gray steel shell, which looks very weird.

There are only four standard-sized wheels on the bottom, but they're pretty unobtrusive because they're obscured by the oval casing.

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